(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

augbaby, white_lady,
tik the difference in the Hep B. FOr 6-in-1, it's combined inside, so need less jab. usually the clinics hav packages, depending on wat additional jabs u wish to take up.
my bb hav a slightly higher temperature after the jab, but not serious n recovered after we gav him oral medicine, just to play safe.

If ur PD said it's okie, then no worries. I guess for my bb's case, dats cos he was only 3 wks old when we saw the PD.

augbb, white lady,
The diff bet 5-in-1 & 6-in-1 is dat 6-in-1 only requires 3 jabs, sice Hep B is included. For 5-in-1, Hep B is not included, so gotta bring bb for another 2 jabs on top of the 3 jabs for DTP (diptheria, pertusis, tetanus).
I'm gg to let my bb take the 6-in-1 tis time. My elder boi took 5-in-1 2 yrs ago but i thot i'll spare my younger one the agony of gg thru 2 extra jabs. My only worry is the fever part.
i've assured u b4 tat watever amt u r feeding ur bb is fine, juz like wat e PD has assured u. since ur boy cries 4 milk so badly, do u wanna let him cry & "underfeed" him (which is so impossible since he cries for milk when he dun get enuff) or juz feed him "enuff"? is feeding him enuff considered over-feeding? 2 me, over-feeding is when ur boy is full, not fussing in between feeds and u r shoving him wif more milk OR when ur boy finishes 4oz n cant drink anymore BUT u keep shoving e bottle into e mouth 2 make him drink more - tat's overfeeding 2 me.

for BF bbs, we always say, "feed on demand". i tik this phrase applies 2 all bbs. if ur bb wants 2 drink and is able 2 drink up 2 XXoz of milk (be it EBM or FM), u as a mummy will 1 2 feed him rt? u cant b telling a crying bb, "darling u cant drink 4oz now bcos e milk tin says u r only drink 3oz at tis age"

u being a 1st time mummy, i applaud u as u r doing very well n ur boy's doing very well too. it's normal 2 worry n when u worry, it's bcos u hv a sense of responsibility towards ur boy. dun worry too much abt overweight bbs, overfeeding and all. there'll b more & bigger worries 4 u in future such as fever, illnesses (stomach flu, teething, runny nose, phlegmy cough), eating solids, not eating well, terrible twos, etc.

let me assure u again tat since e PD said it's fine, juz feed ur boy. in fact, i was even planning 2 tell u 2 increase ur boy's milk intake by 1/2oz every 2wks or as per his demand. i've come across a bb who drank 5.5oz EBM at 6wks. i dun deem tat as overfeeding. 2 me, e mummy's doing her best (like u) 2 meet her boy's milk demand.
i tot the difference bet 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 is 1 extra jab? 6-in-1 takes jabs at 2, 4, 6mths while 5-in-1 takes jabs at 1,3,4,5mths. pls correct me if i'm wrong. anyway, edward's taking 5-in-1. husband decided it cos he said since gor gor took 5-in-1, di di shall take e same jabs.
Hi Kelly ,

The 1st jab for 6 in 1 , should be taken on week 6 if i not wrong , cos i bringing my bb for that soon ...

Skyblue ,

i also worry that bb will get fever , but what i heard is , abt 2 days before bring bb for jab , can take 1 piece of gingseng n put in water and let bb drink the water , then bb wont have fever!
At my PD, 6-in-1 is taken at 2, 4 & 6 mths. 5-in-1 will be taken at 3, 4 & 5 mths. 1 mth and 6 mth will have to take Hep B. So it means 5 jabs if i let Kayden take 5-in-1 and only 3 jabs if i take 6-in-1. Cost savings of $40 if I take 6-in-1.
Hi skyblue ,

How come so funny one , dfferent PD different , i was told by 2 PD that the 6 in 1 have to be take on week 6 .... =?
I guess it's cos 6-in-1 jab may have possibility of getting fever, so my PD wans bbies to wait till 2 mths old bah.

