(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi Hong,
I already suggested sharing a maid long long time ago. But my sis said she can't afford, even though sharing.

Mum said sis definitely won't pay cos she already got mum to help out wif 2 kids at minimum $$. Y would she sacrifice just because of ME? Sigh..............

Hi mummies,
My gal suddenly got lotsa heat rash on & behind her neck, ears & chest. Already applied cream, but doesn't help. On fan full blast blowing at her during daytime but she still sweat. At night also on aircon. Mayb I should dress her in lighter clothings?

then no solution to ur sister liao. Unless ur mum go on strike. hahaha..

Rashes - cld it due to the shower foam? What cream did u apply? Yes must dress them lightly.
Try to wipe her body more often with boiled water to see if it will improve.
hi mummies,

re flipping and charging forward- my baby has been doing the same and this has been making him wake up when he charges to an obstacle.

i tried to give cereal as suggested by one of the mummies(sorry i forgot who, i cannot keep up with the thread, sorry), but it didn't help, his poo became more dry(pd say give fruits).

i m worried he'll hurt his head with his charging. this is how he charge- he pushes himself on his fours now(like the start off position when running), and shake fwd n bckwd cos he has no strength to crawl. n suddenly he will lunge fwd, hitting his head on the bumper. how????

i also hav been waking up many many times. and it doesn;t help whem mil disrupts his feeding by using milk to pacify him, resulting in him not gg to bed with a full stomach as he is full when it's time for his before the bed feed. i cannot dun give him the milk as she keeps saying i m starving him. n he will finish the milk that i make, n she will gleefully tell me, see he wants ah.

re porridge- i started him on cereals(spoonfeed) when he was 4mnths but he wasn;t too ready so i didn't really diligently feed. after 5th month jab pd asked me to start porride already.so i think can start porridge, let baby learn to eat from spoon. i hav tried pumkin, sweet potato, potato, apple, papaya. but i dun think he is full cos he eats so little(5 spoonful of baby spoon). so i still rely on milk. i think i will start porridge a little later- cos porridge more grainy, not sure he can swallow as he can;t sit up straight properly. mil is very anxious to feed him solid food. sigh.

feeling rather upset with mil. she used to tell baby i dun mummy dun want him when we left him at her hse when we go for work. now when baby turn here n there when i say want to carry him from her, she tells me, see baby dun want to let you carry. i didn;t want to remind her how he refused to let anyone(except me) carry when he had fever. she thinks that's bcos his jab wound was painful when he was carried by her so he cried. sigh sigh sigh. people always say no need to worry when relatives take care of baby. but i m worried what she tells him. my heart will break when one day baby tells me he dun like me!
dec pt - aiyoh, ur mil really insentive. maybe shd get ur hubby to talk to her.

i hate it when pple says things like "bb dun wan xxx" or "XXX dun wan BB" etc. i feel tat it's v negative about it. not only to parents... even to grandparents, aunties or cousins etc.

milk feed - i noe some of ur babies start to reduce amt. my boy also reduce amt last week. but the funny thing is, i changed to a new teat 2 days ago. N for the past 2 days, he finish every drop of his milk. now i wondering it is becos the teat is old, then he dun like to drink.

so those of u who wants to increase ur bb's milk intake, maybe can try changing to new teat. :p

btw, my bb now is using NUK 0-6mths large hole. it's cross cut teat is "SUPER" good. :p

Next time when she mention got constipation, tell her you got "enima" (Not sure about spelling, the one that you insert to clear bowels) to help her. Ask her want or not, so that 1 shot everything out. What an excuse!! Tell her not to make her problem everyone problem. And remind her that her husb also having constipation in front of the TV.

Another method is to help fed the kids and brain wash them saying that their parents don't care about them when bathing n eating.

See how they feel.....
Dear mummies... need help! my 4.5 mth old baby need a babysitter by next month anyone can recommend one near khatib area.. Thanks!
Hi Hong,
Ya lor...think unless my mum dare to go on strike.

I used Kodomo Baby Bath & Johnson's body lotion on bb. But now, I changed to Lactacyd & nvr apply body lotion liao.

Hi decimal point,
I put a pillow at the front of bb cot so that when my gal charge, at least got something to block her head from hitting the cot. Still got put bumper, but additional protection lor.

Dun worry. BB will still b close to mummy no matter who take care of them. Like my nephew, he still stick to my sis even though my mum takes care of him most of the time.

