(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Mummies,

Celebrated Gen's bday over the National Day weekend & ytd on her actual day at T3.
Below is the pic celebrated at my sis plc..i initially ordered Barney cake from my SIL's aunty, in the end it turn out to be Bunny cake ! Haha


In the end, i have to buy her Barney & Friends cupcakes to celebrate again


Hi Honeyb,

As for my issue in having #2 is that i m afraid i cant balance my love with 2 kids. jayden behaviour also changes alot, but i always tell myself thats part of growing up and enjoy it. most of the time i do not feel angry with him, just feeling helpless as how can i help him to cope better.

Hi leo, cynthia,

till now i have never really beat him till 2 days ago when he refused shower again. really got no choice that i beat his arm till all red! when he apologised to him, i finally cannot control and cried, making him cry again and keep saying "mai mai mai", asking me not to cry. really touched by him. :p silly mama!
thanks gals, yday been to the doc <font color="ff0000">AGAIN</font>, and i got tonsilities which hurts so much and had a slight fever from it. and i got an antibiotic jab on my butt...so painful. but today i feel so much better, hope to fully recover soon.

Denise is bahaving in the same way you all described your tods, we do not necessary has to cane them, main thing is to instill the fear towards the cane can liao...

and i've never let denise feed herself before bcos we are afraid of the mess she will create, during dinner last night we gave in after much insistent from her and to our surprise, she fed herself with the spoon very well to the soup and "liao' inside. my little gal has grown up!
hi mummies,
just when i've told myself not to be too worried abt aidan's slowness in learning to talk, yesterday i brought aidan to JG and there is this 21mths old gal in his playgroup who can speak really well... example, when the teacher was doing roleplay on boating, she utters the word "oar" cuz the teacher was paddling with it! oh my, i was so impressed! and not forgetting that she asks "why do birds fly?"
(ai ya, my worries are unfounded... trying really really hard to convince myself...)

don't worry too much. Girls are usually faster. My boy is not speaking much too. His longest sentences are only limited to "Gor Gor where?' and 'What happened?'. His bro started late too, at about 25th month and we found ourselves scolding him for talking non-stop this morning.
Hi augustmum,
I got buy finger paints for Aden to play but this need supervision. Otherwise, he would go paint all over the house. And crayons too. He always paint the table. Make me so mad.

If you want him to play by himself, I guess it is VCDs (Barney, Wheels on the bus and etc) or toys that he enjoy.

Hi MH,
Barney and bunny does sounds alike :)

Aden also just have his birthday celebration yesterday. Would post some photos once I download them.

That funny boy was surprised when he wake up from his afternoon nap to see the deco in the living room. He goes "Wow".... I was surprised he know how to "Wow".... Dun know who teach him that.

Hi Jokojoko,
Aden also sama sama. His longest sentence is just like augustmum. A person + action, e.g: "mei mei where", "mummy sit", "buy apple". Mine can't even say "What happened?". Single words know quite a number already lah. But pronunciation not very accurate sometimes.
I guess Zorian behaving like this is very normal. Could be attention seeker due to bb arrival. Nat is like this even now bb is going to be 3mth old! I guess just need to let them bond as much as possible. Now we famly of 4, sleeping together in a room! Hubby most poor thing with a single bed mattress, while nat sleep with me and nicole sleep on the floor using kind size sofa bed. Nicole behaving alot better than Nat! Nicole now only 1 night feed (so happy!!!!) usually she will have her last feed around 830pm, she will sleep till 230 or 330am for her feed and sleep till next morning about 730-8 having feed and bath etc. Now I try to make her more awake during the day and she love playing! Want to talk, cooing with her... So I also get Nat to play in too. So now she alot better with her lil sis. JUST THAT recently she is unwell and wake up 2-3times a night! Crazy right.. I been losing sleepin over this 1mth..

Just bring Nat to see another doc. Nam Seng clinic @ Upper Bt TImah. My SIL recommend say he is good and cheap. He checked nat having nose infection due to too long flu. Now have alot phlegm too. Means the last 1mth taking PD med is useless? HEr diarrhoea better now.. fever no more too lo. Now hoping with 5-10days will be fine IF not the doc say another option is to draw the phelgm out to prevent further infection! FELT like a lousy mum to casue her all these. She is still as active and eat normal. Prefer to take porridge &amp; mee suan, refuse her usual vege, fish and rice. Hope she get well soon.

