(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi piyo,

thanks for your feedback, i actually appreciate a lot!
is there a waiting list for st james?
I will want to take a look if ryan still has a chance, just that I thot its sooo super popular.

Hi butter8,
Yes waiting list for pre-nursery (next yr). Cocomo and I are confirmed for nursery in 2010 but waiting list for 2009. i doubt can get in, thta's y i send megan to montessori 4 2yrs 1st then 2010 then switch over. BUT you can try and ask for 2010 then can go in with us?

My friend's kid just went in St james this year (her kid is older than ours by 1yr), so far thumbs up and no complains..

Maris stella no waiting list yet cos they won't allow registration till nearer the date. But u can call n chk. Alternatively, can try Orchard pat's but the last time I went to visit, they did not open up class for our kids' year. The principal, Lauren asked me to call back again this year to chk.. next Pat's to consider is at Emily rd liao, they say quite new but I did not recee that place.

Hey, Y dun you consider Chitern house (JG's CC) at Turf Rd? is it near for you? or forum? but the one at turf rd is better. They just called me up and say got vacancy for next yr (but tis is at forum, not as good as turf rd's) but they will assess your kid and see if he is ready and must be potty trained by the time he goes in..

Let me try recall anymore then will post here

The branch of Pat's Schoolhouse that's "forced to close" due to HMFD is the one at Halifax Rd. Cherrybrook and St James are one of those that has been "requested to close". Seems like there's no correlation b/w the condition of the school and HFMD leh...
leobbsmom , my boy is so notti. refused to go childcare yesterday, end up I got o take leave , look after him.

Have u mummies been bringing your kids for any extra classes etc?swimming? learning classes?
hi mrs chng,

nice pic of jordon in the ball pit. However, in view of HMFD, it is best to avoid the ball pit now. It is one of the dirtiest places for kids and you won't know what's hidden underneath.
hi mummies,
It's 3rd trimester alrdy, once wake up hard getting back to sleep..
I wanted to ask, at times does ur very sticky toddler throw tantrum suddenly n for no apparent reason n doesn't even allow u to touch him/her?
Hi mrs chng,
haven't brought Kayden for any trial class yet but we go swimming once a week if the weather is fine.

He's supposed to go for playgroup in june but now a bit concerned cos of HFMD. dunno whether to delay school for him or not.
good morning to all mummies!

mrs chng,
oh, which childcare are u putting jordan at? in SK ma?i hvnt started sourcing around, but i guess i will put Sherv at the age of 2 or 2.5yrs old..

Sherv throws very bad tantrums at times, and can cry for v long for no apparent reason!! but once we managed to get her snap out of it, she totally forgot why she cried, and started to play as usual.. i dunno if she's doing this for more attn.. but it's like she super-sensitive at times... @__@|||

wat i usually do is to hoax her lor, just wan her to "snap out of it" so tat life can go on! haha... wat do u usually do then?
Hi fiona,
Kayden will also throw tantrums too when he cannot get his way. will cry and wail loudly and stick to us to try to get us to do what he want. we usually ignore him (so he get the idea that he can't get his way) and he'll stop crying after some time. if he still cries non-stop, we will try to distract him with other things.

hi mummies,
Had a shock on sat. Kayden saw 2 children and went forward, wanting to play with them, so I told him to say hi to the kids. for no reason, the boy suddenly pushed the girl (3 - 4 yrs old) forward and his sister pushed Kayden. Luckily, I was standing nearby and quickly grabbed him before he fell. If not, he would surely fall backwards and hurt his head. Kayden and I were stunned. he din even cry and I could see that he was shocked. I never say anything. i just quickly grabbed him and went off though I could hear the father scolding the children. Think i din react well but was rather shocked cos she pushed him very hard. HB said that the father did turn around and signal 'sorry' to us.
we're not angry la cos think the girl doesn't know how to control her strength but just shocked by her actions.
tat was indeed shocking! think if i were u, i will also be stunned by her action to my girl! i also had a bad experience at the playground below my block...

there was a 4 or 5yr-old girl, she saw my girl's tricycle and she just came forward to push those buttons tat will trigger off some music. i took it tat she was trying to "fren" my girl, so i allow her to do it, but Sher said "NO!!!" to her, and push her hand away! hahaha... so funnie rite!

