(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi mummies,
long time never post here, been occupied with 2 kids and been oh so tired that i keep falling sick(tink i've never consumed so many medication before in such a short period of time)

and notti me decided to give Lucien formula milk for nite feeds yday so i started it last nite and managed to extend his feeding time from 2 hrly to 3 hrly and we all had a much better rest without him fussing. so now i'm stretching the pumping time and purposely pumping lesser but boobies still get engorged from so much milk leh, will slowly reduce the ss now.

many ppl encouraged me not to stop breastfeeding but i'm really too stressed and tired from handling both of them, been losing my temper very easily bcos not feeling well and all. i tink i should really save myself 1st before i can take good care of my children.

i know how you really felt back then, and i tink it's perfectly fine to give formula.

regarding cc, when would you be moving to AMK? i'm also concern from the way you described the way the teachers handle nat, but i hope you won't be too stressed over it. is there a chance that someone else can help you send nat to cc later?

shervalle really resembles jay leh...so cute!


jadon gave such a happy look with the ticket, really looked like he's strucked lottery hehehe

i felt the same way abt having a boy. was pretty used to having a gal and enjoyed the closeness we share. but i heard from a friend that boy can be more manja than gal...

crispyapple & cecelia,
long time no see, how have you been?

Hi Fiona,
Hope yor are feeling better and resting more well. The faster moving to AMK will be next yr about march is not hiccups. Recently too stressful and feeling very short temper. WHole family is sick except Nicole lucky. Nat is adjusting in school but big issue is she keep waking up @ night sometime cries sometime asking for milk. Can be 1-2x! Freaking me and very tired like taking care 2 newborn.

Now also kinda depressing and lost.. seeking directions and guidance from god liao to keep my mind peace ..
Hi yoshi,

Your baby seems to be on the heavy weight side. I saw my gynae last week when I’m into my 25th weeks, she’s only 0.5kg. When is your EDD?
Happy Birthday Aug babies! Jordan turns 2 on 10 Aug too!
leia - Jadon damn cute..so got win ?

Re: On barney Cake..i got a joke to share. Sometime back i did post saying i will customise Gen's Barney bday cake..guess what happen on Sun..my SIL's aunty mistaken the whole thing

Instead of baking Barney the DINO cake..it become Bunny the rabbit..she heard Bunny instead of Barney !! Haha. So Gen's bday cake is a Bunny Rabbit..luckily it still turn out qte nice & delicious.

In the end now, i have to order the Barney,BJ & Babybop cupcakes from Prima Deli to celebrate with her on the actual day on 14 Aug.
Hi Leonny,
Thanks for sharing the info. At least we're more informed
Hope vai will get better soon

Hi Fiona & Cyn,
I agree with you to look after yourself first. If we lose control or our sanity, then our kids & baby will suffer more. Dun stress ok...I'm also guilty of not breast feeding my eldest dd. At that time..too stress out. No ms..pump until bleed also got no milk! PD advise to give formula. Poor gal did not even have a single drop of breast milk

Hi Amy,
My EDD is on 11 Nov. Gynae still say baby's weight is normal. Now I'm confused
Hi mummies,
Thanks for the compliment, yes Shervalle looks like her brother a lot.

I have been real busy and stress since back home (While in hospital I really REST but at home . . .hm . . . only stress). First, Shervalle was having jaundice since day 4 so need to rent the foto light machine and do it at home. Was damn tiring and sleepy these few days coz need to wake up to feed her, pump milk, do the foto light for her. I never sleep more than 4 hours daily.

Second, my confinement lady was not really experience type or rather I should say she leave most of the things for me to do if I did not ask her help since I sleep in the same room with her coz Shervalle need to do foto light. She ask me to wake her up when feeding time, I was like 'what????!!!!'. So the first night I wake up to feed Sher myself and since then every time I will do it and she never even move a bit when my alarm clock rang. She dun even offer help on the foto lighting and everytime I do she just continue her sleep. I damn angry and told her to handle it last night then she told me this morning she need to drink chicken essance coz she was too sleepy liao. #$@*&$# Everytime she wake up to do the FL I also wake up one just that I see her do instead of do it myself last night. I have been so many night never sleep liao and yet she only one night and complain she not enuf sleep??!!! What for I pay her $1900?? then she eat a lot one lo, imaging she finished 1 pack of 6 apples in one day! Every afternoon she will just stay in the living hall to watch tv and leave me and baby in the room expect me to take care of my BB. Also, she clean Sher's butt with only THREE cotton pad after she poo-ed, dun even clean the lip. Sher no need to do FL tonight so I will move back to my room, but I really bu fang xin to leave Sher with her at night, worry her will 'dead' sleep and dun bother if Sher poo or cry so I decided to just let Sher sleep with me and only wake her up to change diaper. At least she dun dare to shui shui bian bian clean Sher's private part after poo.

