(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

take your time.

i think should be a problem with this photo, anyway it's really very clear.

hope you have a great trip! i also liked melbourne very much esp. the farm trip with horse riding up the mountain and watching the penguins came on shore to reunite with their hatched babies...hehe
i'm sure you and your whole family will have so much fun!

Love stella cheek so much! Hehe use that cheeky face for her passport not bad leh

Hmm didnt hear frm MH, think she has pop liao since the last time she post alread 39weeks! Gosh... Wonder who will be next here..

Recently not feeling well again. So tired this round. Today keep diarrhoea i think shld reduce or stop my milk lately. Also keep vomiting. Dono when will all these end and faster pop HAHA! I don mind bb come out at 36 37 weeks as long hit a gd weight

have not received mine. mabbe no one answered the door this morning as I went shopping.

For the LUK set, I got the controller at a lower price, think $29. The set of 5 books cost $100.

Wow... the oversea deal sounds cheaper. Wonder if I could just tag on and buy the other 2 sets of books? Keep me informed ok?

As for the carseat, if your are heng, yr bro may hv friends whose carseat are stored away in their storeroom
kelly, butter8 is right, its illegal not to strap up kids and definately, no infants in arms. even some taxis wont take us as they didnt have child seats, the bigger taxis had child seats in them...
Rental from hertz is about 80aus per chair for the whole period...

in sydney there was this shop that provides rental of baby items, maybe u can do a search or check with sporean mummies in perth ... then yr bro can pick them up before hand....

enjoy your trip!!! : )
Hi HoneyB

Really long time no see. Thks for your concern. My dad is better now.

U not feeling well still travelling? Do take care. Weather is v bad recently.

Hi Amy

The CC is at Clementi Ave 6 behind Nan Hua Pri School 1 of the condo. The CC is inside the condo. Is a small scale CC. For playgroup only 3 student on Full day. Another 3 on half day at the moment. The teacher is v patient and caring. If u need more information, let me know.

Hope Jayden get well soon. A lot of ppl is sick. Crisann is down with flu as well.

Hi Kelly

I alright with the arrangement. Stella is so cute. Enjoy yr trip.
Hi Augustmum

Me too. Think is not easy to find small scaled CC too...

Hi Kelly

Had received. Thk u...

Wishing all Mummies Happy Mothers' Day
Hi Kelly,
Had rec'ved the DVD, with thanks.
Stella is more chubby than my girl-Rissa. She looks like 'Nihon jin' leh...hee he
Re:Mosquito/bugs bite
Mummies, need your advice.
I brought Jay back to Msia but everytime he will bring a lot of mosquito or bugs bite marks back. They are big, itchy and the marks will remained for a long time. He keep scratching as it is itch and I also dunno what to do, very heart pain and I have applied mopiko but it doesnt help much. Any suggestion what can I apply on Jay?
Thanks Kelly for arranging the delivery of the DVDs, got them when I came back from my biz trip last week. Justin watched abt 5 times already. Quite educational but found the pronounciation of the sound of "L" quite misleading cos it sounded like "Orrr". Otherwise, its not bad.
Hi Mummies,

Sorry, I've MIA for very long liao. Long story....my dad passed away 4 weeks ago and i was also subsequently hospitalised and was on 14 days of hospitalisation leave. That's y never logged in to read and update

I'll be joining you Kelly in rank soon....preggie with 3rd one. ETA nov if everything goes smoothly. Now worried that I'll not be able to keep as Gynae wanted me to go for amiotic test as the 12 weeks scan is not very ideal. Going for second opinion first b4 deciding to go for test or not.

Hi kelly,
saw the pics that you posted of stella. really very cute leh
hi cocomo,

For me, I bought the Cherub Rubs Skin Soothe for Rae but I end up using it on myself which is effective to sooth the itch from insect bites and it is organic. And, I also has the insect repellent which I have yet to use so cannot verify whether it it effective. Bought them at the Pharmacy in Camden Medical. The links are :



Vitakids also has other brands of organic insect repellent and cream.
Hi cocomo,
Natalie also facing the same problem as Jay. Esp when she was at MIL hse there.. everytime kana it. AND the bite become big swollen. Last time i use mopiko no use lo.. den MIL use ZAMBARK. But i don like the idea of it so bring her to PD and get med to apply. Running out also so will be gg back to PD again to get 2 tubes standby lo. I cant remeber whats the name but not bad.. PD say bb with sensitive skin, after insect bite will be v swollen.... So maybe U can consider bring Jay to PD to get med better..