but the jie-jie ignored my Sher and just kept pressing away until i hv to stop her, and told her mei-mei dun like it, or mei-mei will cry liao... then she stopped but stood around us.

but when i carried Sherv to the slide, tat jie-jie pushed my tricycle away and ran with it!!!! she was running so fast tat she was already more than 100m away from us when i turned around...faintzzz... i quickly carried Sherv and ran after, imagine if i was preggie then, i will sure lose sight of her! tat jie-jie saw us running after her and she quickly abandoned the tricyle and pushed it onto the grass... =(

i was mad at her, and shouted her "notti girl" and walked away... who knows, she ran back n shouted into my face, "I'm not notti, i'm good girl!" i told her, "NO! u r notti girl! if u r good girl, why did push mei-mei's tricyle away?" then she kept quiet and stared at me... wa lau, she's fierce sia....

aiyo, i was curbing my anger with her manzzz.... imagine if i screamed at her with my usual temper, think i would hv made her vanished into THIN AIR!!!
re: childcare
finally the childcare has been approved by mcys to enrol my gal, so denise will be starting tmr. we'll do half a day 1st to get her used to the environment before i slowly stretch the timing, wish us luck!

erin, leobbsmom,
ya sometimes when denise threw tantrums for no reason i just leave her to cry a bit or try to distract her with something. but it can be very sudden, toddlers sure are temperamental.

aiyo very shocking that the girl is so rude, she's alone not accompanied by any parent?

i would be shocked too. but some children still dunno how to control their strength, i always stand close beside denise too just in case bigger kids get too rough with our little one.
hi mummies,
about tantrums, my boy will just lie on the floor if he is not happy. anywhere, on the road, shopping mall etc etc, not sure how to stop this.

feeding meals while watching tv...
sigh, my mum has been using this method, from next week onwards, I am going to try to reduce and hopefully stop this bad habit. anyone has tips on this too? like if he dun sit at table, no food? :p
Hello mummies,
Sorry to interrupt. I have 2 boys of preschool age and want to send them to school. May I find out from you what are the important factors that you all consider when choosing a preschool? Ie. teacher-to-student ratio? Price? Curriculum?

When my boy is with my mom, he'll watch TV when he has his meals. At home, we'll sometimes sit around the TV and have our meals too. :p However, he's ok too when he sits in front of a TV that's off while he has his meals and does not insist that the TV must be switched on. But he does look bored after a while. :p

There are also times when we sit around the table for dinner. He'll be ok for 1 to 1.5hr so long as he has something else to eat besides his porridge, and something else -to do- when he gets bored of eating. So I'll normally feed him his porridge while I hv my dinner. And then when he gets bored, I'll give him some fruits in a bowl with a fork for self feeding (something different to do). After he gets bored with the fruits or self-feeding, I could feed him his yogurt, which is his fav, and he'll happily sit there and eat.

Getting strapped in a highchair doing absolutely nothing for 1hr, besides opening and closing your mouth, can be a torture for a lil toddler. I'll sometimes give him a toy to distract him... something soft like a stuffed toy, but it does get in the way when I'm feeding him. I'll try to avoid those hard toys cos he'll end up banging the table and I'll get absolutely irritated by it. :p

We have several rather manageble buffet lunch and dinner outside where he stays in his highchair for 1.5hr, simply bcos he felt entertained enough - by the variety of food, by the things happening around him. Once, we were sitting in front of this live band, and that was when we got to eat in peace w/o having to entertain him. :D

How about playing some kiddy music that Ryan is familiar with during dinnertime? That's another distraction/entertainment w/o the TV.
i also dun rmb if that girl was accompanied with parents, i think she has a father with her... or issit the second i saw her again, she was with her dad... but until now, i still cant forget this incident, coz too much for me to believe! =P

your boy champion leh, can just lie down on the floor, anywhere??? wah, terror leh, i dunno wat i will do manz... maybe i will stand there and watch, and count to 3 b4 i carry him and run away! then cane cane time when we reach home.

my girl also very notti once when we brought her out to ntuc for a short while, she was really mischievous. once we reach home, i caned her, and she cried v badly. after tat, the next time, i warned her b4 we go out, and she rmbs... so she behaved well. i guess my method is to give her one jia lak jia lak one then she will rmb forever! =P

dunno if u wanna try la, coz it works for me, so now i just enjoy shopping with her.

as for eating, my girl eats anywhere in the house, i hv no problem getting her to finish one big bowl of rice within 15mins. she eats very fast. but tv is a good tool, coz she wont run abt the house or knock over my bowl with her toys or watsoever...
You with KPMG now? My ex firm! Which dept which partner?

