(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi mummies,

I'm selling my infant carseat, as my ger ger has outgrown it. Pls PM me if anyone's interested - thanks!


Hi all mummies ... long long time no log in already ! haha ... so hows everyone ! guess everyone is enjoying their babies !
hi fiona

i saw on another thread you purchased the bumbo seat? wanna hear your feedback on it
i was thinking of buying one for leon, he tried it out at carrefour and seemed to like it a lot. do you know til about what age they can use it till? looks q small right. selling at carrefour for $100, q ex huh.
hi mummies,
long time no post here! me going to start work the week after. So fast! going to miss staying at home with my ger
can I ask you mummies, how is your pumping schedule like at work? and do you latch your baby on after coming back from work?

like jesline's, augbaby's and bbmum's babies, my ger also starts to drink lesser..last time use to drink about 4oz-120ml nowadays she stopped at 90ml and some parts of the day even 60ml... scared she not growing.. poo wise she still poos about 3-4 times a day with at least 2 big poo

is it that baby will gain weight at a slower rate after 2 months?

hi fiona,
when can we use the bumbo seat? I have one hand me down but dunno when to start using...
hi pups & piyo,
the bumbo seat indicated it's for bb 3-14mths or up to 10kg, my gal only 2+ mths old but will put her in it only when her neck has stabilized. It oso depends on how thick the baby's thigh grows...my friend's son very chubby & at one point his thighs even got stuck in the seat hahaha...

wah...carrefour selling so ex ar?! kiddy palace's retailing at 79.90, i still find it ex so looked for it in the forum lor...

I haven't seen the teat puncher myself but my cousin uses it before. She says Pigeon and Tollyjoy should have it. I believe you'd be able to find it at Kiddy Palace.
hi fiona

thanks for the feedback
hmm, so u haven't put your baby on it. i'm really so tempted to buy it but it's q ex for such a short time of usage. guess i'll jus keep looking out on the forum for a second hand one.
HI Leia,

I have tried the bumwear when my bb's 1-2 mth old, but it leak. I put my bb in bouncer and after 2-3hour, the floor under whr he's sitting was wet, the urine leaked out. The 2nd time i tried, the urine and poo leak out and stained my hb's pants when he was feeding him. And also i found it difficult to wash the inserts. BB's poo stained the insert and no matter how hard i wash, still can see the yellow stain after 1 time use. Just tried twice, from then onwards, they r resting in the drawers, haha..

Or maybe the method i use was wrong? I hope to use it again cos have spent on it, n it's not cheap at all.
Hi Chrys,
I bot the bumwear from the last BP. After washing a few times to 'season' it, mine still leaks... but I guess the reason for the leakage is the leghole is still too big for my ger... my ger has yet to develop thigns thunderous enuf to fit the hole snugly... I will try it again later on when she grows more michelin:p did you wash the diapers a few times b4 putting it on your baby?

hi fiona,
so the bumbo seat can only be used for a short while huh? do we use it when we start to feed our babies with solids? a friend of mine gave it to me but I dunno what it's used for haha...
Hi chrys,

Did you chk the Bumwear site for troubleshooting?


Eg. detergent, not to use softener, not to use diaper cream, wash at least 3 times before use. Do you machine wash or hand wash btw? Do you wash it almost right away or leave it overnight?

As for stained inserts, my CL used to dump the normal cloth nappies in a pail of water to soak immediately after they have been soiled. Before that, she will sort of rinse the nappy and rub the stains a little. At the end of the day, she will wash them in the washing machine - no yellow stains.

Anyway, I suspect the leak is due to the wide leg hole. I try to pull the centre piece further up and out to make the leg hole a bit smaller. I think the leak condition shld improve when BB gets a lil bigger. So no harm trying again.
Hi piyo n leia,

I washed all the diapers and inserts at least 3 times (can't remember) before i gave birth. I waited for them to dry first before the next wash. I washed using Attack in the washing machine w cold water (it does suggest using warm water but i din follow), never use softener etc. I bought them from the BP long ago (when the discount was still 20%)

I had a hard time figuring how to wear it on my newborn boy tat time as it seems too BIG on him.. (my boy has a small butt :p) After button up all buttons still seem quite loose loose leh.. or maybe i wear it incorrectly? tat time i nearly brought my bb to novena square bumwear shop to ask for help from Rita .. haha... Then after the leaks, i jus switch back to using cloth diaper, easier, though need to change more frequent. In fact do u think it's wise to use bumwear on my boy now as he poo about 8 times a day (only a bit lesser compared to he's newborn), so i practically can't wait for 3-4hours then change the insert or diaper, but need to change everthing after each poo rite.. Normally i change his cloth diaper every 1 or 1.5hourly, sure got urine/poo. Very tiring lor.