Lastly it is Jay's problem. Jay rejects all food and meals at home since last Friday, just b4 I discharged from hosp. He dun drink milk, dun eat his lunch and dinner at all, not even one spoon of porridge! He started school ytday and teacher told me he was behaving the same as usual, ate everything and drank his milk. But when back home after school, he refuse to take anything again. Think it is becoz of jealousy but I really dunno how to handle this situation. Any of you have any suggestion?
MH, Fiona,

Yes, Jadon did "strike". See below. :p


(I guess the words are not v clear after I shrink the pic. It goes like:

The Winning Ticket

1. Everyone is talking about the 08/08/08 TOTO 8mil draw. Guess what, I hv a ticket too!


2. The results of the Friday 08/08/08 Draw No. 2351... And the winning numbers are... 34, 17, 19, 21...

(Kan cheong, Kan cheong, Super Kan Cheong)

... 25, 38 and the additional number is 34.

3. Hey mommy, guess what!?!...

4. I won! I won! I won! Woohoo!

... But only in mommy's dream... *sigh*
hi mummies,

birthday present
what haf you gotten for your tods for birthday present?

anyone got a cane liao?

Hi Leia,
Jadon looks so happy in the pics! I bet he really won!

Hi cocomo,
How is Jay taking to her sister? I dun thk he is jealous of her bah.. mayb more cos of change of maid? he is more used to the old maid's feeding? Can your hubby help feed him? or if he prefers yo, maybe try to find some time to feed him when he come back from school?

Is Jay going for the excursion with school next Thursday?

Mummies with 2 kids or more,
CDA acc
Which bank did you open your CDA account with? any dif bet OCBC and St Chart?

Are you compiling a comic book for Jadon? It is more interesting than a scrap book and you are good at it.


Maybe it is my baby on the light weight side. So, don't worry since your gynae already said it is alright.
i open the account with OCBC...not sure but think hubby compare the 2 and choose OCBC ba....and yes i gotta a cane a while back to use on Jay already....he is getting harder to discline and i bought a wooden ruler to use as a cane and its v effective...i do beat him with him but not those v hard and now he sees the cane he knows wat its for and he does listen to me...haha...that is wat a good friend of mine told me
I m currently using balloon sticks but megan smiles at us when we 1st beat her with it. the 2nd time then she cries but I dun thk she is scared of it.. think must go get a cane liao.. she is very whinny recently...
How are u? BTW congratulation on the arrival of ur princess (pai seh.... its kinda late).

On discipline - Me...me... am using cane on both gor gor n mei mei.....Megan is in the stage of jealousy toward mei mei?

CDA account - i choose ocbc cos i find both are the same, ocbc open on sunday in certain branch and i have other account with them.

Hi Fio,
Me bz lor.... Dun stress and push urself too hard.

Birthday pressie - Mickey mouse watch. I want to get something more meaningful and enduring, therefore no toys. Last year I bought him a cross pendant which he has been wearing till now.

No cane. I use my hand can whack until his thigh blue-black... maciam like step-mother. Jia lat. :p I think for Jadon, he hates it most when I ignore him. So in order to get the point across, I can just whack him a bit, let him cry and tell him I'm V ANGRY with him (keep repeating) and just ignore him. Carry on for a good 5-10min, then sayang him back. He'd most likely not repeat the mistake again.


No lah, not compiling comic book. If I hv inspiration, I'll fix up one with some software. Sometimes my friend does it for me if he has inspiration after seeing the pics I hv of the boy.
hi leia,
enjoyed looking at the comic strip. jadon's so cute. it's almost as if he really struck toto...

hi cocomo,
kayden also lose his appetite a couple of weeks ago. refused to eat solids or drink milk. then realised that he had an ulcer and one of his molars is out. perhaps u wanna check if he's teething.
hi mommies...

have been MIA for a long time.. almost two months...

thanks for all your well-wishes... Baby Caralisa is growing but she is suffering from very bad colic.. give her colic drops and apply lots of oil on her tummy..

congrats to cocomo on the arrival of baby Shervalle... she sure looks like Jayden..

