(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Celine

For the 2nd dose, u do not need to go back to TMC.... just go to your PD...

for me, I went to a GP located near my house as refer by my Terence Tan & my gynae...quite pleased with the GP as he is very nice & able to handle with Baby well....the 2nd jab is about $45..

HI, butter
i was also very worried when baby did not poo poo for a day... so had asked my GP about it & he said that as long as baby got poo poo at least 2 times a week, it is fine.... told him that my baby tend to only poo poo on 2nd or 3rd day,so he told me this may be my baby pattern of poo poo....

my maid only helps me in the day. i & hubby do any feeds after 11pm. actually when i am free, most feedings are done by me. maid helps me with bathe time, cleaning bottles and all the washing. when i wan a break or nap, i ask her to watch over him. she is not really on a strict timetable, but when she joined me in the start, i did give her a schedule, she keeps to it mostly but she knows i am not particular. just as long as the job gets done. cuz now with the baby sometimes she may have less time.

so when u go back to work, your maid will be helping u look after bb?
i oso hope to plan a short trip with hubby.. must plan to use the last month of maternity to good use.

juz jewel,
i have 2 cavaliar king charles spaniels (CKCS).

tried the MIM sling again yesterday, managed to fit him in snuggly but he started to wail, dunno if not comfy or wat, maybe neck not supported like u say.

dun worry i have survived now 2 nites, with baby alone in room + baby monitor... think mums will be extra observant of the noises.. dun think we are being cruel, our maids oso need a good rest to help us more during the day.

i oso took my boy down yesterday evening, only for a few mins.. when he started to cry, i quickly went up... he was hungry.. sigh.. must really have milk on hand man...

just when i say bb never poo, he poo-ed for me 2 times after midnite... sigh, midnite changes are more challenging, hope he poos more in the day.

Been sometime log in... so many post!
Too hectic with everything. Doing all things myself without CL or mummy or MIL.. or even w/o hb.. so home alone wit bb!

Slowly u will get adjusted handling e bb without anyone help.. for mi i trying to cope n drive all e depression away. BB cries do freak mi out n dono wat she wan.. bt think she is using my nipples as pacifer! GOSH!

Think stress n tiredness strike mi TAT makes my milk flow low.. seldom latch too cos too tiring with myself alone handling bb & hse. Finally havin early full mth celebration for her.. Well BT yet still cant realli do things which i wanted like DYE MY HAIR & REBOND IT! also.. missed so much shopping!

Cant wait to bring Natalie out!
We are in the same boat. I am alone also.

I brought my bb out ytday morning and last nite he cried the whole night since 7 plus. I am really so depress. My bb drink every 2.5hr, then when I stress milk supply run low as well. Since I usually let him latch direct so no storage. When he has not enough milk he just cried loudly and non-stop. This make me stress somemore.

In your earlier posting, you mentioned:

"After i got sore and bleeding nipples from my gal's bitting, i give her EBM instead of latching on. 2nd week, I can pump 60ml each time. And now 3rd week plus, I can pump 120ml-180ml each time.

The supply will just keep going if there is demand. So i always make it a point to pump every 3 hours without failed, even during the nite."

Is it 120-180ml each side or both sides in total, and without latching baby? Need a gauge to see if I should take some supplements to increase supply. Thanks.
BB cries do make us freak n worry.. don get stress if BM low. For mi I was upset for a start BT slowly think back I have give her all e best I can & FM also not bad & she be also growing healthy! This makes mi feel beta. I still latch her & if she is hungry will be abt 1.5hr later after latching.

She is nw drinking 3oz after every 3hr. Sometime over the nite, she sleep for 4hr before another feed..

When is e right time can go dye/highlight hair & rebonding? Hair is so messy n untidy.. cant imagine how to go out n face ppl hehehe...
Can I know normally how long do you take to pump your 120-180ml BM? Your 3 hours for next pump is starting to count after or from the point you pump? Same as Leia, I also just need a gauge only. Usually I will take very very long time to pump the milk le then my nipple will be very sole. That's why I latch my bb nowadays.

Drink every 1.5hr very siong le. I started to supplement my bb with FM 2 days ago if not enuf BM. At first gotta call my fren to check out how much hot/cold water need for the FM (stupid ya). Think my fren must be very annoyed by me. No choice first time mom no experience ma and also no one at home to ask ;p
hi leia and cocomo,

120ml -180ml is both sides.

without latching baby. Mine is total EBM.
I took about 30mins to pump.
for example, if i pump at 12midnite, then i wake up at 3am or 3.30am to pump. sometimes i overslept, then pump at 4am. Then 7am pump again, 10am plus pump again.Sometimes i count from the time i pump, sometimes from the time after i pump. Depends on situation, if baby wake up and need a feed, sometimes i will just pump for her even though not 3 hours yet.