Have celebrate Nat lil 2 advance @ MIL hse. Will try post pis soon. This thurs is her actual day And I have order cake to celebrate at her school! Hope she recover fast and already prepare the goodies bag for her fellow mates..

I using a plastic ruler to beat her. SHE NOT SCARE OH! she will only STOP when i say STOP IT very firm looking at her fiercely and she will say STOP to herself haha. I guess now is the terrible 2 stage! Also driving me nuts esp recent she is unwell didnt go to school and staying at home, I trying to make her occupied too lo.

What activities I have for Natalie at home?
1) Playing her blocks with her
2) Drawing, colouring on books
3) Help me sweep the floor, keep clothings (though sometime a mess bt she is enjoying)
4) Barbey, Thomas e Train VCD, mickey mouse clubhouse, Dora, Hi-Five (guess at times need the tv to help lo)
5) Reading books with her.
6) Playing with containers.
7) Outdoor 2x a day, ball playing in the morning at downstairs park, evening about 5+ at playground.

my son dun even have half a sentence or words yet. he can give expressions like oh? or OH! depending on the situation
if we ask where did the bird go? he wil only wave his hands to action where or no more.

but uptill today... I ask him to try to repeat what I say.. He is trying but the sounds are not really correct.
He tried to say I love u - but just copy the sound.
and bao bao if he wants to be carried up or bei bei to have a shoulder ride on my husband.
another 1st was to try to say Yo gat! which is to get yogurt.

I used to worry about him not wanting to talk or learn to say things. Now I just try to talk to him more with simple words and encourage him to say things he likes to say first. but i believe it will be sometime b4 he is able to join words or even make a sentence.
hey mummies,

watching tv just now. Thought I saw Channel 8 using some of our clips from our babies' short moment of fame 2 yrs ago for a baby contest. Thot I saw zac but not really sure. Hee.... cheap thrill lah
Hi mommies,

Just got back from Phuket today with HB and boy. Not a bad place to go to for some sun, sand, sea, shopping and food. Also went for a 1hr elephant ride in the "jungle". Quite fun. :D

Anyway, just wanted to go some place near before the boy turns 2. Cheap infant fare + my legs don't get cramped too badly (with him on my lap) since it's only a short ride of 1.5hr+.

So if you're thinking of a short holiday place, can consider that.
Speech development,
Charlotte also not very good with talking only speaks one word. When things she don't want she will say "NO" when she read books she will wat tis and she will speak her own language again. But read in mum centre that only by two then they will start to speak two words together.

Had celebration for charlotte bday yesterday actual day. Had fun and surprise that she knows how to blow candle but still can blow off the candle we got to help her haha. And when i pass her the knife she to cut the cake she cut abit and put the knife in her mouth to eat the cake.
Had lots of fun yesterday
Speech development

Jadon started talking a bit at 23 months. His favourite words includes "buckle" (seat belt, stroller seat belt, high chair seat belt), which sounded like "bugger" or "bargirl". When his grandpa first heard him say that, he was shocked and asked me where his grandson learn the "bad word" from. :D
Speech development

Natalie has started forming 2 words about 1 month ago. Normally is like dad take, mum take, go kaikai, see plane, dog oh, cat meow, don't want, please give, please take, eat.. those very normal standard words. Nothing bombastic
Speech development

Denise starts speaking 2 words recently too, think no need to worry too much lah...my friend's daughter born Aug too and she can say mummy &amp; daddy's name, can say one to ten in 3 languages. Every child develops at their own pace but will eventually speakin sentences. Now Denise can say, mummy/daddy please/sorry, bye bye mummy/papa/didi, but pronounciation still so-so, she call barney as ba-yi(as in a ba-yi-singh...wahahaha)
Hi Mummies,

Long time never post liao cos too busy at work recently and also preparing my two princesses birthday celebration. Will load some pics to share.