Rest well..

will post again as baby ceies..

Happy birthday to all Aug babies..
Had you paid the CL her salary? If not you can ask her out I think she is useless. you should had made noise to her how can she do nothing then what is the point of getting her as CL.

Discipline: I only scold charlotte so far never hit her if she naughty i will ask her stand and face the wall. She will stand there and dare not move. Sometimes she don't want to sleep until 12 am still awake i will scold her and tell her if she don't sleep i will throw her out of the room. Got very angry to the max but will not hit her.
Hello mummies,

Feeling so stressful.. sorry to come in here complain again cause I am going to burst into tears and anger.

Been pressure by my MOTHER the most now. Natalie till now 6weeks in CC liao. Since 2nd week she start from flu, cough and on off ok till now still having some cough but runny nose and now she having fever & diarrhoea! For sure my heart aches more than anymore but in other people eyes I am a bad mommy. She sick till like this I still send her to cc. Now I stop her cause her fever is high 38.6 due to virus and doctor say not to send her school and now her classmate got 1 kana HFMD!

My mum keep saying I am bad I should stop here nurse her health and now she is very poor thing and lose so much weight within 6weeks. Saying I shouldn't go to work and contd sahm till next year when she is older and #2 older that nat do not neet to go full day. Just 3hr Nursery will do.

I am so stress up.. cause now have to think of nicole extra. Of cos I wish to work so to earn n supplement extra income for the family and hubby wont be so stress too. And having to take into account that we going to move near mil house also need to save extra more cash...

Now is so dilemma. seeing nat so poor thing falling sick like hell now and eat what diarrhoea what. PD say is virus and hygiene. I wonder it is the school.. cos she attended full day and only have 1 dinner at home which is clean cos I v particular too..

Even PIL making comments but they just don dare to say too much..
Thanks mummies, i do feel better and more rested after starting Lucien's nite feeds with FM, at least he can sleep a little longer. But an irritating cough found it's way to me and today i juz got cough drug from doc again..haiz i've spent almost 3 quarter of this crucial period taking med...

you dun be stress too, Denise also reacted that same way initially but things will get beta, now we juz have to wait for time to pass bah...take 3 deep breathe whenever face with a difficult time.

i love the way you compile the photos, very very nice

as you know, we got a cane for denise very long ago but so far i've only caned her twice, rest of the time i'll only scare her with it and she'll behave.

i've not open the cda account yet but my choice is ocbc too.

can you change your CL? she really sucks if compared to mine. my CL handles everything that concerns Lucien and even helped with our laundry(denise,lucien, hubby and mine), and i dun even have to open my mouth to ask.

dun worry abt jay, at least he's eating in school. or try to give him food which he really likes for the time being. if he is jealous, he'll get over it after some time. try to let your hubby handle shervalle if jay wants more attention from you. that's what i'm doing, can even put a crying lucien down if denise ask me for anything, must make them feel that they come 1st and this makes them happy.

i rem you mentioned caralisa drink 120ml per feed , could she be drinking too much? i heard that bb could develop colic due that reason too.

i MIA awhile liaoz... been busy since started my masters..Went gynae juz now for week 16 check up and to our utter surprise, he is very sure it is a BOY.. and even showed us from various angles.. Am sure happy that bb is all ok so far, and can show us he got 10 fingers today.. Jadelle very excited to see the screen with her bb sibling on it..later on, stuck a sticker on my belly to share with her brother..

congrats on your girl's arrival!!

i ex-marymount girl leh... been pondering this school issue leh.. but u really stay much further leh..

jadelle will also be in ascension next yr in afternoon!! hopefully same class yah? i also pondering about CC, MIL's place downstairs better or Ascension Kindercare?? Where is Cherie Hearts? i didn't know got this one @ Kallang leh.
Hi jas,
congrats. adding on 1 more 'hao' to our thread.
glad baby is healthy.

wah, u can cope with work, taking care of jadelle, pregnancy and now masters! really admire u. i was assigned to attend a course which can be used for accreditation for masters. quite a no. of assignments to complete a couple of months back. find it so tiring. some more so many assignments and then cannot find time to do the assignments properly. just did a average job guess will perhaps get a b or b-.
think i won't be going for masters in the near future.