I just discover if i pump every 4-5hours, i get more supply then pump every 3 hours. Every 4-5 hours pump one time, i get about 200ml.

my gal now still drink about 80ml every 2-3 hours. So my one time pump enough for her for 2-3 feeds.

Now at 1 month, i find that my breasts dun engorge like they used to for the previous weeks. For previous weeks, they can be very hard like stones and i need to put cabbage leaves to relieve the engorgement. And i got headaches etc becoz of engorgement. But now no more such things. More comfortable to express milk.sometimes becoz of no engorgement pain, i tend to overslept and miss one pumping session.
hehe... i think my bb also using my nipples as pacifier cos i'm not breastfeeding so very little milk so he's just suckling to soothe himself!

got more success with the sling tdy! still need to support the neck a little and he frets when i put him in and start to adjust but once he's comfortable he falls asleep! Think he likes it. Try supporting the neck and walk around a little. I think i'm gonna use the sling as a mobile 'yao lan' for the time being...
juz jewel,
if u put the sling on the left shoulder, which side u put your baby head?

how do u know when we need to change the bottle teats? like from 1 to 2? so the flow is better for baby?
one other questions on milk bottles,
do u use only one brand of bottles and teats or can mix maybe 2 brands?
I am using avent now, thinking of also trying some Nuk bottles i got as gifts..
or maybe a anti colic bottle like dr brown.

if i change does it mean i need to by all the same and change all?

also have to prepare some bottles to put at my mum place.so wondering if all must be same brand
Nuk and avent teats r not the same leh. WIll ur bb refuse to suck if they're diff? If bb ok, then no harm using diff brands.
When i use sling, if the ring of the sling is on left shoulder, then bb's head is on rite side.
My boi oso won't lie there n coo to himself. Either must carry or drink milk. So sian hor. Put him down if he's not sleeping and he'll start 'dancing' and 'singing'.
I've left my maid with my bb at home and sneaked out alone. If not, so sian. But i try not to go out for long. At most 2 hrs. But of cos, dats when u tink ur maid is capable of handling ur bb 1st.

I oso find dat if i stretch the hrs longer, i can get more output.

How much FM is ur bb drinking? Foe me, my boi drinking 3 and a half oz, so abt half oz hot water, then 2 and a half oz cooled boiled water, then put in milk powder. After dat best to test out the temp with ur wrist oso. See if it's too hot. I paranoid abt giving too hot milk.

I oso wanna know when can go rebonding. Dunno if BFDing can do rebonding/colouring or not.
My bb oso using my nipples as pacifier so i finally succumb to pacifier. He didn't wan Avent one somemore, kept spitting it out. So i bought NUK one and he likes it. Heng ah...

If u're taking care of bb alone, try not to get stressed over the giving of FM/BM. Mebbe u can give 1 feed of BM, 1 feed of FM. Then u can pump out and keep in storage.

My maid sleeps with my maid and she handles the nite feeds. I use a bb monitor to monitor and at times, either hubby/myself will wake up to 'take a look'. My maid does get to nap in the day along with the bb cos afterall, she wakes up to feed my bb.

juz jewel,
No nid to support the head or neck if u adjust the sling properly. The sling is jus like sarong. Ur bb oso wans to be carried all the time? Mine most of the time oso like dat. Dats y tinking of getting a sarong. But some days, he'll be ok. My fren told me it's a passing phase. Haiz...

So gd, ur bois stil can play by themselves for a short while. Mine cannot leh.

Thanks for your sharing. V impt to me cos I've been fretting about pumping, and when and how I should pump. Now I hv a better idea of what to do. Been pumping yes'day and even now as I type cos need to go for gynae chkup in a while so gotta store some EBM for CL to feed BB.

Btw, do you experience letdown more than once during each pumping session? And which breast pump do you use?
hi leia,

i dun really know about letdown........
The pump i am using is avent manual pump.

