(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


received the pics
Dor, sunflower, pawprint,
Thanks for sharing on meal feeding. I have to put Gabby on Ikea high chair too. She doesnt like wearing bib so she is not wearing her clothes too..hehe..I have the art bib but think still too big for her. So Mothercare sells them..got to get bibs now and let her get accustom to itcoz think she will want to self-feed when we go out from now on..oh no! Sunflower, are the ones sold at small shop long sleeves too? Where did you see them? The suction bowl is a brilliant idea. But I scare that Gabby will just pull it out and make a bigger mess! Hehe.. will try it though. Know where to get in Sing? Got the Nuby spoon..the only type she managed to put some food in her mouth..lol.

She doesnt want porridge now. No sweet potatos or pumpkinall the mushy food. Have to give her other thingsbut horsometimes come out in stool still in whole pieces.

Anyone can share how to do 65 days? can get the programme from sinsei?

I saw it at TPY shop, you can try those that sell children clothes. If you want can get for you & pass you on sunday. see if they allow me to take pic then I can post show you
can't recall think is either 1/2 or 3/4 sleeves.
Most shopping places sell the suction bowls.

SM 65 day programme,
its with the handbook that you get at the PE session. Follow the programme. But before you start maybe check with the sensei if she's doing it in class. If yes, then wait for her and start.
For our kids' age group think stop at day 55 (must go back check). Then repeat from Day 1 for cycle 2.
Thanks a million for offering. I will try see if can get at my area or not. If not, prob have to trouble you. =b On SM, ok. I will wait til tis sat's PE then see how. Have stopped maths for looooogest time liao. Hope to try something else and see if works. Gabby totally turned off by 'red' color only things...including words. I have to do word follow by pix to get her to see a few words. Wonder if it is because she is not visual?? Will try and see if should get variety dots for her.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="centaur"><font size="+2">Forum playground (Hip Kids Club)</font></font></font>
looks sooo fun! Anyone got more pics to show? anyone going again?
AD Suntec Sat-
hey just recalled, bought a waterproof (submersible for dunking pics) disposable camera 27 exposures, $18+, fr any photo shop. Hopefully can remember to bring
Change of venue, Oriental Hotel, Melt Cafe, cos quite a lot of us sick so dunt wanna dip into same pot of steamboat.

Dinner gathering on Fri nite, 13 Jul, at Oriental hotel, Melt Cafe, 630 pm, buffet (58+++) ... 3 paying, 1 free - promotion

1. mich
2. celeste
3. aishite
4. soh1dful
5. pauline
6. k_ong (tbc)
7. shetland (tbc)
8. pls try to fill this gap .. so we have more savings

I've made reservation for 8pax @630pm, under Naomi Hoe, whoever reach first just go in.
<font color="ff0000">PC not able to make it... Have removed her names..</font>

Change of venue, Oriental Hotel, Melt Cafe, cos quite a lot of us sick so dunt wanna dip into same pot of steamboat.

Dinner gathering on Fri nite, 13 Jul, at Oriental hotel, Melt Cafe, 630 pm, buffet (58+++) ... 3 paying, 1 free - promotion

1. mich
2. celeste
3. aishite
4. soh1dful
5. shetland
6. k_ong (tbc)
7. pls try to fill this gap .. so we have more savings
8. pls try to fill this gap .. so we have more savings

I've made reservation for 8pax @630pm, under Naomi Hoe, whoever reach first just go in.
You wanna sign up SM also? Attention span of kids will increase with practice

Are you weaning off breast feeding already? I am feeding once at nite only now. There's a few nites, no feed

Did you do cycle 2 of the 65 days program? I stopped at cycle 1. A was not interested at all. I have stopped maths dots for couple of months already. Thinking of introducing them again.

The 65 days program is in the booklet you will get in the PEC. How's the lesson so far? A missed the last lesson.