Hi jasmommy,
I remembered that you said that you're ex-marymount girl. Would like your opinion on how's the school huh? the culture, value, environment etc. Anything that you can share is greatly appreciated. Thanx ya
Now worried that daughter can't adapt to primary school life style cos she's very used to "nua" at home liao. Haiz...
Speech Development,
I think basically now almost all toddler at this age able to say daddy, mummy, papa, mama, didi, meimei, jiejie, gorgor bah. The rest like yiyi, ah ma, ah gong, po po,shushu, jiujiu also too
THink all the above easy to pronounce..
Speech development
I did worry abt Megan's speech devp sometime ago. Then she started opening her golden mouth shortly after she went to CC. think that helped. She finally called me "ma-mi" on Vesak day, abt 1 mth b4 I popped. Like what my good friend says, once they open their mouth, they will start babbling more words. Pronounciations sometimes a bit out but very funny to listen to hehe. She went on to pronounce "ma-ma", "gou gou" (for gong gong), "jiu jiu", "xie xie" (thank you), "bao bao" (carry), "ah-per" (apple), "ah-cot" (yakult). Recently starts to form 2 words like "ma-mi baobao", "ra-ra lai" (ra-ra is our dog's name, "lai" as in come) etc. And now everyday she will say 2 new words to us and beginning to be a parrot..today she prounounce "chu-chu train".

I think maybe the montessori phonics in school helps too?

My conclusion is she will when she is ready and I am a happy mother
tonight is the 1st night Denise slept without her pacifier...hehe

just now as i was asking her to throw away the mess she created out of tearing papers, her daddy say "throw your tu-tu away also", and dunno why but she really threw it into the dustbin leh...right after she regretted and kept asking me for her tu-tu but i told her she threw it in the bin and it's dirty alrdy. and after a while she fell asleep lying very close to me.

so is this confirmed wean off? hope she won't ask me for it tmr.
sms you back liao
Thanks hor! I just finished pumping and settling Nicole

Try to let Denise not haf it for the nextfew days then can consider wean off! We are trying to wean her off the tutu during day time and in the car, now only giving her when she goes to bed. Your progress is faster than mine

Hi mummies,
re: discipline
Last weekend, megan was so notti while eating in the restuarants that I made her stand against the wall while we eat.. wah. effective leh! she cried of cos but after that my active ger sat still for quite some time. i keep reminding her if she wanna go back and stand against the wall.. hehe
sori for late reply. just fed lucien.
Denise woke up crying earlier on and took both of us some effort before settling her back to sleep....phew

aiyo...a few days ar? must persevere since alrdy started.

re: discipline
now Denise's notti cool out area is our toilet. if she throws a tantrum and cry, we'll bring her in and threaten to keep her inside, so far it worked.
hi mummies,
re: speech development
think the children will just speak when they are ready. used to be very worried a couple of months ago. but now, he can speak in short sentences such as 'papa wear shirt', 'du zi tong' (stomachache), 'Bye! See you tomorrow!' and pronounce 3-syllable words such as 'dorothy', 'elephant', triangle', etc. However, his pronounciation is still not very accurate such as he will pronounce 'barney' as 'yarney'. dunno why leh.

re: discipline
have not bought a cane yet. used wooden ruler before. tried time-out corner but not effective.
Hmm.. guess after i read the rest of the mummies post about your toddler speech, I think Charlotte's speech development is fine.
At least she is talking. I manage to make her say please when she request something from me. She know alot of words but just still can't talk clearly.

She also start to know when i put her on the toilet bowl is shii shii and poo poo. i guess she is ready to go off diaper. But still sometimes she poo we also did not notice
Sometimes it can be fun hearing our kid talking BUT sometime when we cant catch what they trying to tell us, there they go again blowing tantrums Haha. For me I not so worried about Natalie speech as she speak pretty alot at home and with familiar members. Outside she still less sociable and shut her mouth lo. Guess need more time for interaction..
Speech development....

zac's dev...

He calls all fruits/ vege that are round and red 'apple'

He calls 'banana' 'nana'

He calls 'elephant' 'eh' phan'

His fav phase 'Gor Gor where'

His longest known noun 'fire engine'

He's cutest whenever he says 'see you' with his mouth pouted.

