(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

haha..me also same..i brush my teeth every morning like grip my toothbrush like a old lady..but then later part of the day is much better liao..Hee hee...

Glad that peddie is doing well..
My bb movements also more shifting than kicks n bumps already..kind of miss feeling his bumps so often..:p Anyway doc say if worried, we can do test in the morning or in the evening..esp after we eat, usually bb tend to move more after food...n if in the evening, then eat something alr n then lie in bed n do nothing n u shld be able to feel the shifting soon..

updated table
Ladies we have 10 babies that came into the world liao

<table border=1><tr><td>MTB</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDDate</TD><TD>Arrival</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Baby</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>Augustmum</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>12-Aug</TD><TD>30-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.06kg</TD><TD>Zacchaeus</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbnmum</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>27-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.365kg</TD><TD>Vytoz</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chrys</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>23-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dino</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>30-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.325kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.23kg</TD><TD>Edward</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jfong</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.68kg</TD><TD>Reanne</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peddie</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD>1-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.085kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sierra</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>17-Aug</TD><TD>26-Jul</TD><TD>2GIRLS</TD><TD>2.45kg &amp; 2.21kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wanli</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>19-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>Melody Ho</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong</td></tr></table>
<table border=1><tr><td>Total Princes</TD><TD>6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total Princesses</TD><TD>4</td></tr></table>
Hi Augbaby and erin,
haha now I feel comforted that my baby about my baby's movements... quite true, after drinking milk or eating, there tends to be more "sliding" haha
Hi skyblue,

I din think of taking mc as starting from 14th august is good enough for me. Secondary school started year end sch holiday earlier. so actually i can start taking next monday if i dun wan to lugi any days. but i let my maternity leave eat up one week of my school holidays in nov. Leave will end on 5th nov. but last day of sch is 27 oct for sec sch

but hope baby can come out next week. dun felt like going school already. But my gal is still not engage yet.
hi erin

moving to our own flat in holland V. right now arrangement q messy, was suppose to stay at in laws till my new place was ready, but on top of pregnancy, i found living my in law impossible. so moved back to my own house with hubby, but my house got 2 dogs and my dad recovering from stroke, so quite a lot of things going on already, not conducive for bb. new house was suppose to be ready in july, but HDB upgrading keep postponing, so end up moving 2 weeks b4 EDD!
Hi all

been so busy at work i couldnt post for a few days...think i missed a lot of stuff.

great to hear Peddie doing well, thanks for the update

read that u may be due anytime rite? scary n bit excited?
when my dr plan my date too, I also find, wow seems like soon... dunno if really ready or not. keep us posted and do sms me if you go in for delivery

After my last check,
baby is now 2.75kg at 36week. my cervix not soften.

so mummies, how do i help to soften cervix and prepare for smooth labor? :0 ?

that seminar sounds useful, esp for me who has not attended any classes, but how are, think that week i may be due :p

As for my maternity leave, thinking of starting it around the 14-15 Aug timeframe...
Hi ladies,
Reviewed my gynae yterdae (36wks), bb's head nt engaged yet, weight less than 3 kg. Eventhou me loss weight again bt bb's din lei
. But gynae wan me to go to c him if the baby move lesser/din move. If the condition nt permitted, bb have to be out b4 21aug. I really need to cross my finger to prevent that happen......

Tighten in fingers is due to water retention. My left ankle started liao, get worse in the eve.
Hi Cecilia,
Don't worry so much! I am in similar or worse case than you. I think generally most gynaes won't want to keep our babies inside us past EDD if there are lesser baby movements or baby is small like mine.... my gynae has reiterated to us that he won't want our baby to stay inside past 23 Aug...take it positively and talk more to baby k *hugs*

when is your next appt?
Hey butter,
yups i will sms u when i am going into labour..haha..but dun noe when too leh..coz thou bb engage n me 1-2cm dilated, but other than that, no other signs or contractions..so i am still here and working too coz my ML only start on 15aug...:p Is yr bb engage alr, did yr doc say?
Hi Augbaby/butter,
Sms me too hoh!

hi mummies,
anyone knows if we choose to do elective csec on public holidays, any additional charges?
congrats to all mummies who have popped!! very exciting but I am super nervous too.

noticed that generally, the princes are bigger-sized than the princesses
altho I am very big-sized, don't expect my princess to be much more than 3 kg when born.

query - have any of you kena pain (like muscle strain) below your breasts? not sure if it because of the tummy weight pulling down or if I pulled a muscle accidentally.
for those delivering at KK, i think this is a good service to take on, priced reasonably too.

Parentcraft (Home) Programme
This programme is for mothers who delivered at KKH. Our hospital nurses teach the mother how to care for her newborn. Topics covered include baby bathing, breastfeeding and the general well-being of both mother and child.