hi cynthia,
poor natalie. hope she'll recover soon. in the meantime, don't send her to cc until she fully recovers. some children takes a longer time to recover. kayden's classmate took 3 weeks to fully recover from flu.

about ur mum's and pils' comments, try to ignore them. i know how u feel as i went through the same process. my family especially my dad also made a lot of hurtful comments and we even argued over the issue cos my dad couldn't stand to see Kayden crying every morning when we send him to school. hb and i made our stand even though we were feeling guilty and sad as we have to go through the crying scene daily. but he's alright after a month. now he can rush in and waved bye to us without shedding a tear. we can see that he's also more sociable compared to the past and can sing 'songs' (even though sometimes we have to guess what he's singing) haha...

if the issue is really about hygiene, then perhaps u might want to look for another cc to put natalie in.

don't worry too much. take care
Hey erin,

thks... really tiring and i do have lots of project work.. poor jadelle has to go to sleep 2x a week without mummy from now onwards..

i taking 1 sem and will skip 6 month- 1 yr. before i commence again.. this way, i can complete faster after i pop and torture not so long cos gotta cope with 2 kids leh..
Congrats to you.

Hugz from me.... Diff children have diff adaptation period. Once they get over, they will be better. Just remember that grandparents' nagging is becos of their love to their grandchildren, just ignore them.
Fiona, Erin,
3 weeks to recover from flu is long... now I not working still can have her at home BUT if I work no one can do it not even MIL cos she taking care Nicole, Not even my mum as she is working
during the day.

Erin, For me I still not stressful with nat crying in school every morning.. now everyone is saying about her health being. I realise she seldom interact with the kids and rather to walk around herself, sing dance beside her teacher. I also discover the teacher didnt ask her or even encourage her to do so ( I peek @ different hours of the day without anyone noticing) So Feel that the teachers doesnt seem caring enough and THEY only BOTHER about make sure the kids don't cry and are around their area playing. So now its kind of alot dilemma and our plannings too... ALso don't know how long I can hang on..

Today is 2nd day Natalie still having diarrhoea, flu, fever.... Fever gone down abit to 38 finally and still on 4hrly medication. Find myself really a lousy one.. I wonder in CC will have diarrhoea meh? COS PD told me due to unhygiene virus... I am wondering the school really practise hygiene well as many time I discover they didnt wash Nat milk bottle clean with lots of milk powder traces inside!

Well after long discussion with Hubby last night, think more of less we will finalise everything by next week whether I should contd as SAHM or Go work. My boss will also let me know if I can postpone my starting date to sept. If there is no possible I really gotta let this opportunity run away from me!!!!

Congrats. Boy & Girl

Not bad U still can juggle your master, kid, pregnancy. Rest more if possible too. I wanna continue my degree next year but end up now so many problems arising I don even dare to think any possibilities to go work or not also. Damn. Sometime will ask myself stuck forever? It does take alot effort to be SAHM planning etc can watching kids grow BUT still feel there is no goal in life for me without working.. Now is KIDS and FAMILY priority..
Leia - Your comic strip is so cute..Jadon looks so excited. Does he know that is TOTO ??Haha

Last 3 weeks i was playing mahjong at my mum's plc & it was the 1st time Gen saw us playing..guess wat...last week she told my MIL.."mahjong,pong,money" when she saw a mini mahjong set in my storeroom..she even pretend to take out the 'money' from the drawer below saying "money money" my MIL was shocked haha..
For your info, every kid got to overcome virus Once she is immune to it she will not get it again. Even if she is much older she will get sick too when she goes into Kindergarden. Sick just stay at home and rest. when well go back to school again.
Hi Everyone

Congrats Cocomo! Have as much rest as you can.
I would send the CL back too... my friend got 1 like yours.. even broke her cooking top. after less then 2 weeks they just prorate and asked her to leave.

Poor you... Did you get her thru an agent?

Congrats Jas!! Wow how wonderful! You are really a superwomen too.

Mums here's a pix of some of the cupcakes I brought to ryan's playgroup today. His class mates sang for him and shared the cupcakes. Thats all we are doing today. Tomorro is the actual day when we will just eat together with family and cut a small cake (which i have not yet bought :p)

this weekend we plan to go to the zoo.

Hi Piyo,
Aden is attending the flexi hours: 5 day per week for 3 hrs each day. The CC has half day and full day too. Thought all CC are the same?

