(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

PM, i replied ur mail. The price for one of the item is diff. U see if u still wanna get.

read ur blog. Quite true that Kristen doesnt really smile. Can feel ur longing for her smile. Dun worry she will be ok.

U update us on ur finding at the carnival.

KKH always have long Q. My collick got to wait like 4 - 6 month of even longer to see the speech specialist. Did u manage to get her insurance?


Joshua also screaming very often. Sometimes I wonder whether he's frustrated or just learning to speak.

Cheer up. I'm sure baby E still loves u very much, especially since u are still bfg him.


Joshua is now also flipping in his bed. He will usually end up on his tummy but I don't bother to flip him back or else i'll be up the whole night. At this stage, once they can flip and lift their head up, the risk of SIDS is significantly lower.
Peachsorbet, read yr blog... like those pictures and "artwork" u've done. which software u using...? Always wanted to do something like this.. but lack the creavity juice in me!

Ya... Quite envy sometimes see other babies' pictures of them smiling widely away.

Hmm.. I got her a life insurance. But not sure if it covers congenital deafness. Think once born with it, the insurance doesn't cover? Kinda need to find experienced insurance advisor cos in the future, she may have operation to implant the hearing aids. So don't know what type of insurance can cover these sort of things. Very confused also. So far just paying n paying away.

I'm using adobe photoshop.
Just play around with the program when Kristen's asleep at nite.
Peachsorbet, I dunno how to use that software.... Hahah nevermind, i am too lazy to learn.

Dont think any insurance will cover congenital stuff, but yah, u can just ask around to be more sure. Why not get medica/hospitalization plans? I am intending to...
My gal also sleeps on her tummy. But she will still flip in the middle of the night lor...then will have trouble going back to sleep. I'm now trying to train her sleeping face up, so she can sleep thru regardless which position. Currently when she sleeps face up, will wake up easily at the slightlest sound.
Hi mummies,

I have hit the limit for old navy. Thus, i am closing the spree now.

Dsii, Missmoon, PM, fruitee. ur order is in.
My boy has been shouting and screaming too. Quite often especially early in the morning and evening. Trying 'scolding' him but no use he dun understand...haha

PM, I would like to join in the gathering too.

TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
Hi Hong,
Yah, I've tried. But she'll still flip to her back, then stare at the ceiling. Most of the times, she'll lift her legs & let them hang over the crib railing. I've now transfered her to the lower portion of crib already.

So Cute!! Ur boy can do tricks with his lips!! Clever boy!

Hi Fruitee,
Just to let u know... When u r buying bb clothings in Bkk, be sure to pick up larger sizes. Cos their size very small. hee..hee...mayb thai bbs smaller in size??

Last time I bought top & pants for my gal in Bkk. The label says from 3-6mths. But my gal 3mths already cannot wear. So I guess buy 6-12mths or 12-18mths safer. Can wear longer. FYI.
hi lala,

i'm a june mummy. my ss is also very good and i already try to reduce by pumping twice a day. but ss still very good. i think some mommies have mentioned pumping less per session, but i'm afraid if i don't empty my breasts, then will kena lumps again. i'm hoping to stop by 6 mths, but i don't really know how to. it's very frustrating cos last time when i desperately wanted my ss to increase, then like not happening. now i want to stop, then ss like very stable. sigh..

alot of aunties have mentioned eating pork liver and haw flakes to stop ss. but then hor, i also 'bu she de'. very jia lat ah

recently, my baby has been on a nursing strike as well. usually drinks 800-1200ml a day, but now only 500ml a day. waste alot of milk..think it's teething? initially was so worried, then all the grandparents say baby sian of milk. sian of milk???? then they want to drink wat? cocktails?? keep pressurizing me to feed solids. but i very stubborn cos he not 6 mths yet. but i also very worried baby hungry. how?
oh ya, one more thing, i'm doing insurance, but i'm not interested in selling. i'm just here to contribute and share. so if you guys have any queries, can ask me and i'll try to cut the crap and the legalese.

btw, i think it's important to get a comprehensive hospitalization plan. but since medisave has liberalized, i think it's quite a waste of money to get a too expensive one. don't forget that these plans are sunk cost plans. you will not see returns wan. just my 2 cents worth. and congenital defects are not covered. there's also a 30-60 day waiting period when u first purchase.
Lala & YB,
Heh. Thanks. Yupyup.. her eyes are really big... It's not so beautiful at 2.30am in the morning when all u wanna do is for her to close those bigbig eyes.