He could say the letters of the alphabet almost correctly, even when shown randomly. He calls "double u' , 'double' though.

He sings more than he talks. We could make up 'twinkle twinkle', 'happy birthday' 'ABCD', 'Cookie Monster' and thomas theme song.
Charlotte also call bananana "Nana"
Elephant she call "ELE"
Tiger she call "TI..GE"

Her best word is "BYE BYE" "SEE YOU"
NUMBERS she know "2, 4, 6"
She wont say 1 2 3
Hey piyo and fiona,

Now that you are still having Maternity Leave, have you thought of using this period to potty train? I'm thinking of doing that during mine in Dec.
hi amy,

i'm not confident with potty training leh...i bought a potty as well as a child seat cover for adult toilet bowl but she refuses both and even cried when i tried to put her on it :p
HI Fio,
Can see Denise haf lots of fun that day! I lve her red dress and her red mask! We also celebrated Megan's bday 1 day in advance in school the brot her out on actual day.. no time to post pics.. will share later

hi Amy,
Ya, we did but not on purpose to start on my ML though. We told the school teacher to start potty training Megan in June. Then on our own, we have started 1-2mths earlier but not very on till last mth hehe..
U c , we bot a DVD "elmo's potty time" and started letting her watch since a few months ago.. then teacher started potty training in school. She wil go " Elmo Poo Poo" to the teacher, meaning she wanna poo poo then teacher will bring her to toilet. At home, she will go "elmo poo poo" then we will bring her to her own potty (actually, we only used the Guo Da Li's tam Pui as make-shift), then she will sit there and shake her butt.. sometimes fake lei but sometimes really got poo poo or wee wee (from the Elmo show).

That time, she dunno how to pronounce wee wee bah or maybe she can't differentiate between poo and shee.. but recently she starts to tell us "wee wee". Since 2 weeks ago, she has developed the habit of going to toilet to "wee wee"/"poo poo" in the morning while changing for school.

Just last weekend, 1st time she told us she wanna wee wee while eating outside. Outside no potty, so we put her on the toilet seat. Is that the way?

Anyway, still long way to go..but Megan's potty training was more cos of her watching of that Elmo show.
Hi Erin,
I am impressed with Kayden lei! I think his speech devp very fast lei! Maybe wat I tried in the restuarant was so-called notti corner but for now, getting her to stand at the wall seems effective..cos her body very itchy always moving ard.. the next time I will ask her to stand and face the wall haha..

Hi Augmum,
Megan says the alphabets too but not all and sometimes happy then say, not happy she runs off. I let her be. As long as she opens her mouth, I phew liao

Hi Cat,
When I says "tiger" or "lion", she will go "roar". then she will make the paddling action with her hands. I think she thinks "roar" and "row" are the same. then she will want me to continue by singing "row row row your boat".

Megan's most used word is "NO" too. Sometimes, i so fed up, I asked her "cane you wan or not?"

I love her saying "bye bye" and same here- I says "1", she says "2". I say "3", she says "4". I say "5", she says "6" then she dun say liao then she jumps to "9" hha..

Hi Cyn,
I agree.. she gets frustrated and wails when I dunno what she wants from the words she say.. but at time she goes baby babbling in the car like "ah-bi-ge, ah-bi-ge, ah-bi-ge, ah-bi-ge" very farni..
Sppech Development

Justin can say quite a lot of words but some are not that accurate. His longest vowel is "avocado" and "water melon". He can recite from A to Z and 1 to 20. He was obessedd with painting at one point and kept asking me to paint the numbers 1 to 20 so that's where he picked up his 11 to 20 actually. For ABC, he watches a lot of videos on ABC and I also flashed and read ABCs to him now and then so I think he picked up there. He's learning his numbers in Chinese now and also identifying the colours well too. I'm very happy with his development already so I never pushed him in any way, just kept talking to him. His favourite song is still the "Wheels on the Bus" and he can sing the song over and over again, sometimes clear and sometimes muffled.