I feel no point for half day cos' half day is from 7.00 am - 1.00 pm. I would not wake up so early to bring him there. And the activities in the CC from 7.00 am - 9.30 am are just breakfast, warming up and so on. Actual curriculum starts at 9.30 am onwards. 10.30 am, outdoor play or water play. 11.00 am lunch, then 11.30 bathe. Normally, my MIL fetch him around 11.30 am cos we tell them no need to bathe Aden. We bathe him ourselves at home.

As for CDA account, we choose OCBC cos' more branches around.

We bought Aden barney soft toy and toy bbq set for his birthday.

We have not caned him yet. Just beat him using hand or the handle of a fan.

Hi Fiona,
I'm fine. Busy with work, thus, no time to post.

Hi Leonny,
Hope Vai get well soon.

Hi Leia,
Your toto comic is cute. Very creative.

Hi cocomo,
Your CL sounds bad. Can send her away? But can you find anyone to help you do confinement? Cos wonder last min, would CL hard to find or not. Or you can find another CL?

Normally is who feed Jay his meal? Any change in person causing him to reject his meals?

When Avelyn is borned, Aden no feeling like that. Still play, eat and sleep as usual. Difference is only he prefer me more after I give birth to Avelyn. Dun know is it due to jealousy. Last time, his fav is his granny and papa. Now is me. But I'm happier, make me feel more like a mummy.

Hi Cyn,
Aden also got sick twice in July. My pil keeps asking us to pull him out from school. Now, he's better and I'm observing. Hope he don't get sick often in case, we got the nagging again.

And would like to share this website with all mummies that I found:

It has a toddler calendar, newly added. Have been using some ideas from here to teach and play with Aden.
haha, aidan also shaking legs at home like nobody business!

enrolled ascension kindergarten right? but only starting next yr thus considering to put him in CC from this Sept... if so might not go ascension afterall...

thanks for the website. very useful.

I'm currently looking for activities which zac could do on his own when I'm busy. I've let him paste stickers, play with puzzles and blocks when I'm cooking but I think he's bored already. Any other ideas/ activities which the kids can do independently?

can let him cut and make things with playdoh?

I also let him play the following:

- brush/sponge/finger painting (just cover place with newspaper and apron for kid)
- playdoh with cookie cutters
- drums with my tupperware/pots/containers
- 'bowling' I use empty nestle yogurt bottles and line them up and let him use a ball to roll them down. after a while he will line up the bottles himself
- copied the montesssori water exercise by giving him 2 clear tupperware 1 with water then let him use a sponge to transfer the water from one container to another.
same same leh...arrggh.. so fan!

butter8,cecilia, Leia,

thks for well wishes!

really like your cupcakes, did u make them?
really nice leh!

partial BF also ok lah.. got some better then none.. btw, i gonna pick up milk powder from u tomorrow yah.. will sms u.

thanks. have done these too
Now, have to think of other activities or toys which he could play on his own while being taken care by my mil. If I ask my mil to eat him do what we are doing at home, she would faint.

Just spoken to mil re. his childcare, she sounded so stressed. Now, very worried cos she's afraid of mess. She's one of those who prefer kids to guai guai sit there. However, I think I have done some damage cos I always let my kids climb and run anyway, play with paint etc. It's okie for me to let the kids mess up but my mil is the reverse.

For her...Bathing means quick quick bathe and dry so won't catch a cold. Eating means sit front of tv, so could feed fast fast. No self feeding cos food will drop.

thus, desperately looking for toys and stuff which could be mess free yet meaningful.
hi mummies,

sorry to intrude, i have been following this thread for 2 yrs (my baby is born on 7th aug), but dont really post as by reading these posting all these while i do get all the answers to my problems. but recently i have been having problems when handling my boy, hope mummies here can advise me what to do. this is wat happened: my boy has been rejecting almost all types of food, dont want to take shower, really cry and struggle so bad that we need 2 adults to hold him, refused to cut hair, which shower and hair cut was no prob. to him at all untill 2 weeks ago. Can any mummy advise me or any children here behaving the same? Is it normal? really so worried over all these, thanks in advance.
Ic.. what about lego/aquadoodle/ or those leapfrog stuff?

no i didnt have time to bake
my friend helped me do it... she does cupcakes and customised cakes etc.
Morning Mummies

Its Friday!! Hectic week for me but feel so happy today, my company decided to give us half day off this afternoon in view of going green, off all lights and electricity, what a perfect excuse to take a break from work and save the earth at the same time haa...