About the hospitalization plan... so if congenital defects are not covered, does it mean that any operation of hospitalization that is related to the congenital defect cannot be claimed? would the premium be higher? or just not covered?

Finally got the audiologist to call me with the price. It's close to $8000 for her hearing aid cos it's special type. I had to ask the audiologist to repeat a few times. For awhile there, thought that I was the one with hearing problems. Now need to stop looking at the Marketplace threads and start going into the "Want to Sell" threads liao.

I've also stopped BF cos was really not well for very long... left last pack of forzen BM in the freezer... so sad... had quite bad difficulty to stop cos MS was quite good... it's a pity really but i was really too sick... also feel guilty but was telling myself if i dont get well, then how to care for my elder boy (aka big monster) n my darling bb girl - Kyra. Haiz...

But luckily my ger is ok wif FM (giving her enfalac - also use Method A). I tend to add slightly more water cos i scared too heaty for her. Had been alt BM n FM to slowly ease her into fully FM. Pooing ok... at least once a day, n still soft.

MTDT, just to update... my ger weighs 6.6kg at 16wks.

Lok, just realise that your boy same bday as my ger... hehehehe...
Hi chrysalid,
I don't think we will kena lumps again if we pump less. Say if usually pump 400ml each time, reduce 50ml each time on a weekly basis should be fine. I am like you ss is very stable; if express slightly longer today, ss will increase again tomorrow. I also recalled desperately wanting to increase ss in the very beginning and now hoping that ss will just dip on its own thus I won't feel bad when weaning off at 6mths coz can say "no ss mah" ... haiz ... dilemma .... on the other hand, also "bu zhe de"

I started to feed my baby on a little bit of rice cereal recently as suggested by my Paediatrician. She said is fine. You wanna try? if not bb will be hungry leh. I have lotsa bm wasted as well. Those which I pumped out in the past and stored in freezer never have a chance to use, then 3 months up, just threw away bags after bags ... really very wasteful
Hi Peachsorbet,
yep, your gal has the eurasion look. At first I still thought maybe you or HB is a Eurasion, then see your blog, no leh .... she will surely grow up a beautiful lady
when it states that congenital defects are not covered, all costs relating to that would not be covered. when u apply for the policy, the underwriter would list out the terms of contract. however if condition is not serious or has healed, u can ask your agent to 'puay' with the underwriter to either not exclude the condition or to load the premium. in my opinion, even if they load the premium, it would still be worth it, cos that's what we would be most worried about since the probability of that particular condition acting up would be high. however, if defect is serious, then i would think that any reputable insurance company would not cover it.

sorry if this is a sensitive qn, but does your baby have any prob?
huh??? $8000???wah...very ex hor??? what need special one leh??? did u try to ask ard for 2nd opinion??? maybe u can get one at a cheaper rate leh....
PM, glad you find that article useful. Your baby is very cute leh... know how to twist his lips

Kin, will send the plan to you later. Can PM me know your email address?

MTDT, thanks for the welcome! Will PM you my details later.

chrysalid, you mentioned last time you desperately want your milk supply to increase. Can share how you manage to increase? Thanks!

Yah..She does actually. She's been diagnosed with a certain sort of syndrome cos of some of her distinctive features. Eh. Today big headache man. My hubby juz met up with our insurance guy who told us our premium has been raised and she's not covered anymore by one of the riders. Can they do that??? He just sms me now also that we can refuse the policy now but if later we get will be more ex. Any truth in this??? Dunwan to make hasty decision.

