(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

My First Haircut..

aunties..I look handsome bo???
not bad sia. still as handsome. he looks more eh...duno how to explain..jing1 shen2 but can see tt when u took the photo he's abit slpy. but nice leh. very boyish.
hahaha...actually this pic was taken rite after shower...hmm...oso sleepy loh..cos didnt sleep mah...boyish ah..finally..hehehe...if not all think ger ger...



hahhaa..my LONG FENG TAI...hehehee
My hubby brought me to eat Kobe Beef yesterday to celebrate my b'day. Wah! really delicious! very tender & fresh. Very diff from normal beef. But very ex also lor....guess it's my 1 & only time eating it...

Hi Dsiitan,
Really luv Ian's new haircut! He looks good. Very refresh & boyish. Looks like his hair got put gel huh? hee...hee...

Hi Zita,
Thx for the link. I've bookmark the website. Will give it a try when I have the time. Thinking of doing it for my gal's 1st b'day next time. Save in Powerpoint can show the slides on projector...hee..hee...me kiasu hor...
Hi Zita..

Thanks for sharing about digital scrapbooking. Have tried it out and it's quite fun! Managed to put one together and uploaded to the blog.

Your boy looks very matured now with the haircut!
Hi mummies,

I am back... is a fun n tired trip for us.

Ian look more handsome.

All the bbies are so cute..

i will try try try to do for both. hahaha..
thanks for the website.
morning mummies!!!

can hardly catch up on the postings here! so many things to absorb.

waah, hong, where u go? no worries about the ON spree

ian so boyish wif this new hair cut.
ya loh...do u like this new hairstyle? cos some of my SIL still prefers ian with the long hair..hehee
haha, i like both actually. but this one, sure no one will mistake him for girl girl. when i saw the pic, i was thinking *envious* leh, of his double eye lids. my bb eyes small small, bo double eyelids.
Hi Dsii,
Ian teething liao arh..how does it look like? I also thought my gal teething cos got 1 white spot at bottom gum. But doc says no leh...not so fast teething. But all my niece & nephew teething at 4th mth leh...
hmm...how it looks like ah?? initially white spot at lower gum...then now hor...white horizontal white line...then when u touch..quite rough one...oso hard loh...
Hi dsii,
The white spot become bigger & bigger. Now very obvious. but it's more like triangle shape leh. Also hard & a bit sharp at the edge. Cannot b wiped off.
YT: Your baby jayden very cute. You know what? I intended to name my baby jayden at first, but in the end change to jonas. And the best part is, my husband surname also TANG! alamak! Same name! hahahahaha. Jonas now also 5mths, but 2 weeks older then your jayden hehehe.
Hi mummies,

Have anyone started giving their bb fruit purees already? I let my ger try some apple juice by scraping the apple and she seems to love it!

Ian looks really boyish now


Joshua likes to go to school. 1st 2 days was tough cos he doesn't want to drink milk. Now much better. He has 3 new friends in the same classroom now, 2 more coming in by Feb'07.It's really fun to watch them, they will stare at each other and then reach out to try and hold hands.


hey, i do the same thing to joshua in the bathtub too. now i will let him grab the 2 sides and lean against the tub. He can sit there and play with water for a while.

Now he likes to sit and stand. I will sit him up and let go when he's more stable. Then when he's abt to fall, he will use his 2 hands to support for a very short while, look at us and smile b4 toppling over. Quite funny actually!


Sama sama, when i bathe joshua, he also chews my hand!


Seiyu J8 having toys fair. One whole section on Doraemon. I bought coin bank & photo frame for joshua
Hi all ,

this morning , my boy suddenly urine got abit of blood .... and he cry loudly ! then after that , urine normal ... What should i do ? Should i observe or bring him to PD ? Any one have this before also ? thank
Julian went for his 6 in 1 jab yesterday. Weighed 8.4kg gain 400g within a week! Dr Sim did some assessment on Julian and he said his progress was very gd, able to sit with his hand supporting himself.

Next jab will be the Hep B booster jab at 15th month.

Meantime, no fever and taking his milk well.

both ur boys are so handsome.

Yah i placed Julian that way so i could both my hand to wash him.

