(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Dsii, why like that? Issac poison yr food? Hahaha.

Z-lia - I told hb abt it and he just kept quiet... no comments from him. I dont feel like talking to my SIL 4. So angry with her even up til today.

Lucida - I have yeast infection quite frequently too... but luckily not during my pregancy. I have this yellow discharge now also. For me, I just change the panty liner often and it shld help with the smell.
During my pregnancy, I have yeast infection as well. Discharge is yellowish and at times, greenish, yes, there is foul smell. I thought was High Varginal Infection, but thankfully, not.
no loh..didnt see doc ...vomitted few times...but dun think is stomach flu./.cos stomach flu shld be more jialat..mine considered mild...

hahaha..no lah..he loh...sprea the virus to us..cos he wasd the 1st one kena..then yesterday mu hb too...but think hb is quite mild one.cos he no vomit...haiz..kept asking me to medicine to stop vomit and lao sai..but i cant anyhow take mah..still bf..at times wanted to stop bf...if not like that damn cham manz...
hmm....dunno what i ate wrong during pregnancy...my dad say maybe i ate too much seafood. but doc say coz my hb has asthma history and both of us have mild eczema so my boy kenna. and have to watch him as he grows...he may get asthma also... Think my MIL thinks that I am the cause of K's rashes... because she thinks her family's skin condition very good. Then I told her it's because of my hb's asthma history...then she still try to "jiao bian" say my hb's one is very bad cough, not asthma! If not asthma, why does my hb need to have the mouth spray thingy?! sigh.... everything also my fault...=(

aiyo....do take care. go see doc la...better to recover fast then won't spread to Ian. My HB also sick then fasterly go see doc. The last time he drag and drag then spread to Keagan...

Better to go see gynae. During my pregnancy I got fungal infection too...yellow discharge and smell. Then gynae gave a pill to insert down there and it's cleared.
Regarding eczema,
I have quite bad eczema, but surprisingly, my bb doesn't have. *touch wood*. I think my eczema is triggered by food & chemicals, cos sometimes the rashes will suddenly come out, but other times, no rashes.

But all my family members have some form of allergies & rashes. Even my niece & nephew. So hopefully, my gal will follow hubby's family instead of mine.

I'm using normal Kodomo bath for my gal. She's fine wif it, but I always get rashes on my hands & fingers after bathing her..sigh...
i oso know..but me very tired and sort of weak now leh..always wanna lie on bed..then i kept hpeing ian can sleep longer hrs then i can sleep too..if not he woke up every half an hr then play for 2-3 hrs..then hr and hr again..me damn shack loh...see how loh...wait hb comes home 1st..cos now raining..then wanna bring the 2 boys with me oso ma fan
Ya, think u better c doc & think medicine for ur condition. else the virus will spread again. It's like a merry-go-round. nvr ending. at most, u dun bf these few days while u r taking meds lor
aiyo YB then y dun u try something mild that ur fingers or hands can take it one...like that very cham hor... haiz...
at times hor..relly wanna give up bf loh..cos hor..like very restricted loh...when got mild heacache or fever..cant take panadol cos ian allergy to it..then lao sai cant take bao ji wan..cos dunno can bo?? then hor..like very jialat loh...tis one cannot that one cannot..aiyo....ming ku ah!!!
My boy has red patches behide his back and also some patches of dry skin, Doc recommended Cetaphil, but I find it not useful. Using GAIA now, seems that the dry patches have gone away, but redness is still there.

Mums, do u all give cereal to replace milk or give both of them during their afternoon feed?

Dsii, think u better get some medi to take and rest, otherwise spread to Ian will be worse.
Save $$ mah...since my gal can take it. Think I need to use gloves when bathing my gal liao..haha

I give my gal brown rice mixed wif FM to replace afternoon feed.
FYI, For bfg mummies using disposable breastpads, I was at Kiddy Palace Lot 1 yesterday, saw that the Pigeon breastpads (36+6 pieces) are at the discounted price of $8.90 (usual price is $12).

Our darlings going to be 5mth this sunday!! So happy.. Christmas day, I'm bringing my girl for infant baptism too, very meaningful, this Christmas, for me.