YAH!!! super ex. my expensive bb. I gonna ask for second opinion tomoro before i actually place order next week. Quite worried also cos my hubby n i v young.. so sometimes pple take advantage. =/ headache headache headache. today alot of headache..

Baby E looks very cute here. Will be a great kisser next time


BB joshua found a tong nian tong yue tong ri sheng friend. Actually, i heard it's quite a good date cos it's guan ying dan (Guan Ying's b'day).

My financial advisor used to be a GE insurance agent. Now he is working independently and not representing any insurance company. If u want, i can send u his contact and he may be able to offer some advice and help source for quotation from various insurance company. PM me?
Hi Peachsorbet,
yah, should get 2nd opinion, $8k is so expensive esp for young parents like you ... using hearing aid early, can her condition be completely healed in future? why distinctive features will cause hearing problem (pardon my ignorance)? I will also help you check with my good friend who is an insurance agent.

actually hor, i have alot of frozen bm le. i even bought another freezer to store them!! i'm siao hor? my hubby say i crazy liao. but all these bm are my 'xin xue' le. i now pump twice still can get 1.1-1.3l. last time when pump 4 times a day, i get 1.6-2l. re the frozen bm, i understand that if treated carefully and frozen properly, can keep for 6 mths and more. has tried the frozen in july batch. still ok wor and baby still take. am i being evil??

wah..how to increase ss ah. last time i like xiao zha bor, everything also try. kept motivating myself to pump more times a day cos what mrs wong said kept ringing in my mind 'more dd more ss!!' haha.. think i drank alot of fish soup and ate alot of papaya. my javanese massage lady also bought me 'tapeh' to eat. some kind of fermented tapioca. say very good for milk ss. i can't pinpoint wat worked for me, but i know that if stressed and tired, confirm ss bad.

how long have u been paying for the policy? some companies are very smelly wan. they really can suka suka increase premiums one. they can even refuse to cover u even if you want to cont paying premium. that's why sometimes important to find words like 'guaranteed renewable' and 'guaranteed premium' in the contract. wat these 'guaranteed' means is that even if they want to raise premiums, they must raise for all policyholders, not specific to your case only. are u still in the freelook period? this also part explain for the different pricing for different companies when comparing similar policies.

eh..think i should disclaim that these are purely my own opinions hor. if not later kena sue..haha
$8k is very very ex. No rider for Kristen. Which insurance did u go to? Btw, why Kristen condition was not detected during ur pregnancy?

E is very cute. shld capture more of such expression. Show E when he is older, he will be very amaze. hahaha..

I showed Janelle some of her cute bb photo and she loves it. We laugh together with her.
not sure if u remember me...i more regular in e aug06 thread n u were there b4.

so sad 2 read abt ur daughter's case. i read ur blog often n u mentioned surgery in it. couldnt find u around so no chance 2 ask u. juz out of curiosity (or mayb u mentioned somewhere), did ur girl do a hearing test once she was born?

regarding e ins thingy, u may 1 2 call me 4 a chat. i scratching over my head abt y ur agent advised u abt e increased premiums and lack of cover under 1 of the riders. i used 2 sell ins but stopped cos no time nowadays. if u still hv e aug06 listing, my HP no is there.

did u reply 2 me abt who ian's PD is in e pasir ris baby & child clinic? i was searching thru e thread but didnt c anything. or is there only 1 PD in tat clinic? pai seh if u did...tis thread moves very fast. i always read until hei hei chuan.
i heard fr a radiologist fr tmc b4 tat it's impossible 2 detect hearing problems during e detailed scan or pregnancy. e only way 2 detect is thru e hearing test right after birth. then tat's when e PD can advise ASAP wat 2 do wif e bb.
hai. it's called treacher collins syndrome. can search online. she's got a very mild version already. explains her big beautiful eyes too. =/

Ya.. I think can still cancel and get refund for the insurance if I want to now. They raised her premium from 106 to 151 and even took away the crisis kid's cover.

