(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

How's ur worklife? When will you pump your BM (including at home)?

I have been pumping irregular timing for the past 1-2 week so my BM drop significantly, jia lat
Hi cocomo,
Hmm, i think shld be able to grow bk ba, the eyelashes..but hor v difficult to cut so i went to my regular hairdresser who done it b4 alot of times..

Worklife is v tiring..sigh..Coz i lack of sleep. Everynite i will sleep at abt 12 and wake up abt 6-6.30am. Coz i try to pump b4 i feed jayden in the morning or if not, after he wake up to feed..Coz his timing is around 6+am that he will wake up to feed. My timing schedule is rather regular so i guess may that helps..Usually it is abt 6+ to 7+am in the morning that i will pump, and then it is fix time of 11.35am and 3.35pm to pump in the office. Then at nite at around 7+pm to 9+pm i will latch jayden, depending on wat time he feed and how long he drink. N then i will definitely end the day with another pump at 11+ b4 i sleep..SO supply so far is ok..able to have abt 2-3days supple stored in my fridge for him to drink..dats y i was asking how long can ebm be stored in fridge...

Also i think goat rue reali help to increase supply..I bought from a mummy who use to organise it coz i am going bk to work, and then she help me contact the supplier while i do the coordination n organising of the BP...so i stock up on more goat rue..Cheaper thru BP...I almost finish 1 bottle...so stock up on 2more bottles lor...piyo n wanli also bought from me from the BP...Think camden hospital at tanlin area do sell them as well but more exp...u can consider trying it lor...
Coz i alr close the BP, if not can help u buy 1...
talk abt MIL & water makes my blood boil. as she dun live wif me, everytime when she visited us 2 c her grandson, she would ask if i feed him water. when gabe had hiccups, she would INSIST on feeding him water. i would INSIST no water for gabe then n she would talk 2 gabe, saying things like, "ur mummy dun 1 me 2 give water 2 make u feel betta, u know". she would tell her long stories abt how impt water is (like i dunno), how essential it is 2 drink water every 1-2hrs, blah blah blah.

now gabe drinks water readily and she keeps her mouth shut. for edward, she still does nag a lil (very lil compared 2 e last time when gabe was an infant) but wont insist or feed him water behind my back.
thks 4 e info. i started giving my boy EBM+FM 2day. i gave him 1oz EBM+3oz FM. he didnt suspect a thing, finished everything. i'll continue 2 do & slowly increase e EBM portion.
hi tch, my pattern is almost the same as augbaby. but after my last pump b4 i sleep, i will also latch my ger on in the nite.

sometimes once, sometimes twice a nite, it depends how much she drank when i latched her on b4 she sleeps..

first/second - feeding : latch during the nite
third - feeding : latch at 7.30am morning
forth - pumping : 8am pump out watever is left after feeding
fifth - pumping : 12noon at office
sixth - pumping : 4pm at office
seventh - feeding : 7-8pm latch bb at home(if bb misses me alot, she might latch on for 2-3hrs)
eighth - pumping : 11pm b4 sleep

my ger drinks 90ml by the bottle.

btw, she weighs 5.4kg at week 11. is she too thin??
seems like most babies can already stretch for about 6 hours during the night...so nice. My twins seems to be drinking quite a lot comparatively but still can't.

leobbsmom, my twins are about 5kg at 8weeks, much smaller than my eldest at the same age. But girls may be lighter.
tch, i noe twins are usually smaller than those single pregnancy..

but my girl is already 11 week-old leh...only 5.4kg. i'm worried is on the LOW side.. =(

and since i came back to work on tues, she hasnt passed motion leh.. think she is "under stress" that mommy is not by her side for the first time since she's born..

my mom even made barley water for her, still "no effect"..

any advice from other mommies?
Thanks for your schedule. Will try to fix one before going work.

How's the goat rue taste? Will get one for sure since you said effective!!
Hi all mummies,

Have been following this forum for quite some time already. decided to join in

baby below 1 yr old cannot drink honey. honey contain a susbstance called botulism spores and baby's immune system is not strong enough to resist this infection. it was recently reported in news and also in the abbott baby guide booklet.

my baby is mostly on FM (5 out of 7 feeds are FM) and his poo poo is very hard recently, sometime he tried to squeeze out his poo poo until he cry. very poor thing. i fed him abt 60-70ml of water everyday cos FM is quite heaty. i am giving him similac. but pd actually mentioned that similac fed baby poo poo will be softer, so i'm quite concern why only recently his poo poo is so hard.