Btw before u pump, drink a cup of hot milk, it really helps. The breast milk will just start dripping out.
Thanks for sharing!! My BM noy consistant le. Sometimes I can get around 120-180ml even after feed and sometimes only 20-50ml!! Dunno why like that also. When I pump and I feed the 'nerve' pulling then I know the milk flow is coming and I can get lotso BM. But sometimes I pumped for 30mins still no flow and only one pore is 'shoting'! aiyo, dunno why like that le, really sian and paranoid.
hi cocomo,

maybe u can try massaging ur breasts. Sometimes i will pump, pause a while, massage breasts, then pump again.maybe some milk ducts are block, so after massaging, the milk can flow out.
Sometimes i even help to squeeze my breast when i pump, so that the milk can come out more quickly.

my supply quite consistent.i just finish my pumping session. 130ml. i set aside 80ml for my gal. The rest of the 50ml i put in another big bottle to accumulate for storage.

To increase milk supply, i think the green papaya fish soup is quite good.
hi cocomo,

like what celine said, massaging your breasts does helps. i used avent manual previously(very good for stimulating milk supply) before i switched to medela dual pump(pump time shorten from 45 to 15 mins, hands not so tired too), now i can get between 250-350mls each session but i pump only every 6 hrs.

I tried to massage my breasts while pumping which can increase the amt as well as shorten the time further.

And i do take alot of fish, whether it's stram or fried...hope that helps...

Happy milk dripping!
Thanks for sharing!! My BM noy consistant le. Sometimes I can get around 120-180ml even after feed and sometimes only 20-50ml!! Dunno why like that also. When I pump and I feed the 'nerve' pulling then I know the milk flow is coming and I can get lotso BM. But sometimes I pumped for 30mins still no flow and only one pore is 'shoting'! aiyo, dunno why like that le, really sian and paranoid.
Hi skyble,
Thanks! My boy is drinking 110-120ml (abt 4oz) now. I use spoon to stir is that ok?

Thanks for advise. I drank milk b4 pump and massage during pumping and it works! I just pumped 180ml. Hope can be consistent on every pumps later ;p

I am using Medela PIS but wonder how to bring to work later as it a bit noisy (think I have to pump in silent condition without my boss's knowledge as the Japanese will be unhappy if he knows I go pumping every 3 hours for mins) so tot of getting a Avent manual pump later, any comment?
u mentioned using the avent converter wif the nurser bottle. so u sold ur nurser n not using now? is it easy to use wif the ameda pump? tot of getting the converters so i can use the avent liner bags. till now still using glass bottle for storage.
Hi Cynthia and Skyblue,
i oredi sneaked out this week (3rd week of confinement) to do my rebonding cos next week my bb full month celebration and i dun wan to look like a lion. hehe..
My hairdresser said rebonding is fine but not colouring.
skyblue & other mummies who r on PBFg,
does ur bbs show a preference 4 wat type of milk he fancies?

edward was on TBFg for abt 1wks+ and i gave him FM again 2nite (bcos of a few reasons, i decided 2 feed FM again at nite), he refused e FM - didnt wanna drink it at all even though he was hungry.

how huh? *headache*
Could it be dat Ed doesn't like the bottle? Cos if u BF, it'll be direct latch on rite, since u dun pump out? If dats the case, mebbe it's not a matter of which FM u give him. If it's not bottle pblm, then taste pblm? Heard dat NAN FM is more similar to BM.
For me now, i usu express out my milk. Cos i realise dat Kayden is using my breasts for comfort sucking. Furthermore, when he latches on, not long after, he'll cry for milk again, so i really dunno how much he has drank. When kieran is ard, i really can't afford the time for Kayden to take his time to nurse. However, i still latch Kayden at times when i really dunno wat he wans or while waiting for the EBM to be warmed up.

Did ur hairdresser say y colouring cannot?

Actually using spoon to stir is betta cos then the milk powder will be completely dissolved. Sterilise the spoon too if u can.

Wow, ur ss is really fantastic

Go go! Hehehe...
i dun tik it's bottle problem cos i've been feeding ed EBM lately (in fact he has been depleting my EBM reserves - i havent had e time & ss 2 pump out) n he drinks anything fr 2-3.5oz. if i latch, no problem. he stays satisfied 4 anything fr 1.5-4hrs (depending if he sapu fr 1 or both breasts).

last nite, i tried feeding FM on 2 occasions. edward suckled e teat 4 a few secs then would use his tongue 2 push out e teat. he probably tasted tat it's FM, i guess. *FAINT* my gabe refused FM/bottle at 3mths, tis fellow much earlier.