I also stopped at cycle 1. haha :p

re: Formula milk

by now, do we 'upgrade' to stage 3? means for 12mths & beyond. how to change - mix stage 2 & 3 in what proportions? err. silly question, what's the difference between stage 2 & 3?

What formula u taking? For enfapro.. i was told to give gal till 18mths... then change to enfagrow.. cos enfapro better
celeste -

i also lazy to change zav's FM. still giving enfapro. hahaha :p

Jab - I usually jab him at nite... go back sleep, next morning normal liao.

i switched my gal to gain IQ even b4 she turned 1. have ran out of similac then and saw that gain iq was on discount ....

the consultant suggested either
1) alternate feeds of similac and gain iq or
2) 2 scoops of similac and 2 scoops of gain iq per feed

err his FM brand not fix haha. as I just intro, gave him mamil gold, then now on Nan2.
so how? can continue with stage 2?

so if mix, give in equal portion.


wow so good, no night feeds A can sleep through.
X still wakes up for night feed.
Paiseh... Let you keep the shoes so long :p I will be back by Sunday
yes yes... I want the shoes... Havent pay you also leh...

He still wakes up in the middle of the nite about 2am and very early morning about 5am. I gotta wake up to carry and pat him. Lately, he's drinking lots of water and I gotta change his diaper at 5am
Can be quite tiring. MammyPoko also cannot take his overnite urine. I realised that he dun need to drink milk in the middle of the nite when one nite my mum looked after him. Only need to wake up to carry and pat. So, I take this chance to wean him off.
<font face="tahoma">lyn,
you tried using Nepia before? i tried and surprised that Nepia can last thru the night. I last change Wes ard 9pm just before he sleeps.</font>
yes considering. U? u signed up w SM? I m stil on TBF. Chloe need to be latched every nite to sleep wor. U going to wean off completely soon?

usually i wil bring my ger for jab at nite.
<font face="tahoma">sunflower & lyn,
I'm quite tired of night feeds... so now I feed ard 11pm before I sleep. I just call him and carry him up to feed him. And can last him till 6am. Maybe you can try</font>
This is A's 3rd term in SM already
. A dun wanna latch on to sleep nowadays. He prefers to be carried and pat. I wanna wean off completely. My milk supply is going down and it hurts when he sucks too long.
<font face="tahoma">lyn,
ohhhhh.... A really drinks alot of water huh? How much do you give him each day?</font>
There are a few nites when I woke up to make FM, thinking A is hungry and I dun wanna latch him. And he refused to drink the FM, then fall asleep with his head on my shoulder already. So now I know he no need to drink at nite. He just wants comfort. Now still trial and error stage. Sometimes will make FM and throw away when I guessed wrongly

no prob. take ur time unless u need the shoes urgently. mayb we shall arrange another swimmin session say the last wk of july cos i cant take leave for nxt wk. u fix a timing, ok
from 23rd july onwards

wher did u order the eclair last time? Amosco?? U noe the min qty to order?

good le, at least wes still co-operate and drink. I tried before but its cos he drank abit then fell asleep, try to make him finish, he refused, struggled, cry and flip the other side and zzzzzzzz.
oic. btw if i sign up for next term, is it too late for chloe to start? She stil wake up in e middle of the nite n i hv to latch her on. nowadays prefer put her to slp besides me, easier n more convenient.
He's drinking at least 200ml a day. Last few days, I like "machiam" ill-treat him never give him water. hahaha... Imagine he's thirsty at 5am! He cried and cried till my mum woke up and gave him water. He drank water and fell asleep again. Do you know if there's any other brand of diaper that can hold more than mammypoko? My impression is that mammypoko is so far can hold most urine.

Sometimes I rock and pat also... A dun like the sleeping position in my arms. He prefers with his head on my shoulder. There are a few times he cried even louder and when put him on my shoulder, he fell asleep. Now still trying out. Gotta try to understnad what he wants wor... feed milk, feed water, pat, rock, carry, sing, etc etc whatever that will make him sleep again...
Bib with sleeves
Just been to mothercare and kiddy palace at Tampines. KP don't have. MC have but without the pocket in front...so have to keep looking or buy online. Saw on think is kushies brand but plastics..don't know if it will be too hot.