any mummy feeding their baby similac experiencing the same?
hi kelly and bbmum, thanks!! i will bear in mind now! =)

bbmum, i used to feed my ger simiac too. cocomo also! hmm...i cant comment much on similac, coz my ger will hv constipation easily, so i cant really put my finger on whether it's due to FM or her own body system is the heaty type..

now i'm so guilty, coz i ate so much durians when i was carrying her!!!
Hi bbmum,
I only gave my boy trice of Similac b4, paiseh can't really comment le. But then ask you huh, is the Similc not fully dissolve in water one? I realised when I shake, can see one dot one dot of white white powder on the wall of bottle le. Dunno if it's originally like that or mine spoilt liao?
hi bbmum,
i'm giving my boy similac. he usually passes motion once every 2 to 3 days but his stools are usually soft. heard diff things from diff ppl. similac and enfalac is supposed to be better than other brands cos they contain more nutrients such as higher amt of iron (higher amt of iron means higher chances of constipation). However, similac has a ProCalci formulation of 100% vegetable fat blend that is likely to render ur baby's stools soft (This sentence is copied from the tin. keke) think shd be ok la. i dun give my boy a lot of water. usually he drinks 30 - 40ml after bathing.

hi leobbsmum,
i dun give honey too. like what other mummies said, can cause botulism (if ur baby is allergic, can cause death). I dun give glucose water too even though my mil kept insisting that i shd give to encourage baby to drink water. anyway, he drinks a lot of plain water now after shower. no need flavoured drinks now la. but i heard barley water without adding sugar is ok and will help reduce the heatiness. in fact, some mummies encourage me to give when baby is constipated or just before bringing baby for 5-in-1 injection. I have not decided whether to give or not yet.
hi mummies,
I'm sick again. body very weak hor. every time down with flu. have to leave my boy at my mum's place again cos my mil said i cannot carry baby when i'm sick. missed him like crazy yesterday. dunno he'll miss home or not but think shd be fine la, since he's there from mon to fri. it's me who can't let go. oh oh, dunno how to go to work on fri as i know i would be thinking of him the whole day. sigh... but guess no choice la. augbaby, how i wish i can stay at home and work too. but i still have my bond to fulfil. u thinking of starting biz and stay at home, i'm thinking of working as a tuition tr next time (but no benefits leh).
hi bbmum,

im feeding my boy similac...full FM... his poo poo is mostly soft and poo about 2-3 times a day... he dun like to drink water... so now i tried to feed him water before milk...

hi cocomo,

mine wont have the dots leh... unless if the water is not warm enough then got some powder undissolved...

hi erin00,

take care...
thanks for your advise. my son has been drinking similac and used to have soft stool utill recently. got a few occassion his stool got a bit of pinkish blood. my mil say it's too heaty. will monitor and see how.

i also ate a lot of durian during my pregnancy
but somehow a lot of pregnant women just crave for durian when pregnant.

yah, i did experience dots on the bottle. don think got to do with the freshness of the powder. i think is i never shake properly cos sometime my son can't wait when hungry and will scream the whole roof down (he think mama is wonder woman!). so i didn't really shake it well before feeding him.

but sometimes i also experience lumps of undissolved powder. no matter how i shake also cannot dissolve. then mil taught me to pour in the milk powder slowly and gently so that it won't form lumps in the water.
leobbsmum, actually one of my twin is not that much smaller then the elder bro..but he is just not growing as fast.

As for constipation, seems like Similac do give this problem. Twins were on Frison in hosipital and passing motin fine. But I gave them Similac and both don't pass for few days...then I switch back to Friso and one of them was ok however the other one was still not passing stools till 4 or 5 days later. PD recommended NAN HA and since then both have been passing motion everyday. In fact one of them will mostly pass twice a day.
hi mummies long time no chat,
read all the post about baby passing motion,
i read that its normal for baby to pass motion every 1 to 2 days to once a week if the motion is consistance not hard.

for me i worry my ger nv pass motion so i feed her woodward water grip and jin feng san. jin feng san can help baby with constipation, water grip can reduce colic and smootie baby's tummy pain due to wind intake.

my colleague told me that its a no to honey water or glucolin for baby until 12 mths old. hopes my info help.

for fully breastfed baby will also pass lesser motion after 2mths so don't worry about baby passing motion daily if its stools is not hard and they are not straining.

if so do feed them more water.

btw tch NAN is a very good milk i feed my girl with the normal NAN formula milk.which is skimmilk instead of cow milk. for NAn HA is soya base milk if ur baby to allergy to lactose.



Wit regards to the bubbles & dots in e bottle, I actually called up similac & ask.
They told mi its e process of breakind down proteins n letting bb to abosrb more easier so not to worry.