Sorry to hear what is happening. Its ok you can drop by when you free and better. Meantime rest well and 3rd BB is coming! Encouragement too! Let us know hows everything okie

Justin also kenna mozzie bite last week. There's a 1 evil mozzie trapped in my air con room at night and bit me and him crazy. I itched until i woke up to apply mopiko. I din apply for him cos i tot its too strong. So he woke up next day with 6 big swollen bites. I tried calendula cream, some mild insect bite cream for kids from vitakids but not very effective cos its still very swollen. In the end i applied zampak cos i remember using it when i was young but also fearing it'll be too strong for kids so used it for 1 day. The bites subsided 1 day later and subsequently i use back calendula cream cos i still feel safer with that. Maybe like wat Cynthia said, u can bring Jay to PD to get better medicine.

Problem is I tried to avoid seeing doc for Justin as much as possible becos of the HFMD so din bring him to see doc.
hi cocomo,

I found the name and contact of the store. If you are really getting it, call them up to make sure they have stock first.

Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
#01-04 Singapore 248649
Tel: (65) 6887 3456 Fax: (65) 6887 3923
Jay always kena bite one lo, then all very big and swollen. I tried calendula cream, zambak and mopiko and it did not work well and became 'black mark'. The black mark which kena during chinese new year still not subside yet, his whole leg a lot of marks. sim tia! Thinking of getting some cooling cream to prevent him from scratching. Like Racoon, bcoz of HFMD, I am hesitate to bring him to see PD also. Will try getting the Cherub cooling gel recommended by Amy and see how it works. Thanks all!!

I just called them and they have stocks now! Have reserved one and will pick it up this evening. Thanks a lot!!!
cocomo..pd gave me fucicort to apply on the mossie bite...if u diligently apply..the mark will go away...perhaps u can try..

same case for my older son. The mozzie bites will leave marks for a long time. For the medicine to be effective, you hv to apply it immediately after the bite. If you hv no medicine on hand, try to wash with warm water/ salt solution. It will be good to carry the cream with you all the time though


Take care. Pray all will go well for you.
hi cocomo and mummies,

my boy just got a bite on his left hand, it has swelled up, it looks pretty bad. it is hard in the centre. so poor thing
what should i do? he is napping now and i am observing how it is.

what should i do?
we think its an insect sting
Is the fucicort contain steroid? Can get from any pharmacy?

Noted your advice, thanks! Will ask my maid to bring all cream and mosquito repella spray wherever we go liao.

Jay's bite also swollen and hard at the center, that's why my hubby said might not be mozzie bite but kena bite by some insect. Very sad to see them kena bite hor!!
Fucicort is steriod ( antibiotic/ corticosteriod). PD ever giv my boi for mosquito bite becos he scratched till skin tear n infection.

do take care.
Hi Yoshi,
Take care and pls be strong.

Cocomo,augmum and mummies,
Megan also kena mozzie bites right on her cheek and forehead, so big, red n hard in the ctr.. thnk also kena in my aircon room.. I happen to meet honeyb in vivo over the weekend and she asked about the bite cos it was so prominent! Think will take some time to simmer down even if apply cream..

Hi mummies,
anyone has comments/feedback on montessori based curriculum versus that of church kindies'? hope if you have, pls share..

my boys always kenna such bites...red, swollen, hard type. definitely not mozzie bites. i applied a chinese medicated cream recommended by my parents. it helps 2 take care of these bites within 2-3days.

according 2 my mum, e boys were bitten by bed bugs.
ya very heart pain, now the hand so swollen, the hand so big and fat...

by nite time still didnt subside, so my hubby brought him to PD. it was supposed to be long wait, but lucky kind doc, came out of room to have a look and prescribed something, so my boy dun need wait 2 hr. later hope the swell lessens, if not doc say must take anti biotic.

take care...
ya wanted to add that my hubby also only remembered HFMD when he got to the clinic which was crowded at 8pm at nite. lucky the nurses were kind, just ask him to confirm if its only the bite that my son was there for, and said to him dun go in, just wait outside and they get dr to come out.

congrats and take care.


