(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Tantrums when preggie - Initial stage i was also rather short-tempered but recent mths i hv been doting Gen like nobody business coz i know she is not going to be a single child soon..gotto shower her with attention while i can now.

I have been on maternity leave since 2 weeks ago to be with Gen & i really see how much she has grown & i really miss those times when she was younger...time flies. Im already at 39weeks but baby show no signs of popping out leh...me already getting impatient liao...hehe.

Thanks for the concern! Denise is adapting well which I suppose is the most greatest pressie for you this mother's day hmmm....

Wow u on maternity liao? Don worry I believe bb is coming soon since u already 39weeks! Keep talking to sonson and who knows U pop within this week ah. I know the waiting feeling is so... shucks... cos its like waiting to be executed hehehe HOPE i don sound bad
Cos now I also doesnt like the feeling of waiting hai...

You wanted another girl? Never mind still can go for 3rd one hehehe. Maybe you also want to be balanced? I mean both girls can share and chat la..
i wanna cry when i read tat u hv seen how much Gen has grown with time... i also feel the same way abt Sherv. few mths down the road, she wont be my only baby anymore, but she'll ALWAYS be the special one in my heart!

yes yes! if can, i wanna hv a 3rd one!
i brought her to warm up the last 2 days, today i left her after accompanying her for a while. The teacher is really nice, reassured her and make sure she is agreeable to everything before doing anything. she asked denise if it's alright to bathe her and she said ok then she did it for her, but she refused lunch. but they manged to lull her to sleep and i went back at 2.40pm with my mil to fetch her. was told she cried on and off but i think it's quite good liao...she even smiled when she saw us

wow...you'll be the 1st to pop here. so excited.
Cyn - Ya lor...like waiting for the 'sentence' to be executed & carried out haha.

leobbsmom - Yes i can totally understand hw u feel. I told my hubby i dunno if i know hw to love this 2nd child coz Gen will always be my 1st love..den my hubby say i crazy..Worse..i dunno hw to love a boy leh..I love playing with Gen nw on those girly stuff like cooking,cleaning, teacup sets..but i cant imagine playing with a son leh..play ball ?
Wow... which CC u send? I think mayb she had fun things will slowly get by for her... I also don dare to think what will Nat do when send her there.. sometime ask myself am i been over-protective or what hai..

3rd one...hmmm if financially ok I don mind but have to see.. cos really freak out by this round preg.. alot problems lo so I totally give up and wanted to stop.. only worry is HB wait pattern alot i siao SO must take own pre-caution..

No worries.. we will be same like you waiting patiently! Sometimes I also wonder how much love we can give for 2nd one and will we really neglect our 1st.. headache man!
you on maternity leave liao? so good! can R&R at home! me plan and haf to work till I popped cos workplace recently really busy ... you will find extra love for no.2.. a friend tols me, love is infinite, only time is limited!

Enjoy the time that your son is in your tummy.. cos when he is out, you will be really busy ...

How's jay on friday? Monday he starts officially huh? dun worry, he will be fine!

so glad to hear denise adapting well! update us on her progress here ya? sometimes I can only quickly browse thru cos can only log on at night :p

Long time no talk! Hope you getting on well in your pregnancy! It's the hormones acting up...oh forget to congrat you! Congrats on your ger ger!!! time for spending $$$
I sent Denise to Q-dees, it's actually very near my place, walking distance. It's only natural that we as parents will be protective of our child, I also stayed around the CC and only set my mind at ease after much observation of the environment, behaviour of the teachers and students. So dun worry, the main thing is to find a CC which you truely like and where your nat can enjoy herself

oh yes, finally she's in CC. i'm also very glad she's taking it ok, the crying was expected and i was surprised i took it very well too...didn't end up tearing over her. i've just updated her progress in her blog, do check it out when you can

think i'll also work till i pop, wanted to utilise some leave after my ML till baby is full 3 mths old.

i've been pondering over the same thing too, i love denise so much that she's on my mind 24/7 that i find it hard to believe i can spare some for another. but i figured out parents will learn to love all their children infinitely, just like how we've learnt to love our 1st child.
Hi mummies,
Keep forgetting to ask you,
1. when can we gif our kids yakult, vitagen, half boiled eggs etc?

