(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi, Hong! Thanks for the welcome
Have Pm you my particulars.

hi Gebbera,

yeah...depends on individual.PD told me to give rice cereal,all kinds of fruits n vegetables to kevin.PD oso mentioned no meat,no egg,no salt n no sugar.
later im going to feed him rice cereal,let him try a mouthful.
Just a story to share. If anyone of you were at Ikea Tampines yesterday, you prob would have heard Aden. Screaming! We were near the checkout counter when he either decided that:
1)he is over-stimulated, need release
2) he is cold, or
3)he has tummy upset (colic)

He cried and screamed at the top of his lungs, non-stop for 10 mins. No matter how i tried to rock, soothe, distract, it didn't work! One uncle stopped in front of us to take in the scene, without offering any help. I looked at him and told him very calmly, while rocking my baby, whether he was here to "kan si" - watch show. He went off. Another aunty came, and she suggested that i rub Aden's tummy cos he sounds like he is having a bad tummy. i did that but Aden didn't stop! We were attracting a lot of attention. The kind aunty took over and carried Aden and he actually stopped howling! But only for 5 sec. He resumed with full force and after a while, could tell that he was losing his voice. The aunty told us to leave the place and see if it helps. We (me and my maid) abandoned our shopping bag and walked out. And Aden stopped.... haiz.....
I vow I am never going back the ikea tampines! Will stick to the old ikea, haha.
hahaha.. thanks for sharing with us ur day.

I have the same incident but that was at my mum place. Julian bawled n bawled none stop but i guessed he wanted to sleep but just not the place he used to. Once i was in the cab, my boy stopped! Arghhhh............

Is it during Aden napping time? May be he find the place too cold, not familiar and fussing mummy to go home.
Hello mummies,

Thanks for sharing the video clips. Your babies are so cute! My girl cannot flip on her own yet.

Hello Upie, welcome! I'm also afraid when my girl cries outside. Cos' her crying is super loud and non stop. It always takes a while to calm her down. She will only stop once she feels satisfied.

PM, please take care...
halo mummies..
today went back TMC..hehehe....to visit my fren ..just delivered to a baby boy last nite..her gynae told her she having a BIG baby...ard 3.6kg..then she decided to induce cos pain loh..then her bb turned out 3.16kg..pengz...hahahaha...saw her at tmc..recalled myself sitting/laying on bed 5 mths ago...with ian in the cot...beside the bed..hahaha...miss those times cos really very relac loh...

i havent start cereal too... also becos worried loh...but now i think ian hungry easily loh...ard 1.5 to 2 hrs must drink milk..then nite woke up 2-3 times..aiyo...at times just tell myself give him cereal...but hor...later think think better start when he is 5 mths plus 6...

btw, mummies..how u all upload the video ah? i oso wanna upload ian's video clips leh....
Ur boy so clever arh! Can do so many things already. Sometimes really bo bian lor. Have to let them knock a few bumps then they know certains cannot do. hee...hee...

Hi z-lia,
Luckily my gal haven't discover the pillow yet. But she's already trying to pull off the bumper strings. I super kiasu. I put 2 bumpers on to of each other, then add another pillow to protect lor.
Hi mummies,
There's a sale on going...chk it out if u r free:

From : Acecrest Pte Ltd <[email protected]>
Sent : Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:20 AM
To : <[email protected]>
Subject : You're invited to a 1 DAY ONLY PRIVATE SALE PREVIEW!

Ref: 21

Dear Members,

You're invited to a 1 DAY ONLY PRIVATE SALE PREVIEW!



For Kids:GAP, OSHKOSH etc at $10+

Private Sale Days: Wed, 13Dec, 5-10pm
Public sale days: Thu to Sun, 14 - 17 Dec, 10am - 10pm.
Location: Ground Floor Overseas Union Hse, Collyer Quay, Nxt to Change Alley.

Look out for ad in ST &amp; TODAY.Come quick &amp; avoid the mad rush bfore we open to public.

See you there!

Acecrest Management

p/s Pls do not reply to this email.
Hi nite_gal,
Ya, my sis like tat one lor. Today even worst. My mum wanna shower her boy so he can go sleep early. But my sis quickly stopped them, said she wanna bathe first. As usual, after 1hr bathing, her son already doze off on the couch without showering. Poor boy. Sometimes, really pity the children.

Asked my mum if she wanna go cruise. But she said have to ask my dad when he can take leave from work. Cos now got star cruise promotion. If u paying by POSB/DBS credit card, got 2-for-1 offer.
Wah, ur boy very clever leh...already know how to shake hand arh!

