(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi all

thanks so far for sharing.

oh congrats! so happy to hear from you on your good news. the replacement sounds much better!!!!!

Congrats Racoon!
Congrats!!! Your gal same BD with my Jay!!

Wish I could have the luck like you to get suitable maid asap.
Morning mummies,


Congrats to baby Julia, rest well and post some pictures of Julia :")


Hope you find the right maid soon and wish you a smooth delivery, let us know when you pop yah.


Shauna is so cute, I also think she is very pretty, just like mummy! :")


Thanks for the info on the toys, I didn't know they have toys from Kumon?? I'll be bringing 3 big plastic bags (those red/white/blue type) to pack back all my shopping items haa, abit 'kua1 zhang1' huh, think I'll be buying alot of things for Hannah.


So happy for you, hope this maid will be suitable. Wanted to tell you that I'm so happy last Sat cos Hannah managed to sit thru the entire session with Yan Ping, she was enjoying throughout the session and when she woke up from her afternoon nap, she even asked me if we are going to teacher's house haa, hope the next few sessions will be ok too.

Thanks to you and Kelly for all the advise, hope she will behave better moving forth :")
Hi mummies,
Thanks! Hope she will turn out well..pray for me

Tot I can sleep in peace last night, ended up woke up to change bedsheet, clothes etc cos Megan vomited while sleeping. She has never vomited in bed like this b4.. worried.. plus a bit of fever.. anyone has such experience?

Hi butter8,
I will be working in the East after my ML cos office shifting to VERY FAR east
you working there too?

I still use the Pigeon baby and veg cleaner to clean both kids' stuff since Nicole is using.

Hi Leonny,
Can link to your blog?

Hi HOneyb,
Oh great! That's Hannah's 1st time sitting thru? How's the sessions so far? good? so happy that both Hannah and you are happy! I am sure she will continue this way throughout the rest of the term!

Yes, thats her 1st time sitting thru the entire session after BJG haa, I like the games played, quite interesting, very simple tools but fun, hope she guai guai lah. Oh dear, what happened to Megan? Did you bring her to the doctor?

Aiyo, your office shifting to far east? My friend's hubby is working at your east office in the IT dept. Guess what, my current office also shifting...to Loyang most prob..xian next time got to travel so far to work, or we can have a lunch gathering there next time haa...

Wanted to check with you, did you let your boys eat Sushi or Sashimi while in Japan? I'm wondering if our tod's stomach is strong enough to take sashimi at this stage or should I not take the risk?
I always rem Hannah so guai sit thru BJG sessions compared to Megan keep wailing away...The games gif you ideas what to do with her at home huh? but I neve get to do them at home.. lazy mum:p

Yes, CONFIRMED just last Friday!I wanna faint liao.. must plan all the logistics and by the time I reach home dunno what time liao.. the FAR EAST office has alot of IT staff.. cham liao.. you also shifting? then we can haf lunch together.. I will be so bored there during lunch!think got to head for the gym liao
hi piyo & kelly,

Just started consolidating the list, when it is ready probably by end Aug, will email you. But, I filter the activties to those that can be done is a home environment and in stages based on the toddler's developments so there's definately more about Mont than the list that I'm preparing. And, I will also not emphasis creating a Mont-liked environment as I can't really get this done in my home. So, my list is primarily activities based. And, I didn't participate in that Mont BP because I have no idea what I need yet.


Just went Science Centre on Sat, bascially some of the things the kids can do there are
1) running around and press the buttons
2) attempting to get really close to the display
3) there are 6 displays on egg becoming chicks, mice, hamster
4) there are some indoor slides
5) there's a panel on using pots as instrument
6) there is small activity table when some craft can be sone
7) There's a waterwork outdoor similar to waterplay at Jacob Ballas Garden

And, IMM is just nearby so you can also pop be the outdoor water area there.
hi amy
shall we share n exchange ideas? u 1 2 email me 1st? i got some stuff in mind but also dunno how 2 start. i tiking of starting a monte curriculum 4 gabe (4yrs old) then edward (2yrs old) then stella (1yrs old next jan09 - when both boys r in school)
i had went to take a look for the primadelis cakes barney, Very disappointed with thier cakes Either they use icing sugar or paper to put on top of the cakes i find it so fake and ugly.
End up order from bangawansolo though no barney.
halo mummies,
need your advice... my maid is going back to phil by end aug so now im exploring the following options for the next 4 mths (father-in-law as main & only caregiver):
1.) leave aidan in fil's care till the end of the year before next Jan pre-nursery school starts. if so, most likely many hours of tv at home as my fil will turn it on to keep aidan occupied (from what i've seen now in weekends);
2.) fil to bring aidan to JG at evans rd by bus for 2 hours parent-accompanied daily playgroup (to kill time and possibly some educating stuff). but quite worried abt the travelling part as they need some walking to bus stop/JG and traffic seems quite heavy; or
3.) half-day or full-day CC.

my main concern for CC is that it might be quite disruptive for aidan as we may have to pull him out of CC assuming he has already gotten used to the environment and have to go thru it all over again come next Jan. or maybe not so bad?