2. can share how you all wean off the pacifier?

3. any one getting cane/balloon sticks? or using notti corner for disciplinary actions? My megan's getting out of hand...


Hi Fio,
Okie will check out your blog when i am in office tomorrow :p btw you taking 3 mths ML 1shot?
1. i can't rem when i started letting denise takes such drink but she's been drinking it once a while, but rarely takes half boiled eggs unless she wants it when i'm having it.

2. mine still on it...the CC's teacher said she'll try to wean her

3. we bought a cane many mths ago, only cane her if her behaviour is really unacceptable or just to scare her

As for ML, yup i'll be taking it at 1 shot, think it's better for me to hand over baby to mil when he's 3 mths old
you reminded me to ask teacher about weaning her off pacifier..Teacher did tell me she dun really ask for it unles she wanna sleep but if she's with us she wants it all the time...

I let megan take a bit of yakult recently.. obviously she loves it.. but not sure if it's ok for them to take now?

so your mil cfm looking after your bb boy?

Hi mummies,
another qn: Megan's teacher wanna start her on potty training in school and asked me to get panties for her... I am thinking y not training pants but panties? If anyone has such experience, pls share with me.


Sharing untidy megan @ playground just now:

Hubby was very happy to "discover" this playground.. Megan was happily running, crawling and exploring:


her reaction when 1st saw the playground


legs n hands very busy


she likes to go against the slide..


trying again


looking ard for daddy

going to update my blog now hehe..
Hi kelly,
will pm u my add later. thanks for organizing.

hi piyo,
kayden also the same reactions as megan. He loves to climb the steps and climb up the slide too. haha...

hi leobbsmom and racoon,
congrats. both have a 'hao' liao.
good morning mommies! hope we all hv a good Monday and today will end soon! =P havnt started work then thinking of off-work liao! =P

ya, think we are "normal" coz our thinkings are the SAME! i also dunno how i'm going to "get along" with a boy! i seriously hv been thinking of tat for a while since i knew i was expecting a boy.. my close fren told me tat it's gonna be a TOTALLY diff experience this time! oh well, i guess we will love the other gender just the same when BB arrives, rite?

rmb how we started when we had our first BB, and we didnt even had a slight idea wat to expect, but we've grown so much with them, with time! =) think i'm just gonna let this "feeling" flow and get used to it la... must be those preggie hormones i guess.. we try not to think so much and just learn from scratch again, shall we? =)

ERIN, thanks!! ya, the HAO is the only glad thing i feel out of this preg! hahaha.... =P

ya, i also thinking how we can manage the finances with no.3... our expenses will go up by abt 1K when Sherv goes to sch and the maid comes. sigh... if still hv no. 3, then i hv to do without my mom liao, coz at least i can save her "salary" for the third one. but then again, the maid must be competent enuff to handle the kids on her own la... so really hv to see the situation goes, anyway, tat wont happen in the next 2 yrs now. so i'll the worries for later! =P

PIYO, nice pics of megan! she sure looks bigger in these pics, maybe she's not in her sch uniform, tats why... =)
denise also ask for the pacifier when she wanna sleep, you try to keep it out of sight at home and distract her for as long as possible.

the teachers also told me to get panties for her bcos that's what the rest of the kids are on in the CC. but inside still have to wear the pull up pants diaper, think training pants is to messy for them in school bah...

re: slides
same thing for denise, she likes to climb up the slide against the flow..haha

yday brought her swimming, and she enjoyed it so much with her daddy. seems like she's getting more sticky to hubby nowadays, can see she feels more secure in the pool when daddy is ard. and she's super manja leh...a bit only say "aiyo" and want us to sayang her wherever she feels uncomfortable, even if it's just a mosquito bite.

1) I have not try giving Nat yakult or vitagen... maybe will give her when she pass 2yr old bah

2) Pacifier - I never give her this so don think i can help

3) Cane - Never bought this too. Sometime hit hear with my hands lo. Noti corner I see my da sao do it to my nephew doesnt help so I use soft approach. Do helps at time. But sometime when she get out of hand I just ignore her let her cry in the corner. After she stop I will talk to her why cannot this and that. Been repeating this actions for few mths and she seems improving her tantrums lo.

