(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Haiz my Charlotte is a real pain when comes to eating.
very fussy eater.
Food that are not tasty she will not eat. she will test one mouth if not nice she just don't open her mouth the next spoon.

my son too.. charlotte just dun open her mouth, u know wat my son will do ? he will "pui" the food out, wont even swallow it.. and make the floor or even his clothing a mess..
u gamble so big, even had a barney suit for jadelle! hehehe... she's a lucky bb gal! =P

how excited, i'm starting my ML soon, and this week is the last week for my to slog! =P hopefully i wont pop until full term coz i hope to bring Sherv out next week. hubby and i already made plans to bring her out and enjoy b4 DiDi is out! really must thank God tat hubby has to work from home for a mth since Mon, coz his office is undergoing some reno works now! timing is sure good!!
yes i do. i still hold gabe once in a while whenever he poos poos. sometimes he wanna b independent, gabe holds onto a railing nearby, if not he tries 2 b playful n wanna 'balance' but i m definitely in front of him 2 make sure he dun fall into e toilet bowl
Morning mummies,


What a nice party, you even rented the costumes, thats nice! Jadelle looks tall hor, she looks very 'ba ba' too, what do you feed her. Congrats to a boy, looks like many mummies here have a boy and a girl so nice. :")


Seems like Hannah is very similar to Leon. She also talks alot when hubby is driving. She will tell her dad "Pa Pa be careful, Pa Pa drive properly, hands must be on the wheels" etc, sometimes we wonder if she really understand haa.


Maybe you can try feeding your boy with soft rice mixed with lots of soup, then slowly migrate to firmer rice texture once he accepts the soft rice.
hi honeyb,

ya leon loves to talk but takes a while to warm up to strangers. must tell u mommies this funny story. once in the lift a somewhat tomboyish auntie got on and leon said 'HI UNCLE! HI UNCLE!' so i whispered, 'it is hi aunty' and he said v loud 'NO THIS IS UNCLE!!!'
i think our kids prolly imitate what we say a lot. die - means i'm v bossy haha. cos when my hubby drives i always say turn here or turn there, so i guess he copies.
at coffeeshop he also likes to imitate the uncle,and yell'kopi c siew dai!!'

I know how that feels cos there were a few times when we saw bald men and Hannah will say and laugh very loudly, Uncle botak, uncle got no hair!! I have to quickly cover her mouth and we didn't know where or how to hide our embarassment...
haha ya.
so we all have to be v careful with what we say around our kids these days. i once brought leon out to dinn with a friend of mine who loves to say oh my god. he went to church the next day and also kept saying oh my god ...
'shit' has been meticulously removed from our vocabulary as well ...
haha.. wat a unique way of poo poo ur boys hv.. =P

yes, we tried mixing lotsa soup with rice when we first introduce rice to him.. but it become cold & soggy ("pong") cos he takes v long to eat.. so subsequently my mum add the soup/gravy in the rice in intervals & break it in smaller portions.. still, he dun seems interested & does not finish his meal.. haizz..

yes, kids not only imitate what we said, also what we do..
my scv remote ctrl is abit spolit so i usually shake shake it or hit it on my bed a few times b4 i can switch it on/change channels..
my son immediately imitate my action after seeing wat i did.. and subsequently whenever i passed him the scv remote, he will shake it/hit it on the bed .. haha..
about feeding
leon also some days eat more some days eat less, guess it is normal. somedays he want rice, some days he want mee suah, some days he wants abc pasta, and somedays simply dunno what he wants...

yep, they imitate everything we say or do, so we all have to b polite, not argue in front of them, not say bad things about MIL in front of them too hahaha
Morning Mummies....

