(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

noe and linda, i stay around Lentor. looks like we are very near each other! =P

i just came back from my week 38 checkup, bb still not engaged. and gynae will scan my placenta next Thurs.

experienced mom, did anyone did a scan on their placenta b4 birth?

my bb weighs 3.2kg now..

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

pupsandcups, I am also made an appt with Benjamin this sun, at 3:30pm, hope kids aren't too grouchy to smile....tks to noe's recommendation, think he's been getting more calls! <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Whoopee Linda!
Please share your pix with us too. It will definitely be lovely!
Yeah leobbsmom!
We are indeed staying near each other.

Hmm ... scanning of placenta?
When my GY scans my placenta, she's usually looking for its position, making sure that it's at the top.
3.2kg a very good weight right?
Wah ... Baby's arriving!

me just waiting to see baby again, next MON!

hope growing well and can decide when most likely can get him out hehehehe
going for my first check to see if dilated too...

but thing is now flu bug this week around me in office and at home.. I got bad sorethroat. of all times to start falling sick. feel terrible, and nose start running... sigh, hope it will go away with some rest this weekend...

i think sometimes my Dr scan all the needed areas but dun tell me what she check... as long as everything ok she dun say check the placenta or wat... unless i ask...
like last check i ask where is umblilical cord.
anything i should be asking at week 35-36?
Hi mummies,
I am juz back from my gynae checkup...coz was worried that bb is moving lesser and hence went to see her..n guess what, my gynae says bb is engage already and i am 1 to 2cm dilated already...so shocked and totally not prepared...Coz 2 weeks ago i juz saw her and bb is not even engage and womb is not even open yet..Thou she mention hard to predict when bb will arrive and to juz monitor for signs lor.. Gosh ** i am still trying to absorb the news**..anyway any mummies know when usually we dilated then have to go hospital? coz i have not reali been experiencing contractions so dun noe how to guage..anyway i am in my 36wks and 2days already and my gynae say it is ok for bb to be out already..bb is now abt 2.5kg only..2weeks ago is abt 2.3kg..But doc say bb is of good weight and healthy so if bb wants to come out it is ok as well...coz if full term, bb be abt 2.9kg lor...
Also juz took my Steph B test..results be out next week when i see her again on friday next wk...me getting cold feet abt the labour process...
Hi augbaby ,

Guess u r getting very excited rite , but u r only 36 weeks n 2 days , can give birth ah ? then good lor , can get to see baby very soon ! do take care and update us ya !
augbaby!!!! i'm so excited for you now!! wow, this is good news! i wish my gynae could say the same to me, so tat i can see my princess sooner.. >.<

pls put the hospital bag into hubby's car by tonite, and do rmb to drink chkn essence b4 and after labour ok.

ermm....wat else... oh ya, pls wash your hair every nite until clean clean, coz u never noe which is the fateful day tat bb wanna come out n see u!

do sms me when the bb is arriving hor! =P
Hi mummies,
thanks..hee hee..i think now i am trying to absorb the news more coz is kind of unexpected...Guess i have to start drinking coconut water liao..coz i haven started yet...My gynae say that once 37wk, bb is not premmie so can come out anytime already...

Dear leobbsmon,
i will definitely sms u...Hee hee...

White lady,
ya me now 36wks n 2day..so next wed i be in my 37wks..anyway doc din say how soon, so maybe it be 2 wks later that i give birth..thou she said i am 2cm dilated but it is still difficult to predict how soon..but think it will definitely be earlier than me edd date lor...
Me a little anxious abt the labour part but of course happy that i can get to see my boy real soon..:p
augbaby ,

just dont think so much , and enjoy counting down , but anyway , since ur gynae say is also safe to give birth now , so u no need to worry , even ur boi boi want to come out now also no worry ya ! so just enjoy counting down ! really feel excited for u ! so ur boi have less movement is becos he is engage issit ? so when is ur next check up again ?
Hi white lady,
I guess he has less movement bec he is engage..i am not 100% sure it is that reason thou...coz i did read in a book that once a bb is engage means bb is in the birth canal and hence this will resist his movements..not sure if it is correct..
Ya i guess i juz take it easy this few weeks and start drinking more coconut n my raspberry tea leaf and relax..anyway i think squatting does help in getting bb to engage..coz this 2 weeks i have been squatting quite a bit thou not intentional but bec sometimes i hand wash clothes etc...coz 2 weeks ago bb is not engage n now he is..my next appointment wif my gynae is next friday...once every wk now...

