(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font face="curlz mt"><font size="+2">Lyn & Wen,</font></font></font>
i also often say 'NO' & 'Cannot' to my boy...sometimes forgot about it. But i find it hard to tell the grandparents to say 'no'..they just dun get it. My Fil will say 'fall' to my son when my son tries to climb the stairs. I ever tried telling him, you shld say the things u want him to do, like 'be careful', etc. Not 'fall' cos he will really fall. Sometimes i tell myself, just turn a deaf ear lor but not good for my son leh

vivi, taka toy fair ending this Sun.

stella, your poster very nice. wah...42 pages of A4 paper...feel like trying to do it on my own but too bad I dun have printer at home.

mspiggy, take it easy..you must take more nutritious food to strengthen your body.
ipanda: Haha...I always tell my son "Please be careful or you'll fall down" So I should just stop at the 1st half of the sentance? Very difficult if he's at the edge of the bed loh. Nowadays, when I tell him he'll fall, he'll stop at the edge, look at the floor, then U-turn :p
Mich: Your Crocs are with me ... do you wan me to mail it to u at TW?

Ms Piggy: Take great care.

Celeste: I had nearly resort to canning Andrea too if i had one on hand. My hubb always scold me for hitting her but sometimes i do wonder do the papa really understand what us as mama feel? We face them 24 /7 unlike papa. Tried very hard to control my emotions at times its realy like a volcano that its about to erupt at the end of the day. Heart ache too but no choice if we need to teach them the correct things.They cant awalys have it their way.

Rodeo: I totaly agree with u about MIL blufing. My MIL always do that too... i have to keep repeating myself a number of times to get her to stop that. I know that she dun like it but i have to be firm in certain things and this is one that i will not give in to her.I do not want andrea to grow up lying!!
Hi ladies,
am alright... thanks for everything!

OKie... let me share something happier... had Wesley's party last Sun. Here's some pics

take care *hugs*.
WOAH that's a huge poster- it A0 size? how much did it cost u? THe carebears is bought? Looks gd!

wahhh so big! impressed too, LOL!

mspiggy, lyn, stella,
was complaining to HB that the other day she was praising Irvin to the skies because "a BOY is a BOY!" (gender bias!), in front of my girl hor. Then yesterday she scold him "lazy", in front of my girl again.
HB's response was that since so contradictory, GOOD lor, this way it balances out! I dunno whether to laugh...

This Sun my boy's b'day... worried I'd screw up! 100 pax adults, plus 20 kids!
mrs chng: Maybe I should get my hubby to tell her not to bluff my son. Now, my maid also do the same thing (learn from MIL). They keep telling him bye bye; go gai gai, etc On the throw away part, my mil even 'throw' the thing out of the room's window, then tell my son, throw away liao. Really difficult loh cos they can do whatever they like when we're at work.

mspiggy: Is that your home? u have Care Bears painted on the wall? Very nice!!! 8)
hubbies are generally more "bo chap". whenever i 'complained' to him ... he will quickly brush it off saying the elders dont mean it.

dont mean then dont anyhow say things right?! *angry*
no no .... not my home lah. dont have such a huge home. this is Children's playroom at The Grassroots Club @ YCK

booked the room for his party
mspiggy: YES!!! that's the standard hubby line when i complain abt MIL to him "she dun mean it even though she says it"

Oops...realised that when i saw your subsequent photos :eek:
mspiggy, the carebears part of the decor- so nice! where's it at?

we're engaging photog this sun... but hor, want to maximise... hoping to captture proper extended family pics by the pool outside the function party room... dunno whether doable.
the carebears are already painted on the walls at the Playroom... my theme is actually "Cars". But no choice lor....

yeah actually shd have engaged a photograhper coz we were so busy didnt take much pics. Luckily my sis helped me alot!!! All these are taken by her
<font color="ff0000"><font face="kristen ITC">rodeo,</font></font>
got to be careful on the 'throw away' part, cos they may imitate what adults do.