Ya loh, city office rental too expensive, guess we all suffer from the same fate. Thought I could escape going to the far west when I quit my previous company, now heading to the far east instead sigh, think I will have withdrawal symptoms from City life haa...

If I'm in the same situation, I will go for the half day CC and let the Child progress to pre-nursery in the same CC. Option 2 is out for me as I worry about the inconvenience for my parents on rainy days.
hi butter8,
1. Do you get special clothes for your maid to wear to work and for going out?
usually she'll wear t-shirts at home. my mil bot some nicer tops for her for going out.
2. any of you bring maid to go on holiday? do you book a seperate room for them?
no separate room, she sleeps with my PILs (just ask for extra bed)... so far only went to genting & batam :p
3. do u give them any of your used clothes or bags - are they happy or ok with it?
yes and she's happy. used clothes, shoes, bags etc.. i rem throwing some of the stuff and my maid actually retrieved them and asked me if she cud keep them... she comes from rural/poor family so the stuff are actually luxury goods... my mil oso gave her a lot of other stuff like folded chairs... however dunno if those maids from "city" will appreciate though...
you shld hv popped by now? i forgot the time u mentioned here... really hope u've settled the maid issues... =)

congrats upon the arrival of Princess JuLiA !!! normal delivery, with epi??

i just went for my gynae appt just now, prince is 3kg now at week 33plus. giant or wat?!?! i've gained 10kg thus far, and gynae said my tummy doesnt look tat big to contain a 3kg baby... maybe he's got mass, like heavy bones...etc.

i asked gynae abt the options beside epi during delivery, coz i tried laughing gas b4, and i didnt react well to it. and i asked abt the jabs at the thighs, and she told me it's usually admnistered together with the laughing gas... it's sedative.

hmmm.......she asked me to try tahan first, if not, then hv to opt for epi again lor... I hate EPI! i really hope this time will be less painful and i can tolerate more! @__@
my sis is ordering a barney cake for Sherv tmr, just a small cake for the family. dunno tat the design is ugly...hahaha!! coz sherv loves barney, and she will love to see barney on her cake! =P

we did not let the boys take any sashimi in japan. Dare not take the risk. The only sushi they ate are those topped with eggs. Zac ate adult food, mostly rice type and noodles.

Let me warn you first... their food is yummy but salty... we closed both eyes during the trip. Oh, I brought bottles of heinz ad gerber fruits and vege along too.
Can forget about ordering from them i saw the samples of the cake they display is totally different from the pictures shown and what we saw is a piece of paper put on top.
hi Piyo and HoneyB

yep my current office has always been in the east.. my long leave will end next year but they have been asking me to go back. I am still considering. soooo when we all go back to work we can meet in the east!! yay!! hehee

yes i have super city cravings since i worked here. sigh... when i do events at hotels in town - like so happy - xiao wan.... haha

I am not bringing my maid on our holiday cuz we dunno what to do with her hehehe so weird to have her sleep in same room with us or my parents.
I let her take care of my house and dogs - so hopefully she will be good gal. just came back from the supermarket and stocked up food for her. she is happy cuz she thinks i got so much things for her.either that or happy i am leaving her alone hahaha

my current maid is the childish and simple type. likes to keep her hair short and dress in simple tes and bermudas. in this she seems more kuai compared to my previous filipinas who love to keep long hair/paint nails/wear make up.
some aunties have told me that the kuai type like this better...
Butter8, honeyb, kelly,
wow so actually so many of you working in the east, hopefully, we are "east and near enuf" to have lunches together cos I am in a "gou3 bu4 la1 shi3, niao3 bu4 sheng1 dan4" place

Cocomo's scheduled csec is ay 7pm tonight. She admits into hospital at 2pm today.

Is the pre-nursery school and the CC you considering for fullday/half day the same? If yes then no.3.