I also rinse the insert and diaper immediately after he poo, rub the insert with Pigeon detergent then soak in water, hand wash later and spin dry.
I am back at work now. I dunno how much i miss my bb until when i reached home and carried him, i couldn't stop crying. silly rite.. Morning before leave home also bu she de.. but PIL beside me so dun dare to show my feeling. Last week was so sad when i talked to my boy and he din show any facial expression but when my PIL talked to him he laughed. then my MIL said bcos i never with him for 3 days so he can't recognise me anymore.. it made me so sad..

Hi Piyo,
i m trying to latch my son as much as possible after returning from work everyday, midnite and in the morning before work if he wakes up. If he hasn't woke up, will store the fresh ebm in milk bottle and let my FIL feed, as it has highest count of antibody in the first 6hours after expressed i read. My 2 sis in law are down w flu now, so i let my son has fresh milk more to increase his antibody level. My FIL very cute, insists his 2 "Gu Gus" to wear mask else can't go near my son.
Hi chrys,

My son also smiles more to my MIL and maid. When I call his name or talk to him, he dun seem to be interested. Whereas, the moment my maid speak to him, he giggle or smile to her immediately. Makes me feel so sad too. So i feed his nite feeds although I am very tired.
I treasure the times to be with my bb and cant wait for each holiday or weekends.
Hi Dino,
I spent my last weekend with my son more and objected straight away when my MIL suggested to let my son sleep with them at nite. My hb's 3 sisters are staying together and when they come back from work, my MIL will ask them to feed, i want to feed my son desperately.. already have so little time w him.. still seem need to "queue up" to feed or hv bonding time w my son.. depress...
Hi chrys,

I personally feel that hand wash can never be as clean as machine wash leh... Cos machine tend to wash longer. Maybe that's why the yellow stain can't go off? How about soaking in hot water?

Yes, your boy seem to be pooing a lot still. How many Bumwear diapers do you have? You say you switch back to using "cloth diaper"? Do you mean to say disposables? Actually, the way I see it is, if you have already bought them, no harm to try using them again (if your boy's thigh is sufficiently big enough for the leghole). Use finish then use disposables, since it is already a sunken cost. At least you'll still save on disposables.
Hi leia,
i handwash all bb clothes n cloth diapers as the load is not alot.
I have 5 diapers and 12 inserts, only used 1 diaper and 1 insert so far. Others r washed but haven't used. I have been using cloth diapers (washable) on my bb since he's born, only use disposables at night and when going out.

Pooing alot means not absorbing the nutrient rite.. how ar?

chyrs, i miss my boy like u too.. even like after weekend, today back to work, feel like rushing back to see him already. however, today is my anniversary, my mum say i should give hubby sometime... she thinks i focus too much on baby and my marriage will suffer...???

for convienience, i stopped using clothe nappies about a week back. we find the nappies cant take much pee, and so either leak out or my bb cries cuz he can 'feel' wet...
is it bad to use disposable diapers only?

one other thing, i still have left over vitamins (pre preggy) like the fish oil - can that still be eaten by non preggy lady? can i still eat it - not to waste hahaha any benefits for me? :p
Hi Butter8,
My gynae say we can still eat as it is good for our body. But I myself leave it aside.Hmm... I am glad I dun need to take those. hehe.

I use disposable diapers most of the time, only use 1x cloth diaper per day. Becoz my boy tend to cry and woke up easily due to the wetness.

Hi chrys,
Your boy looks very chubby. And he is gaining weight, then should be ok

Long time dun have wanli's news and didnt see any of her post for very long time.
haiz. talk about missing our babies when we are back to work. i misssss my boy badly too...even now i think abt it, tears start to blur my vision..taking care of him for 3mths straight has definately made me bond with him n now i miss him dearly...

yeah,CHRYS..when i left my boy with my parents for the day, he kept laughing and talking to them but when i call him, he didnt respond as usual..almost like he forgot who am i... felt so miserable...

everyday at work, i count down the hours... horrible...now i have separation anxiety..

BUtter - can eat the fish oil vitamins..gynae told me before becos i had leftovers too..even better if breast feeding,then baby gets the vitamins as well...
Hi butter8,
i am still taking the neurogain fish oil capsule each everyday (it's for pregnant and lactating mothers), obimin multivitamin and calcium tablets. Our diet during pregnancy and lactating should be the same rite..

Hi dino,
Think wanli is busy bah..
Will bring bb for injection in weeks time, eager to know his weight now.
My boy is very talkative, always lie there and talk to himself non stop while playing w his fingers or sucking his thumb. Dunno wat he's talking. I like to sing to him and he'll follow by making sound continuously like singing at his own tune, nobody understand wat he's singing..

Hi babyboy, dino
however, my hb ask me dun be jealous if bb laugh to PIL or caregiver more, as babies have short memory, he will still love us most as we were w him for 9mths, and especially if we r bfg they r closest to our skin.

