(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

tracy, no worries - let the mummies choose first. you can get for me at a later stage, when all the mummies here have gotten their clips.

i understand - no prob. ha ha... maybe jake can go to your place to play with leia? hee hee...

I want the followings. Queen got priority rite? Haha.

1. White and yellow flowers
2. Yellow and orange flowers
3. Shiny pink micky mouse
4. Pink hearts bow
Tracy i want the clips...

You want to sell to us or you just want to show off here?

I want the white flower one.. this one
wa lao!!!
u think leia got so much hair for me to clip meh???? I WISH AH...
me helping u guys buy lei!!!!
everyone wans to fight for the white flower one liao....

yes, its the one you rented
oh just a piece of plastic.. not pain when kids jump & jump on it??
saw 1 at toysrus, not exact the same but same design at the side, but then its big! like a number 8.
What;s the difference between this type and those can use as wading/swimming pool?


actually, thinking of putting balls into the jumper will do, can?? haha don't torture me le.. make me pump up 2 inflatables!! **faintz**

Yah lah.... photo copy man!!! ALAMAK....

Good lah... they say gal look like daddy next time pretty pretty... dun know how true lah...

You really helping me to pass apple to stella huh? You 2 stay near near is it? hahaha...very near?

Can tell me whats nice in chomp chomp not.. long time never go liao...
<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+2">tracy,</font></font></font>
i want clips oso...keep for #2 (if its a gal)..hahaaa
- mickey mouse (last pic)
- purple butterfly
- colourful flower

so u chop the apple, heart print bow clips and the flower ones huh??

chop the plastic cherry, glitter mickey head

chop the love shape clips

Yes. near la but not very near like stone throw away. haha...

re: chompchomp
you must ask stella or duffybuff. haha cos I don't really eat there often :p

I like
1) wanton mee (last stall on left row) - but KK says so-so only
2) bbq chicken wings (3/4th stall on left row) - KK says Pass

3) satay bee hoon (2nd stall, middle row) - KK says Pass

4) Sugar cane juice
this I like

My hubby say next time can go there eat again because he say a lot of stalls!

The chicken wings are juicy and nice
Satay bee hoon, i find nicer than AMK ones.. now the AMK ones dun seem so good liao


Haha.. i go temple street and ladies street see. Buy and sell triple the price here :p
i panda, you waitlist after me... hee hee.. i also buying for no.2. too shy to say out loud...

tracy - next time you go jp again, help me buy the white flower, the red strawberry, and the pink ribbon! no need to rush, as long as before end 2008. Ha ha...

where else can we get an pan toys ah? Sing dun have le...
just wondering, have you done the transfer to me ? didnt mean to chase you but just in case you've done it and i didnt get it.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="curlz mt"><font size="+2">toto,</font></font></font>
so u planning liao?
Mouse baby? me not yet..

<font color="ff0000"><font face="curlz mt"><font size="+2">kk,</font></font></font>
going HK? so good. Bring YJ?

actually it depends on wat u buy..
i feel that they r reasonable and ttheir toys are really cute.. cos i like ang pan man myself..
Tracy... r u one of the mummies that ask me to get the crocs too?

Celeste: R u collectig the crocs on behalf for mich? She did not reply me and her crocs are with me liao.

do you know if they temporary relocate the AMK satay beehoon? My hb likes it too
but now renovation

You also near ar, can go & play


alot of stalls hor but I always eat same thing haha :p
chop mickey mouse, purple butterfly..
sorry ger, no more flower liao..

white yellow flower, pink hearts bow shld have..
the rest no more..
i go back jp and chk

which bow u lookiing at?
white flower must go back jp and check..
red strawberry u chop..

wat an pan toy u wanna get?

btw mummies i in LA now.. gg back jp the day after..
better let me noe wat u guys wan.. i can go back and chk it out...
an pan toy - i also dunno what le.... hee hee.... is there a webby to see? i like the kitchen set, but is it a small one? or get me an an pan man cooking set? been trying to buy one for J, cannot find le..

This bow -


But priority to other mummies, hee hee... else later kanna scolding....
Wah... you gals really good leh... Buy for Number 2 already... I hope my number 2 gonna be a gal too, but I dare not take the bet. Cos pple say my number 2 gonna be a boy boy...

i love the kitchen set also but not getting it yet...
my house is overflowing with toys and we are shifting home... i think i will get a headache just to pack the toys alone...