I've taken a course on Montessori Phonics and Phonetics few yrs back. That time just married and take for fun hoping in future can teach my own kids. But that course won me over on Montessori teaching methods cos i found their methods very logical and patient. I'm convinced the way they teach phonics is logical for a child and also understood more abt the psychology on child's early learning.

So now I'm very determined to send Justin to a Montessori school, but problem is the pure MMI near my house is not that good when I visited. Wanted to settle for a newly opened half Montessori but then its not that pure and hubby not really convinced the teachers are good. So kind of schelved this schooling plan till later.

I dunno much abt church kindies except they are religious based right? There's catholic kindie near my house too and a lot of my neighbours went there. But my parents and grandaunt commented church kindies are well known for their discipline and attitude.
Hi Yoshi,
my condolences. take care.

congratulations on ur pregnancy. may u and baby stay healthy and happy. btw, ur #3 is an accident? how are u feeling now? better? remembered that u mentioned u had bad ms. is it better for this one? don't worry too much abt the amniotic test. my friend also went for the test. luckily, the results was ok. she just gave birth to a healthy son last month.

hi babyboy,
din hear from u for a long time. how's life?

hi racoon,
there are very few pure Montessori schools in Singapore. Montessori is good as it allows the children to learn things that they are interested and to do them at their own pace. it would be very tedious for the teachers to monitor the kids' learning. perhaps u can explain to ur hb that the teachers in half Montessori schools are just as well trained. heard from my friend who taught in a half Montessori school that the difference is that they added in more written work and also restrict some of the topics that the children learn so that the children could cope well in primary school.

based on my experience, those who are from montessori are witty but some of them do find it harder to adjust to structured classwork and the class routine as they are used to doing things their way.

Same sentiments as u on Montessori method. Maybe I shd arrange some time for hubby to visit the school during lessons time to observe the teachers before making any decision. The supervisor at the half Mont. Sch told for Pre N1 and N1, they dun expose too much of Mont. materials to the kids cos want the kids to learn thru play. Its more of at K1 and K2 then they emphasize more on the materials.

The pure MMI near my hse is very big and there're so many kids running around till i felt a little chaotic. I would rather go for 1 with lower teacher and student ratio so Justin get more attention. My greatest fear is always Justin running loose and get lost or getting hurt becos he was not watched properly by the teachers.
mozzies also love to bite denise leaving big marks, mopiko doesn't work as well. you can try using 100% pure tea tree oil, think it's call "thursday plantation". and i use hansaplast anti moz spray wheni visit areas suspected to have moz.

my condolences, do take care.
and congrats on your pregnancy, rest well.

i've been feeling so breathless lately no matter seated or standing, my tummy is huge with this pregnancy and i have 8 more wks to go, dunno how long can i stand...this thursday will be doing scan, really wonder what's the baby's weight now.
Don worry, though another 8more weeks very fast! I also hate e feeling of breathless and sometime even when sleeping, difficult to turn and adjust myself cos always feeling pain at e V area lo. Now I cant wait for mine to pop! Gynae was expecting anytime beginning June - mid june.. I was hoping able to eat dumpling on the 8th before pop hehehehe

Wonder MH pop liao since she has already pass her EDD also...
wow, u brave mama bringing 3 kids along to Perth! but u've got a bro there, so hopefully all things will be settled properly here then u all will be able to enjoy the trip to the fullest!

i went to the sunflower animal farm when i was in margarte river. will u be driving to margaret river and arrange a farm stay?

i think the car seat was only abt aud10 per day, or lesser. we got our car rental from http://www.m2000car.com.au/index.html u check it out ok...

my condolences for your loss, hope u didnt strain urself during the funeral.

are u suffering from MS for this preg? do keep us posted of your 2nd opinion ok.. we'll keep u in our prayers! all will turn out for the good ofthe future alrite! meanwhile, u take care and feel free to post some lines and share ur feelings so tat we can support each other ok. hughug***
I also have same thot as I prefer montessori. The CC Jay is attending having small class size and teachers can have more attention on the kids. But then as what Erin mentioned the kids might have difficulty adjusting to structured classroom later. As for the Church Kindergarden normally their class size is huge and I think it is more suitable for kids reaching K1 where they can take care of themselves with lesser attention.