Like what some of you said, no need to hurry on their speech. It'll come naturally. Justin only started speaking more words nearing 20mths, and once he got it, he started talking more.


Like your Zac, Justin also call elephant "eh phan"

my best friend is a teacher at MArymount now.. she tells me that the girls are more well behaved then neighbourhood mixed schools, but the school still abit ang moh pai like last time when i was there.

THe kids has a higher percentage of middle class and up (but lower then my time), so tendency is to speak english still and behaviour generally quite ok. Of course, still got exceptions to the general student behaviour lah..

Performance wise, well, some of the teachers there were MY teachers, so turnover rate quite ok. but i won't say they are TOP TOP ranking primary school lah..

It used to be a little elitist and i had snobbish classmates whose parents are well to do and not many stay in HDB.. but i think today is ok liaoz... and also, the children my time must attend religion classes.. now i not sure leh.. BTW, i ain't catholic, so, guess they were not THAT insistent on influencing us converting to catholic..


Jadelle can:
- count 1-20 in mandarin and english
- can pronounce most alphabets well but cannot memorise who sequence yet
- she can speak more then 5 syllables already, like:" Daddy Mummy go work, Bye!", "Jadelle carry Barney, BJ and Baby Bop", "Mummy, wear seatbelt, JAdelle help!"
- We are introducing 1 new mandarin character to her every saturday during her JG class. and she really remembers it and practices it for the entire week and drives her grandma nuts (Jadelle abit naggy and keeps repeating stuff)
hi piyo,

thanks for the update on the benefits. luckily, they increased the childcare subsidy.

think augbaby's jayden more advanced in speech. he can form complete sentences. kayden only started talking and singing last month. he does quite a bit of baby talk when he wants to tell us a lot of things but we can't understand. he can blabber for 1-2 minutes and he'll get frustrated when i say 'I don't know what you're saying'. so now at times, i just 'fu yan' him and say 'hmmm... ya...' haha...

he also gets 'I' and '1' mixed up at times and also 'eye'(sounds the same as i). he will point at the '1' and say 'I' and point at his eye. dunno to laugh or not.
same here I ask Charlotte to say dog she will WOof and cat she will go meow...so funny. sometimes i just cant stop laughing when she make the actions
And Justin picked up singlish too. He liked to add the "already" behind most sentences like "No more already", Mummy coming already", "Ah Gong go back already". Sometimes he will replace "already" with just "dee" and it'll sound very funny when he says "No more dee"
thks for posting the link for the new benefits..

abit sad for my frens who are popping this year, as their kids not entitled to 16 weeks maternity.. and 4k bb bonus instead of 3k..

me very pleased that as long as >3 months preggie and work 90 calendar days, will be entitled to maternity.. compared to last time, > 6 months preggie and work 180 days with employer.. unfortunately, i have a friend who got dismissed on grounds of non-performance as an excuse to get away.. and the rules ain't gonna help her, cos it will only take effect next year 1st Jan 2009.

just to share....

think my boi is getting vain. He refused to wear the clothes I chose for him. Went to the closet and picked for himself his bro's big Thomas T-shirt and a blue robe (for swimming). He looked so pleased with his choice of clothes and refused to take off.

Going out later. Hope he would change his clothes. Otherwise, pple may think this mummy 'siao siao', dress her son this way.
Maybe you can try picking 2 sets of clothes (your choice which if he chooses any set, you r fine with it), then ask him choose from the 2?

I think Justin is quite advanced! Thanks to his hardworking mum!

one more reason to tell his grandparents to let him stay in CC?:p

Megan gets mixed up too. She points to her cheekc when I say "chicks". haha

i have a sec friend from Marymount convent. She is very Chinese lei! speaks lots of mandarin and somehow din quite fit into our school's culture.. guess there are dif students in all schools..
wanna ask if your tods are eating what you are eating when outside or you still bring your own food out? Megan nowadays refuses to eat outside, be it homecooked or outside food.. very fan lei
hello piyo,

Haven't start to potty train at all but was just thinking whether starting during my maternity is a good idea cause that's why I can be 100% hands on.

