(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

vivi, toto,

change 12:30 at hdb hub lah then we all same timing! Next term, J starts her first term with MTDT's boy !
great to have someone we know ...

spend few hours just to go theu the thread...

Poor Brendan..did he cried?...Zhi Yi fell down few time *** also.

yeah...the website sam provided sell 1575YEN per pair...the BP really worth for money..

understand that some of you here send your baby to playgroups/classes.. Can recommend? Coz I am thinking to let gabby go n socialised n learn too (",)
We were at Kiddy Palace Suntec and they had this slide there for kids to play with...think it is meant for older kids coz at least 2 times Gabby's height. Gabby 'insisted' to climb on the slide. She totally ignored other more age-appropriate toys for her. So, I put her on top and helped her slide down. She decided to try to get to the top on her own...but the reverse way. She actually managed to get to the top but decided not to slide down. So she climbed down the stairs with my help. Then she climbed up the stairs again and slide down...and to and fro...my goodness. The first time I realise that a slide can be played two ways around. lol. And this is a girl, not boy!
spicegal,i developed 8 pics into one 4R size photo at fuji film. yes, the mini cakes are all home made.

duffybuff, thank you.

pawprint, thank you. i love the cake very much too.
Seems like the translation on the url don't work 8( <font color="0000ff">Sorry! You must configure your browser to accept cookies in order to be able to proceed. Please change your browser settings.</font> Anyone knows where to change this setting???
MTDT: Huh, it works for u? Great!!! Mine can't work ley... must be my laptop browser settings 8( Can just add the order to cart by clicking on "xxxx zui1 jia1" but will need to check if they deliver international & how much is the shipping.
This is the url i get after i click adding some items to cart and checkout https://r1.jp.rmi.yahoo.co.jp/rmi/https://www.nissen.co.jp/src/newro/RoLoginJsp.jsp/rmivars%3ftarget=_top?ORD=1
Seeme like there's some login id & pw to be entered. Bottom part should be choose between 2 types of payment method???
MTDT, Rodeo..interested?...So tempting Ha..actually my huuby can read and speak jpn, he said no internationally shipping.....i ask him to call to jpn to ask whether the payment and tax thing..#(&$*&$**&*&*(...he said i m too eng..
I ask him again tonight...see if can ask them to ship to spore or not..
thanks for organise BP for the Haenim Play yard. we quickly set up upon received & let my boy try. he love playing inside. even my mil said it's worth to buy.
ops...should be marina square..=b The hugh kiddy palace at level 3?

more shopping for june mommies??

reply you. =)

wat size ur bb is wearing now?
My ger is wearing Nepia diaper size L & is getting tight for her. For nepia diaper, they dont come in XL size? wanted to order XL diaper but was told not available but oni available in XL pull up pants. But i dun want buy pull up kind, more ex n more for outing. Think hv to switch other XL brands liao. any recommendation?
haa....the baby accessories is so cute...i dun think can get in anywhere else except jpn..yeah..if tracy can help...even good as the website said that any order above 3000 yen is free delivery across the JAPN!!

Have u tried drypers? Not bad.. and my girl wearing XL size now. They also have XXL size. I think can last for quite some time :p

Ya, nepia has no XL size. So when i find the L size just suit my girl, i quickly switch to other brand.
so far never try other brands, been using Nepia since newborn. Find Nepia very good
alrite bah, wil try dryers. But the size of L dryers as compared to L nepia, same? cos diff brands though same size, find that e sizes & cutting quite diff.

My feeling is they should be the same size ba.. hopefully u find drypers good
because different brands may suit different babies

My colleague told me huggies no good.. the one with red colour packaging slightly better. So i never use huggies before.

Matched_gal mummy told me fairprice brand leaks for her girl. So i guess not very good too.

Wow, so u never try pampers premium before lor? Active baby series?
kk if u getting things from tokomama let me know i want to get something too... then you can collect for me if she dun deliver.. and ask mr piggy to delievr to me if he dun mind.. hohohoho


hohoho very funny.. haha not easy to get me to buy toys .. cos my girl dun seem interested in her toys. It's sometimes i crazy over it, so i buy to play myself haha!

kk and sunflower
my boy is also very naughty.. dun noe how to teach him.. he now knows how to throw temper.. if u take anything from him, he cried as if the whole world is bullying him.. that's once he even cried till he vomitted but got no tears!!! so u noe that he is faking it.. the disgusting thing is that he is so amazed that he vomitted.. the moment he vomits he smiled n played with his vomit.. alamak..

i can't imagine when he reaches the Terrible 2... the good thing is that he noes that he is being scolded if we scold him.. but he cried louder.. sigh..

Any1 got any advise how to teach such a naughty boy?? Tks
