(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

snail, u signing up for gug or xmas bash? u sign up wrong one if u're signing up for gug!

Irvin looks like he's having lots of fun!! I want to bring Xin En there too! Need to pay to go into the playground? It's inside Forum shopping mall is it?

Safety gate
anyone using lucky baby safety gate, the plastic type? Is it good?

Tai tai gathering on Fri nite, 13 Jul, at tentatively M hotel, 630 pm, steamboat dinner (38+++)

1. mich
2. celeste
3. aishite
4. soh1dful
5. pauline
6. k_ong (tbc)
7. shetland (tbc)

Tis is also list of buffet promotion, of interest are the Melt Cafe, where 1 dines free for 3 paying adults (58+++, food good, i ate before), and Plaza Market Cafe, where buy 1 get 1 free (but the food so-so). So, depending on consensus, we can change venue.

MY LITTLE GYM TRIAL @ Forum, $40 per trial.
Interested mummies:
1) Michele
2) sunflower
4&5) Kissbb
6) panda
7) kong
8) pawprint
9) Angeline
10) dal

gug @ 1-2.30pm, UNITED SQUARE
1) Michele
2) sunflower
3) pawprint
4) Angeline

nice meeting you too

.... oops! my boy caused traffic jam!! haha no choice le very difficult to teach him traffic rules at the moment. kekeke
MY LITTLE GYM TRIAL @ Forum, $40 per trial.
Interested mummies:
1) Michele
2) sunflower
4&5) Kissbb
6) panda
7) kong
8) pawprint
9) Angeline
10) dal
11) Shetland (Depending on the date)

gug @ 1-2.30pm, UNITED SQUARE
1) Michele
2) sunflower
3) pawprint
4) Angeline
Good morning!

Wow, Irvin is having fun! Where is the playground? At Forum? Need to pay? Is it S$10 for 2 years? Where to sign up? hehe...lots of ?? =b

ya lor..i was also thinking. Maybe shouldn't get doggy hor. Too direct an association..hehe
Can share how you teach your gal to self-feed with spoon? I let Gabby self-feed and there is sooo much mess. I have to put newspaper around her highchair and she could still flip the spoon and food flying everywhere. Then most food ended on the tray in front of her. She seems to be playing with food more than eating. And since we started to let her self-feed a few days back, she won't let me feed her anymore. She would make noise and insist on using the spoon herself. So now meal times is war time...lol...I am letting her doing it coz I am thinking she will figure it out one day...soon. She does seem to try putting some food in her mouth. Is my thinking realistic?

Not for all trials, so far only GUG & My Little Gym if timing permit. I'm on part-time for now.. so if timing ok with my off day then can join them.
<font face="sunflower"> i see. so nice to have this part-time arrangement with your coy.

If GUG trial is on weekends, I will be interested!</font>
good morning mummies

so many trials goin ard but i cant take leave at all. be it this or nxt wk, got condo project launch. so sianz.... and my other old colleguea MIA from work. really up to our neck.. kaozzz

mayb i will join u gers for the friday dinner. see if i can take off at nite not. hehehe. so the confirmed venue is M hotel?


Abt self feeding... I hv one spoon which has a very short handle (think from some medicine bottles), Mandy loves to dip into the food n pretend to eat. But of cos it will b a mess. She only wants to play not eat. hahaha. she also used it for pretend and play for her toys n also start feedin them. hahaha

normally, now i cut the food (eg: hard boiled egg,carrot,potato, cheese) into cubes and steam them when they need too. then let her pick up herself to eat. she dun seem to like my porridge now. only eat a few mouth then spit it all over or wan to snatch her spoon from me.
<font face="tahoma"> Dor, thinking of letting him try next mth. He ate egg yokes before only. Mandy took egg white already?</font>

read some articles, its like that. Hahaha... agree with you lo, food everywhere, on his tray, floor, face, hair, on me. I'm letting my boy self-feed too. In the beginning, he's quite fascinated to attempt to put food in his mouth. Now its more like playing for him. At times, he will feed himself using hands instead of spoon. He will hold 2 spoons, one in each hand and I'll squeeze in spoonfuls of food in between his playing. I'll try to guide him by holding his hand with spoon and guide the food into his mouth.