irony of it all is that the insurance that she go to is the one that "Listens". Her condition is pretty mild, so cannot detect lor. Even her DNA test doesn't show anything different. It's just the distinct features that's all.

yup. i used to be there.. bb born on 28 July finally. So hard to follow threads cos they move sooo fast. So I read there.. n read here also

my girl did the newborn hearing test at birth, that's how the hearing loss was discovered.

insurance increased by 45 bucks and less one cover. gotta spend money on hearing aid, batteries, surgery (in the future)... and insurance most likely won't cover any of this. i know insurance long run shld be good. but dunno if can afford in the short run.
you are not siao lah, I really understand how you feel ... expressing milk needs alot of "xin xue"; considering all the effort and time put in (+ the tears as well when engorged) ... My freezer was also totally packed with EBM until no space for anything. I will throw away the earlier ones each time to make space for the new one. I reckon my girl will not have the chance to finish all... Your ss really a lot, my max was 1.2l when expressed 4x. Check with you, are your breasts really huge gievn so much ss? Mine were really big then and I DISLIKE it!!! Now expressing less liao, they shrink abit which are better.
insurance ---

the agent said that the insurance company didn't even want to cover my bb anymore cos say not worth it then he went to appeal. so they give insurance still but vvv high the premium.

dunno if still worth it. thing is. her condition will not get any worse and there's no other complications other than any surgeries for her ear next time. so dunno what on earth they're talking about not worth covering my girl.
i have a GF whose daughter has e same problem. e 4.5yrs old girl now didnt hv any hearing problem but she said her 1st word only when she was 3yrs+.

my GF didnt buy any ins 4 her cos not worth it. e premiums dun justify the $$ u'll get yrs later cos e additional premium dun go 2 e savings portion. it's juz merely 4 additional cover which there's in fact NO cover cos they exclude her fr e riders, etc.

no wonder i kept wondering who kristen looks like. i saw ur pics on e blog but pondered tat mayb kristen looks like daddy.

Oh gosh. U don't know how relieved I am to have such a forum to get frank advice.

Huh? Only say 1st word at 3yrs+? Ohno... Maybe if your friend dun mind you can pass me her contact? Would love to be able to talk to someone in SG with the same problem.. Everywhere I search online for support, can only find US pple.
Thanks, I dont know why he has such expressions too.. sometimes i think he likes to mimic me too..like kissing and making sounds. If u all remember the previous pic i posted, he also showed a "kissing" expression. Hahahaha....

Peach- They have the right to increase the premium or loading or refuse certain part of the coverage. It might be true like what yr agent says buying later may cost u more coz of the age. I suggest u go for an independent agent and compare plans first. Look for one that is senior and wont resign so that he/she will follow you thru. Like what chrysalid suggest check out the guaranteed premiums and payout clauses in those contracts.

Chrysalid - What if we buy the policy before BB's birth but only realise congenital defects after birth will they still cover?
i just went to read abt the TCS. Look like the pressure on u n ur hubby will be greater next time. Be Strong. I read abt a lady who had TCS and she is living well. She wrote "it is not how pple see u, is how u see urself".

I mean the TCS not the earing problem. I know cant be detected during pregnancy. Look like TCS cannot be detected too.

I thought technically it's not possible to buy before bb is born cos they need details like BC number, date of birth etc..
I also thought so, but this agent of mine (actually it's a cold call agent) kept asking us to buy first and telling me that it be better in this sense as everything will be covered... eg, if jaundice and end up in hospital can cover cost of it too. Eventually I didnt buy coz i sort of dun trust him.
Hi mummies,

baby E's expression so cute!

alamak....you just reminded me...need to go check my freezer and throw out the old milk...xin tong...

you have a beautiful ger...press on!
dr sim...at pasir ris baby n child

Dr Sim Sze Keen
Pasir Ris Baby & Child Clinic
#02-322 Elias Mall (510625)

peachsorbet, I enjoy reading your blog. You are a young and brave couple. Look forward to knowing you better!