Me also mountain tortoise, dunno what spiffies are. Will be checking out at Watson's (thanks to YB's note above) when I have the time.

aiyoh, you poor thing.. we go over next saturday and help you unpack! dun paiseh..

can PM me the HT promotion also? Thanks very much..

better see a doctor soon,dun pass to bb ian...our DA GE DA.this month raining season,ppl fall sick easily.take care har...


im giving kevin friso cereal for his snack n b4 bedtime give him brown rice with FM.


my boy oso going to be 5mth this sunday.
Hi decimal point,
Just now I tried spoon feeding brown rice to my gal. At first, she clamp her mouth very tight & refused to open up, letting the brown rice drip down her chin. Later, she sips a bit & find the taste familiar, so start open her mouth wide wide to eat. But I think I add too much water, so the brown rice is very diluted. Thinking of adding lesser water tomorrow, c how.
Nite gal, I pm you HT mail.

Jul, you are welcome!

Dsiitan, take care. Hope you get well soon.

Went to see gynae today. Was given vit C and multi vitamins pills, to be taken twice a day. Nowadays, I get tired easily, dizzy at times and the frequent night wakings does not help my health. Also my eczema is really bad this time round. Gynae advised me to slowly wean my gal. Hopefully after weaning off, I can take some medicine to control my eczema. I have started with one night feed of FM liao... a bit she bu de, I enjoy bf my gal a lot. But guess health is equally important.
Thanks, received your mail! Am interested in the BP, if any is organised..
You are right! Your health is equally impt, otherwise, cannot look after your darling well. Hope your eczema gets better soon.

My girl used to sleep thru the nite, from 11pm to 6/7 plus, but past 2 nites she has been waking up at 3/4am.. Pengz.. I'll let her suckle and try to sleep, but find it very difficult to rest properly. I think sleeping while bfg is an art which I have yet to master! Hiaz.
thanks YB!

for the moment i will stop spoon feeding for a few days, then try again cos dun want bb to develop phobia for eating

my bb does take the first few mouths happily, but that's about it. afterthat he dun want to eat anymore n try to get out of his chair
Hi mummies,

brought Ryan for his 5-in1 jab yesterday...got to bring him for his 3rd dose of Hep B jab next month. He is currently weighing 8.58kg and 71cm long.

PD said can start him on porridge already, twice a day plus fruits as well. Wah so exciting...
nite gal, thanks... hope my eczema goes away soon on it's own so that I don't have to use steroids :p So you are going back to work on 3rd Jan?

blessings, so fast can eat porridge? My PD advise to start semi solids when baby turns 6 months. The first food to try is rice cereal. I also look forward to feeding my gal with solids... hee

<blink><font color="aa00aa"> Here's wishing you &amp; your babies &amp; family a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!</font></blink>

hope your ecezema can clear up soon. PD also advised me to hold the semi solids cos of Joshua's eczema.


Ryan is very tall (or actually long). Almost 10cm longer than Joshua!
Hi Kloe,

I also thot starting porridge at 6 months but she said can start already. I guess she feels that Ryan can start now. I have already started Ryan on brown rice cereals when he was 4 months old.

Hi Lok,
I guess Ryan takes after my family...my brothers are 1.8m plus tall...but my husband is on the short side though...hee hee.
Was quite upset... Ytd, i brought my elder boy for my department bbq. Then reached home at 12 midnight. And realised that my MIL was fast aslp, with my elder gal, Lycia. Then, baby was in my room, slpg in an awkward position, not in her usual direction also. Her pillow was underneath her feet. Then, when i on-ed the lights, she started fidgeting and then cried. Then i latched her on, think she must be hungry. Then, this morning, my MIL asked me what time i got home...and I told her about 12 midnight. Then she told me she fell aslp at about 10pm... Then I asked her when Germayn's last feed was, and she told me about 5+pm...
I can almost guess what happened b/w 10pm and 12midnight. Germayn must have at least woken up once, flipped and cried. And I'm quite sure she must have been hungry. And she might also have hit her head a number of times against the railings? sigh..duno.. but well..can't say anything...

And i've got this feeling my menses is going to come quite soon. dunno why...