Yest, son never finish his dinner, kept shaking his head when i put the spoon near his mouth. Tried many methods still failed. Then when he saw maid took the fruits out, he wanna eat. I said to him, you never finish your porridge, cannot eat apple. But hor he kept pointing to the apples...i 'xin ruan' let him eat the apples in the end. Finish half a apple, still wan, fake crying, then gotta distract him with toys.

Is it too young to 'punish' them now? Like dun let him hv his way (dun let him eat apples when he din finish his porridge)..
wah that's gd! my printer contact takes up to A1 size/ $22, initially I wanted A0 too, hehehe! No wonder u were asking me frame sizes.

Ur venue really ideal, has decor and play area!
Hi KK,
just called and booked it. open for public booking. $200 for 4 hours

Hi Sunflower,
when you need it? let me check with my lobang first
i_panda: Maybe that's where my son learns to 'throw' his toys away. He likes to drop things out of his playpen, from inside room to outside the room (I have a gate at his room).

Your son took half an apple? Do u cut to smaller pcs or smash it up for him? Feeding them can be a challenge when they refuse to eat or sit in their highchair.
mspiggy, nice venue for W's party. I like the carebear walls.

$50 for A0 size poster is cheap leh. My sister's friend did a banner style poster for my girl on her birthday but told us it will cost more than $100 to get it printed. We did not print in the end cos its too expensive.
my guests love the venue too.. especially those with kids coz the kids can "self entertained" while they makan.

this venue is actually recommended by muffinmocha ... all thanks to her !!!!

by this week? haha but then hor, I don't have anything done up so also nothing to print wahahah :p
wanted to ask pawprint to help me but till now never send her any pictures LOL!!
btw, what's the dimension between A1 and A0 sizes?

sms you
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">CALLING for SYEN</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">please contact me... your apples still with me... can those who have her contact, tell her i looking high n low for her</font></font>
mtdt, bp u organize ah.. not me pls... math so bad! BUT small one ok...
cos must lug bac...

mspiggy...sorry to hear that... be strong! *hugs*

mtdt, bren loves music, wat other music classes re there? any recommendations for classes? art? hmmm.. go trials with u all teh way ok...
thanks, i'll stay strong for Wesley.

frankly last sunday was abit hard... hard to SMILE in front of all the relatives. But it's my son's party so gotta be HAPPY!

dun scold me hor..

I forget to bring my HP. Dun know where i placed it.


If at my MIL's place then can only check this weekend or next week.


BTW, can sms me at 81239081 instead.
Pai sey!

Will terminate tis line tmr
mich - then dun wan BP! :p

music - Kindermusik loh... cant think of any others. :p

kids prog - only limit to music & Gym huh?
others will be more class based like GUG/JG

art - our kids age hv? i noe there is a claycove or something like tat.
mich - then dun wan BP! :p

music - Kindermusik loh... cant think of any others. :p

kids prog - only limit to music & Gym huh?
others will be more class based like GUG/JG

art - our kids age hv? i noe there is a claycove or something like tat.

dun scold me hor..

I forget to bring my HP. Dun know where i placed it.


If at my MIL's place then can only check this weekend or next week.


BTW, can sms me at 81239081 instead.
Pai sey!

Will terminate tis line tmr

dun scold me hor..

I forget to bring my HP. Dun know where i placed it.


If at my MIL's place then can only check this weekend or next week.


BTW, can sms me at 81239081 instead.
Pai sey!

Will terminate tis line tmr

Oh so it is not those type which can pop by and play for 1 hour or two? heehee... cos it is near and convenient for us to bring YJ there
Talking about MIL, sigh!
Last time when I asked her to take care of my bb for less than 2 hours, she went to tell my bb that "Mummy goes out, don't want you anymore!" I complained to hb, and he said her mum was just kidding only.

CG: my MIL did that as well... i was fumming mad, easp when Andrea is so attached to me, i dun wan her to get the impressionthat whenever i go out w/o her she will think that i dun wan her.

My hubb said the same thing as well i told him not everyting you say to the kid can be kidding kind of way k.

Y ah... MIL always so hard to understand??

Mich: did you c my post earlier on on your crocs? Do u wan me to mail over?
