(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

YB, actually, my husband and i dont give my mil alot also. the amount we give her is for 1 kid plus some allowance, and when she goes out, my husband will sometimes give her some money to spend (but she seldom goes out..and she's very nice..it's like..when we give her extra to spend, in the end she'll use most of the money to buy stuff for the kids and us). Re your twin sister, i mean..doesnt she feel upset when her kids are closer to your mum... duno leh.. to me, when my kids are closer to my mil, i'll feel very sad..and will start to wonder why i have to work. but i think it's different in a way cos your mum's your sis's mum.. For me, cos it's my husband's mum, so mabbe more paiseh?

Re: hair loss
my hair loss is bad... can't put my hair behind my ears anymore. and when i just finish washing my hair, my head looks horrible..with all the bald patches. i went to cut my hair 2 weeks ago cos i think that with shorter hair, hairloss might decrease. it's true la..to some extent. the hairdresser told me that the hair loss prob will continue till baby is about 6 months. think by then shld be almost there liao..botak...

hong, thanks for bday wishes. heehe.

today's celebration was ok.. heng ar.. initially thought there wouldnt be enough food, so went to order kfc and pizza..in the end too much. but ok la.. was quite nice. celebration was at grassroot club's children's playroom. so there's this very big playground thing. then in the playground there's a pool of colourful plastic balls. so my twins just played there most of the time. was good. cos at least we needn't chase them all ard and we know they wouldnt have any ba lu kus.

PM, hope baby E is better...
Me so scared of the amount of hair i lost after every hair wash that I decided not to wash hair today... later going for a hair treatment mainly due to dry hair -- shouldnt have coloured my hair...

Hi joykel, will try your method. Later go buy he shou wu.
YB - Think yr sis needs someone with higher authority and more senior to talk sense to her... Maybe she knows yr mum is like that, that's why she taking advantage of her. Like what dsii said one day if they go on strike ur sis will suffer badly, but then again,by the time, maybe her kids are old enough to take care of themselves liao...

Hairloss- Mine is as bad too. Everywhere got traces of my hair. Baby's pacifer also have... his and mine. Sigh, dunno how much hair he taken in. Z-lia, 6 mths? Then we have another 1 more mth to go! Hope I have enough hair for that. My hubby ask me to go Yun Nan, but I ask if I could use the $ to go slimming centre instead. =/

Emerson's fever subsided after taking medicine yesterday, but came back again this morning. Just fed him medicine and he's sleeping now. He refused milk but medicine must be fed after food right? Got a hard time feeding him... at last.. he vomitted.

I had difficulty sleeping last night, coz he was so cranky and whineing. Sleep also wanna cry. I was worried that he go hungry coz he wont drink in the daytime, so I woke up every 3 hrs to feed him milk, but he also wont drink much... like 50ml only...
Sigh, Emerson, recover soon ok..mummy miss yr smile... =)
Mrs Tan, welcome! I also joined recently.

YB, maybe your sister never take care of her children so dunno how tough it is? Some more, your parents are old liao leh... Hope she wakes up one day and appreciate what your mom has done for her.

PM, hope your baby gets well soon. If fever still don't subside, maybe have to see doctor again. Is his fever on the high side?

joykel, thanks for your recipe but I'm the lazy type, dunno whether can do that consistently for two months or not. Heee..

u got e water pillow?let Emerson sleep on it n fever will subside.

hope your boy will b well soon,you must take care 2.(",)
Kloe, his temperature was 38 degrees and this morning around 37.5 degrees. Not on the high side but he's just very fussy and refusing milk and is very clingy... makes me very tired.

Joykel, i dont have water pillow. Were can i get it? HE doesnt sleep on pillow now, dunno if he use to it or not.
visit Dr Sim this morning but did not take the jab cos he run out of it. Julian still took his weight. Very bad weight gain this time. only gain 200g and he is now 8.05kg
Hairloss - Hai. My hair dropping too!
My hubby saw my hair that I comb drop onto the toilet floor n ask me what's wrong, how come can drop so much. My girl also like to pull at my hair. wahlau... Sometimes see my hair sticking out of her mouth.

Mrs Tan - Yupyup. 28 July! Nice to know you

PM - hope your bb gets better soon. he must be feeling very cranky. i know i'd feel cranky if i had a fever too. give him lots n lots of sayang!