Supposed to go for one gift exchange thingy later.. My husband's sec classmates... Going to bring the twins there. Don't feel like going actually, cos the twins are ill. Think they shouldnt be going out so much. And I think the situation would prob be like.. my husband will be chatting with his friends and i'll be chasing the 2 of them.

Dsii, hope you're feeling better. My husband, Kai and Lycia are ill also.
hope ur twins and hb are ok...i am quite alrite liao...after taking charcoal tablet..but hb not ok leh...so ard 6 plus he went company doc...and realised he got stomach virus..pengz...aiyo..hope he recover soon and dun spread the virus to any of one us in the hse!!!! scary manz
wat happen to ur family. Seem to me that all of u kept falling sick. Must go and pray pray liao.

Julian also not feeling well, coughing and running nose. I think he gets it from the patients at Dr Sim clinic. Haizz..

Cant sleep well at nite and so am I.

Apple can curb liao sai and have to take with the skin. Red apple hor.

why not ur try the apple cider drink 1st? Since u cant take any steriod cream now. Yeast infection - take yogurt and raspberry juice. They help.

Jul04, how can ur MIL say that!
My MIL let me have all the seafood i want. She even bring me to take crab cos she knows once i give birth i cant take crab for 100days.

She said she took alot of crab so she dun believe crab give bad skin. hahhaa...

Actually, it is very difficult to pinpoint wat food trigger certain problems.

if not feeling well then dun go lor. will be very tough for u.

ur boy is very tall. Mine is only 64cm.

Mary Kiss Merc to u and family.
ur hubby has to be quarantined to prevent the spreading. Tat's wat my sis did. She slept and spent her time in her master bedroom alone for 1 day. Despite this, her hubby still got it. But luckily her ten months old gal nvr got it. The doctor said those who got it b4 will get it again so this goes on and on unless it is being controlled.
hi mummies, just ended a gathering at my place. Gift exchange also. So tiring after clearign up the place all by myself. Thank god, Emerson decide to sleep early today, else I dont know what time my day will end. Waiting for hair to dry now.

Z-Lia - Ha, u nothing to say abt yr situation. I cant be bothered to say if that happens to me. U know my MIL.
At least Elvis brings you to such gathering. Think some of my hubby's friend dont even know he's married with a kid.

Dsii - Take care ok. Hope it wont spread to the kids. Coz they are the most pityful ones, dont know how to express their uncomfyness, then the mummy also suffer with them.
Hi Mummies...

Hope u guys r having fun with all the christmas parties ah..

Anyway, need to ask... Cos bringing my girl out alot this Monday to different relatives places. How does your bb sleep when you're outside n it's their sleeping time? Quite worried cos at home we need usually juz put her down n pat her to sleep... Outside is carry on the shoulder but it's temporary only... help help..

My boy is very alert when he's outside with alot of ppl or shopping. It's hard to make him sleep when there's so many ppl around and even harder now since he's so use to the "yaolan".

My case, I will just let him be til he's very tired, then I excuse myself to one corner and carry him in a sleeping position pat and rock him and he will fall asleep soon. Having said that, he sleeps only for a short while if the environment is noisy, he's a very light sleeper.
haiz...now my hb sleeps in the living room room...we all in the master bedroom...
by the way, i wanna ask hor..if i wanna add cereal to the milk...how many scoops ah..let's say 150ml? and at nite do u all feed cereal with milk? ian woke up so many times in a nite..me almost peng san liao...juzt now 230am woke up now 430woke up again..but cant finish his milk..only took 70ml...wahlau....and what time is the best to give him cereal+milk?
Hi Hong,

How's Julian? Did you elevate the bed so that he can sleep better? Put a pillow/towels/blankets below his mattress so that he can breathe and sleep better. In addition, you can try rubbing suffle babe vapour rub on his chest for his cough.

i spoonfeed Ryan...gave him a scoop of cereal + 60ml of FM + 1 teaspoon of carrot...for your case, I think you can start with 1 scoop of cereal and 1.5 scoop of FM if you are using bottle...or start with half a scoop first (I am using similac scoop as a guide). I feed Ryan in the morning and in the afternoon...but yesterday in the evening around 7pm cos he was sleeping in the afternoon. I think now can feed twice a day liao...but ask your PD for advice first lor.
To all mummies,

Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year.

