(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

any good places to takes kids to in singapore?

pls add on to the list.


1. zoo
2. sentosa
3. upper seletar reservoir
4. pasir ris park
5. botanic garden
6.hay's dairy
7. explorer kids
8. labrador park
9. bottle tree
10.west coast park
11. east coast park
12. T3
13. fidgets
14, globetrotters
15. vivo playground
16. hort park
17. southern ridges
18. go go bambibi
19. Science Centre
20. Night Safari (Enjoy 50% off admission with NDP e-coupon in Aug08. Adult usual price $30. Kids under 3 go in for free)
21. Esplanade to see free performance
22. explorerkidz at E!Hub (downtown east)

ya, registered for ascension already but for afternoon session and timing might clash with his naptime... i'll check out cherie hearts & kinderland one of these days before deciding...
Take good care!

Mummies with Toddler in CC,
Check with you. How is the ratio in your kid PG or N1? Initially, Natalie school telling me is 2:8, but lately I have seen them increase more of Natalie age group to about 3 which resulted her class size to be more than 10.

Ok this is what happen lately.. hope my story wont be too long. Recently I been bringing her around 8+ there and realise always only 1 teacher of her class is around. I believe they have staggered/rotating shift. Natalie usual teacher which she been attached lately is not around almost everytime I reach. Only when I fetch her back THEN i see e teacher. 1 teacher in the morning handling so many of her age can they do it & as I mention e ratio above seems to be exceeding MCYS (mcys i think is 1:5?) BUT what I feel very insecure is....

Today I put her there, as normal she will cry whenever reach there la. After she took off her shoes, put her bag in other people locker ( they haven designate one for her and now is already 1mth+ since she is there), take her temperature etc. NO TEACHER ATTEND TO HER! Only 1 at the door taking temperature which is always busy. Her PG teacher only 1 another is not there and so many kids keep in the so call cage. Natalie was walking around my area crying (she will only stop cry when I leave the place) SO I say bye to her she kiss me bye I decide today will look at the school again peek outside.

She stopped crying when I left. She stand around the entrance area. STILL no teacher attend to her and let her roam walk around. I was kinda hmm what about her PG teacher which already seen her coming and normally she will come n bring her in. Then someone came to put their kids, opening the door and Natalie dashed out of the door!!!!! I was so shocked! The fear n insecure in me arised! Wa I was like what they hell is it? What if I go back work and place her there around 7+ and no teacher around to attend what will happen? I rushed to the door and caught hold of her. The teacher around there is shocked. REcently I been very stressful with her sickness and how she adjusting in school & my work. I was so angry I raise my voice (know I am wrong to do that) to the principal telling her all e concerns & safety. Yes let her roam is to let her get used BUT what if anything happen to her in another area? So little teacher is around even at other classes... The principal keep quiet and mention they have a schedule for every teacher and today is just an accident. They will take special note of this.

I was very pissed off. I told hubby and he just ignore saying school will be more careful. I was like he can just don't care? If ask me to change school now I cant cos going start work and she seem to be bit adjusted too.

That was why I am asking how is yours toddler in CC... Roaming or ??? Security, safety and also teachers..
Thanks for your well wishes!

My milk just kicked in this morning. I am now on TBF and baby Shervalle is doing very well. Will upload her pictures once I back home.

Usually in the morning before 8am, the school is not in full strength I think. That's why my son would go a about 9am b4 breakfast time.

M son's nursery class has 10 children and 2 teachers but they take turns to teach the class. However, during breakfast and bathing, all teachers would be mobilised.

When the kids go to school, they would enter a gate first, take off their shoes, queue up and then take temp. The PG children do not have to queue up, they will be attended asap.

After that, they would go pass another gate and thru' a door and enter the main hall where there are teachers inside to get them ready for assembly and breakfast.

The principal's office is at the temp taking area and she's always there to monitor and she will handle any crying or new kids while the other teachers carry on their duties.
Hmm sound that your school they have staggered the kids accordingly. I cant imagine if I place Natalie there about 730-745am everyday. Now she is getting adjusted but still cry whenever I go off BUT at school she didnt.. Think Am I really over tense up or...

