(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Kris,
Thanks for your compliments
Hope that caralisa ear infection will get well soon.

Hi HoneyB,
Welcome back! Did you enjoy your trip to Tokyo? Must have brought back lots of nice stuff....hee hee. How envious leh!

I find that Hannah is very advanced in her speech development which you should be proud of
Toddlers at around 2 years of age will usually start to ask "what's this or that". I think its a good opportunity to converse more with them when they ask. Can try asking them back "what do you think this is" type of question too. If they do not know, explain to them clearly to our best of knowledge

Re : Lies...
Hmm....for me, it all boils down to how serious is the lies lor. If i think the lies is harmless and it only affect the child's behaviour or conduct, i'll ignore it sometimes. However, if it affects other ppl around her, i'll correct her and then explain to her why what she says is incorrect. Personally, i don't like to use the phrase "why did you lie?" to Shauna.

Well in Hannah's case, i think its just her indirectly way of expressing to get herself out of a certain situation.

hey kris,
oh, i hope caralisa will get well soon, do take care!

i'm looking forward to the first week of my ML coz i'll be taking it a week b4 my EDD. just for myself to rest, and get ready. also to spend more time with Sherv, of coz! =)

looks like Sherv is the only one who's on goat's milk powder here coz no mommies share her experience with me. =P but luckily Sherv is taking the new milk powder quite okay now... the portion is 1:1 now, and we will monitor if her cough will be gone soon.

do post some pics for us here ok! wow...so shiok! hannah spent her 2nd b'day @ Disney!
hey mommies
i've still been following the thread on and off, logging in during lunch hour.

Cocomo, got your sms, will reply soon.

Re: speech development
Leon loves to talk, is super cute, when kiddies talk, it is so cute their logic. last night i was watching olympics closing, n he kept insisting he wanted me to change to cartoon channel, i was like no no no, mommy n daddy decided to watch this. n the excuses he came up with like 'this aunty not pretty, sing not nice' this uncle not funny, the colors not nice' ahahaha it was hilarious.
he calls all chinese words 'yi er san'(ie 123) and likes to sing one chinese song the 'ke ren lai' one.
other than that, he likes english.

see all of u soon!

hmm... think the only thing wrong with hannah is.... she's too smart!!!!!!!
Do you know these could be signs of giftedness? Continue to observe her

RE: Questions

More questions will be coming
They really ask anything, everything. It's good that they are asking. Show they are thinking.

RE. Lies.

Mabbe she's not lying. She could be uncomfortable but used 'pain pain' instead.
Wow, your gal is really advance. My Han cannot even recognise a single letter yet. Your gal is just like my son when he's her age, very advance in speech & mature in understanding. Guess all 1st born are like this? As they tend to interact with adults more than kids their age.

Re. telling lies
My gal hasn't started yet, so I deal with that when I caught her doing it. But for my boy (when his about 2 / 3 yr old), I read him the story "Lang Lai Le" "The boy who cry wolf". You can try reading to ur gal that and explain to her the importance of honesty at the end of the story. She's quite mature for her age so I'm sure she'll understand the moral of the story.
Re: Questions
Leon also keeps asking what's that, n how come. i read somewhere as parents best to give them as accurate answers as possible. for eg in the train when we went underground, leon asked how come so dark. so i explained to him we r now underground cos some areas we cant b outside so they build tunnels under the ground which r dark. n he seemed to absorb wat i was saying.

Re: Lies
Leon when he wants to get out of his highchair,always says i want to poo poo. i just say factually is that the truth or do u just want to get out of your high chair?

doesnt always work but with time it gets better.

how do we look out for signs of giftedness?

Guess you are right, hubby and I are completely lost with Hannah's development, we should really reorganized our thoughts and parenting approach, think I'll have to read up more.


We enjoyed our Japan trip, the weather was very hot thou and yeah, I brought alot of things back. We went to Japan with one check-in Samsonite luggage, came back with 10 pieces of check-in luggage tags haa...I brought back 4 crates of fruits (momo & nashi in season) and 12 packs of diapers for Hannah. Managed to catch the summer sales, 8 days is too short, hubby and I agree that next time we will stay there for 2 weeks :")


Thanks for your article, thats very interesting. How's Nicole doing, is she sleeping well? Your new maid ok? So happy to learn that there will be 4 months of paid maternity leave haa, think I'll try for my 2nd one next year.


I've yet to sort out the pictures, will post some when I can do that. Btw, wanted to tell you that your hubby look very familar, think he attends the same church as my BIL.


At first we also suspect that she could really be uncomfortable but after observing her, we noticed that she told us lies because we refused to let her come down from her stroller or car seat, thats her way of getting around a situation. Maybe the word 'lie' is too strong a word to use now, we'll continue to observe her :")

You know what, sometimes when I carry Hannah, she will tell me "ma ma carry properly" and when she is in a happy position, she will tell me "na na comfortable now" faint...seems to me that she knows the difference between comfortable and pain.