I also have problem on Jay's meal time. Jay was sicked few weeks back and he dun wanna take his meal so we have to distract him by on the tv while having his meal and now he will not eat if the tv if off.
Abt tantrums...

I think we cannot escape this...

Sometimes, I'm torned between scolding my boy in public when he throws tantrums or just whisk him away while giving him THE LOOK and hoping that he'll catch it in b/w his sobs (I inherited the icy cold stare from my dad, quite poisonous one :D ) so that he can stop his wailing.

The major problems I hv with my boy outside, and especially at the shopping malls, is when:

1. He refuses to be carried, or let us hold his hand in the mall and we end up in a tussle as he struggles to wince his hand from us.

2. He takes something (be it he takes it by himself, or stupid us give it to him) he likes and refuses to put it back.

3. And lately, he wants to ride on those silly pay-$1-per-ride machines, (many thanks to his grandparents! humpf!) and we refused, and he'll wail and point to those machines.

I hv no answer for no. 1, which is a major problem. The shopping malls are not safe places for a toddler to be running around by themselves. I try to express my displeasure by scolding him "Notti baby!" and giving him THE LOOK. Sometimes he'll stop, but after a while, he's at it again. We try to use the stroller but he doesn't always like to sit in it...

As for no. 2, sometimes he just wants that thing and he simply refuse to put it back. Try to coax/"bluff" him into putting it back by toning it down and giving some form of alternative, "Come Jadon, put this here, then we'll go over there to look at more toys." (Even though we're really gonna leave the place already, but we'll still pretend to "go over there" for a minute and quickly leave the place :D ) so that it doesn't sound like he's gonna put it back -permanently-. And a commanding tone like "Jadon, put it back!" doesn't work on him either. The coaxing method doesn't work all the time, but that's the best so far. For things like these, I don't think I wanna stand there and scold scold scold until he puts the thing down and cry cry cry, or snatch it out of his hand. It's so not nice lor.

As for no. 3, *sigh*, I'll just try to distract him and not let him catch sight of those machines in the mall.

If you hv any suggestions for me for the above, pls do let me know. :D

The girl is really fierce ! haha .. kids this days dont know why so rude .. hai ...

Hi Leia ,

i also very headache with ur No 1 .
i also have the same problem . What we do is , if we r planning to shop long , will bring his pram along.

Get something interesting he like , like a small toy / a cup with 1 ice and straw ( for him to play while sitting ) / some honey star ... normally can coax him in the pram for sometime with all this ...

Then when he want to come down after sitting for too long , at first he will hold my hand , but after awhile , he dont want .

So what i do is , i dont let go , so sometime he cant do anything , just listen to me lor . Other way is , if he cry , daddy will carry him up and ask him , issit he want to walk by hiimself , he will say yes , so daddy will say , if u want to come down and walk , u HAVE TO hold mummy hand . So when daddy put him on the ground , he will come behind to look for my hand and hold ... But all this fail at times too ... haha .. sometime work , sometime dont ... =)

i want to go get a cane , i think its time ! haha

I hv explained to him that he has to hold our hands. When he doesn't, and the place doesn't look conducive for him to be walking w/o holding on to our hands, we will carry him. But he'll end up struggling (Wahrao ei! He's only 11.5kg but he's got so much strength!) and we hv to make sure we hold on to him real tight else he might just topple out of our hands! So we may eventually just let him down and attempt to hold his hand and refuse to let go. But he can be twisting and turning to wince his hand off ours, I'm rather worried that I'll sprain his hand if we continue in this tussle. *sigh*

Will remember to give him something he like when I get him to sit in his stroller next time. Thanks for the tip. :D
Hi Leia,
I have the same problem as you. Kayden also refused to let us hold his hands. Furthermore, he also refused to sit in the stroller for long. What we did was to carry him if it's in a place that's crowded or not conducive for him to walk on his own.
hi there,
wow looks like quite a few share my problem too.
except for the lying on the floor bit :p

my boy also doesn't like to let me hold his hand.
anyone tried the child harness

- I will try the coaxing method and try to reason with him but, not very successful..