Dor, mspiggy,

do we need to start egg yolk first then egg white?
I've not given any eggs yet le.
So its a must to give before the MMR jab?
<font face="tahoma">sunflower,
yes a must to try egg white before MMR coz the jab consists egg white. But am not sure if must try yoke first or can start together. maybe 1 at a time better</font>
mspiggy and sunflower

it is a must to let them try b4 MMR jab. So on the day of the jab, they wont hv adverse reaction for the MMR jab if they hv not take any egg at all

I started mandy with hard boil egg by giving both egg white n egg yoke. then waited for a 3-day period to see she has any sign of allergy. she has no reaction to them. so i started her with steam egg again.

not sure if MMR can be skipped if the bb is allegric to egg white. U better check with his PD to confirm.

if bb is allergic to egg white, still got to take the jab but must inform PD to use non-egg white jab which is more more exp. Not all Pds have the jab. Polys do not offer these.
<font color="0000ff">Hello Mummies and Daddies,

Based on positive feedback from parents we will be having another OPEN HOUSE at My Gym Great World City this Sunday 15th July from 10am to 5pm.

Bring your friends, relatives, neighbours down this Sunday and join us for a fun-filled day with loads of activities and balloons to take home. We'll be hosting gym activities every hour so come dressed to join in the action with your kids!

We'll be offering some Very Special Deals to new and existing members. Come enjoy the food at our Thin Crust Caf as My Gym members get 15% off your total bill (min order $20). Book a private party and get free usage of our Bouncy Castle (U.P. $200) and invite 5 more children for free (U.P. $62.50)!! These promotions are only applicable on this Sunday 15th July.

Also, we'll be giving away free limited Rhythm In Me Preview Session coupons.

See you this Sunday!!


MY GYM TEAM</font>
btw, mummies

where does the PD jab ur bbies? on the arm or the thight?

went for the prevnar jab for mandy last sat. Her PD did on her arms.
Chloe went for her prevenar jab last mth. it was being jabbed on her big thighs lol. 1st time i heard on arm.

I tried the elephant brand brown rice - very much easier to cook.

re: Noodles

anyone given noodles to your toddler yet? which type to give?
<font face="tahoma"> Dor, Sunflower & Kite
any fever or side effects for the Prevnar jab? Am bringing Wes for one end of this mth.</font>
mummies - tell u something quite funny:

yesterday, shannon was at my mum's place. She got hold of this big toy fish and made her way to the kitchen. There, she walked towards the stove, placed the fish on it and looked at the adults ... she was hinting the obvious:

kite n sunflower

thks. then i must question ask her again, she told me jab is on the arm not thigh.. kaoz....

i gv mandy the thick white noodles, the yellow one also.. hahaha.. she eats whatever we eat on the table but to moderation. If dun give her... she will scream.
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower,
tried giving Wes spaggetti before but he doesnt like it. But he enjoys mee sua maybe coz my mum used chicken stock to cook it.</font>
dal, so LATE still up!! thinking of me ah.......

<font color="ff0000">gug trial-- jus spoke to the lady and guess what? CAN ONLY GET BAC TO ME BY MONDAY!!! i was like, our trial is TOMORROW!! they're like......... must check schedule n will only know on mon... (WT*)</font> talk about snotty!!

i couldn find the elephant brand 1.

My MIL used to eat this.. Was thinking to use hers. But realised she change brand
re: chicken stock

How do you all make this??

My boy dun seem to like vege porridge since i started him on meat porridge (pork,chicken & fish)

errh, what is the prevnar jab for? 1st time i heard of this...sua ku mummy here


maybe u can try macaroni? my gal enjoys that..we will place the macaroni on her plate and she will use her fingers to pick and eat them...soup and the other ingredients like veg and meat etc is fed separately. think she enjoys the process of eating by herself....