Most or I would say all of the bbies r given 1 Hep B jab at birth. It's after dat where u decide to give 5-in-1 or 6-in-1. If 5-in-1, then u bring bb for the 2nd Hep B jab. There r 3 jabs for Hep B in all.
still can take 5 in 1 or 6 in 1.. if u taking 6 in 1, i think u can skip the 2nd heb B jab as it is included inside..

how much does your PD charge for 6 in 1? my PD charge 465, including consultation.. regarding fever, the clinic will give u infant panadol for fever prevention, just in case.
hi jasmine,
ur PD charges cheaper. i brought my bb to jab at Dr Terence's which many recommended and some mommies here ever mentioned. cost is $550 before consultation.
My PD charged me more than yours I think. I brought my boy for hep B Jap at 1 mth and already made payment for the 6-1 Jap which to be taken next consultation. All together around $650 so I think the 6-1 Jap he charged me shd be more than $550. Sigh. . .

BF mummies,
I have another problem now. . . I am latching my boy 100% but ytday afternoon and this morning my hubby tried to feed my bebe EBM when I was out but he rejected the bottle even though he was really hungry. My boy kept crying and refused to drink till I was back and after I put nipple into his mouth only he stopped crying. What should I do? Anyone can help?? SOS!!!
hahaha... but i find he's q patient wif questions, n thorough so not bad lor.

mayb ur bb not used to bottle. is this first time tried the bottle? mayb u try slowly, let him play a bit wif the bottle teats, really reject u may wan to u change another brand n try again?
I let him drank EBM b4 le but nowadays less la. Few days ago still let him tried FM once a day for 2 days le. Then suddenly ytday and today he started to reject. I am damn tired taking care of him now. . . he just kept crying and crying just now. Let him suck nipple he also not really wanna to as he looked here and there, not concentrated in drinking milk.
Hi ladies,

I went to see the PD yesterday for 6 in 1 jabs. My ger is 6 weeks + now.

But the PD ask me to come back next mth when she is 2 mths old.

She said that if take 6 in 1 jabs, bb might get fever and baby under 2 mths old cannot take fever medicine/jabs. So she prefer to give her jab next mth...

But I call the nurse before i go down, she told me that my ger can take in 1.5mths. So angry with the nurse. Waste my trip down and wast my consultation charges. Somemore yesterday rains so heavily
we must really be patient wif babies. after all, they r babies. my confinement lady just left today n i m feeling kinda lost and shi1 luo4. hope to be able to cope well n dat bb will cooperate wif me. try to think of the things dat cheer u up. has ur bb start to smile yet? it will really make u forgive everything once he smiles, may not be at mommy but still so adorable.
thanks for info on the 6-in-1 jab. quite shocked that the PDs are charging so much.

anyone can advise how much typically for CL angpao ? i hear it depends on how happy / satisfied we are with her work, but just wanted to get a gauge of the range
hi mummies,
i'll be taking the 5-in-1 cos i have brought kayden to polyclinic for 2nd hep b jab. I called up the clinic which kelly brought her son to for jabs and the price they quote is relatively reasonable. no package though but every jab + consultation is $90. so after calculation, the 3 jabs (at 3rd, 4th and 5th month) is only $270 which is still cheaper than the polyclinic. Hence, I have decided to bring kayden there for injection liao.

my boy is also playing during feeding time these few days. He will drink until there's 1 oz or 1 and a half oz left. then he will put the teat in his mouth and smile at me. refuse to suck at all. so pek chek. told him cannot play during feeding time but he thinks it's a game. also he starts sticking out his tongue now. i have to tap lightly on his mouth and say 'no no'. then he will put in his tongue back in his mouth. after that, he will start his tricks again. he's more alert this wk and his sleeping time is getting shorter.

hi kelly and augbaby,
I'm so sorry about tmr. actually have been having fever (38 degrees) for the past 2 days and having bad cough. afraid will spread to your kids so dare not meet up with u gals. will definitely meet up with u all another day.