Wow megan she is enjoying! I think at this age they love exploring. Even I bought Nat to playground everyday and its e same few she still enjoying herself with slide and climbing! Sometime wish I am a kid rather than a mother a wife..

ya 3 kids we tend to worry financially. Sometime when i see those family with 4 i wonder how they can do it.. I think depends on the kind of life style bah and I felt most importantly we have to give up more and more time to educate them gosh..

I have reply ur message left at facebook with my email inside
waiting to see ur update blog too!
jadon cant stop shaking his head n i cant stop laughing. hiakhiakhaik............. wasabi.. i will reserve it for now. If really kaefer cant get off sucking his thumb will try putting wasabi or chilli for him to suck. so nothing spicy for him now in case he gets accustomed to the taste mah.

hi all preggie mummies,
hope all's coping well n smooth delivery to u.
Piyo, hehe.....answring your concerns...i can answer ALL of them coz Sher is invovled in all these habits...

1. when can we gif our kids yakult, vitagen, half boiled eggs etc? - Yakult is since 1.5yr-old, half-boiled egg is since 1yo.

2. can share how you all wean off the pacifier?
- we tried chilli padi!!! hahaha!!! but it didnt work, so Sher is still sucking away happily...

3. any one getting cane/balloon sticks? or using notti corner for disciplinary actions? My megan's getting out of hand... - cane/balloon sticks, both i also using, but only stroke twice the max. Sher doesnt know wat's notti corner yet, and i dowan to pull her away like tat or it'll be too harsh to a bb girl...

You're giving me ideas! Suddenly I know how I can wean my boy of latching!!! Thank you!!!


If you watch the vid carefully, before I even offer it to him, he was already tugging my arm upon seeing the chopstick. So I had "no choice" but to oblige him... :p :p :p
i can't access youtube from work, can't wait to watch it at home

denise also can take spicy food leh, she always insist on taking my food eventhough it's spicy, but will scratch her tongue and ask for water is really can't take it :p

re: expecting a boy
i keep telling my hubby now, if you find denise naughty, wait till this one comes out from my tummy then you'll know...hahaha

i can't access facebook in office, i'll go check it out tonight. thanks

re: idea of having a 3rd
i dun even dare think about it! told my hubby i dun wanna traumatise my body the 3rd round :p me intend to close factory after this one leh, but dat day denise nearly kicked my hubby "precious", he told denise wait next time she can't have another "didi" or "meimei" ...*faintz*

so long no see you here, how are you and the kids at home?
hi piyo,
re: vitagen
have given kayden a few sips when he was 18 months as advised my hb's cousin for constipation. do not give too much cos his cousin tried and the child had watery stools.

re: pacifier
Kayden din use but mil said to put chilli or axe oil on it so baby will not want to suck it again.

re: cane
have not bought a cane yet.
Re: Augustmum

ya ballpit is the best place to get sick but i brought him before the outbreak la.. heee

Re: Leobbsmom

Jordan is in My Little Cottage at Compassvale. Bettwen Compassvale LRT and Rivervale Mall. Has moved on from infant care to childcare since he turned 18 months
On Yakult/Vitagen

1. At what age can VITAGEN LESS SUGAR be given to babies?
VITAGEN LESS SUGAR can be given to babies above 12 months old. It is preferable to dilute VITAGEN LESS SUGAR with lukewarm water (one spoonful of VITAGEN LESS SUGAR with 2 spoons of water

From Vitagen website: http://www.vitagen.com.sg/faq.htm

I give this to Jadon on and off. Like fresh milk, it helps with constipation. When the kids don't have constipation, it may make them LS.

I don't give half boiled eggs, just like I don't give uncooked food or semi-cooked food (for obvious reasons).
Re: Yakult/Vitagen
I have given VITAGEN LESS SUGER to Jay occassionally or constipation but then I did not dilute 1:2 but rather 1:1 then after drinking will let Jay drink some water coz if too dilute no taste liao le.