My gal now using Pigeon L teat. Tried to give her Y teat, but she reject.

Hi Liverpool,
Haa..haa...u so funni. My sis super thick-skin one. So even though we criticise her sacarsticly, she also dun mind. Sometimes we purposely dun help her feed the kids, then she & bro-in-law will push the responsibility to each other.

Sigh...so in the end, my mum feed lor cos the kids already crying in hunger.

Aiyah, I think she's already a GONE case liao...nothing we do or say will make her change leh. Unless like wat Hong said, my mum go on strike lor.
sigh... my mil wanted to do testing again today. i wanted to carry baby to bring him home, she said see if he wants, then looked on, with the look that hopes baby will turn here and there again, and she can again say the same thg. btw baby only did that(turn here and there) ONCE. i didn;t want to let her hav a chance to prove her pt, so i just quickly scoop my baby away. yes indeed i feel she is insensitive.

I was laughing away when i wathc the video!!!
ur gal sooooo cute!!! :p

my boy also similar. but he worst... he will turn 360degrees to the other side n "charge"! then he will pull away all the pillows i put ard the cot. he even noes how to "swing" the pillow/bloster out of the cot!!

so i also dunno how to "protect" him liao! :p
YB, it's the SAME~!!! haha. Germayn does the same! haha. And now that she's botak, it's even more scary.. so scared tt she'll hurt her head. and even though i put a pillow right in front of the bumper, sometimes, she'll accidentally throw the pillow away.

dec pt, i really really dislike ppl who attempt to sow discord b/w my kids and me. haha. i think your mil is really super insensitive.
lala, haha, thanks for the encouragement.. i guess we mummies just want to give the best to our kiddies.. like i said, i've to try my very best for her.

in fact, if i ever have no. 2, i'm quite sure i'll take no pay leave for 3 months, on top of the 3 mths maternity leave.. just so i can breastfeed for at least 6mths!!

YB, if i were in your shoes, i'd seriously coax my mum to go on a trip, for her to destress and for your sis to sacrifice at the same time! she's really taking advantage of everyone's sacrifice lor.. how come she's not "xin tong" that your mum is working so hard for her??!! really quite selfish.. :p

i saw your video.. aiyohhhh so cute.. my girl not so advance leh.. and can kick around but never find her headbutting the bumper yet. so far she's only flip once, like 2 weeks ago, but she refused to do it again, no matter how i plead with her!


I've PM you my details liao..

Decimal point,

I'm also very upset when people say my baby dunwan this person, dunwan that person. Yeah, insist on scooping your baby away!! Afterall, you are the mummy..

Blah.. how can your MIL say that kind of thing.. Next time she says things like that again, you just talk to your baby infront of your MIL that you love him, you are his mummy and you are sure he knows that and loves you too.

Hmmm...changing teats???? My boy is now using Avent No.2...changed when he was ard 3 months old. Is it consider old? Any mummies using Avent now upgrade to teat No. 3 or variable flow teat?

My boy can turn 360 degrees in his cot. As he is tall, he will use his legs to bang on his cot rails...it disturbs my sleep though....and if I put a blanket on him...he will pull the blanket and suck...so I dun dare to put a blanket on him unless he is air-con room and I wear mittens so he cannot grab. BTW, any mummies here let yr babies sleep on pillows? I have one infant pillow from babysafe. I let my boy sleep but I feel very awkward for him so I take it away....hahaha
YB, ur gal so cute! can see her legs very strong...
haiz, my boy still haven't flip....

decimalpoint... why ur mil so wu liao! and i hate it when bb fuss they think they need to eat liao! i think mil also feels i starving the bb.. i can't be bothered wif her, n insist feeding at 4hrs interval.. if not very luan! she is not helping to look after, so she dunno my bb's pattern..
Julian sleep on pillow when he was 2 month old.

Kaylyn so cute.. but can be painful if she headbump to the cot rail. i think the bumper is pretty thin.

my MIL used to do that too. I tell my hubby to go and tell his mother to shut up. After that i bo chap her. I am going to prove to her my ger wants me more than her. Is a long term effort and the effect can only be seen later.

