(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Sling - I stop slinging Julian but I use it again when I go and fetch him from CC on the 1st day of school. Not possible to carry him + carrying an umbrella. The sling is still very helpful at that moment.
I managed to grab some espirit clothes from the outlet, disney, 2 sweaters for char and 2 pairs of sneakers for myself, while hubby bought some polos from timberland, then others are biscuits, souvenirs from disney and of cos 老婆饼 and 烧鹅. Still think not shiok enough leh but luggage can't squeeze in liao...
How do u bring back the goose? aiyo go and buy another luggage mah. We end up getting another puma bag. only 2 sweaters for charlene?
Hong, they got special delivery to airport for roast goose order from "yong ji" if i am not wrong..my dad brought back a goose few years back too...feels like gg HK again...miss their foods so much, ha..
cannot buy another luggage, cos we brought an extra large luggage, a hand carry luggage bag, 2 haversack and a pram. Then I managed char while hubby settle the bags so very difficult.
Har... no wonder lah, that mean u have not finish posting ur loots list lor. hahaha..

show us some pictures of ur loots leh.
All her stockings are from singapore, the one she match with orange dress is from mothercare (i think) but torn already. The other one i can't rem liao... I bought 4 more for her in hong kong, quite cheap $5 per piece, as compared in s'pore sell more than $10 bucks, so ex...
Why still need to bring big barang barang bag? I usually only pack 1 diaper, wet wipes, water btl & her bib when we're out. Plus my own wallet. Not very heavy mah.

Your Ian look solid and like a big boy liao... so steady and calm on stage...


Your Char look like a big gal!! And she really know how to pose.. future model...
cos got milk powder container...milk bottle..water bottle...wetwipes...2-3 diapers...extra set of clothings...so a big bag loh...

mamaanne..hahahhaa....he had his eyes on elmo..forgot all things le
haha... i also travel light nowadays...
milk also dun usually bring out. :p

if he hungry, will just buy bread or watever for him.
i only travel light when going nearby...within Pasir ris area maybe..hahhaa..out of PR...then will be barangbranag..
I didnt bring milk powder out too unless we need to stay long.

how are u? Where have u being?
haha i kiasi ...cos he milk addict mah...that time i didnt prepare water in his milkbottle so cant make milk..wah piang....he asked milk from bt panjang to pasir ris...i almost wanna tape his mouth manz...
Hi hong,

Me still around, just tat rather busy to pop in for discussion and most of the time the topics i cant put my nose in....
mummies, sad news..zita's mil passed away today...anyone wanna contribute abit? wake till sunday...if i can make it on sat..i will go down to pass to her..if not..i will do tt...pls email me if u r contributing....pls tt by fri ..thanks..

email: [email protected]
acc: POSB savings 126-10760-9
after vera's full mth..the nextfew days she was admitted and straight to icu...
ok..let me know once u tt...thks...
Nowadays, I also dun bring milk when we're out. If Kay is hungry, will just buy watever food is availabe..else buy packet milk lor. As for hot water, can buy from coffeeshop or ask from fast food restaurants mah. No need to lug around, so heavy.

Sometimes, Kay will ask for milk too. But I'll just tell her I nvr bring along, she'll have to wait till we're hm. Once, twice, soon she'll get the msg that however 'naggy' she is, she still won't get her milk. Sometimes, if I'm really fustrated, I'll threaten NOT to give her milk even when we reached hm since she's so whinny. Then she'll get scare @ quiet down. :p

As for diapers, I've let Kay go diaperless when we're out now. Have to bring her to toilet when she wanna pee/poo. But will still bring 1 diaper along just in case Kay wanna nap.

Extra clothings, I all along nvr bring out since Kay was a newborn. Haha.
ur Ian is so cute, so naggy too. hahaha..

Julian doesnt drink alot now, cannot even finish his 200ml of milk so wasted so i make ard 150ml for him.
<font color="0000ff">mummies, sad news..zita's mil passed away yesterday...anyone wanna contribute abit? her mil's wake till sunday...if i can make it on sat..i will go down to pass to her..if not..i will do tt...pls email me if u r contributing....pls tt by fri ..thanks..

email: [email protected]
acc: POSB savings 126-10760-9</font>

Just wanna come in to say hi, nv forget u all, just been busy trying to cope. Btw, this is my girl, she wanna say hi to the aunties here too!
lolli..can u sms zita..tell her how much u tt to her..? she dun hv internet banking..and she has to dig for her passbook to update..she asked me but i dunno loh...u hv her number?
hello mummies,

dsii, i think she look like my husband.... there's nothing in her features that's mine lor...

eeyore, yah.. very big, like my husband, big with single eyelid.

so far so good... trying to take things easy and not have any expectation. Mil leaving on wednesday, i guess there's when my real challenge starts. Dunno if I can find time to cook. It hard trying to handle 2 kids at the same time... especially when no 1 is in the terrible 2 stage.
ur ger is so pretty.
Believe urself u can handle, tell urself u are always in control ok.