Next year after I shift to AMK, have to settle her in new school again.. find myself a very BAD mommy giving her so much stress & emotional changes..
Is a good trainning for nat. Soon she will adapt it it. You don;t get too stress over this, is whether you able look at the brighter side of this matter or keep on stressing yourself.
I have a friend who had been changing her boy's CC until she found a suitable one.

And at that time is son was 3 yrs old he tell mummy he don't like the teacher. so mummy have no choice but to change the CC.
Hi cynthia,
the ratio for kayden's playgroup is 1:4 but it was always kept to a minimum of 1 teacher to 3 pupils. The teacher-in-charge of his group (18 months to 2 years) will only come in around 10am as she will do the closing which is at 7pm. During the time when he's there (8.30 am to 10), he will join another playgroup (which caters for 2 to 3 years). This class is bigger. The ratio is 2:10.

When he reaches the school, a teacher will be in-charge of the health check (think they rotate the duty daily). They will then put their belongings at their personal cubby and then go and wash their hands. After that, they will join the rest of the students.

The supervisor and sometimes the auntie who is in-charge of the cooking and cleaning will also help out if there are new kids who are still adjusting.
glad to hear tat u r well, and MS is kicking in. tat's fast ya! how's the new maid doing? u take a good rest and post Shervalle's pic when u r free ok.

i've uploaded some pics of Shervonn's b'day celebration...

this is taken during the b'day celebration @ church

this is taken when we were having lunch at Globetrotter(sher is showing off her feeding skills)

this is taken when we hv a small celebration at home (sher is busy picking her fave strawberries)
Hi cocomo,
congrats. good that ur milk has kicked in. dun have to worry abt the supply. remember to have lots of rest. would love to see Shervalle's pics.

hi leobbsmom,
is shervonn born on 5th aug? Kayden's born on the same day too. Happy belated birthday to her.

hi augbaby,
recalled that today's Jayden's bithday. wishing him a happy birthday and may he be happy and healthy all the time.
HI sherv

where did you get the barney cake from?
so nice

also so cute that your gal likes strawberry.. my boy takes no fruit... sigh
Congrats to Cocomo!!

Hi Mummies,

Thanks for all your well wishes. Baby Julia arrived early at 38 weeks, very unexpected and she weighed 3kg at birth. But lucky labour was short and smooth. Contractions started at 10pm Fri night, check in hospital at 12 midnight (can u imagine how eerie it was to walk into a hospital at 7th mth at 12 midnight!!!!), epi at 2am then baby pop at 6am.

Milk kicked in on 3rd day so now I'm pumping like a cow. Julia can't latch well cos of my usual nipple problem, but as my hands are really tied handling 2 kids, pumping works better for me as I can control the timing better.

Justin reacts rather ok to his sister. Sometimes jealous, sometimes sayang. We bought machiam a lot of pressies for Justin saying its from his mei mei.

Let me try and organise the photos from hubby's camera then post pics soon...okie.

All preggie mummies, jiayou and take care. Hope to hear good news soon. Handling 2 kids really very tiring...back aching like crazy....
Hi all mummies,

Can I re-join all of you in this thread again?

Congrats Racoon and cocomo on your new born girls...

Hi leobbsmom,

Saw your photo on Globetrotters. How's the restaurant. Would be bringing Aden there for his birthday.

Aden also likes strawberries. He likes kiwi and apple too.

BTW, here's some photos of my 2 kids.

Hi Cocomo

Congrats. Take care and rest more.

Hi cynthia

Dun be so stress out. Just talk to the CC and think they will be more caution.
Cocomo ,

your girl girl so cute =) and jay so happy with his mei mei ! so good =) envy =)

Today 08.08.08 is raygen birthday , hubby will be taking leave , we are bringing him out =) shall update photo if any =)
hi butter8,
as augustmum said it, it's from PrimaDeli! =P my sis bought it for Sherv to celebrate her b'day on the actual day, 05 Aug '08. Sherv likes to eat ALOT, and there's nothing she rejects b4! haha...including those bitter tonics or powder!

really? i didnt realise tat our tods actually share the same b'day! =P happy belated to Kayden! =) muack** from auntie!