Saw this disturbing headline when I passed the store just now..on New Paper..mom died giving birth to twins...aiyo...nowadays very disturbed by this kind of news. Last nite wateched this movie on channel 5. Dont know the title but about a family kidnapped and they kept all 3 members separately. So the daughter has to be separated from mommy. Shouldn't have started watching ..then have to finish it..

Dessert...oh my weakness! But can't go tmr..

only one lesson..a bit chaotic but I think our teacher is reasonably good. Teacher Susie Tan. Ever heard of her? THink all kids need adjusting. Rodeo's En Rui is the best behaving in class. There is this elder boy...making quite a bit of noise compared to the rest...haha you know lah. So, need time lor.

I normally try bring Gabby go injection in the evening. Same rational as MTDT. ^5

Still doing it but less as Gabby starts to take FM. Mostly night feed now. She goes to bed around 9pm. And will cry for milk around 11pm. Then go back to sleep till 5am for another feed before wakes up at around 7am.
Sure... another swimming session
kekeke... So far, my diary quite empty during the weekdays after 27 July

It's never too late than not starting

A is addicted to sleeping beside me. hahaha... Yesterday morning, he slept on my arm as pillow. When I moved, he will cry, so I gotta stay still and let him switch position then I can wake up. Then slightly late for my course :p He likes to snuggle close to me to sleep...
but hor hb got not much space left after Chloe squeeze with us in e middle of the bed. its a queen size bed, regret never buy King size. lol
i just switched from nepia to drypers n now to Pampers. i find pamper is good. Nepia L too small for chloe. drypers i find so-so. Now settle w pampers.

too bad nepia dun hv XL hor. mandy still able to wear L. i wonder if she outgrown tt one, what brand shld i used manz? :p

currently her nite is on mamapoko, day is nepia.


which mean 27th (fri) not free rite.. so 30th july onwards hor. if not, we meet on 27th july. hehe.

have you tried pampers?
I tried not to rock him to sleep in case he likes the rocking and wants me to rock him to sleep everyday! then that time I will really faint!


should be lo.


you ordering choco eclairs? yum yum, if need to hit minimum, I share can?

oh you want those with pocket infront.
The only one that I can think of is the sesame street type. hmmm will look out for you if I pass by any shops selling.
It will take about a term for the kids to be more settled. That was what I see from A's class. Second term was much better.

We are also on queen size bed. kekeke... Sometimes, A likes to climb over me to be in the middle.
Which color of pampers? There are so many types of pampers, I am confused on which is which... kekeke...

27 July... in the morning? Morning should be fine...
Where got nice indian rojak?
My dad just called me that my cousin bringing us out for dinner tonite... and guess what... my parents are in Genting with A now! ***faintz*** They just took the car out and tot they will only be around the city... but ended up in Genting.

The green and purple is the best? Ok.. will try that next time. I just bought the mammypoko jumbo pack cos it's on offer in Giant here...
Arigato gozaimaz...

One whole term to settle...wow..last week was quite tiring after one class leh...hehe..somemore 9am in the morning. But think that is the best time for Gabby coz still early in the morning. Initially wanted to ask for change of time coz too early for mommy and daddy. lol.

Gabby also uses pampers for night. The best so far.
mummies - some piccies of shannon to share: Above and Under Water. Hubby is a diving fanatic, so decided to take up his underwater camera and snap away.





naomi: Shannon so pretty.. she can hold her breath arrr?

When can go yr place for a swim? next time, ask yr hubby to take for gabby, can???

Hi Mummies,

I received 2 sample (1 serving per sample) of Progress Gold (Step 3) from Wyeth. As my boy is settling well with his current FM, so don't intend to try these samples....Any takers?

You can PM me at [email protected] for your address and i'll mail to you...