actually your tummy looked quite "low" when we met previously... u take care and be brave girl!! keep focusing on the thot of seeing and holding your prince, dun let the fear of pain and process cloud your whole head, ok! everything will be over b4 u noe it. let's work hard! =)

i will work my last day on Mon, then i will work from home from 1 Aug. And ML will start on 7 Aug.. been packing my things home since Tues.. slowly clearing my stuff here. my colleagues commented tat I'm packing up as if i'm resigning!! hahaa!! =P
Hi leobbsmom,
thanks for the encouragement..hee hee..ya i will try not to think abt the labour part and focus on thinking i can hold my bb soon liao...hee hee...u take care too ya...n lets work together..u be due v soon too ya rite...
I juz apply for my ML for the 15th..haha..looks like maybe it might be earlier liao...:p U must rem to let me know too when u deliver ya..
Hi Dino
I just went to see Dr Wong today, she said still waiting yr call
. If tomorrow check up you have dilated 3cm then can proceed to labour ward already. I dunno is that because last time we eat the medicine to control early contraction, that's why until even I was 3.5 cm dilated still don't have regular contraction. So, normally if you have dilated 2.5cm then doctor will ask you admit to hospital also
, keep on yr squatting!

Hi Kelly,
need yr advice, how long we can keep the EBM after we have warm it up? because my girl spend very long time to drink the milk, most of the time more than an hr, dunno can still drink or not?

Hi augbaby,
I also dilated 1.5cm but still able to hold there for more than one week before deliver
. do more squatting exercise will help on dilation.
Dear all,

Thanks for the tips shared on maternity pads and confinement.


You mentioned $0.15 per pc for the Kotex looped maternity pad. Just wondering if maternity pads can really absorb so much more. Like how abt the normal sanitary pads, those that are marketed as "ultra thin, super absorbent" type. Watsons house brand has 28cm long winged pads (18pc) for $2.80 (slim, 2.5mm) and $3.50 (ultra thin, 1mm). Per piece would be $0.16 - 0.19. I've used that before last time (pre-pregnancy) and I think it's fine. What I cannot imagine is how much blood there'll be after delivery.
i replied 2 u via sms...faster
i was told tat EBM can only stay outside for max 1hr, tis means fr the time u start 2 feed ur girl (when it's warmed up), u count 1hr fr then. FM can stay for max 2hrs.

i didnt get any discharge b4 i popped leh. i did move around a lot a few days b4 i popped, mayb tat helped wif e dilation. i was at taka shopping for abt 3hrs e day b4 i experienced regular contractions.

whether it's safe 4 bbs 2 pop after 36wks, it all depends on ur bb's development &amp; size. i come across a bb who popped at 32wks at 1.8kg n she's all healthy, normal &amp; adorable now. i guess ur gynae will do all e necessary stuff 2 ensure ur bb is doing ok if <36wks. u'll definitely need a jab 2 prepare ur bb's lungs.

so exciting! u could b next...i wonder wat happened 2 rain too?
u so excited to let baby to pop out, wait another 2 weeks is better. too early baby are more prom to jaundice, n inmature lungs. which i read, don't know true or not actually best wt to give birth is 2.8kg onwards.

our edd are very near right? hehe i trying to hold baby till full term if possible.

take care!
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

You mentioned $0.15 per pc for the Kotex looped maternity pad. Just wondering if maternity pads can really absorb so much more. Like how abt the normal sanitary pads, those that are marketed as "ultra thin, super absorbent" type. Watsons house brand has 28cm long winged pads (18pc) for $2.80 (slim, 2.5mm) and $3.50 (ultra thin, 1mm). Per piece would be $0.16 - 0.19. I've used that before last time (pre-pregnancy) and I think it's fine. What I cannot imagine is how much blood there'll be after delivery.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hee hee Leia,
Then, being first time mother, I simply continued with what KKH provided.
However, I do find that the material is soft &amp; gentle to our skin (very important factor as we just had episiotomy).
The minus is that Kotex Maternity Loops are wingless so there is a tendancy to stain (that's why I still wear disposables panties during my confinement).

For #2, I used Kotex Maternity Loops for the 1st week only.
Afterwhich I switch to our usualy sanitary pads used during our menses.