Re: Jay's school life
So far I am happy with Jay's development in the CC, he really enjoy his time there. Normally in the morning he will cry a bit when I left him for work then when I go pick him up in the evening he refuse to go back!!! I can see him enjoy his time with his friends and enjoying his montessori materials. The teacher told me ytday that he even disciplin Megan to sit down during singing and story time when Megan tried to climb up the table. It really make me laugh!!! Really glad that he can adapt to the new environment so fast.

Re: Mossie bite
Thanks all for sharing and advice. I am applying the cream Amy introduced me and I found it is really good as it has the cooling feel that can comfort Jay on the itch.

Same with you, I am having bad heartburn even I am only 6mth! I am experience quite serious back pain as well, painful when lie down on the back. Now even sometimes walking also cannot liao. I wonder what will happen when in 30+ weeks!
seems like it's tougher on us during 2nd pregnancy. i'm seriously considering going on leave a little earlier and then cover a bit more with my annual leave after ML finished.

And yes i do feel the strain on my V region too, the pressure and weight is much more than previous time. And i can hardly fill my lungs completely with my diaphragm pushed up...
i very happy 4 u tat jay's doing well in his cc. gotta give him some confidence tat he can do well. many times our tods can surprise us.

it's not true tat class size in church kindy is huge. when gabe goes 2 pre-nursery (N1), his class was only 12kids to 1 teacher & 1 teacher asst. it is definitely big if u compare 2 a pure monte class.

i can never 4get tat pain on e V region. it was even more painful when i had carry & run after my 2 monkeys.
it depends on which church kindy e kids go 2. not every church kindy hv e same curriculum. some r desk-based so the kids turned out having gd desk discipline 2 do work (gd 4 e kid when e kid progresses 2 primary level), some r play-based so e emphasis is on learning thru play. their style isnt montessori but e desk discipline is lacking so kids also do suffer when they go 2 pri. some r project-based. somewat similar 2 play-based but they do work based on a thematic approach.

i've been hunting 4 church kindy 4 my 2 boys cos i wanna move them out of their present church kindy which has a desk-based approach. after 1.5yrs in e kindy, gabe is very disciplined 2 sit down 2 complete his homework (fr e enrichment class, fr SM or even work fr my mum who was a preschool teacher). i dun stress him but we spent abt 20-30mins doing maths, eng, piano everyday. tat is gd enuff 4 me.

so in jan09, i moving my boys to a play-based church kindy cos gabe's present church kindy dun hv a gd GK (general knowledge) curriculum.
now we r on tis topic...i like 2 seek e mummies' opinions, esp those who r in e industry (u know who u r)

is it wise 4 me 2 teach my kids montessori at home, send them 2 a playgroupish church kindy (playgroupish means welcome song, crafts, music & movement, story-telling, etc) n also a right-brain class on wkends?

will i overwhelm or confuse my kids?
ya, i got my bro 2 help me, if not i wont even consider bring stella when she's only 5mths old. i settled for harvey hills farmstay liao. www.harveyhills.com.au

cos it's only 1hr+ drive fr perth. wif 3kids, i cant venture too far out fr perth. my kids not e sort 2 sit in a car 4 long hrs lah.
wow kelly, tat farm has a nice view i can read from the link. u can consider bringing the kids to Bunbury Dolphin Discovery Centre, i heard it's good. i missed it coz we were driving to margaret river, and didnt hv time for it...

we hv 2 cousins in perth, and they brought us around everyday when we were in town. and we explored the nice food and tat little shopping available. how long is your trip? =)
i went 2 e bunburry dolphin discovery centre b4. nothing fantastic leh. if my kids can sit still, i may bring them 2 busseltown 2 check out e longest jetty.

i'll b in perth fr 21-30jun. abt 10days.
Hi racoon,
I researched around when i was deciding on preschool edn for megan and I also concluded that Montessori phonics/language and maths seems to be tested and proven on establishing good foundation for kids. For eg. most schools only start phonetics for 3/4yrs old kids. Monte has a systematic way of taking phonics, blending etc which i do not find in other schools, incl those premium ones...