I feed Julian banana and Papaya. I also tried EYS brown rice and the Nestle Rice cereal and he likes all of them.

i went Melaka during the weekend. Driving up with frds and we enjoyed the trip. Left Julian with MIL and spent sometime with Janelle.
damn sianz...bringing ian for his jab next tues...haiz...worried he will get fever...tomolo onwards must give him pao shen water..and barley water liao...hehehe....
hehe, good to know u enjoyed urself

btw, how come hep B booster jab is at 15th month? mine is next month leh. ethan went for his 3rd dose of the DTP jab and no fever. PD said unlikely to have fever.

dsii wat jab is ian having next wk?
I think ur mistaken the jabs.
There is 3 hep B jabs, 1 Hep B booster jab. MMR at 18 month.

U are bringing ur boy for 3rd Hep B jab then another booster at 15th month. The Sequence of the jabs is all correct.

u still going back to polyclinic or u going to bring Ian to jab at Dr Sim clinic?
I am also bring Ryan for his 3rd 5in1 jab on Friday too. Have to pray earnestly...not to have fever and be cranky.

My Pd havent mentioned abt the 3rd Hep jab leh. Maybe she will tell me when I go this fri.
Hi Hong,

TKs. Ok..i'll start fruits too with my little darling this weekend, probably apple and bananas. Anyway, there is a recipee for banana mashed with milk..for bb four months and above. Sounds yummy.
i can make mistake too. Stime the Jabby thingy is a bit messy.

Yah just scrape off from the fruit and feed. Just feed a tiny portion, shld be ok. U can try sweet potatoes. Steam and mashed, add milk.
Can try potatoes too.

May, the banana + Milk shld be much more easily to feed than just banana. Can give it a try. Shld taste like banana milk shake. hahaha..
Infact u can add mashes banana into the rice cereal to feed the bb. More variety, the Rice cereal wun taste so plain.

Dr Sim just renovated his clinic. Dun know if he had change a new clinic assistant. I asked for sample cereal and she gave me a lot.

if u are bringing ur bb to clinic, can ask the clinic if they have free cereal to give u.
hand abit itchy today. Tried to feed Germayn this organic apple,banana and berries puree from Heinz. And she wouldnt even wanna take a mouthful. Fed her that and she 'boo-ed' it all out, and cried aloud. haha. so nan2 chi1 meh.. then i ended up eating up the rest of the bottle.

i delayed Germayn's 5 in 1 3rd dose till 6Jan07, cos either hb or I wont be free during the Sats b4 then. Wanna bring her there together cos wanna take video clip. haha. Her elder bro and sis got video clips of themselves taking their vaccination so hope she'll have also.
i hvaent start cereal or fruit puree for ian leh...now he 5mths liao...shld i wait till 6 mths or now can start abit??? hmm..maybe i shld start once a week hoe...then slowly increase..can bo har? cos he now every 2 hrs must drink milk..think he hungry...at nite woke up 2 times leh..damn tiring loh
u try the Rice cereal 1st? If Ian ok, u may wanna add some cereal into his milk to make him fuller?

u did alot for ur kid. I didnt even think of taking pix or video
also can lah. U try spoonfeed 1st, if he is ok u can add into his milk lor. Try one feed with brown rice each day.

BTW, i heard so much abt Healthy Time. Where can i get it?

You can get healthy times in Tanglin Mall- Brown Rice Paradise or at selected NTUC as well. I gotten mine from missmoon when she organised a bp.
BTW, I also bought EYS brown rice as well. Understand it need to cook...so i add a one or two teaspoons, add water and boil? For how long ah? Then add milk powder and leave it to cool? Will it turn watery or sticky after cooling it???

U use the milk powder scoop? I used that as a guide ok.

1) 1 scoop + 150 ml of warm water
2) stir and mixed well.
3) cook over fire.
4) Off the fire once u see a few bubbles popping.
5) Leave it to cool.
6) Add 3 scoops of milk powder and serve.

(use water that already boiled, warm water cos will cook faster).

If u feel the mixture is too thick after cooking, then add more plain water to dilute it. U can store the remaining in a vacumm flask for next feed. This is how my MIL prepare the brown rice. She will cooked a feed before hand and store in flask. Once required she just need to pour out and prepare milk.
ya lo. the PD only tells me wat to expect for next visit...and i read the health booklet but forget liao.

eh, there is a BP going on now for HT, u can try, same disc 15% + 3%.
hi dsii.

How old is ur bb? gal or boy? hv u started on the s-solid alrdy? my precious has try to poo only 3 days once. i scare it constipation? paNic panic?any body have experience?...
Hi... mummies

Just a brief intro here, my precious brandon is 5mths 3wks born in 27jun06... in tmc weigh 3.745..hehe
quite a weighty... =P

Mrss T. our bb very close..hv u started on s-solid now? what name and ger or Boy???