Re : Feeding
Kieira is very keen in trying out what we adults are eating. My maid has been feeding her rice with stir vege and either steam or baked fish. However, I always find it very difficult to feed her. She'll also "pui" her food out! Even after adding lots of soups. Just last sunday, I smashed her food in order to make her eat more but she still "pui" out! My maid told me she dun like baby food (smash) anymore..sometimes really frustrated cos dun know what she wants to eat.
Hmm rice is 3tablespoon. Guess abt half of those adult soup bowl. Though she eat here n there BUT she still so skinny!!! I also don't know what is wrong with her... PD only say she should be high metabolism..

About fussing, sometimes she will. But I will try to make a point she eat as I hide those into small bites inside her rice and she will jus take without knowing
Now I don't really have to pacify her eating as she like to feed herself and finding enjoyment and interest in her own food.
hi mummies,
re: feeding schedule

7.30am: 240ml of milk
8.30am: whatever the cc serves (usually bread or cornflakes) with milk
11.30am: whatever the cc serves (usually macaroni soup or porridge)
1pm: 1/2 bowl of porridge
5pm: 240ml of milk
7.30pm: 1/2 bowl of rice + dishes
10.30pm: 210ml of milk

Looks like he eats a lot hor but i'm not sure if he finishes all the food at cc cos he'll still want to eat when he comes back. he's also very greedy when it comes to fried food. likes french fries and chicken rice very much but we seldom let him eat.

re: potty training
i haven't train him yet. still trying to get him used to sitting on the potty with his diaper. he'll only tell us after he finish pooing.

hi honeyb and pups,
ur kids are so cute. was laughing when i read what they said.
hi mummies
leon is v cheeky la. he likes to say 'pretty bra', when i don wear bra to sleep, he will also 'bossy' and say 'why mommy dont wear pretty bra!'
he even acknowledges he is bossy haha, is funny, once i make that face, he'll say 'leon is bossy'
Sometime wonder at CC they go hunger or what ah. Natalie also like not getting enough... come home eat alot! I told the teacher can slight increase her portion but We also cant be around to see have or not lo..
i frankly dunno what to feed my girl.. she got fussy over food.. and dun eat what she dun like.. i worry over her food intake every weekend.

but she basically try whatever we eat lah.. when she dun eat much, she drinks milk..

my fridge always got full cream milk (cold), cheese, cube cheese, carbonara sauce for pasta/ baked rice.. and i always get small bananas on weekends for her..

weekdays, MIL settle her makan woh..
re: food intake
Recently, Denise has become more fussy with her food, she will point and indicate which exactly does she wants from the plate and fusses if it's not what she wants.

But she's also very greedy and would always prefer a new food to whatever she's alrdy eating, as in "xi xin yan jiu"

But she drinks quite an amt of milk, so i believe that's her way of replenishing when she's not taking enough solids, anyway i leave it to her can't force to eat right?
yes, tats abt the same as wat i feed my son..

i also realised that my son's weight grow v slow, in fact abit stagnant like tat.. his has the same weight for past 9 mth or so liao..
hi mommies
think at this age, they are realising their autonomy in all areas, so fussing over food is their way of showing i know how to choose! leon didn't eat much yesterday either ... thing is, its not like he consistently doesn't like fish, pork fruit or wateva, it changes everyday.
hi cyn,
ya, can't monitor but sometimes the teacher did tell me that he finished the whole bowl of porridge but yet when he sees us eating, he'll want to eat again. haiz... as long as he's eating and healthy, it doesn't matter if he eats a lot.

hi pups,
i agree with u. sometimes, he tells me that he doesn't want chicken but then he'll eat it the next day. strange hor.
hi mummies,
ya, think they are trying to assert their independence nowsadays. kayden also the same. wants his own way. go out must choose which pair of shoes to wear. then he always wants to wear his school t-shirt at home and refuses to change out of it.
kayden sounds like my son ! =P
he will dictate which pair of shoes to wear when we bring him out and will make a big fuss if we give him other shoes..

so far he is not too particular abt the clothings yet.. except he does have a Doraemon top+shorts set which is his favorite & he wears it quite often.. =)
hey mummies,

do you think blowing balloons using the mouth hygienic?