Hi mummies,
do u all manage to slim down to pre-preggie weight? I still hv 4 more kg to go but i think it's quite hard already as i gained 20kg during preggie.
dino n babyboy,
ok then i can clear the stock n dun waste.. only thing is i stop bf liao :p hehehe

i oso can 20kg like u... now still have 5kg to go.. i heard we shouldn aim to lose back to same old weight, but, check on the measurements - cuz we have have heavier bone density after extra calcium intake???? makes sense??

i just able to wear back my wedding ring - finally! so fat hor me... take so long... i aim to fit back comfortable into my levi's jeans then i be happy :p
hi butter8,

im worse.. i only put on 16kg during pregnancy and half of it still with me...
did u manage to slim down the tummy area?
Hi chrys,

long time noi talk ya? so fast u back to work..maybe u can work in light exercises after work on way back home?

me left with 1 kg to go.. and will return to work on nov 27.. sigh.. time really flies!

Me and bb will be going to bangkok on nov 12.. so now headache over how to feed her there..

Oh, thinking about losing weight. I still got 3kg to go, although i only gain 12kg. And my tummy is like 1-2inch more before preg.Look so flabby and ugly. I have stretchmark after giving birth.

Hi chrys,
Its good your boy is active. Sucking thumbs and talking to himself. My boy too, he looked at the hanging mobile, sucking his fingers, kicking his legs and talk to himself. Hmm... make me miss him now.
chrys & dino, believe that the 3 of us were patients of dr wong...just sent her my baby's pic..she kept asking for it to display in her ofc..

talk abt weight -- cant seem to lose weight at the tummy..supposed to do crunches every nite, but the moment i lie down on the bed, i fall asleep straight away...

catherine,my boy doesnt totally reject bottle feed, though he will use his tongue and gums to chew on the teat..he has been drooling the past week..my mum suspect he is beginning to start teething..saw 2 white spots thru his gums at the bottom 2 front teeth...

any babies drooling or have signs of teething yet?
my girl also drooling leh she will cry when i feed her milk, will stop crying when i feed her water. my mum also said is sign of teething still growing in the gums until maybe 6mths will pop out.
catherine...but strange huh, yr baby will drink water but not milk...i couldnt believe it when my mum told me that it was signs of teething , until i saw the 2 white spots under the gum area....
teeth might pop out anytime from 4mths onwards..
only cross fingers that baby will not fuss, cry n get fever when teething...

catherine,when was yr baby delivered?
my ger was delivered on 17 aug.
yah i also find it strange she drink water but not milk. maybe water cooling lor.
my colleague say is normal for baby rejecting or crying while feeding milk leh.
but end up my ger still drink finish her milk lor..
Hi to mummies who are sad that babies dont smile at them too often after back to work!

I am also worrying over this issue now. I will be back to work on 20Nov-3 more weeks to go. Thereafter my maid & fil will take care of my gal in my hse.I can forsee that I will be very busy with year end once I get back to work.. may need to work late..

right now, my gal can recognise my voice & smell. she will always smile at me when i am just looking at her w/o talking.. so sweet right. And seems that only I can calm her down when she is crying very loud. My maid can handle her crying too but takes longer time.

I am so afraid that my gal will be sticky to my maid or fil & tt she wont recognise me so well...
lala dun worry no matter how ur ger will be close to you when she is older, next time when u go to work u will see her crying 4 mummy~~
Catherine, thx for your ang wei...
actually i did not bf my gal & yet she can recog me so fast. even my maid says tt while she's feeding my gal & if i happen to pass by, my gal will move her head & eyes & search for mummy's direction. i am so happy to hear tt.. just hope that she will continue to recog me... if not i will be very jealous man....
u are welcome, not to worry sure she recognise you cos she comes out from your tummy mah.. at least u go home still can see her. I still got to travel to my mum hs, otherwise if busy i won't go down leh, even no chance to see her..
i am too tired to do any exercise, since back to work and juggling house hold stuff, husband, baby n grandparents :p

you also leave your baby at mum's place? for entire week?
My boy also start drooling a lil recently. Bubbly saliva... so kewt!

Seems like many of you mommies hv gone back to work already. Myself, I hv 1 month of ML cum AL left. Going back on 4 Dec but tempted to take 2 more wks on unpaid leave... :p How good if I can have the luxury of quitting my job and stay home to take care of my boy!