u still using e Medela single pump? how's ur output? at times, it's also difficult 4 me 2 nurse ed when gabe is around - if gabe's occupied, it's fine. if gabe wants me 2 play wif him, he'll drag me off & dun let me nurse ed. i tik u can imagine e scenario. i need 2 explain 2 gabe y i'm nursing ed (he kept shoving his own milk bottle 2 ed - probably telling me NOT 2 nurse ed). if he listens, fine! sometimes he dun, he'll bawl & kick a fuss.
there are many ways of putting the baby,
so if the sling is on the left shoulder, you can put bb's head on the side where the sling and rings are (cradle hold) or if you put bb's head the other side (lie-down & nursing) also can.
Take a look at the webbie...


so far, i'm only comfortable with the lie-down one. Din really try the other ways of holding...yet!

when i adjust until no need to support rite, the sling is like very snug fitting. BB looks comfy. Sleep like a log! But not very comfy for mummy leh... am i doing it rite?!?

Am going IMM to shop for a sarong stand later! My arms are really TIRED from carrying bb to sleep!!!
Hey mothers,

If baby kept wanting to suckle and be carried.... could be due to growth spurts...Zac kept wanting to latch on last few days and he really drank the milk...however he's back to his 3-hour feeds yesterday. Was very stressed then but told myself, it's growth spurt as he was 6 weeks old then. Felt better when I gave a reason to his demands.

Week 3 and 6, 3rd and 6th months may be babies' growth spurts and hence they are very fussy


Understand what you are going thru. Noah will also come to me with his toys when I'm feeding Zac. Sometimes, he will also cling to my legs.

Two weeks ago, he started to speak in sentences and he would say," Ma Ma, take di di, sleep." or " Ma Ma put di di sit." He just did not want us to carry Zac.

As for FM, not sure about very young babies but Noah at present will only drink one brand of milk, Enfagrow. Now, feel quite stressed as Enfagrow has an improved formula and changed the packaging. Hope the taste will remain the same.
hi everyone
hows everyone baby?
finally my ger full mth came back home for bai bai.
seems like i me lagging behind here no choice my mums hs no internet connection.

alright got time i will read through and catch up with u all.
take care and enjoy taking care of baby
howdy mommies, long time.........=P

i wanna ask if anyone got a silk or sateen sling to sell? i tot of getting one to try on my bb, coz i wanna use tat when i BF when i go out with her..

if yes, pls email me @ [email protected]


oh ya, my BM supply not very stable lately..sigh.. =( thinking of taking Fenugreek to supplement liao lah... my fren tried and said it helps her wor.. so am considering lor..

any moms feeding your bb Similac like me? any comment? i just bought the small tin to try, seems ok i think, coz only fed her less than 3times, coz i try to BF her or let her hv EBM since I'm at home now..

ok la, gotta go liao. abt the sling, pls email me hor! thanks thanks!! =P
i feeding my ger NAN formula milk read that its good and its help prevent baby for loosing of nutrients when weaning and my ger feeding well with it. and the lactose is not so high. its hydro-protien milk.

so far i had change 3 milk s26 and mamil gold.
s26 she drank and got very hard stools
mamil gold she drank and got diarrhoe.
so best still is NAN.

90ml is too much for baby.
my colleague told me try to feed baby 60ml every two hourly as baby is not easy to digest so much milk at one go.
at first i also like that feed her 90ml -120ml and 2hrs later she still hungery.
and some times she take 60ml only so best is have a regular feeding time every 2-3 hourly.
even baby sleeping also got to wake baby up to drink so that she won't feel too hungry after every feed.
Hi, White_lady

I am not taking any package for the injestion... did ask my GP abt the 6 in 1 package but he suggest just to follow the schedule in the Healthbook as it is much easier.... so just listen to him & so will be taking my baby for the 3rd jab when she is 3 month old
How much milk is enuf for each bb differs. Have to judge based on their current weight. If bb not full, they can't sleep well. Similarly, can't feed them too much, if not can't digest. So it all depends on each bb's appetite etc.
Hmm... so far i heard dat S26 is very fattening. Mamil gold seems quite popular. Similac heard dat it's gd oso. My boi currently on BM and Friso 1.

augustmum, kelly,
Guess we're facing similar pblms abt latching #2 when #1 is ard. Got once, my elder son dropped tears when i was latching #2. If not, he'll be 'jumping ard' in close proximity to where i'm nursing #2. Unless my hubby/helper is ard to distract #1, if not, very difficult to nurse #2.