One of my older boy's enrichment teachers does that and then, I see the kids bitting the inflated balloons (at the knot)? Dunno if I'm too paranoid. Thinking of asking him to use a manual pump instead...

zac has his own preference too. He loves long sleeved clothes. He always takes out his thick sweater and insists I put on for him. He also likes a particular Vietnamese boy's top. He loves his bro's jeans too. ha.... he looks very ridiculous wearing these and he wears them out, paired with socks of diff designs.

I have strangers casting disapproving looks at me. ha... think only those mummies whose kids are going thru this vain and assertive period will understand.
Hi HoneyB & Pups

Your kids are really v cute. Was also laughing about it while reading the thread.

Crisann will say oh my god, oh no. She will follow what we say. Sometime find it v funny. Cos she can even speak in Hokkien.

re: food intake

She has been v fussy for quite a while. Those she use to eat now she hate. If we ate those food that she dun like into her rice she will not eat it or throw out those food that she dun want.

So no choice just give her what she want.

But in school she eat what the auntie cook. And she ate 2 bowl. Than tea break she still ask for bread even she just finish milk.

When reach hm also eat alot. Can't stand her. Keep eating non-stop.

She has now about 12.6 kg. I already find she is so heavy and no energy to carry her.

Hi Erin & Augustmum

She also choose her shoe whenever she is going to school or go out. Than when I choose the clothes for her. She will say wah so nice..... She even know the brand adidas & nike.

Than she even comment on what I wear. Suddenly she will say so nice than sometime will say not nice. Wana faint.

My boy will also comment on what I wear. When I stand in front of the mirror after dressing up in the morning, he'll come by, look in the mirror and give his very approving "Wah! Nice!" when I really thought it's so-so only. He has never disapprove of what I wear before. Like so obliging and diplomatic! Definitely more obliging and diplomatic than the HB. :p
Hi Leobbsmom,
How have u been feeling? About to pop soon...keep us inform k.

Re : food allergy
kieira used to be sensitive to potatoes when she was about 5-6 months when weaning. we realised that whenever we fed her potatoes, her face will break out in red patches. So i've eliminated potatoes from her diet and replace it with sweet potatoes instead. However, now that she's 2, she seems to be able to tolerate potatoes in her diet cos i've given her in small quantities for her to try
Re : Food Intake

Ray dont like to chew on meat also one . Unless is sweet n sour pork rib ! So , for his everyday porridge , we will cook the meat with the porridge then after cooked, will take out the meat and put in a blender n put back into the porridge again lor .
Meat we give , crocodile meat , beef , pork , fish , frog ... and will mix with vege , carrot , potato ...

re: potty training

I have not start anything yet , when we take off his diaper and let him wear underwear , he cant walk ! haha .. very funny ... and he is abit slow in talking , so i guess i will wait till he can express more than start potty training ...

Ray also like to choose the shoe he like , but if we feel that doesnt match his outfit , we will tell him its ugly if he match this way , then he will listen to us to change to a better one =) And worst is , he always see me make up , so he die die want me to apply make up for him , so i will just use my hand n peck on his cheek and say WOW , so nice , hahahah ... however , sometime , he will take my eye brown pencill and drawn his face ! haha ...

he is now abt 14+ kg and 90cm tall =) .. i feel that he look abit slim ...
dear yoshi,
i'm feeling good, today is the first day of my ML, and it sure feels good resting at home without work at all! =P thanks for sharing the food allergy history! seems like the red patches are common for potatoes allergy!

sherv is also 90cm at only 12.4kg... guess it's normal for girls.. she just looks longgish...
Hi Jasmommy,
Now then I realise that you are 1 of the august mummies here who attend Julia Gabriel 9.00 am class on Sat at Evans Road. I so blur. Only realise it when see the photos u posted here.
I guess now they grow vertical MORE than horizontal