Interestingly, I experienced lesser lochia during my 2nd post partum compared with my 1st post partum.
For the first few days, there will be quite a lot of lochia discharge. I changed almost every 2 - 3 hourly.
Then again, that may differ from mother to mother.
i INSISTED on dr terence tan when i popped but dr terence tan NEVER saw my boy. it was dr lee chien yee who handled/reviewed edward. when i brought ed back for review on 18jul, i asked for dr tan 2 review ed but dr tan had 2 rush off 2 MAH for an emergency delivery case. meanwhile, a lot of newborns + other patients were waiting 4 dr tan so i told e receptionist 2 switch me 2 dr lee. wif my newborn &amp; my toddler, i HATE 2 wait at a PD clinic wif other sick bbs/tods around - u never know wat other illness they'll pick up.

apparently, on 13jul, MAH is very busy wif lotsa mummies popping. e midwife can still tell me, "2day very busy, a lot of bbs" (quite true, i seem 2 hear a bb cry every 15-20mins when i was lying in Delivery Suite 3A). She added, "yesterday, e whole afternoon only 1 bb. if u give birth yesterday, betta"

husband &amp; i jaw dropped when she said tat. as if i can pick which day my son chooses 2 pop...even if i pick a day, my son chooses his own birthday. tat's probably y i didnt get e FOC upgrade too cos lotsa bbs popping on 13jul, even their 1-bedded room is full.

seems like my 2 boys no fate 2 c dr tan. gabe saw dr tan once when he was first born...i tik dr tan saw him, partly bcos he was a premmie n my gynae insisted tat dr tan checked him. husband &amp; i met dr tan when i was still in e hospital and he talked 2 us abt gabe's condition. it was tat brief visit tat impressed me wif dr tan, hence i insisted on dr tan 4 edward too. even when i brought gabe back 4 his 1st review, it was dr lee who saw him cos dr tan was VERY busy.

i find gaia body wash ok leh...mayb my boy has sensitive skin, tat's y he's ok wif it. i just finished the bottle, using J&amp;J top 2 toe wash too.
there's a gaia promotion during Taka Baby Fair. I'll check it out n c if there's any gd buys. i using their soothing lotion 4 my 1st son too. he loves it so i apply whenever he itches.

EQ &amp; PetPet
i used EQ S &amp; M for my 1st son when he was younger. then when he got 2 size L, i find the padding very thick so i switch 2 PetPet. i find PetPet's padding thinner. i did use PetPet M b4 n it's quite gd too. i switched 2 PetPet, partly bcos EQ hard 2 find. they dun sell it at NTUC, only in medical halls &amp; robinsons.

I had my fetus scan (including the placenta scan) ytday, which was done by Dr TC Chang. I think what WKT recommended for you is the same as mine la. Actually it is just the ultrascan (3D one at TC Chang's office) to check if the placenta's actually lying at the good position and not blocking the celvic way. After the scan I see WK, She said both my placenta and baby is at good position for labour, but she also don't know why my baby's still so high up. She asked if I am very determine to have natural birth and I said YES! Immediately she sent me for a x-ray to see if my pelvis side big enough for natural birth. My result will be out monday and I will have my consultation again on Tuesday. If everything is fine then will just have to wait for the baby to POP. If not will need to have c-sect. My baby's now 3.3kg at 38 week, so WK predict he shd be at around 3.6kg when he born
Hi all,

I went for my 37 wk check today. baby is still 2.3kg. Cervix slightly opened, but baby head is still not engaged. But doc say will definately deliver b4 EDD.

Indeed, Dr Tan veri busy. Seems like whole clinic waiting to see him

My fren also gave birth to a baby on 13 Jul at TMC by Dr Ang... maybe good day...

Brought Reanne to see PD today, the bilirubin level dropped to 10, PD say okay, review in another 10 days, she foresee shd be okay by then, mentioned breastfeeding babes take a longer time so no nd to worry. Her weight is now 3.3kg.

So fast, Reanne gonna turn 1 month this coming Thursday leh! seems jus like recently, i spoke to u when i was hospitalised for threatened preterm labour hor? Time really flies, esp when there's a baby around the house.

When's the taka Baby Fair? Is it on now?

I also dunno where to get the EQ diapers, mayb will get Pet Pet when i finish the remaining 6 pkts.
Hi cocomo,
Can we take x-ray? I thought pregnant woman cant take x-ray?

Anyway, what's this x-ray for pelvis side for and the charges?
What's the procedure like?

Pretty keen to go for such a check coz i'm also having a big baby like u and i alsowant natural delivery. My boy at 37wk+ is already 3.45kg n i believe he'll continue to grow so well for the next 2wks.....

Thanks in advance!