The talk about the deaf was very interesting. Am gonna seek 2nd opinion first before I commit the 8000 bucks. Found a very sincere n helpful doctor too who was so willing to help us and give us her time, so quite keen to see her. Quite pissed still at how slow KKH can be cos other hospitals actually try to speed up the process for getting hearing aids for babies and acknowledge how important it is for them to get it on ASAP... like 1 - 3 months old. Sigh. Glad I know the options now before it's too late.
Hi Hong,
She's my youngest sis. I'm the elder twin. She's not heartpain cos her kids r close to her too. Just tat her kids only identify my mum as the person to feed/bathe/change/toilet-train them while my sis is for play.

My mum always say she do so much cos she pity the kids lor. My mum is the type who prefer to work & go out shopping one. But cos my sis 'threaten' to give away her children when they couldn't 'find' anyone suitable to look after, so my mum had to quit her job & look after her kids full time lor.

Yes, I know. My hubby & all my friends also dun like my sis. Cos she's really selfish & always like to take advantage of ppl. Really dunno y I have tis type of twin sis??!!

My mum doesn't like to travel at all! Given a choice, she would rather sleep in the hotel room. haa..haa...her only hobby is eat & shop.

Eversince I started being a mother, I've realised tat it's not easy being a parent & really gotta sacrifice a lot. Tat's when I really pity my mum when my sis bully her. I've spoken to mum abt it, but she's afraid to voice out. She also doesn't allow me to talk to my sis, cos she scared the whole family will quarrel.

Hi Z-lia,
At least u & ur hubby will take over the responsibility of caring for ur kids after work & during weekends. But my sis & bro-in-law will always try ways & means to escape their 'responsibilities' lor.

Imagine when they r back from work, but my mum still have to feed,bathe them while my sis watch TV! They r not pai sey at all. They say they're tired from work, but so does my mum! Somemore, the kids belong to them, not my mum. And the way she instruct my mum is like ordering maid to do things lor. I.e."Ma, go bathe the kids, they wanna sleep soon!"

Last time when my elder sis & I are still single, my twin sis will also ask us to help her look after her kids. But gradually, she'll feel tat it's our DUTY to care for her kids tat she'll sometimes nag at us when we're not free to help out. Tat's when I stopped helping even though I may b free.

My sis not pai sey abt giving less allowance to mum. She'll even compare y she's paying more than me. And wanted to bargain for a lesser amt. PLEASE! Mum didn't care for my bb leh...of course I giver lesser lah!
Hi kloe,
Exactly! My sis seldom take care of her 2 kids alone cos she's either dumping her kids at mum's plc or she herself will stay over.

When I had mild depression during the 1st few mths after bb was born, my sis came & talked to me. Said no need to feel so stress cos her boy very fussy but she still managed to care for him well. In comparison, my gal is much better than her son. I was SO MAD!! She has nvr spend time alone takin care of her kids. Who is she to say abt such things!

Immediately 1mth after giving birth to her gal, she dump the bb to my mum & bring her elder boy shopping all day!
Hi Dsiitan,
Ya, wanna teach my sis a lesson, but not nice to affect the kids leh...tat's wat my parents felt too, so they endure lor.

But after I expressed interest in going back to work & leaving my gal wif mum, my sis become veri worried that her kids would be ignored. Haa...haa...Even though I've shelved the plan for now, I told my mum NOT to tell my sis. Let her worry for a while longer...hee...hee...

Just a suggestion, sponsor your mum for a short trip or cruise for about a week, see how your sis cope without your mum. After the 1 week, tell your sis that since she can cope with the 1 week without your mum around, she sure can carry on taking care on her own. Case close, kids go back to your sis.


Hope you baby is getting better. Are you still taking care of your SIL baby?
she can always place the elder kid at childcare mah. I think she shld be fair to u. If she place her elder son at CC then ur mum can help her look after the younger one and Kaylyn. U can also go back to work.

Why the whole family will broke into quarrel! Ur mother reallvy wei da.

I think cruise is a gd choice, just eat and sleep. This mode of holiday suit ur mum very well.
I think you are such a good mummy, so persistent in bfg considering you have to feed every 1hr+, must be real tough ... you have done well
yes, another 1.5 months to go, jia you !!!!

You are still giving tbf? I have supplemented my girl with 1 or 2 FM at night coz letting her get used to FM when I wean her off at 6 months. Though I still have lotsa frozeb EM, but my girl doesn't really like to drink them. Think the taste is different.

Yep, really feel very fat with my 2 boobs being so big and embarass as well. Also, have difficulty finding tops for work.
I totally agree with you regarding having good ss of bm, yet wanting to wean off, feel so bad and guilty
Hi Liverpool,Hong,
Dad brought my mum to cruise some time ago, and she really only sleep & eat. Haaa..haa...
But I worry tat after the cruise, my sis will still go back to her ways leh...

