(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000"><font face="kristen ITC">Mich,</font></font>
cannot go Bren's party leh..no $$
Planning to go Taiwan before CNY next yr with frens..prob will bring son along too

hi mummies

wow,the thread moves so fast...didn check yesterday n i miss those pretty clips...hehe...


saw ur blog oso..u going to finish ur contract?u ask greg to help u blow the baloons har...he got rent toys oso?hmm,didn koe abt that..
Mich: i did saw Dor post but only saw her asking for my acct no n asking who is collecting for u too. hee hee okok will contact your 'jin jia' n pass her the shoes.

mrs chng... no hurry to collect leh.. at tai tai gathering?
thanks!! need anythin from tw? i will go in search for an pan bread superman today!!
Mich: I am afraid Bren might not fit in his crocs shoes by than la thats y i was in a hurry to sent the shoes out. U measure Bred's feet and tell me k... if not will exchange a bigger pair for u.

Andrea's feet grows so fast, 2 weeks ago the crocs was still abit too big for her but now its fit her nicely.

An pan Bread superman is so cute and cool. Wsa thinking of asking me friend to check it out for me in JAPAN when she pop by next week.

update from Sam

<font color="ff0000">RAFFLES COLLECTION AT 12PM 15TH JUNE STATION CONTROL (please do NOT be LATE, thanks!)
1st batch

1) Heng
2) i_panda
3) sunflower
4) lawpei
5) baby girl
6) kiki

Any mummies i missed? Thanks!</font>
<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC">sunflower,</font></font>
k. thanks. Kite ordered which one?
Yours urgent or not?
SUNFLOWER!! u in LOVE with bb legs ah... again i thot wrong thread!! hahah!!

HEY!! i going to clothes wholesale market tonight!! my friend taking me, i have never been, didnt even know exist!!! who wants anything???

Dor........... darling door........want meiji cheese?

mrs chng, thanks thanks...
i tried to measure but dunno how...
mrs chng

wher do u stay? either u post (include postage) to my hse or i collect from u? i m in bishan or thomson.. can meet in orchard too. let me noe when u PM me ur acct no. let me noe how much to tt also.. thks

i can tt you even ur acct is not posb or dbs. it will take 3 days to reflect in ur acct.
*MUACKS DOR*!!! definitely bringing cheese back for u!!!

found my beef noodles yet?

anyone wanna join me and dor dor intensive fun 'classes' for babies in july??

1) Michele
2) Dora the Explorer

for goodness sake.. plse dun call me dor dor. i nearly fainted.

hey mummies
this michele is askin wher has the Beef noodle stall in Scott food court moved to. Anyone noes.. plse post here. thks
hey dal,
the last pic was taken at the white dog at vivo city is it? i actually saw u at vivo last Sat but did not call u cos saw u with yr gf so engrossed in conversation. heehee

take care ya! everything will work out fine for u!
the girl one design so so only..my sister in law in japan said if we really like the webby thing..she can help to bu using her hubby cc..but no la i say paishei la..my sister in law is SAHM...no income like us...dun want to ma fan ta..maybe next time when i have chance to go..i help u all to lug back

kite will pick up from you my bb legs as well

I'll settle the collection from Kite via Vivi

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Thanks ladies</font></font>


all your influence lor!!! haha
ipanda very nice helping me collect so must do my bit and post updates here

I remember what I want from TW liao, my fren says TW beef instant noodles very nice! can buy a few packs for me to try?
only thing is I've no idea what brand or type.. haha
calling for <font color="0000ff"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+2">pawprint</font></font></font>
i still owe u bash photo rite? u said got ur Irvin inside. But hor i go & see dun hv leh. Will send to u tonite, [email protected]

actually don't need la
haha cos I only remember it when you mention beef noodles!!!

no idea where the stall moved to, so can't help in this.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+2">sunflower</font></font></font>
me tomoro am leave..not in office in the morning. anything sms me, k.
sunflower!! I KNOW!! all also nice...
not i eat ah but all tw LOVE LOVE the beef noodles!! also got 'stinky tofu noodles' yuk!! instant kind, u want??
qin jia... in case u miss out...

Dhoby Ghaut COLLECTION AT 6.35pm 18TH JUNE (North East Line control)- at the side that's facing the escalator which leads up to Plaza Singapura

1) Shell
2) Siti
3) winnie lee
4) audrey
5) dog lover
6) ~michele~
7) Jk

Any mummies i missed out? Thanks!
no lah, gotta return to work in the afternoon too. Hee..can makan there, then KLKK till 12noon. Morning got basic theory test..wish me good luck...hahaa
ya tonite no distraction. Hubby reservist, son at mum's plc. But hor i sure still in front of computer one...hahaa
panda... LOL!!

HEY!! 1ST time i blow balloons... how come never float up in teh air??
all on the floor!!! how?? HELP!!

pearly, u still lookin for party stuff? i got some extras. u want? i ve thomas and sesame st.
Duffy, I stayed at Stanford Hotel near ladies market during my previous HK trip, find that place very convenient as its near to ladies market and fa yuen market. Some distance to walk to mrt station though. The rooms are quite small. Also stayed at Miramar Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui before, expensive but comfortable and very convenient.
Wah... stinky tofu noodles! ***faintz***
What else nice in TW?

Royal shoppers,
I just met a friend and got to know that she import things from www.kaplanco.com to Singapore. Her company sells to nurseries and schools in Singapore one... Anyone interested to get anything from this website... let me know
I can ask her. She told me can tompang the shipment
Very interesting and nice stuffs.. go take a look.. me very tempted... kekeke...

then hor..i also watch TV ch55 or ch255...eyes on comp & tv..NOT on books

got, i got msn. i chat once with u guys..still rem? told aishite that u gals too fast for me..dun catch what u all talk