Hi augbaby,
Congrats! u'll be seeing ur baby soon!
at dr ang's clinic, i just met a mummy who also gave birth on 13jul too. it's her 3rd girl n her 4th child so she ligated. she popped at 530pm at TMC.

very glad 2 hear tat reanne's jaundice is improving. is she on TBFg? edward's jaundice seems 2 b clearing too. he looks all fair &amp; rosy these two days. reanne has gained lotsa weight too.

i know wat u mean...time flies. ed's already 2wks+. Taka Baby Fair is fr 9-27Aug. I cant find EQ sized S diapers around, except fr Robinsons. Even medical halls dun sell EQ "S" diapers. i still have abt 8packs of EQ S. Will switch 2 PetPet once i run out too.
Hi Wanli &amp; chrys,
I saw dr wong this morning. I was 2.5cm dilated. Now, still having pinkish discharge. I am asked to admit later, after 11pm.Actually also quite worried for my bb as the water level is very low n was told that if i dun pop these 2 days, i gonna induce. He weighs 3.1kg during today's scan. I am excited and will be seeing my little prince soon

I will sms u after i pop.
Hi ningyo,
This x-ray is called lateral pelvimetry, is specially for pregnant woman so it should be save for us and it costs about $45. The purpose is to check the size of our pelvis to see if it's big enough for the baby to go through (doctor will then measure baby head and abdomen's diameter). If the pelvis is not big enough then too bad gotta go through c-sect lo. Because my baby's head not engage yet and still very high up so doctor suspect it might be caused by my pelvis shape that's why she suggest this scan (also becasue I am petite and baby is big la). Hope this is clear for you ;p

my fren popped ard 3+ on 13 july. Now on partial breastfeeding, daytime bf, nitetime formula (Friso). I tink preemies do gain weight fast rite, u agree? maybe never eat enuff when inside our tummy hor?

Will definitely go for the Baby's Fair, guess u'll be going after confinement rite? Btw, now got Toys fair, one of my favourite fairs of the year, but cant go
wah...u also nite bird, havent sleep.

i wanted 2 put edward on FM for nitefeed but my breasts get hard after 3-4hrs, so 1 nite feed definitely need 2 b BM. ed feeds every 2-3hrs depending on wat type of milk he takes &amp; how much. 2 nites ago, i was waking up every 2hrs. last nite, every 3hrs.

preemies do gain weight very fast. my 1st son was 2.5kg when he went 4 his 1st wk review. by 1st mth, he was 4kg.

i'll definitely go 4 e bb fair...me 1 2 get out...cant tahan confinement.

have a smooth, safe &amp; fast delivery. keep us updated.
Hi Ladies,

Gyane chkup yesterday. Told the dr that bb moving lesser and he is very worried. Was put on ctg scan. Everything is ok. Dr Ong told me that he is comfortable with the result for 2-3 days only. Was asked to induced on my edd 1Aug. He want me to admin at 2359hr of 1Aug. At the meantime, monitor the bb movement. If still so little, admin to the hospital directly.
Hi cocomo,
Thanks for the clarification!

Think i'll check with my gynae abt this test coz i'm also on the small built type. I'm quite reluctant to go for c-sec or induce unless necessary.

somtimes bo pian sleep late altho already veri tired cos' with my elder one ard and whole day bz with baby stuff, no choice but got to do some of my own stuff at nite
these few days bz with organising Reanne's full month thingy.

Reanne hv been taking 90ml formula, initially was every 3 hrs, now seems that she needs to feed every 2 hrs leh. Sometimes finish 90ml, cunt get to sleep, got cranky and cried for more milk, then i wud BF her.

me also cant tahan being confined at home, btw i already went out gai gai a few times liao ... hahaha

Hi cheers,

thx! will look out for them at Giant!


Jia You! Am sure u gonna hv a breezy delivery like mine cos' we hv had so much "similar pains and problems during our pregnancy" ! Looking forward to your birth delivery!
Seems like you will be the next to POP, dun worry and juz look forward to see your bebe. . . wish you have a safe delivery. ;p

Hi mommies,
Actually how to count bebe's movement ya? sometimes my boy have less movement also so a bit worry. Anyone can tell me how to count, and at which level we need to call gynae? Thanks!
Hi ladies,

I've just came back from the hospital today

Here's my birth story:

26 jul: Went to the hospital at 6:30am, register and then I was brought up to the ward. They did the shaving, i washed up, then changed into the delivery gown.