Hi Amy,
Thanks for your info. Once you have finished consolidating, pls send to this email acc: [email protected]
Many thanks!
Hi all mummies , just celebrate Ray Bday last night ... here's some pic to share =)

he love shrek , so is shrek theme =)




wow so cute!!!
how many people did you have over? was it just family? any other kids?

Hope Raygen had a wonderful party!


ya man really hope we can meet somewhere... where ah???
i can drive out lar...

Thanks for your advise, think I'll not let Hannah eat Sashimi too incase her tummy couldn't take it. Hannah doesn't like bottled food so guess I will probably buy the fresh fruits there to feed her, now worried that she may not like the food there cos she is a super fussy eater.


My new work place is lagi ulu, I'm nearer to the sea which by the way is quite polluted at that area, not much to eat at the canteen too, think can save money on shopping and slim down at the same time liao...
hi Butter8 ,

close friend n relative lor =) 20++++ pple =)

Raygen keep saying " shrek shrek shrek " ... and keep asking pple to look at those decor =)
Hi Butter8 and Honeyb,
Let me go recee the place after my ML.. super ulu.. haiz..but we sure can haf lunch!

HI whitelady,
Impressed! where did you get the shrek deco and stuff? btw, you gave the bakery the cake to create the pic cake?
Piyo ,

The shrek decor n stuff all i do one =) cos i do design n printing business one mah , hahah , so i can print and customise what ever i like =P , and hor , cos outside cant get shrek theme one .. so got to do myself ... As for the cake , i touch up the pic and email to the cake shop lor =)
thanks honeyb, piyo. initially i intended to let aidan goes to ascension kindy next Jan as I've already registered him and it's within walking distance from my place... however i do agree that i sud let aidan continues at same CC or preschool from the start... in that case i'll consider cherie hearts preschool in kallang but haven't check out the centre yet... hopefully it's not that bad else I have to search around again...
Hi Mummies

Long time never login. Cos too busy with work. Hope everyone is fine.

Hi Butter8

I'm just back from Bangkok yesterday. Hubby went there for business trip so tag along to celebrate Crisann's bday The weather there is v dry so remember to give Ryan more water. Bring along a umbrella as now is raining season.

Hi Racoon


Hi Cocomo

Hope u have a smooth delivery today and rest more. Take care.

Hi Augustmum

Thks for the information. Almost wanted to go to disney on Fri cos that day they will start their Christmas decor.

Hi Honeyb

Do share more about your Japan trip when u back. As we will be going in Oct.
hi SL
thanks for the info.

anything special u back for crisann? what about food and drinking water?

any nice place to bring baby there?
Hi Cocomo,

Thanks for the compliment
Shauna is just very sociable since infant. Sometimes also scare that she will talk to any strangers and follow them. That's why dun dare to let her out of sight even in toys section of department stores

You should have popped by now. Rem your c-sec is today at 7pm. Rest well and hope your princess is healthy and pretty

Hi HoneyB,
Hannah is abit like shauna when she's at that age
Speaks early too. Able to speak in short sentences when she's abt 2years old. Oh....you can actually get "pigeon" brand porridge in Taka or BHG in Bugis to bring along. It actually comes in retort pouch or square aluminum cube. All you need to do is to submerge it in hot water for 5 mins then add a little of hot water b4 serving as the consistency is quite thick. Both my kids survive on that when we go oversea.

Hi Augustmum/catherine/Leia,
Ya...Marymount is pretty far from Sengkang
No choice as i wanted to get her into all girls school. For my son, he'll most probably go st Gabriel (hubby's ex school)

Checked out Nativity too but is just outside the 2km and have to ballot too as its over subscribe

Catherine, if u're ex CHIJ (OLOGC), most probably your dd will be able to get in as you will be able to register in phase 2A2. So no worries

Hi Racoon,
Congrats on the arrival of your princess!

Hi White_lady,
Ray is really handsome!! Hope that my son will be as handsome as him. hee hee...

<font color="ff0000">Wishing all August babies a Very Happy Birthday!</font> May all of you grow up healthily, happily and beautifully/handsome
Hi all!

Haven't been logging in for quite a while ... Hope you all are doing great this week!

White Lady,
Nice 'Shrek-themed' bday! My son's 2nd bday is coming up soon too, on 20th Aug, but this year we're having things simple ... just a little gathering with his Sunday School friends at church on the Sunday

Sure, you're most welcome to link up ...