don't worry too much about ur baby's feeding amt. i'm sure jayden will not drink if he's full. my boy will push away the bottle or spit out the milk if he doesn't want. very naughty.
anyway, my pd says it's ok as their appetite varies. based on his formula (weight X 20), jayden shd be drinking 100ml or slightly more.

hi cj,
don't be too worried about the absence of ur cl. this phase will soon pass. i was very lost and worried then but now i find i am more able to handle my boy. will still miss my cl though.
seem like some PD will give baby jab at 6 weeks , some will give at 2 months , so we should listen to which one ? so confuse ??
Hi erin,
No worries, we shall arrange another day then..Rest well and recover fast coz u be tired taking care of kayden as well..I am also taking jayden to the clinic that kelly went to..Will also be taking the 5 in 1 jab..Coz we have paid for the 2nd Hep jab already as well. We actually used the same PD and only after talking to kelly then we realise..hee hee..The price is reali reasonable...Plus the PD is v nice and assurring...
So our 3 sons r seeing the same PD..
Jayden sleeping time is also getting shorter..nowadays he will not like to sleep in the day and want to be carry..he will makes little crying noises and when we carry him, he will promptly stop and after a while stop..sigh..no time to do my own stuffs this past 3-4days...Kayden is so cute..the "tricks" he is playing wif u.. :p Think i will try to stop worrying abt the milk intake jayden takes..coz like kayden, he will push away the teat or spit out his milk if he dun wan..he juz let it dripple down his chin..naughty boy too.. But sometimes, he will waste 1oz of my EBM..so heartpain..

Thanks for the assurance...Guess i am juz being overly worried coz first time mum and sometimes i cant help but feel that maybe i am not doing eno for him or giving him the best...
Will try to relax and take it easier..

By the way, those taking fenugreek from GNC, they r having a promo now for sept..if buy 2 bottles it is less than $20 each..if not per bottle is abt $20+...
didnt log in for a bit, cuz at mums place...

brought ryan for hepB jab yesterday... dunno about all these 6 in 1 or 5 in 1.. but our PD suggest taking seperate jabs...

only worried on the fever... anyone heard what we have to do to help bb after taking the jab? or must take anything to help the fever? poor bb, will have to take so many jabs...
hi erin,
thanks. the first night without CL was really long but i guess we all hav to move on from this transitional phrase. hope to handle bb better n better.it also make me more appreciative of my new maid although intially felt very uncomfortable wif loss of privacy.

hi white_lady,
i guess ther's no hard n fast rule abt which jab is better since PDs have different practises, so it really depend which PD ur bb is seeing. they shd hav the necessary experience if they recommend wat to giv babies since the other babies will be given the same advise. Not to worry so much on the fever as was told most babies do not develop fever after jab , but just hav to be more alert on temperature n bb behaviour after the jab.
Hi cj ,

Thank , bit what i am confuse is , some PD will let bb have jab on 6 weeks , while some will be on 8 weeks .. so which is right ? so confuse
Hi erin00,

just wondering the calculation is based on how many feeds per day? my baby should be drinking 80-90ml for his weight but his feeding time intervals are very irregular... from as short as 1 hour to 3 hours the most... dont think should feed him same amt everytime right? how many times per day do your baby feed?
hi whitelady,
think u better check with ur pd. have u brought ur child for 2nd hep b jab at 1st month. if yes, then u can only let ur child have 5-in-1 vaccination. the pd told me to go over on 3rd month. however, if u have not brought ur child for 2nd hep b jab, then u can choose 6-in-1 vaccination. ur pd will advise u when to bring. some pd recommend bringing them over on 8 wks cos they are bigger then. hope this helps.

hi jokojoko,
i'm not too sure about how many feeds per day. pd suggests feed on demand. my boy usually feed in 3 hrly intervals so about 8 times. as u r giving bm which is more easily digestible, baby might get hungry sooner. guess u might want to feed him more then. anyway, do not follow the formula strictly. pd says it's just a guide. mainly must look at ur bb's appetite.
Hi erin00 , Is it better for baby to have the jab on week 8 ? i have check with 2 PD and they both say 6 weeks .... is 6 wek too young ?