Re: Weaning of Pacifier
I have weaned off his pacifier two weeks back but since my mom was here she insist to let his grandson have the pacifier when sleep as Jay taking longer time to fall a sleep if without pacifier. So now Jay still sucking while going to sleep. sigh. . .

Re: Cane/ballon stick
I am thinking of getting one to just scare him as I really dunno how to handle him lately as he is getting more and more naughty liao. Fuss almost every night for nothing!
hi mummies,
thanks for sharing
maybe will start giving her vitagen less sugar on n off...

I was anticipating jadon's reaction when the wasabi went in.. haha.. you are not the only evil parents.. we gif megan chilli(haf not tried wasabi yet) cos she goes "mum mum" so we gif! then she will put her 2 hands on her cheeks.. next time she notti, I will try wasabi hahaha...

your part on "Going to school tomorrow - By Mummy Joey" touched my heart lehzzz... it's my sentiments exactly. shen wei ren mu~~~

jay is doing very well for his first day at school! i'm also proud of him!! ~~hughug and kisskiss from me~~
haha, if u find a good method must share the idea. orthodox or not?

yes, really long time no see liao. the kiddos are mostly at home cos dun wanna take risk with the HFMD saga ongoing. KF quite 'tey' sometimes n
start to fake cry over small matters. Hiaz, spoilt by my parents. other than dat, i reckon he's still a ok boy. we bot a cane many mths ago so wen he challenges us, daddy will whack.
erin, leobbsmom, leia,
Thanks for your compliment, just written down how I felt that night only. Dunno if bcoz pregnant, nowadays very 'gang xing'! hee. . .

Really thanks for your advice! I really never think of that le!
i'll b mailing out e LEAPFROG DVDs for e following mummies
1) racoon
2) leia
3) augustmum (via registered post)
4) honeyb
5) jokojoko
6) SL
7) yoki
8) fiona
9) augbb
there was an incident in the childcare yday which i've updated in my blog, fortunately nothing happen to denise, but it was enough to make me cry all night.
Oh dear, i juz read yr blog!! OMG!! My heart stop when i read it...so scary!! Thank god denise is on the pavement and din get onto the road...the CC is terrible! U must make sure that such things never ever happen again..Hugs for u....
hi mummies,

Finally can catch up with the post because bedrest this week due to bleeding so now surfing web while lying down.


If you don't mind, can grant me access to Denise's blog. My email is [email protected]
Hi Kelly


Hi Fiona

Just read yr blog. OMG. Understand how u feel when u heard that. Hope to CC will really precaution abt it. Take care.

Hi Amy

Take care. Hope the spotting will go off soon.
Hi SL,

How's Crisann? She's attending the same CC as jayden? Jayden just went back to the CC on Monday after stopping for 3 weeks due to HFMD.
Gosh, Fiona,

Read yr blog. The incident should never happen in the first place. Thank God, Denise is fine. Actually, for my older child's CC, there are many gates- the main gate ( which is really heavy to pull open), followed by a wooden gate, then the sliding doors to the classrooms... So, you may suggest to the school to install one more gate to hinder the kids from getting out.

Must go pester them if the gate is not repaired. Must never compromise on the kids' safety.

You are back!!! How's the trip? 3 weeks later will be my turn
. Haha... hubby and I decided to keep our hands free and decided to carry our backpacks instead.

Gosh, haven't carry a backpack for a long time but no choice cos we have to take the express train and bullet train after arriving at the airport and to handle our 2 kids and mabbe help mil with her luggage.

Quick, share with me some tips on travelling with kids

It was terrible that such a thing happened. The CC put on a padlock on the faulty gate when I was there to pick denise up yday. They've apologized to me and in turn I believe they'll be more careful when handling her in future. They are actually very lucky that nothing has happened to my gal, or the consequences would have be dire for the CC.

And I've been informed the new extra assistant has arrived today instead of tmr and repairs to the gate has been requested, now it's a padlock in place.

I told my hubby last nite if anything happened to her, he can send me straight to hospital bcos my heart sure can't take it...but thank goodness everything is fine.

i've granted access to my blog.

can i have your email add? you can PM me.

And thanks all the mummies here for your concern, denise is alright and fortunately wasn't affected much by the incident.