Itsy Bitsy,

Long time no see, how are you doing? If you are still working around Novena area call me up for lunch again yah :")

So poor thing, I bet you must be thinking about Crisann right now, thats why I never allow hubby and Hannah to send me to the airport when I go on biz trips, think I will be the one crying instead hee...hey sms me when you are back yah, lots of info to share with you.

Here are some photos during Aden's Birthday.


Aden's birthday cake


Aden's mini buffet


Singing song time

If you are interested to see more pictures, please pm me your email address and I can invite you into my multiply site where I post all my kids photos.
Hi mummies,

Finally gotta time to upload Natalie's birthday celebration.

We have 2 celebration. 1 on the 17th Aug, 4 days earlier @ PIL house. Barney cake from Pine Garden. Don't really like it.. too plain.

Another celebration which intend to do in her school on actual day 21st Aug BUT school alot down with HFMD and nat was confined at home.. so celebrate @ my MUM house. Also Barney cake from Prima Deli. Still love Prima


At PIL house / Pine Garden


Actual Day 21st Aug @ My Mum house
Hi HoneyB

Welcome back and glad that Hannah has enjoyed herself. Wah u brought so many things. Must be quite gd deal. Is the diaper cheap there.... Will sms u when I back.... And really thks that u can share the information with me.

Hannah is really v advance... She is so cute..... Long time never see her. Must be a big gal now.

Yes, has not been sleeping well and quite thinking of her. Think the next round when I go for biz trip will not allow them to send me off liao.
Yap, prima lo. I guess prima have the design of Barney bah and also since having only small gathering, that is the only 1kg design can get
anyone tried order from disney online? i need to get some figures for jazzele 1st bday and wondering if there is anywhere i can order figurines to customise an adult cake to make it customise for her...

Anyone knows of any bday supplies link that can ship directly to sg?

really? same church with your BIL? he's currently attending a course at church now. on normal days, he's seldom at church! kekeke... =P

oh okie okie, u post the pics when they're ready lah! would love to see some cute pics of our tods, they've really grown alot.
Saw that jadon cake the figurines r from disney.com u mention...which website? i surf the disney shopping and do not see any figurines leh...help....

love Aden's cake!! where you order from?

u mean PG's cake too plain in design or taste?? i also ordering from them leh.. was dilemma over PG and prima deli..

Just realized that Nat share the same birth date as Hannah, this Thursday is their Chinese birthday huh :")

Itsy Bitsy,

I see, I also don't know how long more I'm going to be at Novena, company shifting to far east area soon.


Yes, the diapers in Japan is cheap and good! Thanks to my sister who used to work in Japan, Hannah has been using Japan diapers since birth. I just bought their new range, their new diapers are the ultra slim type, super absorbent, very soft and value worth. 1 pack cost about $17 for 36 pieces with Winne the Pooh picture vs Mummy Poko here $19.90 for 24 pieces only.
may i ask u mommies - do your 2 year olds sweat A LOT? leon really really sweats a lot, like he'll be dripping with sweat when we take him outdoors, he is not uncomfortable about it, but i do notice it seems much more than others his age. but to bring him to see doc about it .. i'm not sure is necessary.

morning mommies
I find PG cake not only design plain.. the taste for me ok but compare to Prima, I prefer prima as their cake texture is better
This round we order Manage filling inside. Natalie love Prima more than PG.

Really???? Hehehe... this thurs chinese? Hmm I didnt really bother about chinese one and I think I have forgotten too GOSH BOX MYSELF!
ok sounds like leon. the pillow is always sweaty. and i always let him wear singlet, cos he is always sweaty, tho i suspect he doesn't feel hot n uncomfortable... so i guess is nothing to worry about

leon is really small and still not say a lot of hair, really still like a baby ...
Hi jasmommy,
I ordered from Glad.... Here's the link: http://gladcake.blogspot.com/

But quite ex. All my family members, including my husband say not worth it. It cost more than $100.

But the cake flavour is not the normal sponge cake. It is moist chocolate cake and the filling is a layer of chocolate ganache. Taste not bad lah. Here's a photo of the inner look of the cake.


Instead, I like Leia's Jadon star birthday cake from coffeebean. I saw that design before. It is meant for adult design. Very creative to think of putting the figurines and put them on top of it to become kid design. Why I never thought of that. If not, I would also do this cos' Aden likes stars too. Always want me to sing twinkle twinkle little star whenever he sees stars.

Jasmommy, Aden 1st birthday is from PG. Here's the pict for your reference since you are asking cynthia abt the design and taste. Won't comment on the taste as worry my taste buds different from all of you. But a bit regretted in terms of design as it's his 1st birthday that time. Should have order a design which is more special.


Hi pupsandcups,
Aden do not sweat alot. But I believe it should be ok to sweat alot, especially they run around alot.

My original idea was to order 3 round cakes of different flavours (1kg+0.25kg+0.25kg) with dark choc surface on a huge cake plate from PG to form the Mickey Mouse head. But you know how much they're charging me? Almost $100 for just 1.5kg worth of cake! Madness!