Hi dsiitan,
Just start a free acct at webshots.com. Then can start to upload pixs &amp; videos liao.
Hi mummies,
Just now brought my gal for her 5th mth 6-in-1 jab. The next jab will be at 15mths, then 18mths. So now can relax..hee..hee...Btw, chicken pox is not included in the 6-in-1 jab. I would like to give my gal chicken pox jab. But would have to wait till 15mths also.

Oh, just to share. Jus now I ask my doc abt bb's weight percentile. I asked him if being in the 50% is bad. But he said no. Actually being in 50% is average &amp; is normal. Tat means got 50% of bb population sharing the same weight as my gal. The higher the weight percentile, the more overweight the bb is. I.e. 90% means only got 10% of bb population sharing same weight. Just for ur info. Hope it helps.

Milk Powder,
Now that our bb is reaching 6mths soon, think it's time we stock up on stage 2 milk powder liao. Can anyone advise me roughly how much cans of milk powder do I need to stock up? Cos by then, bb will also be taking solid food, right?
Mummies, Yeah, my PD from KKH also advocates feeding semi-solids after 6 mths.. I can't wait to let my girl try something else other than milk.

Hong, You've got PM..

Upie/Kloe/Mrs Tan, I've also recently joined the thread..
So many jul mummies and new nicks.. I get confused now reading.. I hope I can make it to the gathering at PM's place.. will be so nice to put a face to the nick.

YB, the cruise offer sounds good.. i'm hoping that your mum gets a much needed rest. my heart really goes out to your mum!

PM, hope you and bb get well soon. take care okie.
Morning mummies,

PM, Is E better now?

Actually no one can be sure if the kids will be an overweight in future cos their weight will slow down when they get older. My PD has diff explaination. He said we have to take into parents gene. If both parents are the tall and big size gene and most likely the kid will inherit them. Like my daughter, she always park herself ard 97% or above and till now she is still the heaviest among her peers.

We even worry if she will become a fatty next time but when we look at how she eat, it is quite impossible. She is just got her mass, u saw my daughter.. Fat bo??

Infact, to me i dun really care if Julian too heavy, i am more concern if he will be underweight or fall ard 50% cos i want to have some buffer weight for him to lost away incase he fall sick.

Kiddo immunse systme will drop dramatically after 1yo and they fall sick more easily.

Most important is to have a gd diet and exercise. Anyway ger ger all love to be pretty so wun go too fat lah.. hahaa.

Milk Powder - i still feed as normal. Cos the transition period will take a few months to happen. Usually we will still give milk every 3hrly but if the milk hr fall on meal time then we will give solid food.

1st introduce 1 meal a day once the bb is ok with solid food and swallow better then we will make it 2x each day.

I like to visit frd who delivered. hee
HI mummies,

PM, hope your bb is well.

BTW, two weeks ago, Ryan had a cough with phlegm and blocked nose....now he has recovered. But sometimes when he talked to me, I can hear "coarse" sounds coming from him....and sometimes, dun have at all. I also dunno whether I can classify that as phlegm...so I gave him water to clear his throat, not too sure if it is due to the phlegm not fully cleared from his cough or due to his cereal or due to his FM...any mummies have similar experiences???
Talking about feeding cereal, I think I will try this weekend. Just one time and see how he react to it.

Have all babies started to flip?? Mine still not leh. He doesn't even seems to be interested or attempt to flip. Is it normal??
The chicken pox vaccination can only give at 15mths?

Mine also haven't flip leh, not even interested or trying to flip. I am also quite worried. How huh, like that normal or not?
Good Morning Mummies,

haha! Dont know his hand tired bo?? He like to see and play with his hands....sometimes he just lifting up his hands and stare at his both hands...dont know wat he thinking? haha

JJ chubby ah? Actually if u see him in real person not tat chubby leh.....Julian dont look chubby ah?? Think his bone heavy just like Jan? JJ now 8.21kg...

Haha...me quite suprised when ask him shake hands he really shake hand with me! so faster used my HP record it down .but anyway..depend on his mood one...haha..
ya loh...me oso like to visit frens who delivered...so joyful..hehehe..also think think that time i was once there to enjoy my snacks and ppl visiting me..hahaha..too bad...factory closed...hahaha...
How come after your 5th month injection , your next injection is at 15mth. I still got to go still he is 6 mth. I also have 6 in 1 in polyclinic.

YB is right. She took 6 in 1, 5 in 1 n 6 in 1 and the next jab is at 15th month. Btw wat is the jab at 15th month?

YB, u can take chix pox jab a month after MMR. Chix Pox is not a must, i delay Janelle chix pox till 32 months.