Morning mummies,

Congratulations to Cocomo on the arrival of your princess, rest well and don't be too stressed up with your maid issues ok.


What a coincidence!! I was just thinking about you yesterday leh :") You going to Japan too, I noticed we always go to the same place huh, so qiao3 haa, sure, will share the details with you when I come back, Oct is a better time to go cos much cooler, how's Crisann?


Hmm, I've seen those Pigeon rice pack before but have never tried, any idea how it taste like? My girl is super picky, hope she will like it, maybe I should buy one to let her try first. I wish my girl is as sociable as your Shauna. Hey, your third baby is a boy? Congratulations, bet your hubby must be very happy! :")
Oh by the way mummies, if you need anything from Tokyo, feel free to let me know ok, blue-label bags, kids clothing, if I can find I'll be happy to bring back for you. :")


White Lady,

Your decor v nice!


Abt sashimi and raw food, let's put it this way, me and my HB can eat the same stuff for the whole day, but end up he has bad LS and I don't. Different tummies can tahan to different extent. So best to err on the safe side. Like what's the worst that can happen? The kid LS all the way and we go mad looking for a place to change and clean him/her up. What a vacation!

I totally agree with you! Thats one of my biggest concern, don't want to spend most of my time looking for changing rooms. :")

Paiseh..have not tried the porridge myself b4. All along has been feeding it to shauna &amp; kieira.

I think shauna has lots of exposure since birth as i was SAHM then. Able to bring her to lots of different enrichment classes. However, kieira is very different in terms of character as she is very shy &amp; introvert too. I blame myself as she doesn't have as much exposure

Yup, u're right, its a mickey
Though he is happy i'm abit sad as i still find girl bb more endearing! However, its good to have both sexes. I still do not know how i'll react to a diff sex baby.
Hi Butter8

U are most welcome. Never go much places cos Crisann was down with Flu n cough on the day we depart. She will eat whatever we eat. Mainly she only eat rice, egg and bread. Cos we had been a fussy eater recently. What also don't wana eat. As for water I let her drink drinking water and i boil hot water in the hotel for her milk.

Hi HoneyB

I alway thought u going to Japan in Jul until I read the post yesterday. The weather now is quite hot right? Ya lor so qiao hor. Alway u go 1st than will be my turn. Btw u mentioned that u staying in Shinjuku. Can share which hotel u staying? I'm still looking for hotel. My friend recommended me business hotel which is cheaper than those normal hotel. Will u be going to other city or just Tokyo? Most likely we will be going to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. We choose Oct is due to the weather. Don't want to travel during their Summer.

Crisann is down with flu n cough before on the day we depart to Bangkok.

How is Hannah? Long time never see her.

Enjoy your trip...

Hi Yoshi

any good places to takes kids to in singapore?

pls add on to the list.


1. zoo
2. sentosa
3. upper seletar reservoir
4. pasir ris park
5. botanic garden
6.hay's dairy
7. explorer kids
8. labrador park
9. bottle tree
10.west coast park
11. east coast park
12. T3
13. fidgets
14, globetrotters
15. vivo playground
16. hort park
17. southern ridges
18. go go bambibi
19. Science Centre
20. Night Safari (Enjoy 50% off admission with NDP e-coupon in Aug08. Adult usual price $30. Kids under 3 go in for free)

Hmm, I thought usually they say if you have two children, one will be more outgoing and the other child will be a bit more reserve, don't think its entirely your fault lah.


Ya loh, long time never see you and Crisann. I just pm you, check your email :")
any good places to takes kids to in singapore?

pls add on to the list.


1. zoo
2. sentosa
3. upper seletar reservoir
4. pasir ris park
5. botanic garden
6.hay's dairy
7. explorer kids
8. labrador park
9. bottle tree
10.west coast park
11. east coast park
12. T3
13. fidgets
14, globetrotters
15. vivo playground
16. hort park
17. southern ridges
18. go go bambibi
19. Science Centre
20. Night Safari (Enjoy 50% off admission with NDP e-coupon in Aug08. Adult usual price $30. Kids under 3 go in for free)
21. Esplanade to see free performance

hi mummies,
Cocomo delivered her Baby Shervalle ytd at 7plus weighing in 2.63kg. Baby and mummy both well in TMC ward 635. I mayb dropping by to see her later.

hi jokojoko,
You already registered Aigan in Ascension? then y not wait till Jan and send him in? CHerie Hearts is good too

hi whitelady,
Very nicely done! really nice!