The service is provided in the comfort of the participant's home for 3 consecutive days, including Sunday and public holiday.
In the comfort of your home
(includes GST):
$42 for each visit
Size of Class:
Just you
Registration &amp; Enquiries:
Register with the ward nurses prior to discharge.
Through the Ask-A-Nurse Hotline at
Tel: 1900-915 5515
Weekdays: 9.00 am - 5.30 pm
piyo, the reason why it's not advisable to keep our bb inside us past the EDD is bcoz of the fluid(pronounced as "lye-kwah") will dry up gradually. and when u deliver the bb, it would be too dry, and will cause abrasion..

this fluid is supposed to be acting as a lubricant, it's jelly-like, it helps bb to "flow" out of us during delivery. so the more "lye-kwah", the smoother and faster bb can slide out.
sorry, i mean, gel-like...not jelly-like! hahaha... thinking of desserts liao! coz i had ice-jelly last evening mah....>.<
Helo mummies!

RAIN has pop yesterday ard 4PM! BB GAL!

Haiz.. for mi.. u c i still can post here... wait lo... Contraction was irregular n e pain go off last evening.. E feeling sucks! Like waiting to be executed!

Nw e pain came back again but on n off... THIS MORNING V Giddy n vomitting! Anyone experience this?

Well.. now i jus like wait n wait count n count... maybe bb still prefer to be inside mi n give mi mroe headache! GOSH.. e feeling is realli not good.. might as well give mi a BIG PAIN NOW n OFF TO HOSPITAL
Jus share advise dat was given to me -- for those mummies who gonna breasfeed n din prepare Fm powder, can request for some bottles of hospital FM to bring home. As standby lah, jus in case our BM hav not kick in yet mah. so last minute will not panick wen bb crying n no milk.
hi kelly,
wanna check how was ur post natal massage? did u use mdm naini? i tik e last time u used her if i rem correctly? i hav called her n likely to be using her after birth.
Hi Wanli, chrys,
Did you use Mdm Inah, the one i recommend, for yr massage? How is she? Good? Think quite a few of us thinking of using her, so need yr feedback on her...
thanks...she is recommended by my friend one..
Aiyo, so sleepy and tired liao...Hmm wondering when will be my turn? doc say 1-2cm dilated already but still no signs..almost 1wk liao..coming friday is my next appointment..Yawn..bb also still not ready to be out..haha..My colleague today went check up n she is 1cm dilated..her doc say she be due in 1 wk time...
i not doing any postnatal massage. husband changed his job a few days after i gave birth so every single savings counts now. he's now selling insurance full-time.

will do e massage only when we have spare funds.

my GF using mdm inah now. she said not bad. mdm inah will massage/wrap for the 1st 3days then e remaining 4sessions are done every 3-4days.
my dr never say engaged, maybe still head down only? the 'v' check was pretty uncomfy and a bit pain... not looking forward to it again. must we always do it now onwards in our weekly visits?

when is your target delivery date?

I am still looking for massage lady, anyone can recommend a lady who is nice and good in massage? effective one hehehe
butter8, yes, V check will be done every visit to the gynae...i also dun like leh...quite painful hor.. =(

i will hv appt tmr noon, will do a placenta scan for see if bb's head is too big for my cervix anot.. will also ask gynae to show me her face! anyway we pay extra for this scan one... >.<
Do u mean that the remaining 4 sessions are not done consectively together meaning, all 7 session in a week together?? Me a little blur...:p Can we request to do so together? I thou shld be more effective this way? N did yr friend tummy got effect already?

Hi Butter,
Ya i also dun like the V check..dun noe too if every time must do? I dun have a target delivery date leh..hee hee...as long as b4 my edd of 23 can liao..As for massage lady, well i intro the mummy to my friend recommendation wich is mdm inah wich kelly said her friend say not bad lor..it is $380 for 7 session...
U juz have to call her after u deliver lor..Juz say u r recommended by Shermeen if not she will charge us $400 for 7 sessions lor..that is wat she told me that time one, coz i quoted my friend name...
how come u need to do a placenta scan? is it a must or is it bec yr bb is too big? how much do yr bb weigh now?
hi kelly,
ic. my HB oso in full time insurance hehe.. for more den 10 yrs business oredi. dun worri, hard work will pay off n sure he will be v succesful one day. actually i sometimes feel v guilty now dat preganant demand a lot of his time n attention fr his work... n keep spending so much money on buying maternity n bb stuff...

i tik 1 cm dilation not necesary gonna giv bith v soon. can drag a few weeks. i tik we r examples lor.
my gynae din do V-check each visit leh. but last week she mentioned tmr she will do.she oso hinted dat other mummies ard my time oredi given birth, so i m slow.
Ya lor..haha..I wonder i 1-2cm when will be due..anyway i will check wif doc again this fri when she do the V check for me again..
it be my 3rd time V check liao...
Hi leobbsmum,
Its too late for us to try to see our baby's face already coz supposingly the baby's delivery position shd be face facing inner tummy[Or baby's face c our backside].
In other words, the baby's back of head is facing the front.
the nurse told me I would be doing V checks every week I go c Gynae till I pop from 36 weeks onwards... so maybe that's the practice?
wat position is ur husband doing now in ins? my husband only an adviser. he only started out doing part-time last feb, switched 2 another company tis mar then decided 2 do full-time now. e decision was also very last min cos he not happy wif his full-time job so decided 2 make the insurance job a full-time affair, instead of part-time.

