(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi ilovebabies,

Rachel is turning 5 months!!! Incredible! Time really flies....

By the way, do you calculate by the number of weeks (ie 20 weeks is 5 months) or by the date of birth (ie born on 18 August will turn 5 mths on 18 Jan...) Sorry for asking this, I get confused cos different baby websites seem to calculate differently.

Hi Diana,

Baby Jac is really chubby!!! 9kg+ WOW!!!
Hi Brenda

Dylan does that when he try to play or tok to you... then he will blow out his saliva like bubbles... then he will smile at u drooling...

I think it's normal for babies at this age.. happened to my bro's kid also....

Am I look like 9kg ? Mummy say I look more like a little tortoise.
wow!!! 9kg+!!! how u carry her???? my jo only 8kg i carry till arms aching!

oh nurse to sleep will cause mastitis? but how to kick hABIT AH?

dun feel bad abt stop bf, save it for next one ok hehehe...

thks everyone for ur concern n encouragewment! just woke up from nap feeling much better, not so cold!

i love babies
dunno y i find that babies who r breastfed till v big r skinny leh. im also intro one fm feed at 6 mths.

my jo is diff. if i wake her up to feed she will drink but she sleep so soundly i got no heart leh.

Ok. But hard to find eyebrown product leh, eye lash maybe easier!

Previously If I carry my jac too long I'll feel backache, but now before backache, my arm start aching first!

Regarding the mastitis, what I know is, if there is wound on your nipple, the bacteria may pass from baby's mouth to your breast, and that can cause mastitis. Maybe you can bottle feed her EBM and give her pacifier when she want to sleep?

i based on birth date .. can or not ?


hey but ur jo is quite big size also leh .. me TBF rachel but she so small size. WOnder if it's my milk ?

oh no I am so blur

i expressed at 2pm today .. then realise i forgot to put the EBM in fridge. how ? i just put it in not long ago .. still can use ?

of course can! wow, little rachel will be 6 months soon!
haiz, my little clarence also so skinny.... also dunno if it's my milk.

I think EBM can last for 3 hours max at room temperature before feeding to baby. So I also dunno.... Know it's very heart pain to dump... But maybe it's safer this way?
i think EBM can last 4 hr at 25 degrees. don't know what's the temp of yr office. but as you not be feeding Rachel immediately, i think better not to use just to play safe.
maybe its due to genes lah. hubby n me r tall n not those v petite ones n all my boys esp my twins r heavy weight. nothing wrong with ur milk, also every baby absorption rate is different. but hey rachel is so pretty n healthy n bubbly.

my frd who is a volunteer at bmsg say to latch bb often she say dun worry cos i was worried abt my jo drinking infceted milk!! i hv never given pacifier lo n anyway i been giving her ebm cos so painful when she suck!!
<font color="119911">blessedmommy,</font>
oh no! mastitis!
i hope hope hope u get better soon!
it must be horrible to be so sick. but i see u've been surfing the Gap website to feel better??!! and wow, haven't seen jo' pic for some time... she's really lookg more and more like her bros!

<font color="119911">littlepony,</font>
diaper on wayne's head?? heh heh heh! post the pic leh!
and here's my contribution for the "Which Drumstick Is The Tastiest Competition" hahaha...


<font color="119911">daisybuttons,</font>
the bottom left pic in ur collage - Jovann really looks like his dad in that one!

<font color="119911">crystallised,</font>
wah, if u really know how to multi-task eh? sing, dance &amp; latch!
maybe i shld try, then can finally lose some @#$^%&amp; weight! no prob abt the carriers. in the end i got them from mummysmilk.

<font color="119911">ling,</font>
ohhh, i SO wish i cld tell u abt what time DN wakes up if his last feed's at 11pm, but he's still NOT SLEEPING THRU!

<font color="119911">ilovebabies,</font>
happy bday rachel! golly u are 5 mths old already! do u know u are the da jie jie in this thread?
Auntie Joon

Thanks for the wishes ... ohhhh da jie jie ? seems like I am the lightest ehehhe ...luv Rachel

hahahahahahah cant stop laughing but wayne makes my day !!


hey tot ur kids look like u ? i think Jo resembles u a lot !
Hahaha... Little Pony.. u r so funny... made me tempted to do one for Dylan.. hmm...

