(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font face="tahoma"> vivi,
my mum just put in the chicken to boil, then use the stock as soup based for the mee sua. you can try adding carrot and vege into the meat porridge. i always do that.

sound interesting, maybe will try this weekends. you're using those smaller ones? i think there're thinner & smaller version right?
Prevnar is the Pneumococcal jab



I will give her meat porridge for lunch and dinner wise, will be jus vege porridge.

Its seems that he wanna to puke when having the vege porridge.

am thinking to improve on the porridge. Not too sure wat type of porridge to cook for him

oic. Thanks! My mum also use the same method.

so far ok. Only remember got 1 time after his 2nd jab got slight fever.

thanks. Mandy enjoys her noodles

mee sua - heard its quite saltish.
or use chicken stock to cook the spaggetti ? keke western mix eastern


maybe check with kite where she got hers? did you try JP NTUC?
I got it at TPY. if you want, let me know I can help you get.
ahh.. cos vege porridge bland unlike meat porridge.

chicken stock:
chicken carcass, onions, celery, carrots, tomatoes, green pepper, corn. Boil for 3 hours. I put in whatever vege I've available.
i can't find ur email addy... can email me mel_tan_st at yahoo dot com ? I have only 1 grp pic though.

self-feeding: I used Nuby spoon (curved with short handle), a suction based bowl (won't flip so easily), Ikea highchair (easier clean-up). Yah, there is a want-to-feed-myself phase, hehe, even if u're outside, so use a gd bib (sorry, mine bought from HK again... I think some pasar-malams sell though! Or try an art bib, but that will be very hot to wear.). It's vry rewarding when they do get it, my elder was one of the first among her peers in my grp of friends to self-feed, at one point, when others are spoon-feeding their kids, we cld just plop her in highchair and let her do it herself WHILE WE EAT
. When they r older and proficient, there's a YOU-feed-me lazy phase, LOL. For Irvin, I'm in no hurry to start beyond letting him use his fingers... as u can see, alot of mess lah.


@ 13 mths- can see the Nuby spoon?

@ 15 mths- partial view of the bowl... this bowl I forgot brand, but sells in a set of 3 bowls in varying sizes, I usually popped the smallest bowl into my diaper bag cos even child-friendly restaurants often dun provide good SUCTION bowls. They start with BOWL, preferably NOT shallow, easier to scoop.

Or u can follow what some angmoh mums do- they bring a kind of tablemat, it collects most of the mess. But very bulky in diaper bag.
what brand of mee sua does your mum use? There are certain brands from China that are quite salty.

as for macaroni, i dun use those usual 'pipe-like' ones...i use those that look like small sea-shells...hehe, u get what i am trying to descibe?
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower,
the brand of mee sua that my mum bought is not saltish.. i tried
no lah.. chick stock with mee sua lah. hehehee

i gave tomato base for spag... maybe my tomato base is too sour for his liking.</font>
oic. didnt know that prevnar is another name for the pneumococcal jab.....intend to let my gal have it later.
<font face="tahoma"> steff,
let me check tonight for the mee sua brand. you gotta wait till your gal is 2 ?</font>

think its ok. D still has yet to finish the lundberg BR.

WOw so many ingredients ah.. hmm think cant use your method yet cos D has lots of mentioned ingredients yet to try.

Heehee think will ask my MIL to buy instead..

BTW, wont be attending the swim class this sat.

Think we wont be attending the whole of this month since we have stopped for 2 class including this week.
yup, most likely....now still in a dilemma on what to do with her when #2 comes along....thinking of placing her in CCC, but violent objections from 'all quarters'....
wen, pawprint,

Mothercare sells this type about $18 but not pooh bear. Its cotton and has PVC backing if not wrong.

Other large plastic kind - can get at Motherworks the Sesame range, its short sleeve but the plastic quite hard about $10 and its tie string at the back.

Art work type - Toysrus selling at $6, plastic softer, design errrr....
Crayola also has art work bib but without sleeves at $8.

Other types with sleeves, saw some at those small shops about $10 or less.

i hv tried potato, carrot n onion w meat as soup base or sweetcorn and meat. they give a very sweet taste w porridge.

how do u do the tomato sauce? juz puree them? can we add sugar so they will not b so sour.
<font face="tahoma"> Dor, am not good cook.. i just boiled the tomatoes then peeled them and squashed them. kinda of puree. i didnt add sugar, trying not to give him any sugar for as long as possible.</font>

Saw the table mat before, can roll up and bring along outside for meals. Not very big though, there is a curl up end to catch the fallen food.

for suction bowl, find the suction not strong enough cos my boy will pluck it off the table!! hiaz...


which brand is that?
glad u find elephant brand is easy to cook. since i bot e elephant brand, i dun use other brands liao. hehe.

i bought from Firefly farm wor. U can buy from there.