- my husband will try to carry him / or me, and he will struggle and push us away, but for dangerous places, no choice

- i dun want to scold in public, but if he lies on the floor, i wish i could do the ignore and walk away bit, but the last time he did it, it was in a crowded place, cant just leave them there.

- rides! yes grandparents also guilty of introducing him to them, now everywhere we also must put $1 to entertain him. sigh

- and same here, ryan hates the stroller...i seldom bring it out now, just let him walk or carry...

Child harness, yes, tried that. But rather dangerous in crowded places too. I use that but a few times, he fell, cos he's still not sure footed when he walks.
re: tantrum

think it's a part which we can't control...but i really have to salute butter's ryan, if my gal lie on the floor(but lucky she's a little cleaniness freak like me, so i think it won't happen), i'll be like leobbsmom, will surely give her a jia lut jia lut one :p

me also do alot of "killer stares" and if it fails i'll raise my voice to a fiercer tone then she seems to know i mean business or i'll just remove her from the stimuli if possible.
by the way, we did the half day orientation at the childcare today and it turned out quite well. she was playing very happily with the kids but will still look for me when i leave the room. the teachers told me she's getting on quite well compared to other new students they encountered, so that helped me to think positively, just hope she'll be alright once i leave her on friday.
hi all mummies,
haha..guess mummies all encounter the same problems... :p
1)same here, Elysia sometimes dun let us hold her hand as she likes to run or walk freely. My parents dun approve me using child harness ley, saying is like leashing a puppy(which i think, right mah, she's my puppy, haha..) will let her walk freely within our premises.
2)she loves to take credit cards application forms, any pamphlets, toto/4d papers(tks for her grandparents), even the advertisments paper tt all over the letter box..sigh..told her not to pick up papers, she will stamp her foot and say 'No No No'..sometimes no choice, pick up 1 or 2 pcs trick her come near me,then carry her immedately & walk away...
3) same here, grandparents intro first.. now likes to ride so much.. haha.. luckily jus ride 1 time can satisfy her.

guess is a ongoing staging for our kids.. hopefully they will be more sensible in future..

wow.. good for you.. Denise is doing fine.. dun worry, trust our kids.. they are adapting well in new enviroment.. Cheers for Denise...^^
About caning after the event is over...

I wonder if 20 mths old kids are able to link the event of mischief that has happened earlier to the caning at the present moment. Would they hv already forgotten that they had misbehaved earlier? Or do not understand that the present caning is a result of the earlier misbehavior (if they do remember the misbehavior at all...).

Unless I can be sure that they do remember and can articulate to me, else I'm not sure how effective is the scolding/beating after the event of mischief is long over. No doubt they'll be scared when they get whacked, and esp if we "threaten" them that this is the "outcome" if they misbehave. But on the other hand, would they be seeing us as being totally unreasonable/overbearing since they have done nothing wrong at the present moment to deserve a beating? In the worst case, they may even think that we're just taking it out on them for no rhyme or reason...

Some thoughts to consider...
Morning Mummies,
Long time never long in, had been busy with current work and moving house matters.
Busy and stressful, last week having should and neck aching for the whole week feel terrible and tired.

About Tantrums,

Charlotte also will throw tantrums haiz.. When going to playground i only let her play awhile after which i will carry her back but she refuse to go back and want to go back to the playground otherwise she will cry. i put her down she will want to walk back to the playground, for me i hack care i just carry her back despite crying.

Walking sometimes she just refuse to hold hands i just follow behind her she can just walk and walk and fall down. but this is a lesson learn for her after which she will ask to hold hands.

I personally will not introduce caning to my kids.It will only cause more violent between parents and child. At this age they are learning and exploring more things, things they do you might think is misbehaving, but they are just having their childhood. For me i will let charlotte do things she want i will let her explore, dangerous things i will say no to her and she will remember it. like Dvd players she want to watch her DVD she will just ask me to on it for her she will never go near to the dvd player.

I feel that let them learn from mistake is the best. and they will never do it again.