HI5*!! we've got the same bday cake! be sure to post some nice b'day pics to share ok! =)

looking forward to seeing your pics! =)

globetrotter is nice, be sure to sit inside, where the play area is. so tat u can watch ur kids inside while u have ur meal. the food is very salty there, even for adults! so must give the kids alot of water, they will provide kids cutlery, so u dun hv to bring ur own.

wow! Shervalle LOOKS LIKE ur hubby man! machiam photocopy one... she looks like her daddy even more than Jay! hehehe..... lau lau shi shi! the shape of the face also the same! hmmm......swEEt liTTle princeSS! congrats again, and be sure to rest well ok. hope u will enjoy the confinement. =) take care!
Hi Piyo,
I meant that I MIA for sometime in this thread. Quite busy with work. But I did come in regularly but I just read thru the posts only. Recently, projects lesser, so "eat snake" abit lah. Hee...

Actually, a few times want to post something. But as I stopped for a while that time, become lazy to post. I'm really a very lazy person one. Think I must continue posting, or I get lazy again.

The place you saw in the pic is Sentosa beach. Brought them to Underwater World in May.

Hi Erin,
I'm fine. But everyday very busy. Daytime, work. Night time and weekends, go back home look after the kids. But very fun lah to see them grow. Especially now Aden is a toddler now, keep thinking of different activities to play with him during weekends.

BTW, I send Aden to half day childcare already, starting from June. Today, childcare celebrate National Day so must wear red and white. After bathing in the morning, Aden insists he wants to wear school uniform instead of home clothes. Think he is used to the routine of after bathing, it is school uniform, then to school. We just divert his attention away and let him wear the home clothes.

Hi Leobbsmom,
So, you let Shervonn eat the food there? Normally we still got bring Aden and Avelyn's meal even if we go out. Scared sometimes, the food is salty. Hmm.... Maybe I should let go abit. Let Aden take outside food. He is reaching 2 years already. What did you let Sherv eat that day?

Actually we would be having family celebration for Aden's birthday on Sun 17/08 cos' weekend, everybody is free. Then his actual birthday on 19/08, we intend to bring him to globe trotters, just the 4 of us, with the maid. Can't do without one. Very lousy hoh...

Hi cocomo,
Your gal looks so much like Jay when he's small. Jay carry his little sis, like expert like that. And his face looks so caring.

shervalle looks sweet and jay's really like a big gor gor.


my older boy also insisted on wearing his school uniform when I dressed him in red and white. Kept insisting his teacher would scold. Ended up must call his sch and let his principal talk to him , then he guai guai went to school.


Not 'Hi5!", you should say 'I love you, You love me, we are one happy family...' :p

the bd pics are in my blog. You go there see see look look. Me, lazy to post here

Love the pic of Jay and mei mei. They look alike, I thought. Jay is beaming like he so proud to be gor gor! So kewl! :D
ya, i let her hv the macaroni & cheese there. usually i'll also pack her food, or let her hv noodle soup. but tat day she had her porridge very late, so i just order something for her to eat for fun, only this dish is okay...i find.

oh ya hor! with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, wont u say u luv me too?! =P
Hi Crispyapple

Crisann is so happy with her own clothes today. Cos when we was on the way to my mum's place, she saw quite a no of children wearing red and white. So I tell her, u will be wearing the same as them today. Cos she love her red shirt.

Hi Cocomo

Shervalle is sweet and cute. Find she looks more like your hubby.