Eh touchwood, so far after the prevenar jab, no fever. She wil be going for her 2nd jab 2mths later which wil be in Aug.

i wil cook meat + veg porridge for my ger. Ya sometimes also sweetcorn, potato, tomato n carrots or even sweetpeas. Yummy

Or Heng cai + mushroom + sweet potato....mix here n there. sometimes also headache wat to cook...try diff varieties.

Btw just started egg yolk for her.
yah but suction better than no suction at all. If no suction, ur boy just *try*, will flip immediately. At least with suction, when he *try*, u have "lead-time" to intervene, haha. ;) Sent ya pic!

Shannon is soooooo smart and cuteeeeee........

Hey must really find a day put her n chelsia together see ehat happen... haha...

This sunday am going to kindermusik trial n need to rush to JB for dinner... thats why our initial plan of popping over my plc have to be cancelled... I will arrange another day.. either u bring channon come or i bring chelsia there... hahahahhaha.... MUST BE SUPER FUN...

what is heng cai? haha... must show me pics of photos :p

re: green leafy vegetables
what types have you ladies given ?
so far my only spinach & chinese spinach. thinking to try more stuff le.
yah can roll up that tablemat, but personally I find too much bulk. H/e, it IS a gd idea, cos I got sooo many dirty looks from CLEANING aunties when I let her self-feed outside (when she was this age). Also, self-feeding at this age is a more western concept, asians generally not warm to it. Even when my mum out with me, we let her self-feed while we ate at same time, some aunties distinctly give us those "such lazy mum/ porpor" looks!
lol no pic wor. heng cai is xian1cai4.
hengcai is more nutritious n more suitable for babies...I dun give bo1cai4. tried caixin but not too much cos abit liang...

Btw the JWT allows oni 1 parent or both parents for e trial?

Btw anyone can comment abt e difference between BJG and SM? both focus on flashcards but SM better rite?
Dinner gathering on Fri nite, 13 Jul, at tentatively M hotel, 630 pm, steamboat dinner (38+++)

1. mich
2. celeste
3. aishite
4. soh1dful
5. pauline
6. k_ong (tbc)
7. shetland (tbc)

<font color="ff0000"> Hey I've made reservation for 8pax @6-630pm.. whoever reach first just go in. If we dun reach that # of pax by 3pm tomorrow.. please let me know.. i call up and change.. k..

Have requested for 3 pots but they say 8pax long table got only 2 pots... I dun eat beef.. so 1 pot no beef ok.. can?? If cannot i go there see you all eat lor... i drink water can liao.. BTW freeflow drinks at $7/pax...</font>
haha i always go firefly farm every sat to buy food n vegs for chloe too. But the heng cai run out very fast. end up hv to ask my mum to buy from wet market, also under firefly brand. Realised firefly's pricing slightly cheaper than outside.

Not sure about JWT system.

BJG - its a mixture of flashcards and gym activities. Went for trial once only, flashcards if compared to SM, not alot. SM much much more intensive in comparison and no gym activities like BJG.


thanks for the clarification on the vege

which wet market your mum buy from??

Ya true! the heng cai at firefly OOS very fast!

My mum told me the wet market dun sell the heng cai now..

So i will give spinach instead
You also dun know what is LCK hor..

And why u on part time basis? Coy allow?? Is it a temp or permanent arrangment?
i m interested in both gug trial n xmas bash

Steff n toto,
tks 4 the concern. i m doing ok, got the hang of things now. now concentrating on losing wt. HELP! i got 10kg to go. any1 got gd advise?? swim wkly but dun c much effect

must upgrade our processor liao ... wahahha..

request to coy and they allowed but only temporary arrangement, give me choice of 6-mths or 1-yr. So of course I choose 1 year lo!
haha vivi we posted at same timing. my mum bot from north side wet market, think AMK or serangoon haha. ...

LCK = Lim Chu Kang. its near to vivi and my house so every wkend we always go there. But very Ulu ulu one.

u with SM now rite? does ur boy very focus throughout the whole session of flashcards if no other activites? cos bb's attention span not very long.

he can sit through the flashcards. SM not everything on flashcards, its only 1 portion. They do other activities like ESP, memory, IQ, etc.