Just like food, Charlotte can sometimes happily finish up her food, sometimes just refuse to eat. So i leave it to her i will not force her i will wait until she is hungry she will ask for it, is also another lesson learn for her she will end up finish up all her food.
Hi mummies,

Justin has become a little more emotional lately. He used to throw tanthrums and cry if he doesn't get his way. Now he sometimes resort to sit there quietly and "bian zui". We just peep at his face and he'll break into a laughter later. But I seems to sense he's getting a little more fragile in his moods lately.

Once I had a tiff with hubby and I just hugged Justin and cried. Pregnancy has indeed made me more teary over trivial matters. Justin got upset seeing me cry and he started to tear a bit. Then he picked up a tissue to dab his eyes then dab my eyes and he later kept stroking my face and calling "mummy" non stop. I felt very touched and bad at the same time and told myself I shd control my emotions more in front of him in future, but its so difficult cos sometimes what hubby did really made me so mad.
Helo Mummies! I am back again.
Recently was worn out. Had a fall again and this round was carrying Nat with me! SO scary and she got a bump on her head
bad Mummie! I have been v clumsy lately even though my tummy is not very big this round and not been feeling well having diarrhoea for past few days! Gosh... appeitie not well too and lose weight...

Is it really true preg mum tends to really get irritated easily, lose of patience too? HB say I used to love Nat so much & pamper her & so patience at her BUT this round I get angry easily.. WHAT he say make mi feel so guilty.. Natalie has been changing the past weeks. She love running around the house and wants me to run with her and I cant stay off her sight any single secs! She also love to lie on the floor when she feel tired or bored! Gosh... BUT sometime she still sensible.. when I told her mummie very tired with meimei i lay on bed awhile oh.. she will go & find my dog or even bring in some toys or her colorbook side beside mi on the bed play herself phew!

I think this stage they show tantrums cant be avoid. I used to beat her but realise doesnt help so I use the soft part. Try to distract her or wait till she stop it and coa her telling her cant this and that. Though sometime it helps but maybe i was thinking to let it be a habit when future she will get to know it & learn from it bah.. No matter how for a 20mths toddler to really understand & disclpine still a long way. But in terms of learning & trying to talk they seems to take up fast!
for me, my caning works coz it's not often. and i always tell her tat i will be very angry with her if she blah blah blah... so she knows tat i am angry with wat matter. and i will keep nagging at her abt making me angry until we reach home. and i show her the SWORD! this way, it helps her to link...so she knows it's regarding the earlier episode.

but like i said, i seldom cane her, probably once or twice only... i prefer to "settle on the spot", so i will smack her thigh or hand when she's notti so she knows wat is wrong with her. and i will give alot of chances and explanation until my throat dries, then i will smack her.

u crybaby ar... i sayang u ok! *hughug* but i do undstd our emotions r hard to control lately due to preg. but it's not advisable to cry infront of our tods now tat they r learning abt things around them. crying n showing our unstable emotions will only confuse them, coz they barely know wat emotions are... and tat explains the tantrums tat they r throwing at us now! hahaha... rite?

if u need to vent your anger or frustration, share with us here or call someone close to complain! just bitch it all u wan to release those bad vibes.. i also do the same! sometimes ta boleh tahan, so i just vent it out or i will explode!

btw, when is your EDD?
aiyo cyn, u beta be careful leh, with a "basketball", beta dun play play... how r u feeling now? everything ok?

oh yes! how could u forget to announce.............. i'm expecting a PRINCE!!!

you better be caeful. why are you still carrying nat?

You have diarrhoea? Migt be popping soon...


re. caning

I think spanking has zero effect on my children. They react better to praises. However, I will withdraw benefits at times if they are noti.

I dare not buy a cane cos I'm worried once I use it, I would use it often. I'm also afraid that in a fit of anger, I may not be able to control my strength.

As for the kiddies diin want to be restrained or carried, our solution is to avoid the malls if possible. We go to the parks instead to let them do what they like - to break free and walk...
Thanks! Feeling alot better after some resting. Aiyo Nat is horrible one.. always want me carry. Very headache even HB don understand Y she so sticky to me. Now she don wan mil or even hb... so i was very worried when I go pop... Once awhile I wil still put her mil hse stay 1 2 days let her get use to it again BUT she will cry when reach mil hse & hold on me n hold on gate! I also don't know..
Ya diarrhoea last few days but now stop. I was worrying am I gg to pop! Scare cos now only 33weeksplus and worrying e fall and also carrying Nat e pressure exert to me.. lucky now ok liao and the contractions is gone after taking med lo. So now just gotta keep taking the med.. sian.. Make mi so terrified. Even though this round tummy not very big but still feeling damn clumsy haiz,....