There was once we brot my ger oversea, after we came back she doesnt want MIL. hee hee hee....
I was so happy inside... then hubby said MIL very sad. I told him ok wat... nothing wrong for my ger to only wants mummy.
Halooooo Mummies,
Havent been login in for weeks... How's everyone?

read your last 2 sentences on the MIL thing. hahaha....Am happy for you!!!! =)

Seems like there's gathering again... Hmmm????
i really din know. the doctor said stomach flu is highly contagious. Wah the way my boy vomit is really like merlion, a lot ah. I think i changed my clothes like 3 times. After he finished vomitting his milk, he oso vomitted the water i fed him to clean his mouth. So gek sim.

thanks for the info.

U know few months ago there was this mass vomitting in certain schools? My sis said it was due to stomach flu. It is transmitted by vapour. My boy had since recovered. The vomitting stopped after we gave him medicine. Oso resume drinking milk but we gave him less like 150ml instead of 180ml. Wah i really my hubby really not bad. besides taking care of my boy for one day, he can even bring him out for shopping and coffee!
wah, your gal super cute leh ... me also kept laughing when sees her raised her butt and charged to the board ... mmuack!! give her a kiss

I was also thinking of taking 3 months no pay leave should I have another baby ... easier that way, if not work and bf can be really tiring ...
hmmm....can sleep on pillow??? I read some stuff said sleep on pillow no good lah...blah blah...anyway, since I bought already, might well let my boy sleep rite?

Havent change to teat 3 because currently my boy is latched on so I thot if I change to teat 3, the flow will be fast and he will reject my breast cos the flow is slow mah....true or not?
hehe... so cute your girl.. think she wanna start crawling around already? planning an escape from her cot! my girl only roll around.. cannot move forwards one..

about ur sis. i agree that your mum shld go holiday... or u suggest to ur sis.. sponsor ur mum a holiday for all her hardwork. haha...

Decimal Point,
your mil really has some issues man. maybe she very sad that her son wants u more than her? so she need to have the feeling that your son wants her more than u? haiyah, women can be very calculative n catty one. what is she trying to gain from testing these sort of things? so childish n irrelevant. why can't baby want everybody? sociable baby good what.

Teats - My girl is using the Y-cut for the pigeon peristaltic range now. Think she drinks faster with it.
my boy does exactly what ur girl does!! can charge until butt so high n continue to squeeze at that corner of th cot.

i m grateful that my mil takes care of the baby when i go to work, but i just wished that she'll not say this kind of things.

i wished i could have the time to come into this forum more!
Wow, all your babies so fast can charge liao. My Gerrard very lazy, unless we help him flip half way, he will not even bother to flip. But no worries, different baby learn differently.

But YB baby so cute,the bum raise so high like trying to stand up.....
as long as the pillow is not too high. I think my boy is very use to his pillow. He like something beside his face.

great that ur boy boy is ok. Ger ger also recovered? WOW ur hubby very gd can handle a baby. My hubby althot is a 2nd time daddy still got difficulties with Julian.

Last sat i went to attend a wedding dinner. Hubby said Julian refused to sleep, put him in sarong and he turned and fussed. He got to carry him in n out a few times before he could doze off. I said that created a bad habit for him, next time he put him to sleep he will continue with this pattern. I told him to put in sarong and continue rocking him, just let him sleep sideway and ignored him. He will fell asleep a while later.. Must be firmed..
Kaylyn is soooooooooo cute! she's ready to crawl liao....

ask you huh, is your order with ON accepted? they say dun accept non US billing address leh...

I am still dealing with Old Navy.
Which Credit card did u buy from? I purposely change my charging card to HSBC cos they have branches in US. So they will have US address.
I just sent them the alternative US billing address. Hopefully can go thru. If still cannot..i am going to cancel the order. I have told the rest who place order with me.

Since i didnt collect any $$ upfront so i dun need to do refund lor. It is also the purpose i am not taking any $$ from the mummies 1st cos i dun know will it go thru.
Since u are liverpool fans...
Do u know where i can get liverpool kids jersey in spore?? I wanna get one set for my daughter age 3.

Surf try getting it at www.ebay.co.uk , don't go other ebay, seldom will have. You can get it from there at a cheaper price. The other place where you can get it from is from www.liverpoolfc.tv . That is the official website and online store.

However, ebay is selling at a slightly higher price compare to the official website. You might then wonder why did I ask you to get from ebay then, coz the shipping cost is SUPER DUPER high from the official website, unless you are buying lots of things, it is not worth it coz their shipping cost includes insurance charges I think.