This CoffeeBean cake is only $60 for 2kg. Told them to remove the strawberries in the centre to make way for the Mickey candle. And yes, Jadon likes the star shape, that's why I got this. Also, it has enough corners for all the Disney figurines. :p
I dun have internet connection for a few days and so many happenings here hehe...

re: cakes
all the cakes you all got for your kids birthday looked so nice. i had wanted to order from coffee bean too bcos i like the richness of their cake but end up got one from ecreative instead as i really wanted a cut out of the number 2 figure.

re: perspiration
Denise perspires a great deal too, even when she's playing or sleeping in air-conditioned room. Now i lay a towel over the pillow and even let her wear either short sleeves/long pants or long sleeves/shorts to sleep.

wow you brought so many things back! Hannah is so lucky to be able to celebrate her birthday in japan.

itsy bitsy,
i agree it's good that they remain slim slim eventhough appetite so good...hehehe
your son looks "ying jun" hor...no wonder so many gfs lah...hahaha
Wow...momo and nashi must be very sweet
I love to shop in Japan too. Used to be able to travel there abt twice a month in previous job but now no chance liao
Did you managed to go Ueno? Got nice scallops that my sisters always asked me to get. Good for cooking soups & porridge for kids

Re : perspiration
kieira also perspire alot too leh. Even 10mins after night bath, in air con room, her hair will turn sour already
Guess its in her genes...

Hi jas,
I agree with cynthia that PG's cake so so only. And when i told my bro they charge design fee, my bro says rubbish!! which cake doesn't come with design. I ordered another one for my eldest gal birthday too and it was rather simple with deco in cream!!
That day I went to collect cake, I heard a guy asking about the cake ordering. When the staff saying design we prefer OR slight change of design will have a charge from $10-$25!!! Gosh... I wonder they are taking advantage to add this and that with a reputation they have build? Their black forest cake is advertise as their most popular but I find it so so... I think no matter how up to each individual taste buds

re: perspiration
Natalie also perspire like nobody business. Even rainy days i feel cold she can tell me she feel hot!! Especially recently keep raining, she still want to on aircon though i seldom ON. she say HOT HOT.. haiz.. wonder the more our toddlers talk the more we find it so hard to keep telling them what are those can and don'ts.. they seem to love debating with us too hahaha
Hi Cyn,
Ya...u're right. They charge me $10 for that simple design. Furthermore, they dun have much design to choose anyway. I think its b'cos of their reputation but dun think i'll purposely order from them again. I still like "Four Leaves" black forest, strawberry or "Sun Moulin" green tea la.
Hello mummies!!

Looking at the pictures of the cakes make me hungry again, got to go for tea break earlier.

I have started counting down to the last day of my working day (44 days left) before I start my ML 1st Nov though my EDD is mid-Nov but planning to start the ML earlier and be back to work right before CNY so that don't have to lose out on the CNY public holiday. You? Any plan?

Bringing my girl to the 'The boy who touched the moon' show on Sunday 11am. Who else is going, maybe I will see familiar kids' faces.
i like their durian cake, very rich n solid. their lychee martini also very nice when it's cold enuff. u all can try their slices first b4 ordering the whole cake...

hi Amy & Yoshi,
i'm starting my ML on 8 Sept, and will take only 13weeks, and leave 3 weeks for future use. my plan is to work a 4-day week for the whole of next yr as i still hv alot of leave left this yr.

when Denise perspires alot, will she cough in her sleep?? Sherv will leh, and we hv to stuff nappy under her back to absorb the sweat.
Hi Sherv,

Can't wait right, another 6 working days left for you ? Work 4 days for the whole of next year sounds so nice but I think my boss will 'kill' me.
Hi Leia,
If you dun mind, I may use your idea for Aden 3rd birthday next year, if they still have the star shape cake and Aden still like stars... Hee... Copy your idea.... Maybe I would use other cartoon figurines....
Megan perspires alot too, even in aircon room, esp at the neck area.. so nowadays, I let her sleep with diapers only and no blankets in aircon rooms.

Hi Augmum and Leia,
BB prom tix not opened for sale till 1Sep lei..
coz i cut short my ML and report back to work b4 4mths are up, so hv to give n take lor... my stand-in needs to go by end Jan, so i beta come back earlier to take over. =)

TGIF mummies! the Isetan BB Fair starts today rite!

Morning mummies,


Yes we went to the Ueno night market, practially ate non-stop there from those little stalls as we walked. Yeah, they have good dry scallop but I did not buy any cos I hardly cook, the last time my sister bought for me, they ended up mouldy after being kept for a long time untouched. :")


I used to perspire alot when I was a kid and I meant really alot so much so that my neighbour was very concerned and she will always wipe my forehead to taste my sweat, sounds disgusting huh hee...she told me that its not good when the body produces too much sweat, and if the sweat taste blend instead of salty then something is wrong with the body (maybe the liver is not functioning well). Glad I'm ok and have somehow passed that stage.

Hannah perspires alot too, no need to taste her sweat cos from far can smell her sour head already haa...