Congrats Leobbsmom! Balance too hehehe
re: cane after event is over
i also believe the child can't really link the earlier on event with the later caning, so if she really misbehaves outside my hand cannot wait will just smack her hand or carry her away. but denise very smart always know how to behave herself when we are outside accept that she likes to run around but didn't do any harm, will hold our hands most of the time.

cool down ok? me also tear easily if hubby just commented a little bit...too sensitive at this period. denise will also sayang me and rub my chest when she sees me cry..very sweet hor

pls do take good care of yourself ok?

you got your dream come true...congrats!
today is the 2nd day of orientation for denise at the childcare. she's more clingy than yday, so i was a little worried. but i managed to coax her to sleep after her shower and went for lunch before i head back to the cc. the teachers told me she was doing fine and didn't cry till she saw me...i hope it'll be even beter on fri
I am not pregnant but Charlotte also start to be more clingy to me, i guess they are growing up and begain to know we are their parents. Even thought she is mon-fri at my mum hs but now when she come back she will not cry when my mum and dad leaving my hs. in fact its the other way she will cry when she is go back with her grandparents. and sometimes i bring her back to my parents house on sunday with her daddy once reach the door steps she refuse to go in
can cry on the spot. she use to just walking my mum hs like nothing happen. She make me feel sad when i see her crying when my parents come and fetch her
mummies who ordered & paid $67.49 except for joko ($68)
1) rachel
2) SL
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) yoki03
6) honeyb
7) augbb
8) leia
9) cecelia
10) augustmum
11) erin
12) jokojoko

til date, i havent receive every1's a/c no. i'll check later n update e table. once i receive every1's a/c no, i'll refund via atm.

i've cancelled all collections bcos too much hassle 4 my mum who has been helping me wif some leapfrog collections. her plc was used as a collection point 4 my leapfrog sprees n she ended up rushing home, giving "lectures" to e mummies who bought such systems n i kenna nagging fr her 4 organising such time-wasting, full-of-hassle stuff. if she hears of another collection, i'll kenna nagged by her.

i'll mail out every1's dvd pack. pls PM me ur mailing add. i'll b mailing out e 1st 6sets tis sat.

Thanks and congrats. 1 boy 1 gal. I very crybaby sometimes, pregnant liao even worse. Cannot help leh, when sad, sure cry, read sad news in papers also tear. I'm so worried that I'll affect Justin and his little mei mei inside so tried to control more.

I told hubby since he likes to read so many books, then why he doesn't read pregnancy books especially the chapter on pregnant women's mood swings and emotions. But my hubby is very impatient and bad temper type, blow top liao then sayang me later. I dun like that but no choice lor.


Our kids although can drive us nuts at times but is our best source of comfort
They may be young but are very true in their feelings becos of their innocence.
I also a crybaby especially now preggie. Recently not happy at work and almost cried everyday when in office, watch romance tv series can cry coz the actress said something touching. Same as you, I just just can't control my emotion now.

Re: Tantrum
Jay has been getting more and more sticky to me now, when I have my meal he will insist to sit on my lap. Hardly for me to have a peace meal especially outside. Nowadays he has a very bad habit, he likes to scream! when he not happy or when he want something which he not getting then he will scream loudly. headache le. Any of your tod also behave this way?

I dun think I will buy cane, me bu she de! I am very hot temper so worry if I buy then will really cane him whenever he is noti. However, Jay reacts better to praises as well, you scold/beat him more, he lagi noti.

Good to hear that Danise is adopting well at CC. I starting to send Jay to CC this Friday. Intent to just bring him in on Friday to warm up for few hours then go back. Monday then officially bring him in for full day. Hope this works on Jay.
thanks mummies for the well-wishes, i actually wanted another girl wor...kekeke!!! but am happy tat i hv a boy now la, coz it's balanced. but will hv no excuse to hv no. 3 liao, hubby said SEE HOW FIRST! @___@