My sis didn't put her elder son in childcare cos she said she can't afford. Her son already 3.5yrs but have never been to sch b4. Next yr, her son will start going to nursery. But it's only a 2hrly session. My mum worried how she's going to bring him to nursery with my sis's daughter & my gal (if I go back to work) on tow.

I'll try to join

TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)

I should be able to make it but put as tentative 1st

TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)
13) lala (tentative)
i went to the clinic but Dr Sim run out of 5 in 1 jab.

Julian only gain 200g over the past 1 month.

I also tentative first....Dec very busy for me...some more got reno going on...haiz...

TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)
13) lala (tentative)
14) Jul04 (tentative)
lala, ya, still giving tbf. my gal doesnt like frozen milk also. so im giving the frozen ones to her bro and sis.

so sian. today on half day pm leave, but only managed to leave work at 3.45pm, such a waste of my leave.

YB, when my MIL has to bring the twins to childcare herself, she'll carry one and put the other one in the pram. that's the fastest way. normally when fetching them from school, my FIL and MIL will be ard, so still ok. i remember there was once when my in laws had some stuff on, so i went to fetch the twins myself, without the pram. then had to lie to my boy, tell him tt daddy's car is at the carpark near the house, if not he'll just squat and not move, and my gal will 'copy' him. then finally, when we reached our void deck, he wanted to walk towards the car park, and i had to drag him into the lift, and he was crying... and the lift door closed with all the aunties (my MIL friends) looking towards the lift. haha
I tot you are a SAHM. How often do you express daily? Me twice and only recently manage to express all at home. I prefer to pump milk in the comfort of home.

Lotsa work to clear thus can't leave earlier? Can't postpone your leave to another day?
hi z-lia,
My nephew also like tat leh. 3.5yr old still dun like to walk. Always complain his legs very tired, dun wanna walk anymore. Then he'll just squart down. But he's too heavy to carry leh. 16kg how to carry? Somemore my mum still has to carry my niece who's 1yr weighing 8kg.
If I go work, then my mum still has to carry my gal?

Tried pushing niece in pram, but my nephew will fight to sit in the pram. Otherwise, he'll just sit on top of his sis. Naughty boy!

Ask your mum where would she want to go for sight seeing. That way, it won't be just only eat n sleep. Go for about a week instead of just 3~4 days, that way your sis will feel the "pain".
Can always remind her that since she can cope for a week without accident, she can always carry on.

As for your sis elder son going to a 2 hourly session. Tell your mum don't have to worry, ask your sis to worry instead. Why try to solve someone else problem? Its her kids, its time she grow up and have some responsibility.
Thanks mummies for yr well wishes. Emerson is ok now.. but he having diarrhea now. Sigh, pooed watery stools and 4 times yesterday and today 3 times.

Jul04 - U having reno arh? Mine just over. Thank god I dont haf to go thru that til years later!

Liverpool, nope, I start on Jan07. =)
lala, for the past week, ive been expressing twice daily. used to be 3 times ever since i went back to work in Nov, then now 2 times. once in office, and another time late at night. The 2 times are actually..abit unplanned. as in, i wanted to express once in the morning, once in office, and once b4 i slp. but i always doze off b4 i express at night, after latching baby. Then will suddenly wake up in the middle of the night realising tt i havent pumped (not tt sudden anymore. haha) and will pump, then slp and get too lazy to pump again in the morning, rather slp for another 20 min more.
can't postpone my leave, cos my team members all clearing leave, and when i went back after maternity leave, others have more or less booked most dates already.

YB, ya, think difficult... duno how your mum can bring all 3 out to bring 1 to school also... haha. my twins also always fight to sit in the pram. Either that or both totally dont wanna sit in the pram.

PM, think u should bring E to a doctor.
HI mummies,

Can we start giving porridge for babies in their 5th month? currently I am feeding Ryan with brown rice cereals...he loves it...but like not very full lor...cos only give 1.5 teaspoon plus FM. Yesterday, he has been drinking 120ml every 2 to 2.5 hours...and has been waking up a couple of times at night for feed...managed to finish 120ml at every feed...but I am like zombie. My mum said that she is going to cook porridge for him. What can we put into the porridge for a start? Is white rice better or brown rice?
Blessings, why dun u increase the amt of milk?

It will be best to start at 6th month.