Initially during confinement month, I was like, can't wait to go back to work. When I went back to office to deliver full month cakes, I was still bitching about how boring it is at home, how tiring it is, how's it's worse than working cos it's 24 by 7 (esp bad with bfg). Well, I've survived the 2nd month of my ML pretty much on my own - taking care of BB, household chores, cooking proper meals cos I'm bfg. Night feeding is not so frustrating anymore, compared to the earlier stages, and sore nipples seem to have disappeared completely since the beginning of the 2nd month. And I am beginning to really enjoy being with my boy as he gets more responsive. It's a joy to watch him when he sleep in the dim lights of the room and suddenly he'd just raise his legs in the air and kick a little. Or when he stretches himself and move left and right, making those funny noises. Very soon, he's gonna grow up. And he'll never be like this again. I used to feel very impatient/sian when he's taking a long time to nurse... used to think that it's a chore and during confinement period, was already contemplating on giving up on bfg as soon as I can. I'm very ashamed of those thoughts and now, I'm beginning to enjoy it much more. It's nice to be holding him close, stroke his hair, play with his hand, his foot, tickle him and watch him cringe. I don't dread night feeding anymore. I guess I've gotten used to it. It's nice to just fall asleep together after nursing him... actually, I don't even realise I've fallen asleep until I wake up again for the next feed. I know he's only this little once, and very soon, he'll grow up, and even sooner, I'd have to be going back to work.

Even his crying don't stress me out anymore (I think he got colic. Every evening between 7-10, sure cry for no reason one). I was still thinking that I won't miss him when I go back to work, but now I dread to think that I'll be going back to work soon. *sigh* :""(
hey leia, i share your sentiments EXACTLY!! i used to be so frustrated with my ger when she cried & screamed at nite when i was so DEAD tired and really wanted to sleep! i still rmb tat on one occasion, i even SLAPPED her continuously!!! she was so eye-wide opened & shocked tat she stopped screaming and started to sob loudly instead...and her tears just kept rolling and she pout her lips when sobbing..

i so regretted it the next morning!! :"""( i swear with my heart tat i will not lay even one finger on her out of my own failure in controlling my emotions again..

and now, still stuck in the office...i miss my ger already... =(
hi chrys,
i can understand how hurting it felt when your MIL said such things like, your baby doesn't recognize you anymore... i solely take care of my baby myself and only left her to be fed by my MIL when i go out for a few hours once a while only, and she can also said this to me when my baby doesn't smile at me when i come home.

To me is like, wa lao siao ar! Of course my gal recognizes me, it's juz that at 2 mths old, she's looking around her surrounding more so may be distracted at times. What my MIL doesn't know is, my gal always chuckles and laughs loudly when she's back in the room with me, which they never have the privilege to see at all! So don't ever let those hurtful words get you down, ultimately when your baby is older, he'll be closer to you.

Actually my MIL is very nice in other ways, and luckily my hubby understands when i ventilate my frustration, will even tell his mum off if necessary. So i just have to close one eye lor...
hi catherine,
recently i do find it more difficult to feed my gal...she'll rejects the bottle without finishing her usual amount of milk, mummy heartpain seeing the ebm wasted! She would rather play then drink, and even if she holds the teat in her mouth, she'll keep smiling at me and refuse to suck. Sometimes even resort to whining and crying to make me remove the teat, so angry leh! So now i'll try to wait till she shows sign of being really hungry then feed.
yah i leave her with my mum for the whole week. i employ my mum mah..

mine also the same leh she either cry or smile when feeding. worse she cry very loud until i got angry. have me walk her ard and put the bottle in her mouth while walk and when she sees other things then she will start to drink. then drink half way she scream again. then i will burp her once she burp she will continue drinking.
dun waste ur EBM, try feeding her again once she stop. she will drink one just showing temper.
me too starting i also get irritated when my ger keep crying at night, i even shout at her, later part i felt regreted and sayang her more.
Hi catherine wong,
The way your gal drinks milk seems same as my boy. He needs to be pat, or walking around to drink his milk. He likes to drink water compared to milk. he never rejects water. But we know that milk is their only source of nutrients. So got to see him/her drink. Else worried that they maybe hungry, not enough nutrients.

Hi all,
May I know when was ur last feeding and do u still wake up in the middle of the night to feed? My boy will cry for milk after 5hrs and on FM. Eg: 11pm then 4am, then 9.30am, thereafter 3hrly.

Hi mummies,
seems like alot of us are experiencing where our bb is smiling more at the maid and our parents..sigh...i am faced the same thing..bb always smile at my maid when she change his diapers etc and sometimes when i talk to him, he will respond and sometimes he dun...How do u all cope with it..it makes me feel v sad and i wish i can spend more time with him..Wkends also is like v short..i will only latch him at arond 7+ at nite and then its FM which i will feed him at nite myself..When i am bk, the maid wont do anything for my bb..But bec my maid sees and carry him in the day for 5 days a wk in the morn coz my mum is at hm, i am v concern that he will be close to her..
I have been bk at work for 3wks alr and i dun noe how to make it better....i do play and spend time with him when i am bk plus wkends it is totally no maid look after but i still feel sad whenever i see him smiling at the maid...