Love the cupcakes, very nice, I've not baked any cup cakes since Hannah's 1st birthday haa, lazy + no time...


Wah, really pei fu you leh, can study and take care of your girl + preggie at the same time. Recently hubby also asked if I want to continue my masters. I'm just 2 more semesters away from my Masters in IT but I've been thinking if I should switched to MBA, more value and can learn more things huh. What do you major in?


You so poor thing leh, first the maid now the confinement lady, if you change your CL now bet you will be lagi stress, at least she can still cook for you. How about have a talk with her to let her know your expectations? You take good care of yourself yah.


We used the cane on Hannah twice already but I felt so poor thing for her cos the first time my hubby caned her, she sat at one corner of the bed sobbing while repeating to herself "its ok, its ok" wah tell you our hearts were crying when we saw that.

The second time hubby was so angry with Hannah he accidently reached for the cane and we were told once the cane is used as a threatening tool, you have to exercise the power else the child will not be afraid of it in future. That second cane left a blue black on her thigh and my parents nagged about it for the entire week. After that incident hubby and I agree not to hit her with a cane anymore. However I do agree that it is super effective, both times after the canning session, she became super guai.


Love your toto comics too, so funny haa...


You also poor thing, have been sick huh, hope you are much better now, take care yah!

I remember you, you were seeing Dr Ester Ng that time right? How have you been? Not sure what happened to your boy, maybe something frightened him badly?

A couple of weeks ago, Hannah also behaved very badly, she will cry and asked us to off the TV and will refused to eat or drink her milk. Later we found out that she was actually very afraid of some cartoon characters and we guessed maybe she was scared that those characters will suddenly appear in front of her thus making her very sensitive and easily agitated, I'm glad it was a passing phase for her and now she's back to normal, hope your boy's case is a passing phase too.

Ya ya , we have the same gynae. How have you been? Have been enjoying time with my boy after becoming a SAHM since jan. Only recently that i m stressed over his funny behavour. I really hope its only a passing phase, if not he will not be happy most of the time as we will be "forcing" him to do things that he dislikes everyday. Do hannah get very difficult to handle at times, like very stubborn? is it the so called "terror two"?

Hannah has been a very difficult child to raise since young haa, thats why I'm very scared to have a second baby cos think I'll go crazy if all my kids are so naughty :")
Hi Ling2,
Hmm maybe is him facing any changes in home recently OR just going to school etc? My #1 Natalie she is also refuse to bath, wear her clothing and shorts @ home (she is toilet trained so only wear shorts) This happens after she went to CC. But after 1-2weeks of playing & pacify her she finally love bathing again (which she used to be)

Now she still refuse to let me cut her hair since last time till now. I guess now could be terrible 2 stage and sometime when we used to do for them they might dislike again. So I also tell myself this will get over fast..

Recently I also start to use ruler to beat her. BUT sometime she listen sometime no. She seems to prefer me to say STOP v firm and she will stop and shut up BUT only temp.

Keep finger cross this stage wont last too long..
hi ling2,
my girl also went thru the same phase a couple of mths back. she just went outta control for no apparent reason, and demanded alot of nonsense from us adults.. we screamed, hit, gave in to her, and all tried methods were to no avail.

in the end, she just changed back to normal on her own. so we just took it tat's the terrible two phase... sometimes she will still misbehave, and we just discipline as and when needed. and CANING is also one of my options!!! =)

my purpose is to instill FEAR into her, so tat she wont dare to demand more when we re outside... if not, i really dunno how to handle her when stares will come shooting at us!
cheer up okie...take care...and as u r nat n nicole mummy, u shld be the best person to know wats best for them and dun let others affect u....

yr CL sounds so terrible..think u better consider changing it leh...if not how to rest well and bf sher....

hope u will feel better soon ya....take care and dun be stress out by bfing....juz try yr best n its gd eno...

oh dear....caralisa is having colic? wat bottle are you using for her ah....Dr Brown bottles are very good and for me, i use them for jaz n jay and they both do not hav colic...u might want to consider changing it....i hav a used 4oz dr brown bottle that i use for a short while only for jaz b4 we switch to a 8oz bottle for her...if u dun mind, i can pass to u....i might hav extra teat...i need to go find...if not u can juz go buy a new teat and then use it....plus i got somemore clothes for caralisa..let me know how u wan to pick them up ya....