7:15am: Was supposed to be pushed into the operating theatre, realised that our prior discussion to have my hubby in the theatre wasn't communicated to the hospital, as such, I will have to be pushed in alone

8am: Pushed me into the op theatre, was on epidural. About 15 mins later, twin 1 was delivered, then 3 mins later, twin 2 came out. Twin 2 was hiding at the side, the anaesthetist had to help push her out, thus the 3 mins difference.

Twin 1 was the smaller size gal (2.21 kg) and Twin 2 was heavier (2.45kg)

9:45am: I was pushed back to the ward after the operation was done. The gynae had to spend some time stitching me up. Was on drip the entire day...

27 jul: Already out of the drip, came off the bed...first time out on the bed, it was quite painful. Subsequent attempts were quite ok...

29 Jul: Found that the babies had moderate jaundice, needed UV light. I could go home but chose to stay in so that I can go back together with them.

30 jul: Jaundice level for both came down, so here we are back at home!

Good luck to all those who will be delivering soon!!

PS: The service and food at MAH was great! I finished all my food everyday :p
augbaby - just like u, gynae said baby already engaged! very exciting, she said can be anytime since aready 37 weeks. feeling totally unprepared though. came home and started wiping all the baby stuff and taking out all the things that were still in boxes. now alert for any signs of labour.
Hi All

I have delivered on 27th Jul, bb is 37+ wks.

My birth story:
24 Jul: Dilated 2cm, gynae asked if i want to wait or induced, and i choose to wait.
25 Jul: Slight pain, muscus plug is out, gynae say if pain is bearable, just wait.
26 Jul: Chk in TMC @ 8.30am
9am: After all preparation, was lying in the delivery ward
9.20am: Request for epi, afraid pain will be unbearable later
9.45am: Epi adminstered, can feel medicine down the spine
10.30am: Got feeling want to urine and pass motion
10.45am: Passing motion feeling getting strong, midwife say bb is pushing himself downward.
Will be out soon, but refuses to let me push.
11am: Nurse doing preparation for gynae and bb arrival
11.25am: Gynae came, can push when there's contraction.
11.32am: My boy is out, 3.365kg, 50cm long

Hope everyone will have a smooth delivery too . ")
congrats again! does he look like ur 1st boy? i heard fr sherhino tat ur boy very cute, got centre parting 4 hair. cant wait 2 c his pics. rest well &amp; have a gd confinement.

congrats too! how are u managing wif ur twins? post pics when u can too. likewise, rest well &amp; have a gd confinement.

so excited 4 u...ur long wait is almost over. have a smooth, fast &amp; safe delivery.

I know wat u mean...i also stayed up late sometimes 2 do my own stuff. if not, where got time? You so lucky, can go out. my husband insists i stay home until my confinement is over.

wah...reanne's appetite is very gd. ed's managing abt 60-75ml FM every 2.5-3hrs right now. if i latch him or give EBM, he'll drink 2hrs later.

giant IMM very far 4 me. i stay in pasir ris. will check out the giant at pasir ris when it's finally built. thks 4 e info.
Hi all,
Not sure if anyone still remembers me. I have been following the thread closely although I am not so active in communicating with you gals.

I am now in my beginning of week 36.
My gal is already in her head-down position since last checkup. Hope I can go thru normal delivery smoothly (of cos a MUST with the help of epidural). By reading all the birth stories from Kelly, Wan Li, etc. I really feel so touch &amp; so excited in expecting my little gal to pop out &amp; eager to provide her with care &amp; love.. (mother's instinct lah). My due date is still 28th to 30th Aug.
Hi jfong &amp; Kelly,
How much is Pet Pet going for now at its lowest?
It's been some time since I used it for my boys.

We are using Prokids now for them (for day use).
They can be purchased at Sheng Xiong Supermarkets.
$8.90 per 32 XL pieces ($0.27 each).
I find the material softer than Pet Pet though.
The picture attached is their Value Pack priced at $12.80 then.
However, they don't bring in this Value Pack anymore.


Hi Kelly,
What's the price that you have been paying for Sealers? It costs about $16.90 or $17.50 is it?
We use them on the boys at night however they cost more than Nepia (a better alternative to Pampers Premium nonetheless).
We are finishing the last packet we bought at the Motherhood Fair (it was going for $15 per packet).

Most likely end up calling Nepia Agent again since they do delivery &amp; are charging $14 per packet if Sealers are more expensive.
My boys are wearing XL now.
wow.. congrats sierra &amp; BBnMum!!

rest well during confinement (meaning grab as much winks as possible!!)

Noe, aiyoh.. me also long wait.. especially since i 1st time mummy... 31st Aug leh...