Jay is so happy when carrying her meimei hor. He is a bro boy now. Look so handsome.
Hi cocomo,
shervalle looks so sweet and chubby. so cute
jay also looks very caring, like a big bro. think Kayden won't behave like this. he teared when my hb carried another baby. quite possessive.

hi aden,
ya, me too. very bz with work. somemore, am attending courses and have assignments to complete. haiz...

kayden also attended 3hrs at a cc. he doesn't like to wear uniform but his school pe attire. always take out and ask us to put it on even during weekends. lol.

hi mummies,
re: birthday celebration
had 2 small celebrations. one with my in-laws and the other with my family. nothing elaborate though. bought an elmo birthday cake from polar and a barney one from bengawan solo.

however, will be bringing him to bird park next mon with his school mates on an excursion. hopefully, he will behave himself.
wah i agree wif the rest of the mummies..shervalle looks like jay alot and she is v chubby hor...so cute...rest well ya

do post pic of bb julia soon ya too...does she looks like justin?
Hi Augustmum,
Hmm.... Seems like Aden is not the only one who insists on wearing school uniform.

Hi Leobbsmom,
Maybe like you, I would order for him to eat for fun too.

Hi SL,
Yah.. When we are on the way to school, also saw many kids in red and white.

Hi Erin,
Kayden CC got PE attire??? Mine only school uniform leh.... Kayden's PE attire must be very comfy to wear, that's why he like it so much...

Hi Mummies,
A question. I do not intend to put Aden to fullday childcare, but is it advisable for him to attend childcare from playgroup all the way up to K2 but just half day. Or should I send him to kindergarten instead of childcare?
hi crisyapple,
actually, i have the same concerns as u. don't want to put him in full day cc. dunno whether to change him to pcf kindy when he's older especially when he's comfortable with the teachers and friends there.
08/08/08 - Anyone bought TOTO?

This is Jadon and his winning ticket.


( Yes, we all hope he has the winning ticket! :p )
Hi Erin,
So, you have the same query as me. Please let me know if you change Kayden to kindy.

Aden is also used to the CC now, making me hesitate to change him to another place. But really don't want him to be in full day since got people at home to look after him. At the same time, I want him to learn things in school, thus, sending him to the CC. Didn't consider playgroup that time cos' it has to be near my place as my inlaws have to bring him back and the playgroups near my place does not appeal to me. I like the activities provided in this CC, thus, in the end, I let Aden in.

Hi Leia,
I got buy the toto but only win 2 numbers. Thus, today, have to guai guai come to work.... Sigh....
Hi Cocomo,
Your little princess sure looks alot like steven
Hope you're resting well at home now and hopefully your new maid can meet your expectation!

Hi Mummies,
Just went to gynae to check last friday. Baby now weighs 1.1kg but my tummy hor looks like going to give birth soon although i'm just 27 weeks! Gynae says lots of wind & stomache muscle too relax liao and there's nothing i can do abt it b4 delivery
haiz.....everywhere i go, aunties will ask "giving birth soon har" (want to faint liao).

Hi CrispyApple,
Hee hee...me too have to guai guai go to work as never strike toto but i'm on mc today lah...must be the laksa i ate over the weekend.
Ur gal look like her bro..... so.... sweet.

Busy...... kena take over 2 books...... Until now still siao....

Aiyoh... everyone oredy enrol into Playgroup n daycare while my rachelle still shake leg at home...... must blame this lazy mummy of hers din do proper job..... buck up....buck up.....
Hi Cocomo! Your baby girl is sooo adorable! Hope you're settling in well with having two little ones at home.

Also, just to share with all mommies here.

Vai, My (soon to be) 2yo son (his bday is on Aug 20) had this 'red sores' on his face that didn't go away some 2 weeks ago. Didn't know what it was and since they kept appearing and didn't go away after a week, we brought him to see a dermatologist last week AND it was Impetigo!

I shared about it on my blog. Pls click the link to see what it is, so that you're at least 'more informed' than me when I first came across this skin infection.



Our Everyday Things
- Loving Life with Children, Everyday


cecelia, cat, augustmum, kelly,

my Sherv also shaking her thunder thighs at home!think i will enrol her after she is toilet-trained. i was targetting next June or Sept when #2 is almost 1yr old.
