(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

POLO SUMMER SALE STARTS JUNE 12th!!! anyone wamma order let me know ok, email me with order. My friend coming bac june 29th and i'll lug bcak when i come back jul.......... BUT pls dun rush me for ur order!!! only for those who are NOT in a hurry to get ur stuff. can buy or both kiddos + adults ok...

www.polo.com (june 12, US date)

HAPPY SHOPPING... since we cant buy from japan, can still buy from US!!

qin ja, u want? this i can read, no need ur hub 2 read...


u like the 'bread superman'?? or my dil like? tw got many of their stuff... wat u want? her 'dowry' haha!!
qin jia, u and tracy can ^5!! aiyoh... now my qin jia also like shopping ah!! btw... june 12th, US DATE lah!! 60% off polo...
Hey, the kitchen set sooooo cute! The rocker too!


This morning YJ threw tantrum again.. alamak. She stand up and open my kitchen cabinet. Then sit down ready to take out all my bowls and plates. I close the door and she screamed and cried until tears come out leh! Like tat how to eat her porridge??!! Then bobian, i took out some containers used to make zui kuey to let her play haha.. then she just enjoy sitting there "king king kuang kuang" making sound with the containers.
Hi Mummies,

Not sure if anyone has informed on the Fox Sales at Wing Tai IndustrialCentre...

Price starting from $1 and will start from 12 to 17 Jun...happy grabbing!!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">SANDPLAY</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Hi all...

I won't be available on both dates (7Jul & 14Jul).. thus woulg give the sandplay a miss..

I think Kelly shouldn't be going too cos her fever comes and go.. and she need to built up her immune system before she attend and play.. So Pauline, think about it.

<font color="ff0000">Maybe any volunteers wanna take over to organise the sandplay? Thanks..</font>

Just dun understand why my gal was sooo afraid of walking... She fall on her backside few times while walking and cried like dun know what..

Then from that day onwards, when i lift her up and wanna let go my hands to get her walking on her own, she will faster bent her knees to sit down.. why huh?? Ganna frightened is it?
wing tai industrial centre - is a ongoing warehse sale location for all wing tai products.

celeste - think ur gal just need to build up her confident level lah. give her more encouragement. then usually i wont straight away run to sayang zav when he falls.. sometimes i even laugh at him! haha bad! :p

Try holding to her to encourage her to walk again.. dun let go.. slowly slowly i think i will know how to walk on their own

Auntie YJ lately like to walk when we hold her hands.. she initiates it actually. Yesterday at the bank, she was standing and holding to the pram. Then we moved the pram and she walked when the pram moved
MTDT: Think animal farm better than calendar. Saw similar charts selling at a shop at Suntec but not cheap loh....>$50 for some patterns.
MTDT, thanks for the link. I saw similar calender style one at popular bookstore. But never check the price.

Celeste, dun give up. My girl also dun really like to practise walking. Keep wanting to sit down. lol...
Hello gals...
I am back
Today very busy entertaining A. This morning, brought him to my neighbour's place to play with other kids. He enjoyed himself

sayang Bren... A also knock on his right side usually.

Wah... so fast use cane already ah...

I also scared i will get out of control. Really gotta go read books to calm down...
Shichida mentions in his book that toddlers cannot control themselves using language. If they are doing something, they will continue, cannot stop it themselves. We will need to guide them to do something else to stop what they are doing... For example, if they are pressing on a button which we dun wanna them to do, it's impossible to tell them to "stop" cos they cannot control their mind and actions now. Instead, we should ask them to do something else such as pressing another button or shake their toy.

My A also want to accompany me when I go toilet do big biz... hahaha.. Shower also cannot shower in peace cos he wanna peak and pull the shower curtain. Yesterday I just set up a gate at my toilet door! hahaha... Now he cannot go into the toilet already. kekeke... sometimes when the floor is wet, he will go in and lie on the floor and play with the water! And enjoy slipping on the slippery floor!

sayang Zhi Yi...

It seems like the terrible 2 stage will start at 18 months. Shichida mentions celebrate if there's this stage. hahaha... if not, gotta worry if toddler is normal...

Wah... another shopping spree ah...
How's Zavier? I see the wound near his tummy also very heartache leh...
ur boy cld have been genuinely distressed even if no tears... the vomit was a distraction (something new) to him, hence his attention diverted to that. This age still too young to be naughty lah
aiyah tomorrow swim make-ups... really dread all that hoisting. Must find and wear showercap in pool, rebonded my hair just now (haven't done so in YEARS!
mtdt: jus a suggestion.. Distract his mind wen he try to walk. Like wen he was standing, show him sumting tat he like & encourage him to come over. Sae sumting like yeah or clap ur hand even thought he manage to walk 1 or 2 steps. Distracting may help him to forget d fear. it wrks 4 my ger...It may help for him too.. can try
Looks like stuff sold at Growing Fun. Any pricing?

My girl one month older still not walking steadily leh. Not to worry too much lah. Gabby would sit down too at month 12 without support. We don't hold her hand much actually. She just cruise lots and yesterday at 13 month. Finally decided to stand up and walk independently for 3 steps, then sit down again.

Yeah..got to keep reminding self hor. I always forget and yield..keke.. And say too much NO. Ended up she wanted most those things that I say NO to. think terrible 2 may starts earlier than 18 months...haha. Hmm..think I won't be laughing soon...
Lamb - me??