I got mine for my Gerrard 1 month baby shower. Look for those buyers with good rating and comments.

Singapore abit difficult to get, but you can try pennisular plaza or queensway shopping center.

I haven't ordered yet. Only emailed them to enquire coz I rem my friend having lots of problems last time. Think have to get my friend in US to order for me liao...haiz.

Still staying in Simei. Currently in a rental flat coz we din buy a house after wedding and moved overseas. Renovating my new flat which is also in Simei.

thanks.. if u are ordering again can PM me?
Aiyo why all the jersey got Gerrad name.

Btw, they dun have jersey that meant for gers?
I was thinking is there any outfit that wore by the cheerleader.. or liverpool team dun have those cheerleading team. I watched too much basketball liao. hahhaa..

then u ask ur frd to send to u or bring it back for u?

ya. Was going to order then my friend will bring back for me. Dun want to trouble him to order also...but looks like I got no choice...
I find it fun to do reno though abit tiring coz gotta supervise and little details to look at. Your place will be in time for Chinese New Year then

Ya. Hopefully can make it for CNY. Ran into some obstacles...was going to hack the kitchen wall but HDB don;t approve...so got to redesign... very sad... It's also more tiring, having to bring baby along when we scout for things... but can't wait to move.
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)
13) lala (tentative)
14) Jul04 (tentative)
15) Noif (tentative)

Hmmmm...still not confirm whether can attend the gathering cos planning to go back to my hometown...waiting my brother to confirm on the nearest date cos we tumpang his car go back lo.

Recorded somethings funny...

Enjoy viewing
it is inevitable to run into obstacles during reno, don't be sad okie ... indeed, very tiring to bring baby along but then Keagan, being part of the family, is also involved in this whole reno thingy loh
your video clip is very funny!!!! hahaha ... aiyo, JJ's hand tired bo?? Keep shaking hand ... his expression was really adorable !!
to me.. the cleaning up is the tiring portion. Rbr to give me ur updated address later.

Btw, Keagan has sensitive skin right. Better dun bring him cos the dust or the cement particle may irriate his skin.

JJ so cute and chubby. Julian is as heavy as JJ but he is not chubby.
all july mummies,

called Friso nutrition hotline last week to enquire on the Friso milk based rice cereal and was being informed that PD now recommends baby to start solids at a later stage, most preferrably after 5/6 mths... She told me that some babies will be more prompt to allegies if start solids too young... the best is to start after 5/6mths. Upon hearing that, i drop the idea of buying Friso milk based rice cereal for the moment being as my gal is only 4 mths old. just to update everyone....

maybe can check with ur PD to verify if it's true or not. But i believe what the lady said is true and meant well cos she advised me to introduce Friso cereal at a later stage of 5/6mths. if she's after my sales, she wouldnt have told me that. dont you think so?
Hi Gebbera,

My PD said can start my boy on rice cereal when I brought him for his 4th month jab....she even mentioned giving him apple juice as well. I guess like what lala has mentioned, it depends on individual babies...and also your comfort level.
hi mummies,

kevin took his 2nd 5in1 jab tis morning.PD said his weight is triple of his age.he is 8.3kg.

btw kevin's milk intake drop...can tahan 8 hrs oso dun want milk,usually 3.5 to 4hrs he drinks 180ml of FM.PD said he is full,feed him more water...he dun need too much milk as he is heavy.huh???


kevin is using teat no 3,finish 180ml of milk in 10 mins.


your gal so cute..raise her bum bum so high... trying to crawl forward/stand up.
my boy still cant flip...sigh.

Keagan was 8.45kg when he took his 2nd jab a few weeks back. PD said he's the size of a 9 mth old. But when I asked him need to cut down on milk intake or not, he said no need. As long as he is growing well then ok. I am feeding on 4hr interval too.
Hi, have been reading this thread but seldom contribute :p
About starting babies on solids (inclu cereals), I have a PD who insist that all babies should start eating solids strictly from 6 mths onwards. This is to reduce chances of allergies later in their lifes. Just a tot to share, think alot of mummies are gan geong to start babies on solid (me too!!!) but it is safer to wait if can.
Just my 2 cents worth. Here's my baby photo



For those new mummies. if u wanna join our july 06 club can u kindly PM me ur details?

Name (with surname):
Mummy DOB:
BB Name (with Surname):
BB Gender:
Home Address:
Email (the one u always check):