Natalie been eating alot BUT very surprise she never gain at all. Still that skinny at 10kg!! Underweight lo.. Alamak. Alot comment MUMMY so fat how come daughter so skinny? They say HENG ah. Girl slim skinny better than fat
Didnt really measure her height for a long time.. guess below than 90 bah. REACH over 90 have to pay for food etc... gosh..
hey crispyapple,

i was wondering.. but of course, outside forum, very hard to ask leh.. somemore never see you outside this forum before.:p But yah, not easy to find a Jadelle + Aden in same class leh.. we sotong mummies...

keke, btw, i temporary stopped the JG lessons as will be switching to Eduplay when Jadelle's 2.5 yrs old.. now, i wish for her to be at home abit before start her Nursery 1 next year. Anyway, i dun like it when they change teachers this way, not all the teachers are that good in JG, i know as i experienced 1 semester in Forum where teacher was new and inexperienced. Jadelle was actually Lyn's student initially @ Playnest (The department head who talked with us during parents' session) and she is really good. Very grateful to her for sharing ways to open up Jadelle's world and exposure to blur & time starved mummies like me..
Potty training:

i find it hard to potty train Jadelle... she refuses to sit/ squat on toilet bowl.. prefers to do it on the floor, like my DOG! arrrgghhh..

i have to clean up poo like my dog leh..

and she only tells me after she did the deed.. hmmm...

i think jadelle is ~12kg.. and not yet 0.9m but almost.. so, she looks as tall as Sher's Jayden in picture, but i think not as tall as RAygen and lighter..

hmm.. if 0.9m, must buy ez link card for them alreadY???
hi cynthia,

yes, i fully agreed with u..

my son used to be quite chubby when he was less than 1 yr old.. but he has slim down alot (grow vertically) and his weight also kinda stagnant liao.. keep staying at 11kg for past many months..
i always console myself tat he takes after my hb genes, slim slim one.. haha.. my son's height oso below 90 cm..
hi mommies
leon is v light and small, since hubby n me both small n light too, so not too worried.

realised most mommies here onto their second or third kid. i've been thinking about #2 for some time now, but a lot of hesitation. any one has the same feelings? i really want another, and not like my pregnancy or anything was such a nasty experience, but i just can't explain why i'm so hesistant, tho at the same time want. what more with all these new maternity benefits, i'm being asked by colleagues, relatives, friends, even strangers and taxi drivers when i want another one ..
Morning mummies,


I have the exact feeling as you. Want a second child but for some reasons keep delaying it. Recently I really thought of trying for a second child but hubby just received an offer from his company to join his mother company in the US to research some projects, this is for his interest and future well being, how can I reject right. He is going to be away for 6 months in total, I don't think I can handle a second pregnancy and a hyperactive Hannah alone at the same time...sigh, looks like need to push back further.
hi mummies,
kay's weight is also stagnant for a long time. think he still weighs 12+kg. height is 88cm as at june. din measure him after that.

hi pups and honeyb,
me too. wanted no. 2 quite badly but yet at the same time, am quite hesitant. think kayden's at the stage where he wants our attention and i'm worried that i can't give him the attention that he wants if i'm preggie. I had very bad ms last time. somemore, hb also worried whether we can cope cos we don want to employ a maid. now we let nature takes its own course lor.
hi honeyb,

ahh ok. but at same time do u feel like there will always be a reason to delay? like now i'm saying i'm new to this job, well 5 months now, but i dunno, i jus really want, but yet really hesitant. if i conceive now, the kids will b 3 years apart, which is quite ideal. any later than this, is like quite a wide gap, hence it is like the pressure is on for now. leon is the only grandchild for both sides, + only great grandson for my grandma too. so i'm the only married one from both sides, hence really the pressure is on me ... maybe it is the pressure that is getting to me, sigh. truth is, i'm v happy with leon, hubby and me now, but it's 'normal' to have another one at least, and i'm sure leon would love another one. so far people i know who r only child, what more in leon's case only grandson, great grandson, do have some sort of issues. then i have this looming thought, that my dad (home recovering from stroke) will deteriorate, of cos that must be me being negative n paranoid, n then there is my MIL who i jus don trust period, so all in all, so many factor for and not for the #2. that said, i really look at families with 2 kids or more with envy, really mb just wish i wasn'tso hesitant for ungrounded reasons.

jus venting away my thots today ...