If going thru growth spurt means they'll fuss more often? I thot they'll be sleeping more? I dunno if my bb was gg thru growth spurt at 4 wks plus cos he wans to be carried most of the time. Past 2 days seemed quite ok though and i noticed that he did seem to have grown :p

juz jewel,
In wat way is it uncomfy for u? Shoulder area painful? If u feel the strain, probably u can 'spread out' the sling at the shoulder area so dat bb's weight is spread out.It takes a few times to master the art of slinging.
U dun wanna continue monitoring the situation? Cos it could be like wat augustmum mentioned, bb is gg thru growth spurt. Cos sekali buy liao, bb sleep only for a mth, like in my fren's case, then so wasted. For me, i'm still delaying buying the sarong :p

Then it does seem dat Ed is rejecting FM. I guess u'll have to keep trying giving him FM, if not in the worst scenario when ur ss dips, then how? N IMO since Ed is so young still, then mebbe easier to intro FM than later on when he's so used to BM, lagi more difficult.
Yep, I'm still using Medela single pump. Output varies. Range from 100ml-180ml each time. I pump twice/thrice a day. In the morning, late afternoon (if feel engorged/at home) and late at nite when all's asleep.
Hi Leobbsmom

I had been feeding my baby BM & Similac... so far so good.... initally, she got phelgm & PD said maybe is bcos of the formula milk that she drink & suggest me to change to Enfa or NAN.... but when i bought her for her jab, had asked the GP whether to change the formula milk but Gp told me that baby had phlegm not due to milk formula & also told me that Similac is a good formula milk so I am still giving my baby Similac ...

Also heard from my friend that her gynae did memtioned to her which forumla milk is good.... they r Dumex & Similac...
Hi Skyblue,
hairdresser said chemical for rebonding, treatment or perm doesn't have any coloring which a small qty will travel thru our blood vein. not advisable for breastfeeding mum.
I'm feeding my ger S26, so far so good cos she manage to poo twice a day - poo not too watery nor too solid.

Hi leobbsmom,
for satin sling, you can try moms in mind.

Hi Catherine,
my ger is now drinking S26, 3 weeks old and drinking 120ml every 4 hours. Izzit too much? she managed to finished every feed leh..
Hi augustmum,
my baby also in his 6th week now and these few days also kept wanting to suckle and be carried and even carry him he oso keep crying, I really dunno what he wants also!. Really very tiring. . . but see him crying and fussying I just can't do anything to make him feel better, feel so sad. Really hope as what you said it's due to growth spurt.
HI mummies,
my boy will be in his 6ht wk this coming wed leh..but this wk he has been super fussy and after drinking his milk, he dun wanna sleep and wan to be carry which then he will fall asleep. But when we put him down, he will wake up and wants to be carry...it has been a reali tiring wk for me...anyway does anyone knows for a 6wks old bb, how much shld they be drinking?? I got a friend who say that her PD say a baby that is 1mth+ old drink 4oz of milk is way too much..I am now so worried that i might be overfeeding my boy...coz he is abt 4.5kg now..but if he is hungry, he will cry till big tears roll down his face...How can i not feed him or feed him lesser..coz if he is not full, he will make noises and then slowly it will become cries..sigh..dun noe wat to do or believe...
me same as u... getting confused how much to feed. Jus ran to get the milk tin to make sure what is the recommended amount... :p
My PD said 1st jab for 6-in-1 is to be taken when bb is 2 mths old. I'll call to double confirm tomoro.

Tks for the link

Dat time when i brot my bb to PD, he was 4.8kg at 3 wks plus. PD oso mentioned dat if give 4 oz, it's abit too much. She said shd be abt 3 oz. But then again, she told me every bb is diff. So i guess u seek ur PD's advice when u bring ur bb for a jab.

Dat time my bb oso had phlegm. GP told me could be cos of FM, but my PD told me not likely.

So u mean breastfeeding mums can't go for rebonding/colouring?
my bb started his 6-in-1 jab few days short of 6 weeks. PD approved although mostly start fr 6th week. wat abt ur bb?
Hi cj ,

My baby will be 6 weeks tmr , thinking of bringing him for the jab within this week...

did ur baby have fever aft the jab , how much u paying for the jab and where ? thank
Hi skyblue,
i juz brought my bb for a checkup and he is now 4.99kg at 6wk and he is drinking 4oz and the PD say it is ok leh..i am confused..sigh..

Wat is the different bet the 5 in 1 jab and 6 in 1 jab? Wat is the extra jab??