ya, i did used mdm naini. she's gd but can b chatty. if u dun like her 2 talk during massage, let her know. she'll know wat 2 do.

my GF told me tat mdm inah massaged her on 3 consecutive days (last sat, sun, mon) then the next session's on thur.
i was told tat prenatal massage shld b done on consecutive days 2 b effective but mdm inah has a different set of story. she told my GF tat u cant massage 4 7consecutive days, not gd. bcos her massage is e hard/strong type, so not gd 2 massage 4 7days in a row. if e massage is light light type, ok 2 do many days in a row. *scratch head* tis is e part tat i dun understand. i tot all massages all hard hard type.

tat's wat my GF tells me lah...betta 4 u 2 call mdm inah 2 ask further.
will update u my status tmr. better put the hospital bag in the car, jus in case hor.

btw, wondering for babies born in aug got any special treats? i tik for national day bbs, some places offer discounts/ promotions but whether other aug dates hav?
think it's normal to do the placenta scan, coz cocmo also did hers last week.. coz i'm in week 38 liao..2 more weeks to go mah..

as for the V Check, it's to check if i've dilated anot, and if bb is engaged, i think..

my bb has been in head-down position since 2 mths back...gynae tot i would deliver b4 full term.. who noes.. =(

it's never too late to see our bb's face lah, coz our bb turn to move abt as long as he/she is not engaged yet.. =)
my HB is mgr level but oso got lots of headaches cos his team ppl r young n often need close monitoring otherwise easily out of focus. i guess becos they dun hav a family committment yet n they still wanna enjoy life. he oso does his own sales to motivate/ challenge them. so he currently wif which co.?
hehe.., i will hint to mdm naini i rather not talk so much during massage haha. cos her session only 45 mins.
Hi Kelly,
Icic..okie i will check with Mdm Inah..But did yr GF told u if she feel her tummy has gone down slightly?
Hi all,
Just came back fm my week 36 checkup. gynae performs virgina discharge test again (I was tested 4weeks ago too-result is normal).

Now my gal is weighing at est 2.758kg, seems like it's within the normal range huh?? Gynae also mention tt we should + or - 15% allowce arrears on the est weight cos now the main measurement comes from the bb's head circumference &amp; the length of bb's thigh from ultrasound scan.

Head down position but not engage yet. Still has 4 more weeks to go. Gynae never do a V-check. He only press my below tummy &amp; says bb is not engaged. Will see him again next week

have been feeling so tired &amp; breathless at work recently.. very shag man...
any idea y gynae presses our tummie?
Cos mine did that the last 2 visits I was there...
press tummy would know engaged or not? interesting
Erin, Celine and Skyblue,

Hang on...next week has many holidays for us...

I was covered by hospitalisation leave and mc before I popped. Think if reasons are valid, MOE will accept.

Have you all standby any plans if things happen in school? That was my greatest fear then...you guys better rest more...ask colleagues for help if necessary...
Hi piyo,
yes by pressing our tummy, doc can tell whether bb is engaged or not.
also my gynae will use a measuring tape measure my tummy to tell whether my womb has increased in size.
my husband's in manulife.

i asked my GF when she finished her 1st day massage. she said cant c effect yet. i havent ask her again. will check wif her when i manage 2 talk 2 her.
my gynae did press my tummy very hard once - he pressed where my bb's head is. he said, my bb's head still very high so wont pop so soon (when i was abt 1-2cm dilated).
Hi Augbaby/kelly,
I think massages differ from person to person? My friend can see her tummy going down quite a bit after the 1st massage...
hi piyo,
yes, pressing our lower tummy will know if bb is engage..my doc did it each time i visit her..2 wks ago, bb not engage and last fri i saw her, she press my tummy again n says bb is engage already, that is also y she did a V check for me again n say i dilated alr...
Hi Kelly,
I rem my gynae pressed hard too then never comment anything.. guess not engaged huh... Can I asked if we keep feeling pelvic area painful at every step we take, that does not mean baby's engaged too right?
Hi Kelly,
thanks dear!

who did yr friend use for her massage? It must be not bad ah, after 1 time can see tummy go down a little alr...
Hi Augbaby,
I hope this time my gyane presses the tummie can give me good news haha....

She was the one who uses the more ex massage lady Mdm Rohaya I mentioned earlier during our pregnancy... I saw her recently, about 4 months after she popped, can't see much of her tummy lei..*envy*

hey piyo,
oh wow..reali...so good hor yr friend....is she big sized in the first place and she put on alot of weight? do more squats n walking b4 u see her then..hee hee..hope she tell u, yr bb is engage as well...:p