Anyway, now with Rae, when we eat outside, she will have the eat out too. Stopped bringing food out when she's 18months and now that she's already 2, even more relaxed. But, of course I will 'quality control' what she gets to eat. Vegetables are a must while meat is optional and 100% no fried food and cold drinks.

I will bring her munchkin bowl, fork, spoon and a scissor out whenever she needs to eat out with us.

With Megan, it is probably not the food, it is more like she's too excited about the environment to settle down to eat. Maybe, wait for her to be more hungry then usual to have her meal
you can start introducing to rae abt Potty via storybooks? I got a book for potty training for gers. It has a button to press that make the flashing sound. That's on top of the Elmo DVD. We din actually hands on start till about mid Jul, 1 mth after Nicole was born.

Hmm, Actually she goes "mum mum" but when we feed her, she goes "no, no" haiz..most prob.. perhaps I should starve her for half a day b4 bringing her out?
regarding speech, think jay is ok...now he knows how to sing twinkle twinkle little star, humpty dumpty, abc song...thou pronoucation is not very accurate for every words...he knows how to count from 1 to 10 in english only thou..chines hmm think he is not that gd abt it...haha..coz we hardly speak to him in mandarin...

I am also having a hard time feeding jay but more like at home..outside its easy coz he always want to eat our food...i hav started introducing some amt of light and dark soya sauce and seasonings to his food already thou no salt n msg at all...rest all he does eat them already...

those who feed their kids with vitamin c and the nordic pure COD, do u rem when did u start feeding them ah? i want to start feeding jazzele these but i cant rem what age can they start taking it...
hi mummies,

i'm so disappointed abt the new baby bonus thingy... it will only take effect 1 Jan 09! =(

any tods here can feed themselves liao? Sherv has no problem feeding herself sometimes, but sometimes she can create a lousy mess!

my maid is finally here, and thank God tat she's a good helper to us. very hardworking n clean, and has alot of initiative.

oh, any mummies feeding their tods the karihome goat's milk powder due to sensitive airways??
I guess I had it easy. Han likes to copy her gor gor and she's always curious what her gor gor does in the toilet. When my son go to do big business, she will sit outside the toilet to play and watch him (my son usually dun close the door). So she's quite receptive to the idea of doing it on the toilet bowl, maybe that's also why she dun like the potty. My mum in law tried to sit her on those red cheapo potty a few times, she'll cry &amp; protest, dun wan to sit.

Occasionally I will ask Han whether she wanna pee / poo on the toilet bowl. She said dun wan, but I can see that she's interested, she gets very excited when my son does his business hhaha. Slowly, she began to allow me to put her on the toilet bowl, but I think she still dun know how to control her lower muscles, I see her squeeze a while but nothing comes out. But just the nite before, she finally managed to deposit her very FIRST BIG SHIT into the toilet bowl hahaha. My son &amp; I clapped our hands at her achievement and she was so proud &amp; excited. Hopefully she can be off diaper soon, that'll surely save $$$ for me.
Finally you are online!

I feed Megan COD etc when she was 13mths. So fast hor, Jazelle reaching 1yrs old liao!

The trouble is Megan only wants to eat selective foods that we take and those are either fried or unhealthy foods, cold drinks etc.. like if I buy Ice milo for myself in Mac, I gotta hide from her else she will ask for it till no end.

I sure hope Nicole will follow her sister then easier for me..
I am reading your blog again.. hey you slim down very fast leh! teach me how leh! u kin ka kin qiu change blog url to include Lucien liao huh

U change ur blog address? Maybe can give me? I have save ur link and accept invite last time but log to view shown me advertisement! Gosh.

Potty Training
I guess when your tod is ready will automatically show and very fast succeed rather than spending months to train them. For Natalie she is toilet train before I pop. She used to refuse her potty. NOw she poo &amp; pee @ her potty and will tell me shhh shhh. So now reduce her diapers alot. Only when she nap &amp; night sleep.

Is Megan teething? I guess mayb is the last molar? Nat recently also like this. Even at home or outside she eat alot less. Refuse water again!!! Esp now she is unwell taking medicine gosh.. makes her appeitie drop BUT not her energy!!