For potty training, what I did in the past was whenever I saw Hannah's facial expression changed to the "I-want-to-poo-mode", I will quickly bring her to the toilet bowl, sit her down and throw her a book, sing songs to distract her. Initially she also resisted but after a few days of repeated action, she gave in. Hannah has been pooing in the toilet bowl for about a year already, now she can't do it in her diaper. She knows how to tell us when she needs to poo and that was also after repeated repriminding when we caught her pooing in her diaper initially. The only not so good thing is she needs a book to help her poo now cos she is so used to it.

Recently during our Japan trip, I managed to get her to poo in a public toilet, we were traveling and after many resisted moments, she finally couldn't take it and told me "want da bian, want go find toilet da bian", hubby and I were so happy that she successfully pooed in a public toilet, we celebrated after that haa...I can't imagine when she starts to pee thou...
What i did was when charlotte is going to poo poo i will put her and sit on the toilet bowl. she was so happy when she poo out and heard the sound put put she will make the sound as well. At first she was scare to sit on it now she is much better and i sit in front of her and tell her shi shi she will urine out and laugh. But still not fully off diaper. i only train her when going to bath.

Met too love to have 2nd child but had me hesitating to have or not. Partly also financial problem we just moved to new house so financial still not very stable, And i also haven't put charlotte to playgroup or CC. Everything still on hold i only wish to settle charlotte in cc wanted to let her learn. If after that financial allows us to have 2nd one i might consider.

Another problem is no one help me look after during the weekend i can't handle two kids. my hubby working sales line don't have the time for kids. ONe only he already neglected. Even dd not close to him. If life not so hard think will consider to have more. Even Gov bonus also don't seems to be actractive anymore.

I couldn't agree more. Like you, I have thousand and one reasons to delay. I'm also very happy with just hubby, Hannah and myself. My family loves traveling and as Hannah grows more independent, we find it easier to manage, can't imagine starting all over again. Also, my mum has grown so tired of looking after Hannah, she told me many times that if I have another child, I'll have to look after myself...this is one of my biggest concern.
Morning mummies,

Potty Trained
I haven't really start my girl on this because I wants to be hands on plus help to clean up the possible mess (don't want to tired my MIL too much) that means I need to be around with her at home for at least 5 days or more. So, probably will do it during my ML in Dec.

2nd Child
My #2 is acually very unplanned and accident. But, from this second pregnancy which is more difficult and even has to go through amnio test because of 'bad' blood test result, I would like to share that if you are quite firm that you will not stop at 1, then it is better to have the 2nd child earlier because age is really not on the women's side. The older we are to conceive, the more complications that we may have.
potty training
Leon poos poos in the toilet when at home, and nowadays seldom poo poo outside. usually he'll settle his poo early in the morning. his red poo poo face is vv obvious. he will play with the toilet paper when in the toilet. pee pee, some hits and misses,tho at home, i don let him wear diaper anymore. if he is too engrossed in playing, he may still pee on the floor.
guess as the books say, watch for the cue from our toddler when they r ready.

about #2
all this said, i still think i SHOULD have a #2 for leon. i am just trying to b rid of the hesitation. maybe when #2 arrives, i'll say this was a silly phase i went thru.

Agree, am 31 this year and really think i should conceive by next year. i'm v undecided, then sometimes i think i want 3 children, REALLY envy those with 3.