Ur parents situation will never gonna be better if she dun do anything. Ur sister will continue to exploit her. I really pity ur mum, if i have a sister like that i will scold her upside down.

u really shld bring E to see a dr. If watery poo and ard 4x each day is not common. Rbr to keep him hydrate.
me too mah...i havent even start cereal for ian...so now still BM or FM at nite...drank ard 140ml..then almost every 2hrs must drink..at nite now oso woke up 2-3 times...think he hungry ah,....hahhaa....
Hi mummies
I very 'sim tia'. Both my kids having stomach flu, watever they eat, they will vomit. The elder gal can still take porridge but the baby cannot take milk. Doctor advised me to get soy based milk for him but he doesn't like leh. I din know stomach flu is contagious. The stupid doctor nvr tell me when i brot my gal to see him. Then my boy got it 1 day after. Cham, his weight surely go down one.
Blessings, i started porridge with my twins when they were about 5.5 mths old. Put in carrot and potato for a start. Cooked porridge with those ikan bilis based soup.

Baby has been waking up like... many many times at night... ytd night, i went to her a total of 9 times. sigh. Put her in the cot to slp cos her father was ill, then no mattress for me and her to slp on. Then she kept flipping and lifting her butt and charge towards the bumper (like a bull). There was even once when i was abit blur, and it was dark, and she was crying and in those inverted 'V' shape pattern, and i couldnt figure out where her legs and hands were. Actually, this flipping and charging business has been on for a couple of weeks. really dunno how to keep her in her position. any suggestions? Tried kiap-ing her with her bolsters, pillows, but it doesnt work anymore.

Anyway, im on leave today~! Yeah~! Last leave day of the yr. Duno if should just rest at hm or bring her out to hang3 gai1. haha.
Hi mummies
I very 'sim tia'. Both my kids having stomach flu, watever they eat, they will vomit. The elder gal can still take porridge but the baby cannot take milk. Doctor advised me to get soy based milk for him but he doesn't like leh. I din know stomach flu is contagious. The stupid doctor nvr tell me when i brot my gal to see him. Then my boy got it 1 day after. Cham, his weight surely go down one.
wahlau yenny..u dunno stomach flu is contagious???..very fierce one ah...
immediately can get it liao...
if my boy got that..i 1 day later sure got it
Hello mummies,

Still feeling a bit blur today after waking up to pat my girl to sleep last night... pat and pat for some time and she still din wan to sleep... luckily my hubby took over from me and I got some sleep.

I also din know stomach flu is contagious. How does it spread?
Hi mummies,

PM, ya lor....doing reno now...headache sia...going to be a stressful 2 months. Dun want to move after this liao...hahaha

Blessings, this site has some porridge receipes. http://www.parentingjoy.com/M451/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=19

Yenny, do take care. You don't want to fall ill too.

Z-lia, my boy also like Germayn. This morning found him at the opp end of his cot...really amazed at how he turns...tried to cushion as much as possible liao...but still like that. Now he grabs the bumper to eat also! Pengz...
Must be careful with stomach flu. Which doctor did u see? The one at ur mum estate?

Soya milk taste horrible that is why ur boy doesnt like it. Can u spoon feed him?
Poor boy, never mind u can fatten him later.
Hi Z-lia,
My gal also like tat. She likes to lift her butt up & charge forward towards the cot bumper. This has been happening for 1 mth already. She also likes to flip her body till half of it is resting on the side bumper while the other half is being supported by her side. Aiyo, really gymastic manz....

Last night, I caught her sleeping with her legs hanging over the crib railing, hands grabbing the cot bumper while she sleeps vertically across the crib.

There's really no way to restrict their actions now. So I bo chap lor. When bb is tired, they will sleep in whatever position they like. Then I will shift her after she fell into deep sleep.
Hi Yenny,
Ya, have to b careful the rest of the adults dun get infected. Else, nobody to care for ur kids. Most impt is to let ur kids recover. After tat, sure got chance to fatten them up.
Hi liverpool & Hong,
I really give up on my sis liao. Last nite I went to parent's hse for dinner. Wah lao! my sis showered for nearly 1hr while my dad & mum fed her kids. Bro-in-law sit in front of TV to eat dinner as though the kids don't belong to him.

I scolded my sis when she came out of shower. U know wat she said? She said she got constipation so must make use of the time here to go toilet cos she know here got ppl to care for her kids. At hm, no time for her to do 'business'. Wah! If like tat, then I think all SAHM got constipation problem liao lor...

I think only my mum can solve this prob. Cos she keep siding & helping my sis. Sigh....

only ur mum can solve the problem but ur sister really giving a lousy excuse. Hope ur niece and nephew will dote the grandparents when they grow up. Must tell them how much Popo and gong gong did for them.

Btw, did u even consider a maid? Suggest to ur sister to co own the maid and put her with ur mum and that the maid only below to ur mum althot both the family share the maid expenses.