Jay has been getting reali naughty and exerting his independent to us lately and i hav been finding it reali diff to handle him...dunno wat to do at times...i dun usually reali use the wooden ruler to beat him but when he sees the ruler, he knows wat it means as i beat him b4 and he will guai guai do wat i say when he sees it...haha...wonder how long he be afraid of the "cane" thou...

COngrats to u...u got yr wish and can close shop liao...Andy might be happy ya.
hi piyo..

we open wif SCB.. hubby choose it...

we have a can at home.. but dun really hit zorian with it.. the moment he sees it, already scare.. so will guai guai do as we say.. we try to minimize it but he is really super naughty now.. he refuse to bath, wash his bottoms after poo poo, cut his hair, cut his nails... but he is still eating and drinking his milk.. but now he knows how to puke out the food if he dun want to eat.. sigh...

hi cocomo..

u must take care and rest well.. if she cant make it, change one lor..

for eating, we are giving zorian one feed of "All in one" milk from Mamil Gold.. think this milk powder really helps.. but if u think Jayden is refusing food, maybe u want to try to change the milk powder to Pedisure.. heard it helps.. but Zorian likes "All In One" as he samples it in Gaint when we went shopping..

Hi Jas..

Congrats.. U r really a super-woman.. handling two kids now is already driving me mad.. haaha..

Hi Fiona..

U take care... must nurse ure health back.. drink lots of water.. weather super hot nowaday..

Caralisa will finish all her milk and cry for more sometimes.. we dun dare to give more.. had checked with her PD and she said ok to give 120ml.. but 3-4hrly.. her tummy is super 'big' after discharge from hospital.. after taking colic drops much better.. tomorrow bringing her for her jab.. will ask PD again..

Hi augbaby..

how is it like being a SAHM??? me cant wait to go back to work.. keekee.. not a patient nor good mommy u see..

thanks so much for the clothings.. will check with hubby and arrange with u.. pai sai.. two kids really tough to go out..plus need to pump...

Caralisa is using NUK bottles but Pigeon's teats.. she is drinking at 120ml now.. at night she drinks FM as MIL say she can sleep better.. but i think not much different.. anyway just give her FM to avoid waking the whole family up.. keeke...

Hi Cynthia..

dun be too stressed up.. u must take care.. u know ure girls best.. so decide wat u should do.. understand majority of the kids will fall sick when attend CC / playgroups.. hope Nat recovers fast..

BTW, Zorian still shaking legs at home.. not going for any CC nor playgroups.. also stopped his BJG classes.. most likely will send him to half day playgroup with AppleTree next year.. see how.. now he is super sticky to me.. woke up in the middle of the night looking for me.. end up waking the whole family up.. sigh.. hope he gets over it soon...
i think i will face same dilemma once i pop.. mine iz in real estate... after this sem, left with 2 more semesters too..

u very busy huh.. cos no see u post so much n not online often liaoz..

i think i not superwoman leh, but i know if i dun start my course, i will never start! cos i will be driven mad by 2 kids too!! now only cope with jadelle, so a race against time!

so many emails to catch up... but cant finish reading all. just wanna send my rgds to those tired mummies, esp those struggling with NB.

for those coughing tods, i hv thot of trying of switching milk powder FINALLY!!! i've had enuff with those sleepless nites liao! i'm going to try Karihome Goat Milk Powder now, and stop Gain IQ for a while to monitor and see how. @__@

those mummies with same problem might wanna try the same, coz i heard the switch is effective for those babies with sensitive airways. i really pray tat it works for Sherv. but 900g costs $48!! alamak... so exp leh...

jia you and hope u will be able to stay healthy n strong during the confinement! u take care and chiong thru the mth, and come here to talk to us if anything u wanna share ok.

hope ur still enjoying your SAHM days, and i think i will never wanna do tat... just happy with the ML. any longer, i think i will go berserk! ;P

u tried to rub caralisa's tummy with an hard-boiled egg? rub her chest downward towards her pelvis, and her back towards her pelvis too. her whole head also. then rub RU YI OIL on her tummy and wrap her tummy round with nappy. she will burp or fart shortly. this method is good to get rid of colic in NB. try this ok... =)

take care all...
