(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

tracy, where you moving? read your blog - you relocating to China soon?

sunflower - think as a start, can get kiddish cooking sets... maybe as they progress, get the real ones, but small kid size ones?

tracy, if you wanna sell your toys, let me know... ha ha...


any ideas where can i get nice 1st candle, me and another mum is looking for it? Thanks

Nice clips, pity can put on my boy. hehe
i thought i saw Prime Deli selling those number candles. maybe you can go check it out.

really huh... OHHH! think better check again later. thanks

Oh not bringing her.. haha.. celeste say i very bad, always throw her in singapore :p

I think if bring her along, we won't be able to do anything liao.. she now eat and eat and eat, then make noise, cry and then sleep alamak! So grumpy nowadays.
tracy - u in LA now huh..
u always bring ur lappie along on flights huh... then hotel internet charges ex rite? :p

I also wan to Q for ur toys!!! hahhaa :p

It is like tat lah, we tend to stick to stalls we like
Not every stall is nice mah :p But do u get sian of the food there?
sunflower - u stay near Serangoon Gardens huh?
then next time go there for dinner, jio u come down! hahha

duffy also near is it??? :p

notice alot of neighbours here huh

Ashite & Dor
Celeste & Angeline
Sunflower & Duffy & Stella

who else?
anyone at Punggol!!! :p
KK - think 2 of us consider nearest.. SK & Punggol hahaa
cos A's nipples stuck out so next one is boy. Another group says his hair go clockwise on top of his head, so next one is boy... dunno how true leh.. seems very true...
How are you? When is your next check up?
WAAAAA... all my potential customers...
ok i will LELONG LELONG my toys when i go

yaa..i bring my laptop along..
the hotel here that we stay in does not charge us for using the internet

heee... only in japan and New York..
tats y i limit my usage there..

hahahaa.. bring everything back??
We will buy!!!


haha can... you should know better right?? You are the list maker!


since the market renovated, seldom eat CC liao. usually go market cos its more airy.
if not, then tabao all time favourite chicken rice.
Oh..i heard of looking at the niple to predict the gender..my mom heard from her "market kakis"..told her if the nipple has a dent in the middle (cant really rem liao) then next one is a gal gal if like what lyn says protrude..then boy lor
Kiki - oops... u in jun thread only huh? i looking hi n low for u in Jul thread!!! hahaha
yes yes.. can collect liao. either somerset or punggol. how?

Tracy - ooh.. sad. u wan another contact? but no ball pool lah. :p u really moving to China? becos hubby going?

Sunflower - huh, i dun go n compare the list leh. haha

#2 - hahha.. all the ways to lookout is soooo cute! let me go back n stare at Z's nipple n hair! hahah :p

then get toys from him lah....
u r eyeing at those ride-ons etc rite?

btw tell him there is a thread tat is complaining abt him here... :p
I got several toys.. you want? I "rent" to you... kekeke... but you gotta self collect at my place lor...

A's is not dented... so next one is boy boy for me... hahaha...

The way you say go back stare at Z's nipples and hair so funny... hahahaha...
oh i see.. i hear say this before also but cant recall which is which!

wesley seems to have 1 stuck up and other dent at times! hahaha so am having twins next?!?! Dont scare me!

i'm alright, thanks! next tues going back to my gynae. if still cant detect anything will gotta perform D&C
Tracy: any more hairclips for me to choose?? Now then see yr msg as was on mc due to backpain... :-(

Can buy whatever hairclips (cute n adorable n nice) on yr next trip to Japan... Please....
thanks so much.

wesley sleeping already.. now i have some of 'me' time again.

just checked wesley's nipples again.. really one in and one out! hehehe
Wow...mommies with boys...seriously buying clips for 2nd baby...lol...

the nipple for prediction...so cute...lol..

Yeap, if possible. I chop chop the hair clips. Despite Gabby's little hair, I am crazy over hair accessories. keke..... You are moving? I queue for your toys if you decide to lelong..keke..

Pray for you, k. Take care and stay cheerful.
U know my situation, so must rest whenever i have the chance. Dun wanna 'expedite' my aging process leh. Hehe...
Moreover cant use my laptop when Jezoir is awake. He'll simply mess around. I tried using it at the bar counter but he keeps pushing and pulling my legs. Guess he's trying to say "If I cant have it, neither can u!'. Haha...
Usually at night after he has gone to bed around 10pm and i'm done wif my cleaning and packing (my place looks like it has been hit by a tornado at the end of the day!), then i'll quickly browse thru the postings. Hehe...
Here's a few recent pics of him. :)


Tracey, wah..more clips to show us. Try to get me these.



(priority goes to pc, if can get some more, please get for me)

confirm you chop this one for me?
Wah so many posting today, all mummies happily chatting, I had very bad headache today which later led to migraine after lunch, so went back home at 3pm to rest. Felt much better after a nap.

PC, kelly will be ok. Dun worry too much about her not walking, Jerica also very lazy to learn, keep wanting to sit down and crawl...

Celeste, I heard old folks say that girl look like father will have 'good life' when they grow up.
mickey mouse and strawberry is confirm..
Thot u ask me to get the plastice cherry also, the previous time? Still wan? Bought liao..
How's yr migrane?
Tracy, ok plastic red cherry is it? I take that as well. Sorry I forget. Let me know how much to transfer to you including postage yah? Thanks.

My migraine better liao.
shetland, i got the plain, white full cream cake from bengawan solo. then decorated with flowers, bees and grass that were made by me and my buddy.
i used one of my pooh figurines and hunny pot for the candle.

paula, thank you for the presents.