Actually nowadays, I dun think there are very pure monte schools in Singapore. The only one I know of is Montessori for Children (MFC) at Novena and another international school - Er Intl School http://www.eis.edu.sg/index.asp
Even The MMI megan is attending does incorporate worksheets and exercises (I saw those kindy kids doing).. which I dun find it a bad point cos ultimately the kids have to blend in with the primary school, right?

Do you intend to send Justin to a Monte school all the way to kindy?

I just received the enrollent letter or St James. Megan has a space for their playgroup next year which was unexpected. I had planned to send her for 2yrs monte then bring her over to SJCK at Nursery level in 2010... so now I am at crossroads again.. somehow I am not so sure now as I find Monte seems to work for Megan.. My mind tells me she will benefit more from MMI than the <3hr playgroup (thematic learn thru play) in SJCK next year. And I have a feeling she may stay in MMI for longer than my planned 2years and I will haf a hard time pulling her out when 2010 comes simply cos Monte works well for her, plus she would most prob haf friends and dun wanna move on..

so now dilemma..nd2 cfm by end this week

I also did not hear good reviews of the one you are looking at.. what's the ratio there? same sentiments on ratio.. church kindies seem to have a higher ratio.. megan's school PG ratio is actually 1:5 but recently with new toddlers like Jayden and another 2, they added in 1 more teacher, so ratio becomes even lower..that's what I like.. I won't be able to get it at SJ.. SJ's ratio is 1 :7 and I see their HFMD record recently I fainted..
Hi Erin,
generally, on the majority, does those monte kids fare well in school? Like they know much more beyond the syllabus etc? what about those kindy kids who learn thru themes, learn thru play types? That's my main concern..

Hi Fio and Cyn,
We are reaching the end liao right? I am left with 7weeks but may end up even shorter cos bb is in breech.. that means I may deliver at 38 weeks, leaving me 5 weeks??

Hi Cocomo,
I just uploaded video clips of Jayden and Megan playing in the playground this afternoon in my blog, taken by my hubby.. you may wanna go take a look
Jayden and Megan are enjoying themselves... parents out of sight, out of mind haha...

Hi kelly,
I tot you mentioned the kindy Gab is going is one of the best in your area? should continue? I find your ratio acceptable.. SJCK PNPG is 1:7. Do you get daily feedback from the teachers on what gabe does in school? How's the curriculum like in his current kindy? is it alot of religious studies?
your baby may just turn herself, dun worry too much ok?

and all this talking about schools and curriculums you all sending your kids to is stressing me up leh...haha. but of course it's good to share so we can all have an idea what's good for our kids. i'm like very slack leh, dun find out about all these stuff like you all do

but denise is doing very well and shown lots of improvement at the current CC, now she will even take out her pacifier and give her comfort blankie to the teacher to keep, showing that she's feeling more secure with the environment alrdy. and hubby told me this morning when he sent her there she didn't sob at all

i was also thinking MH must have delivered that's why she didn't come online for a while.


If I were you, I may let Megan continue at the current MMI cos its really tough for the young gal to have to adjust again and again. You'll also have to rebuild your trust and rapport in the teachers in the new school. I understand that St James have had really good feedback so its a really difficult choice but ultimately Megan will be the one to show you how good the school is.

I'm also at crossroads, I'm struggling more and more with Justin in Shichida and I really don't know how much has he absorbed in that 1hr 15min class with his short attention span and constant climbing up and down the tables and chairs. I see that he is progressing a lot lately in terms of his vocabulary and understanding of things around him but not sure is it due to Shichida. I'm also afraid when i pop, can hubby handle him in class since he forever dun want Daddy in class. And I also believe right brain training works best on a daily basis not a weekly basis but my work is getting so busy till i got not much time to do any flash cards or SM homework with him everyday. Every night, when I'm home, it'll be watching TV with him on my bed and playing with whatever toys he had.

Feel like stopping for some time and resume later....dilemma dilemma