How are u now? Everyone ok now?
Hi Lucida,

My ger hasnt flipped yet too. but she's beginning to like to lean on her side...and she can fall asleep on her side too. Her latest milestone is to reach out her hands to touch the cot mobile, and gets frustrated when she cant reach them..Hahaha
yenny y leh? ian at times will pull it down..at times wait for u to take off...cos he tot u playing pee-a-boo with him..hahaha
Hi Yenny,
Yes, my gal also same like Ian. Sometimes she'll wait for me to take the hankie off cos she thought I'm playing wif her. Other times, she'll pull off or pass the hankie from 1 hand to another.
Me and my hubby tried it out sometime ago to see if Aden could do it, so that we know he won't be suffocated in the event his balnket fall on him while sleeping. He didn;t pull it away - when we uncovered him, he was busy licking the blanket. And still is now when we put anything over his face!

Nope, my alma mater is not in Kim Seng Rd. What did i say that made u think i'm your shi jie?

Joshua same response as Ian.

Haven't been logging on as Joshua started at Babies Resort (infantcare center) this week. He's enjoying himself, made a few new friends (2 of them even tried to hold hands) and lots of toys to play with. We are trying hard to increase his milk intake (still only 4oz every 3 hrs).

He went for his 5-in-1 jab last saturday. PD diagnosed him as having eczema. Since i'm still bfg, so was asked to abstained from cow's milk, tree nuts (peanut butter etc), highly processed and canned food (like sausages, ham, tuna), seafood. Since then, his poo frequency has reduced to only twice a day (vs. after every feed), so I'm suspecting that he's allergic to cow's milk or lactose intolerant. Have to check out with PD so i know what type of FM to introduce later. He's still a small boy (6.4kg at 5mth, only 200g increase from 4th month).
Hi Lok,

Glad to know that Joshua is enjoying himself at Babies resort...I think as long as the PD said that he is healthy and growing, dun be too worry abt his weight....(though I can understand how you feel cos now we are now more worried abt our babies milk intake, weight and frequency of poos...)....but I am sure he will fatten up soon once he takes solids....
nothing lah, just curious lor. Like wat upie say, wan to know if a towel or blanket over his face, see if he knows how to pull it off in case of suffocation.

I realise baby gals are chubbier and lighter but baby boys are more solid, compact and heavier. So even tho baby gals weigh lighter than boys, they appear chubbier...

Now i realise my boy put everything he can grab hold of into his mouth. Tat day i was not paying attention to him, he put a small pc of tissue paper into his mouth. Wah, luckily i saw it and dig it out from his mouth.

Why is my baby not sleeping thru the nite yet? 5 months old liao, i thot should be able? Now he wakes up only once to feed in the nite but hor he couldn't sleep soundly, kept whimpering in his sleep. Sian ah! Everyday like zombie at work.

My bb is also not sleeping thru the night....at times, he can, at times, he can wakes up twice for feed....he is also not sleeping very soundly. He can lift his legs and gives a loud thump onto the mattress...or he will sucks his fingers....me is like a zombie as well as a big panda! hahahaha
wah, long time never log in already... as usual busy, busy n busy at work... used to go home at 5+, these few weeks... after 7pm then can go home see bb gal...

what's the topic now... miss so much updates... i started feeding my gal rice cereal a few times but not so thick... mix it with milk, quite diluted one... i think she's abt 7kg now @ 4 &amp; 1/2 months...

YB, ur gal really round leh... very chubby n cute...
hi gals...

soooo busy this week, no time to post too.

btw, yesterday went to the sale tat YB mention.
grab alot of stuff for my boy.

OSK - 2pc for $10
Gap, old navy - 3 pcs of $12.90 n get 1 pc free.

so mummies - can cheong for it! hahah :p
Wah. All babies so chubby and cute!!

I guess this is the time where we can enjoy our baby the most. In couple of years time they might not want us alreay.. sob sob..

So now I'm going to kiss, hug, touch my baby as much as I can
Lucida, My baby too, not flipping or even attempting.

Lok, my boy is drinking this amt of milk too before he was sick. Now he drinks even lesser. like 60ml every 3.5 hrs.

Thanks everyone for yr well wishes. BB got better now.. no more fever or lao sai liao... but i think i spreaded my cold to him. He is sneezing and coughing frequently now. I am gettig abit worser. My voice is not coarse... like a "sexy ah gua" hahahaha.. that's what my hubby calls me.
Anyone tried using the friso voucher from poppy? I try to use it yseterday at NTUC, but the cashier rejected me coz it didnt have a date of issue there. I m going to try it at other fairprice later.

Hi PM,

I also put the pigeon fever patch on my boy's forehead when he had his jabs (just in case)....he also keeps pulling it away....but the pigeon patch is so much smaller...which brand did u buy?