Happy 5th mth Rachel...

ilovebabies, how heavy is Rachel now? My Dylan also very small and light.. everytime bring him to any manyue party, pp will say, hey my baby like same size as yr baby.. sigh.. and the difference can range from 2 - 3 mths...

Worse thing is, both me and hubby belong to the big build type one... so very weird for us to carry a small baby around *sob* *sob*

tks tks ..

hehe i got the same comments too .. "eh ur bb very small and cute hor ? " ok lah I only heard the "CUTE" word eheheh

think she still 5+ kg ??? dunno leh .. I dont have a digital weighing scale at home. and I dont bother to weigh her .. dun stress myself


i am going to do some for Rachel too ! cos ur wayne really look funny .. think u have to keep urself entertain since u cant bring wayne out hor ?
little pony
thats so cute!!!!!!
spokesmen for Drypers somemore!

i better get started abt the BP for Ergo carriers soon. need it badly. alternatively, if its so difficult 2 arrange, i might juz go ahead and buy off retail lah.

eh, its no fun to multitask leh! my wrists r aching fr carrying little mr piggy each time i latch him.
yah u go ahead and try it and tell me if it helps u lose some weight!
my twins look like my hubby. exact photocopy. my 3 yr old look more like me lor.

oh yes! happy 5th mth rachel!! aiyah gals must be slim mah, think of it this way, next time no need go on diet.
Time flies, dont you think so? Remember we still discussing about scans and checkup months ago... and now, we are discussing about bumbo, diapers etc....

So fast 5 months alreadi.. and in these 5 months, we have changed from sleepyheads to lightsleepers... from pretty girls to mother cows! haaa!!!
ya lor... little pony,

i used to be sleepyheads, no matter how noisy i also can sleep... now Zhaohui makes e slightless movement i will wake up to check on him maybe because i'm sleeping next to him so i'm worried i will roll over him haha :p
<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy |</font> Yah, I'd love to have another bb soon! =)
Hey, when will your Jo be 5 months? Cos I don't know how to count for my Arianne..
Oh, hope you're feeling better today..

<font color="aa00aa">littlepony |</font> You're a meanie mummy! Put diaper on your bb's head!! hahaha!

<font color="aa00aa">phoebe |</font> Hey, how about a victoria's secret spree? It's time we mummies don on some nice lingerie, isn't it? heh..
wow so soon?? as for me, i have enuf!! most prob closing shop. need some life for myself as well, have been sacrificing time for kids for 6 yrs already!!

jo will turn 5 mths on 4 feb. thats how i count it.

yup today fever down but hv been perspiring lo. and one good thing that came out of it is 1 lost 1 kg within a day alone. haha.....
i'm also considering doing a VS spree. wanted to get things from there too.

you go browse and see wat you want to get.
will prepare the spree this weekend
Happy 5th month to Rachel jie jie and Zhao Hui gor gor! Luv, Gabriel

Sigh... Mummy was very sad because she was expressing middle of night last night and when she's done, the bag of milk slipped out of her hands and split onto the floor. So she gotta mop the floor, not to mention having to wake up and express to yield nothing.

And she just called me and told me that she brought her pump but missed out the valve that holds the pump handle so she cannot pump any milk for me today in office.

Sigh... ...

hey it's good to hear that u r perspiring .. u'll get well faster.


hehe if we have a VS spree, then we'll know the cup sizes of the ladies eheh
oh dumpty

dont be sad!! try hand express ? but very siong and I admit i am bad at it ...

are u near home ? prob take a cab back to get ur valves ? or any nursing mums in ur ofc using same pump ? or go to the nearest retail outlet to get it ?
ilovebabies , wow !! Rachel 5 mth already !! so fast .. happy 5 mth to sweetie Rachel

Littlepony, that photo is so funnie .. hahah..make my day
hmmm.. shall i have the same pose for Cayden !!! kekeeke

to all the zombies mummy, is TGIF !!! yippeeee ..
I tried just now. I'm as bad coz can't get anything out

I'm thinking of taking afternoon leave liao. So tired but still got work to clear.
Wish I'm allowed to work from home... ...
<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy |</font> heh.. we love kids la..
Ok, so that's the way to count la.. the weeks vs months, confusing..
Your mastitis sounds serious mann, make u lose weight.. Do drink more water, in case kena dehaydration..

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe |</font> Alright, I shall do that.. =)