And i have a problem here , my baby face have so many many milk rash ! what should i do ...
Hi Ladies,

Sorry for the interuption.

Im from July MTB, I have a pack of S Size Drypers for sale. Used onli bout 4 to 6 pcs so i think left with about 58 pcs. As they are too small for my gal. Selling the 58 pcs for $10 only.

Pls PM me if interested.

As advised by my PD, you can use cold/warm cooked water to clean your baby's face everytime after feed. This works well for my baby.

6 in 1 jab is available at polyclinic. I brought my gal for the hep b second jab. cost $15 only.
The 6 in 1 jab cost $320. Much cheaper than polyclinic.

waiting time at polyclinic about 1.5 hours with appointment.
i tot 6 in 1 jab not available @ polyclinic? only 5 in 1?

Tot erin once mentioned that 6 in 1 cost 450 sgd @ govt. hospitals? i assume this rate also for polyclinic if available..
I also thought that poly clinic no 6 in 1 jab ? or is it intro to polyclinic recently ?
will be bringing my bb to the PD , the 1st jab cost abt $160 ...
i just went polyclinic on tuesday for the Hep B 2nd dose.6 in 1 is available. the whole package is $320. confirmed.i already make appointment for the 1st dose in november, when my gal is 3 mths old.
I have prepaid $586 for the vaccines which to be taken during my baby's next visits. Initially I tot it was only for the 5-1 jap but have checked with the nurse just now, she told me the $586 was package for 3 injections which 5-1 jap (to be taken in 3rd mth), 5-1 jap (to be taken in 4th mth) and 6-1 jap (to be taken in 6th mth). Normally the first 6-1 jap need to be taken when baby is 2-mth old but a lot of parents worry higher risk when fever at younger stage so they chose to take the 5-1 jap which to be taken when baby is 3-mth old (and taken the hep B at 1-mth old). Hope this info helps.
Hi cocomo ,

Meaning 5 in 1 is better ? my PD ask me to bring bb for the first 6 in 1 when bb is 6 weeks old , is it too young ?
Hi Cocomo,

For clarification. Are you saying that the 5-1 Jab & the 6-1 jab can be combined?

I was just called up my PD's office and they said that my baby can go for the 6-1 jab. It costs 157.50 x 3.(um, forgot to ask if include consult, but anyway she needs to go for a checkup with the PD aloso la.) So total would be $472.50.
After baby takes the 5-1 or 6-1 jap will have fever but 6-1 include Hep B so need to take earlier that means baby will have fever at age around 6 weeks (taken in 2nd mth) so some parents rather take seperate Hep B at 1-mth and the 5-1 jap in 3rd mth so their baby will only have fever at their 3-mth old instead of 6 weeks. Depend on the parents one la. But for me, I just asked my PD to decide which one better for my baby then I just accept and make payment lo.
hi celine,
i've checked with polyclinic when i brought my boy there for 2nd hep b jab. which polyclinic did u go to? i went to the tampines one and they do not offer 6-in-1 jab, hence my boy had to go for 2nd hep b jab 1st and the 5-in-1 jab in the 3rd month.

which polyclinic? My aunt who work in sengkang one.. say no 6 in 1?? only 5 in 1 and it cost 291.80sgd for package..

i intending to do this also leh.. go polyclinic for 1st mth jab.. but that cost how much ah?

By looking at the immunication schedule chart which the nurse gave me, it shows that there are 3 options, 1) 5-in-1 Imminisation ($567) - take Hep B at 1mth, 5-1 jap in 3mth, 4mth, 5mth and Hep B in 6mth; 2) New 6-1 Immunisation ($633) - take 6-1 jap in 2mth, 4mth and 6mth; 3) Modified 6-in-1 Immunisation ($586) - take Hep B at 1mth, 5-1 jap in 3mth, 5-1 jap in 4mth and 6-1 jap in 5mth. Hope this clear. I choose the Modified 6-in-1 Immunisation.