Nat she is on similac too.. she also poo every 3days WHICH my MIL is complaining!Her poo is soft & she does feel uncomfy. I m full time taking nat. I try to give her water she keep refusing N even throw a fuss at mi by shutting her mouth or cry. I cant possible let her cry n squeeze in & scare will result wind.

Now trying to spoonfeed her water & she is progress lo.. hope soon she will wan to have water in bottle. IF NOT she don wan water den MIL raise issue again like didnt poo everyday.

Nat is drinking 3.5oz.. sometime she can finish sometime she cant. I gave her abt every 4hr. At nite she got her feed ard 9plus den she sleep at 1030.. wake up 3amplus for another feed n slp till next morning 8am den had her feed. I didnt realli weigh her.. think she is now abt 5kg in 8weeks lo.

Normally i wont shake e bottle after putting formula milk. I use bb weaning spoon & mix.
hi kelly

as we spoke before, our MILs are really similar! she kept telling us its harmless to feed bb some water, she says ;eh, ta hui kou ke leh!' she ddnt breastfeed her babies, so she has no idea about bfeeding. keep asking me wat is my feeding schedule, she does not understand feeding on demand SIGH dam frustrating, and the way she says it always makes me feel like im inept as a mom. her fave words is how can don drink water, how come u dunno wat time to feed again, and cannot this n that. its not shouldnt or perhaps you might wan to try this or that, it is CANNOT.

UGHHHH. ok enough venting
e market price is $500-$550 (for those who need 2 stay after 7pm more often). i havent come across any1 who paid less than $500 and above $550.

u r right man! it's really "URGHHHHH" wif my ILs. trust me there'll b more 2 come when ur bb starts 2 eat solids, crawl, walk or teeth. a lot of funny 'old folk theories' tat dun make sense will come out. we shld meet up 1 day & B***H abt our MILs. LOL!
Hi erin,
Do take good care of yrself ya...ya me thinking to see if i can start my own biz leh..coz need to earn $$ still leh if i reali dun want to work lor..:p

My boy taking enfalac so i cant comment...but he is mainly on EBM n he poo now only every 2-3days and the poo is always massive but soft stil lor..
the rate should be about $500-$550.
For my bbsitter, I am paying $600 as she is taking care of my boy for 5-1/2day.
Mon-Fri : 7-7pm
Sat: 7-2pm

Passing Motion
My boy on TBF, used to poo every 3days when he turns 2months.
But as his stools is soft, PD say it is normal and dun classified as constipation.
how often does vytoz poo poo now? every 2-3days? edward poos poos every 3-4days now, he has been sick so brought him 2 c a chinese sinseh, yu guo. e chinese sinseh said it's not gd if bbs dun poo every day...they called it "bu xiao hua" - indigestion. then again my PD said it's very gd cos it meant tat e bb's absorbing all e nutrients so nothing 2 pass out, esp if e bb is on TBF.

any idea of vytoz's weight? i remember him being a heavyweight.
The PD also say it is ok for him to poo every 3-4days since the stools is soft.
BM should be easier to digest compared to FM, how can be 'bu xiao hua'?
Now his nanny feed him with more water, and he is able to poo every day.

His weight. I not too sure. Going to being him for his jab this week and i update u ok.
He was 5.4kg when he is 1month old.

How's Ed now? Has he receovered?
hi jokojoko n augbaby,
thanks. baby is still at mum's place. hopefully, i can bring him back tonight lor cos not coughing so much liao. will wear mask when i'm feeding him. think it'll be a comical sight. lol.
hi kelly and pupsandcups,
can i join u gals too? me got tons of stories to tell too keke... a bit worried when he's 4 months old. dunno what kind of food she will be wanting to feed my boy with. i only intend to feed him semi-solids when he's 6 months cos he would not be so allergic to certain foods and his digestive system is more stablised. how abt the rest of u?
hi bbnmum,
wow, ur boy is really a heavyweight. must be very cute and chubby. my boy only achieve this weight at 2 months plus. hee hee...
I started feeding my elder boy with cereal when he is 4mths.
Gradually , mash potato, carrot, fruits , etc.

Vytoz is quite chubby, n he has no neck!
I think he weight should have slowed down, as the duration for his feeding increased.
From 2hrly once to 3hrly once now.
Hi all,


I have applied a filipino maid from Nation to take care of my new born bb boy. But before her arrival, I decided to quit my job, and therefore I do not need to maid anymore. As I have already paid for the agency fee and insurance for the maid ($650), I thought of transferring the maid to someone else. You only need to pay a portion of the total cost. Pls contact me ([email protected]) if you are looking for a maid.
hi bbnmum,

my boy also drinks 2 hourly... hopefully he can increase to 3 hourly or more soon... how much is your boy drinking now? er, how many months/weeks is he now?
Hi all mummies

I have few packets of Avent Pre-sterilized Disposable liners (100 x 8oz / 240ml) and 3 Avent 260ml/9oz of Feeding Bottles for sale (newborn). Please PM me or sms me at 96411941 if you are interested. Thank you.
hi all mummies,

need some advise from mummies who has returned back to work and still expressing milk at work place.