Zav can walk liao... but selective walking.
must see his mood. :p

but me encouraging him doesnt work... as he will be so kan cheong to come to me that the will find 'crawling' over will be the fastest way. so immediately will go on his fours n cheong to me!!! hahahaha

then at times when he does take a few steps... naturally i will back step so as to maintain the distance. he will notice and immed be angry and sit on the floor. Charm!! hahha

Lyn - thanks... he is fine now.
MIL is here... she wanted to "teach" Irvin "this is A! this is B!". He ignores her and digs toys. She loudly complained to Athena, "didi dun wan to learn, didi is lazy!".
i just got my play yard also. glad that you find it useful. i'm going to set up at my mum's place tonight.

ENDURE... very hard for us (DIL) to say much now. *hugs* I fully understand.
Aiyo... I will also blood boil...

It's not easy not to say "NO"! hahaha... I always say "NO" and "cannot" too
How ah? Gotta be more creative with the words I use leh... ***scratch head***
Celest- Fox sales is from 12pm to 7pm

My boy tried to walk without support yesterday and fell flat into his face...

His upper inner lip even bleed...me so "Xin Tong"
Luckily he's okay...still eating as normal today..

Think this is the part and parcel of baby's progress, we just need to have more patience...and patience...
1 way is to let Chelsia hold your fingers when she walks. I did this with Jezoir. Tough on our backs though. I stood opposite him and let him hold my index fingers, which means i have to bend at an angle. After a while i let him hold only 1 finger so he'll use his other hand to balance himself. Gradually he lessened his reliance on me. Of course in between i also let him try walking on his own. Hope this helps. :)
I would like to join for the swim. But my ger always wakes up late, at around 10-11am.

Thank you for organising the play yard. Hee! Too bad, I should order 2 sets instead of 1.5 sets. Blur me! Don't know how to measure.

hv recd the yard too.. wah.. so big lei.. think i need to reconfigure my room liao. headache manz. hahaha

u good life lei.. ur ger wakes up so late.
Hi Mummies,

FYI, Nestle is giving away a $38 goodie bag that contains a NAN 3 follow-up formula (900g), hippo plush toy, powder dispenser and a set of 3 bibs tomorrow between 11am to 3pm at OUB Centre Walkway.
Mummies, in order to collect the goodie bag, you must remember to bring along your child's birth cert and any empty tin of formula.
(But I saw a lot of people working in that area just give the baby's birthcert no, never give any empty tin to the Nestle Staff to collect the $38 goodie bag)
NAN 3 is a follow up formula for baby fm 10mths to 3 years
I didn't login for a few days, had spent a few hrs to catch up the thread just now. i was busy preparing Xavier's party after my KL trip last week, brought Xavier to Zoo tdy and now finally can breath a little...

Hi Panda, thanks for the nice BD card, i have saved it in my hard drive.

Thanks Pawprint for the rasterbator website, my guest were very impress by my poster made up of 42 A4 papers!

I can understand, my blood boils too when my MIL said my boy naughty, (my boy cry out loud when he does not want to let her carry or play w her because he is tired). I just feel my boy being "yen wuang". Whenever my boy let her carry or smile at her, she will praise him loud loud "GOOOOOOOD BOY" I feels like telling her tt my boy is not a DOG!!!LOL

Hi Lyn,
I m interested for the swim but timing is a bit early for Xavier too, can change it to afternoon 5 or 6pm?

Hi Paula,
Glad that no extraction needed on your tooth. I m so sorry to hear about your granny, u take care. I m sure Kelly will become her old self very soon as she has a mummy loves her so much, and i can support you by lending Xavier to play w Kelly kekeke! Is the sandplay still on? i want to join!

Hi Mich,
Am i in your "want to see" list? I think i better ask u this b4 i put my name down on the tai-tai outing list hehe
Stella: OF COS!!

wanna ask u all... thinking of coming bac twice every 6 mths or a yr to stay for a month each time. wanna expose Brendan to some FUN classes... sandplay, my gym, kindermusik, baby aqua... wat else? art maybe and music... Can i pay as you go or do i have to commit to 1 session? Thanks!

and any sugg. for classes in sg? i stay in bishan and not really willing to travel far...
Hi Mummy and Daddies,

My Gym@Greatworld will be having an Open House on 16th June from 10am to
3pm. Get your friends and relatives to bring their kids down for a fun
time. We will have activities and games for the kids.

Make it a day with us this Sat 16 June.


The Team at My Gym
She will also praise him "Good boy" loud loud and say he's naughty, etc. Eversince my son started crawling, she's been commenting that he's like a xiao gou aka small dog. She'll even tell him, rui(my son's short name) shi xiao gou. Last night, she told me children are very easy to bluff. Tell him go gai gai, he'll believe. If don't want to give him stuff, just tell him throw away liao. For the last point, I'm just speechless!!! If u keep bluffing them, isn't it a bad habit that the kid will also pick up??? But how to tell her not to do it ley? She spends even more time with my son than me 8(

Mich: That ABC clothchart is NT4800!!! aka S$240?!?!
This is nice:
<font color="0000ff">3 Little Pigs</font>

<font color="0000ff">Farm group</font>
kk / dal,
Thanks for the advise..

what hapen to you? MIA for sooo long? you sooo busy meh? how is my Jezoir? still shy as before?

Enjoy your HK trip! Really envy.. think i need a break soon too... stress man!

Stella - wow... nice poster!

Mich - u can join those classes as Trial. if not, time ur return trip in Jun/Dec as most places will hv short term hol progs during these time.

Mspiggy - Sayang... stay strong. Chat with us more here ok.

http://www.gogo-kiddy-care.com - things look good leh!!! so BP again huh?? :p