I been sick (cough, flu, fever n sore throat) for the past 2 days, sleeping alone in my room. Scare that I pass to Gerrard, in the end, Gerrard have a slight fever yesterday night. Now giving him fever medication n the ice pack on his forehead.


Have been giving gerrard cereal n milk for the past 2~3 weeks. I put it inside his milk bottle. We are now using a slightly bigger teats. Have also started on some solid like broccoli, sweetpotato etc for him. He like vegetables type of solid, when we try giving him prune juice, banana etc he will shout n scream.

By the way, Gerrard just went for his 1st overseas trip in Malaysia, Genting.

but what time u give him the cereal + milk? i heard some mums said not to give at nite cos scare the bb cant digest well loh...
merry xmas to all mummies....daddies...babies!!!!
and happy b'day to me!!! hahahaha..but too bad...hb sick..dunno can celebrate bo???
so ur boy koon all the way till morning? me havent add to his cereal...then hor...damn shack manz....this morning he woke up at 230am, then 430..then 620am...wah piang....eh si ah...

so Bm not warm enuff ..the cereal can dissolve in it ah???

So far we use the healthly times cereal, no problem in dissolving in BM leh. Just warm up the BM then put in the cereal lor.

As for Gerrard, since 2nd months onwards he already koon all the way from 8pm to 6am liao lor.

I think you need to change Ian sleeping habits. Try to play with him from 6pm to about 9pm. Then only let him sleep after 9pm. See if things improve.
good life for u loh...haiz..ian always sleeps after 9pm..wahahaha....at times 10plus ah...but still...nomatter wat time..he sure wakes up for nite feed..last time still not so bad..once only...these 1-2mths 2-3 times...wah piang...i think maybe he not full enuff loh
merry xmas eve to all mummies ....

I thinking of getting the fisher price Jumperoo for my 4.5mths old baby .... is it good ?
White lady,

got BP for this or not? How ex is it huh? Aiyo...my place too small liao...no place for all these big things manz...
Hi blessings ,

Its selling at $179 .... not very cheap , so i scare they " hop " for awhile then dont want to play liao , waste my $$$$

Thinking , maybe get a good walker .. what do u all think ?

What about day time for Ian, did he take long afternoon nap? If so, try to shorten the afternoon nap. Gerrard normally wake up at 6~7 am, drink milk, bath then sleep about 9~10am for about half an hour to an hour, then wake up play, afternoon will take another nap. I don't know about Ian sleeping habit, but I think must really change it, if not everytime wake up in the middle of the night, will really become Panda family leh.
thks thks pm...hehehe....and oso blessings...aiyo...thks for all the blessings...to me this lao charboh...hahhahaa

aiyo..ian oso sleeps very short period...hmm...but hor...isaac my elder boy oso woke up for nite feed till he 1 yr plus2 yrs leh...so bad genes all pass to my boys..hahaha...my mum said when i was a baby..me damn jialat one..so my retribution??? hahahhahaa

Dsii, happy bday~! Hehe.

Same! As in, my twins only slpt thru the night at about 1yr +, after Germayn was born. Then my mum also said that when i was a baby, I always slp in the day and was very awake at night and kept wanting ppl to play with me. Now Germayn also wants to play at night, at about 1+2am.

Ytd's gift exchange was ok.. not as bad as i thought. But was abit angry with one of my husband's friends. Told her that both of them are ill liao. but she still gave them choc cake. Then i said better not give. Then she said she just gave them abit only. Then i said ok la.. we just dont give anymore lo. I used 'we' in case she gets offended. Then my kids went to her to ask for more cake (actually, they just looked at her, cos she kept eating in front of them, she they needn't 'go' to her). Then she said 'Ask your mummy if you can eat lor'. Then i was abit like..heng ar.. They I said 'nono, cannot eat liao. If not your cough will worsen.' Then she fed them still!!! In front of me! Immediately after i answer! Hot sia. Then i had to quickly distract them to go to somewhere else. Sigh.