1. how do you wash and sterilise the breastpump
after each express so that it will be clean
for the next express?

2. do you use mannual or electric breast pump?
actually which one is better to drain out the
milk? i'm using medela dual electric breast
pump. however, everytime i need to massage my
breast hard (push towards the nipple) in
order to drain well.

3. are you still wearing nursing bra or normal
bra? nursing bra = no support but
normal bra = no breast pad???

pls advise. thank u
hi bbmum,
1. For me, i will wash my breastpump after finish and then store in a plastic bag and then each time i want to pump, i will use hot water to sterilise them..
2. I use medela PIS..I dun noe if it drains my breasts after each pump but i usually pump for abt 15mins and will have at least 2 letdown...
3. I am using either wearing nursing bra from MIM with padding or if not then i will wear tube bra from impression...coz all my bras have underwire and it is not gd to wear underwire bra as it will hinder milk supply..i tried finding strapless bra without underwire but cant seems to find...

Mummies, those expressing milk at workpl, do u wear nursing bra or does anyone knows if there r strapless bra wif no underwire....??
Hi all,

Very long time didnt post. I am back to work.
My boy is on fully FM, similac too. He poo every 2days when he turn 2mths too. He drinks 130ml. Sometimes he finishes 1/2, and then rejects. He would rather drink water. That makes me think that Similac is heaty too.
hi bbnmum,

1- i will wash my pumps at the tap after pumping, then sterlise with very hot water from water dispenser at my office and i will place them on the shelf @ my workstation to air it so as to not let bateria grow.

2- i use medela dual electric pumps. yes, i will also hv to squeeze my breasts to empty the milk each time.

3- i'm wearing nursing bra to work, with no paddings, coz i'm using breast pads.
I started work today and just finished my first pump. I sterilised the pumps at home and put them in a zip plastic bag. After used I wash and put back to the plastic bag. I am using Medela PIS and wearing impression bra.

Anyway, my first pump outcome not that good. Pumping at workplace damn siong and stress le as got ppl knock the door few times! BM wanna come out then hear ppl knock knock think it went back to breast liao! ha. . .

You very good le got at least 2 letdown! Each time you pump can get roughly how much of BM? I went to Camden to buy goat rue ytday but the pharmacy was closed, will ask my hubby buy asap.
Hi, Dino

I am also feeding my baby Similac since she is born (partially BM & FM) & she is on fully FM after one month.... & she will poo 2-3 days... also thot is bcos of Similac as heard from most of my friends that similac is very heaty... but when i asked GP during my baby appointment, GP said as long as poo poo is soft & baby poo poo at least twice a week, is ok.... & GP mentioned maybe my baby had established to poo poo every 2-3 days... my baby is drinking 120ml... had been feeding her one hr later after her feed or when she is awake.... & she is fine with that.....
Hi cocomo,
As i pump at work every 4-5hr interval..Min i can get is abt 120ml or 4oz lor..sometimes can get more...depends...I also put my pump in ziplock bag..hee hee... Nvm...keep it up, it is like that one, for the 1st wk coz got no special room for mummies to pump milk..like me...hee hee...so yr 1st pump u manage to get how much? It will get much better lor..n think the goat rue does help...i took the capsules one
hi all,
delivered my boy on the 1st Aug and am back to work today...miss my boy so much...

he is on 3/4 FM (Friso) n BF at night as he refuses to drink from bottle in the day and cries non stop until he gets his way..he rather even sleep than drink from the bottle...naughty boy.

Like to check - any babies didnt pass the newborn hearing test?

I have a room to myself but all glass wall so cant pump inside, gotta use conference room lo. Then as I work at Tuas so lotso Bangladesh, they will sometimes knock the door (dunno why also!), damn stress.

I pumped this morning at ard 7:30am at home and intend to pump at ard 11:30am-12pm but then got meeting so drag till 12:45pm. I have got around 6.5OZ for my first pump in off juz now. But usually I will get very little at 4pm pump (sometimes at home I pump only 2-3OZ, dunno why le???). As I can only pump twice in off and my baby will need to have 3-4 feeds before I get home so need to pump enuf for him (I try not to give FM if possible lo).
