(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


sunflower: all my frens here wanna buy!! sg sell very cheap leh.. japan close to 2000 yen 1 pair, my fren say!! and i had bght a couple as gifts... now can dun give? heeehee...
mic - aiyo... sayang bren. maybe rub with egg? hope it'll go away soon...

poohy - ha ha... yes yes... LM is picking up cards. got my terms mixed up. J cannot pick up cards yet. PM - i completed the chao bu tong. maybe should follow up with my own DIY cards. busy bee...

think at S's age - there are more activities that we can do with them. J can take out the peg puzzles, play with them, but cannot place them back in. hee hee...
MTDT, nice bday cake, where is it from? The float looks really FUN!

Kk, i like the way you tie YJ's hair, cute!

Pawprint, where did you get the animal farm felt chart? Your A1 family poster is very nice! Great job.

Mich, OUCH! what a big bump on brendan's head, must rub on it frequently so that the bump will go away faster.
MMM, is that mini homemade cakes? (with bernice's name on top?) Not a bad idea.

I also have the precious moments frame, have not use yet. How did you get the photos to fit the small circles?
hey mummies,

any idea where to get the float that MTDT shows above?? nice....

re: bruise/bumps
Try Arnica cream. My fren recommend that to me, its for bruise, reduce swelling.

you see how lor! LOL
wow Japan so ex, its about S$30 for a pair??
you can buy 2.5 pairs here!!
wen: wat boutique??

thanks for all the sayangs BUT bren dun let me rub how?? everytime rub cry, guess must eb painful!!
aishite: Nice meeting you over the weekend. Your girl is so clever, know how to say hi & stick out tongue....hehe...

Paula: Hope Kelly gets well soon. Maybe it's becos she just started infant care and hence more virus-prone. Heard that all kids go through this phase when they start childcare/school. Totally agree that life is very fragile. Encountered some stuff happening one after another over the past year and it makes me reflect that we should be spending more time with our loved ones (frens/family) instead of working OT in the office. Sometimes, I even wonder why we work so hard at work for.

MTDT: The rented toys look fun. Lovely birthday cake too. Where did u get the 1 yo candle from? I'm scouting 1 for my son for his bd this Sat.

kk: I like the pose YJ has wondering what's on tv. So cute!

pawprint: You're so creative in DIY!!! Must seek advice from u next time. I'm wondering whether to order A3 poster prints along with my photobook. Another cheap way to 'laminate' the poster is to get the $1 a stick-on plastic cover laminate from popular bookstore. It should do an ok job.

Duffy: Read somewhere that can stop sterilising when bb start on solid foods cos we don't sterilise the bowls anyway. But I still sterilising my boy's bottles. Maybe stop when they are 1.5 yo?

Mich: Babylegs looks good on the babies 8) They should be useful when bringing our bb to air-con places. I'm having difficulty buying long pants (esp jeans!) for our 1yo. Try hard-boiling an egg, wrap in cloth and rub on Brendan's forehead in circular motion. It should help. My son knocked his head onto the corner of subwoofer speaker yesterday evening and he has a small triangle purplish 'hole' along with the swell. Hopefully their mark/swell will go off soon.

mmm: I like your DIY calendar. Wow, u have so many pic of Bernice 8)
rodeo - i got the candle from birthdaydirect
but i saw it selling at the centrepoint party shop on 5th floor. but super EX!!! :p

I also still sterilising his bottles... habit also. :p but spoons, bowls, magmag etc... not sterilising. :p
mich: oh.. poor brendan.. tat bump is really big.. *sayang sayang!*

mmm: woah.. great effort! nice photos and decor!

sunflower/ rodeo: thanks! hmm.. was just wondering cos my mil is asking me.. heehee

btw, mummies, do u remove the tomatoes seeds when u put them into the porridge for yr bbs?
Is Kelly better already? You take care too...

I also wonder if bb can eat seed of tomato or not. Coz most bb receipe says, remove skin and seeds...hmmm...
Please see my blog for the food for Aloysius at WA

Take good care
May God bless you and family...

Ok.. no time to catch up already. Gotta go...

So mad with YJ just now and screamed at her so loud until my hubby scared haha.. i was setting prelim paper and as usual, she came in on her backside and press my pc I/O switch! But she laughed when i screamed and even demo to me few more times how she on/off the switch! *faint*


ANy recommendation of good food at chomp chomp? :p

I can understand.. how fedup you were..

Last saturday chelsia ganna cane from me Jialut jialut... and due to house no cane YET... i use wooden ruler which hubby use to do drawings.. worst right...

Now a days during lunch n dinner, when we plc her in high chair for porridge, she will climb up... wanting to stand on the highchair.. you know how dangerous? Told her to sit while eating and she throw tantrums, swipe everything on the highchair to the floor and give me a FACE!!

Cannot spoilt her... so smack her till she really scream n cry... maid see liao almost cry too... haha... heart pain but no choice.. have to teach them now.. if not when?
Haha...I know how it feels. Gabby can drive me up the wall nowadays. But I read somewhere that raising voice may not be helpful to let bb understand the situation. I mean, some babies may not be detered but may actually feel excited because they got reaction from you. I found out coz I also get out-of-control and shout at Gabby but hor, she doesn't seem to get it. Headache hor..

errr, not too sure le haha :p
I like very few items from there: food I like

1) bbq chicken wings - on left row, think 3rd/4th stall (yumyum juicey, so far the best I tasted island wide, wahaha)
2) wanton mee - on left row, last stall

Fish porridge or fishball noodles - quite normal la.
Satay beehoon - my hb likes.

They have quite a few new stalls, not sure if nice.
Pizza - warn you 1st, very sloowwww, saw them prepare, aiyo 'tian liang' liao.

People always queue longlong for the fried prawn mee but I don't find it fantastic. There are 2 stalls there. Last time the oldoldold one (right row, back stall) they no longer selling, the guy selling now is actually new owner.
BBQ food is hot favourite - not bad.

If you like fried prawn mee - the one at coffee shop nicer. Its directly opposite Coffee Bean.
The stall selling fried kway teow also nice, same coffee shop.
- portion quite generous. So share better, if not eat until very jelut.

Coffee shop diagonally opposite Coffee Bean, has a new stall selling Western Food - getting quite popular. I've tried F&C - not bad.
Quick run through cos just returned from zoo, very tired.

Thx for compliments... must confess, I was design student for a few yrs lah. Familar with spray-mounting, photoshop, making scale models.

mspiggy, hope things turn out well. They have A1, A2, A3 frames only.

LM- they never did this in my nearly 3-yr old's class. No memory train either (instructor said not for beginners). They do flash memory eg. Flash car pic, say car, flash bicycle pic, say bicycle... started with 3 pics increased each week now reached maybe 6 or 7 pics? Problem is I myself cannot follow, cannot remember a single thing. My girl never caught on either, tried practising but she just hasn't gotten it yet.

Photographic memory- interesting thing is ALL the kids GOT ALL CORRECT when they used Barney characters once. LOL!
One thing... I find other parents in my class seem to be guiding their kids in what I think may not be a beneficial manner for the photographic memory. From my understanding, it's supposed to be a mental snapshot, like a photograph of the ENTIRE composition. But other parents will cue, "look at left it's red, then blue, then yellow, and orange at right, got it?". They try to name each item at its different locations, which I feel sets back the kid instead? One parent started doing this, then more parents did... the instructor also at fault cos she didn't highlight. Instead, now she subtlely try to highlight to "look at the WHOLE picture", which is too subtle a hint on anxious parents lah.

Mich, oh dear did u try zambuk? One tip good to remember is COLD compress ***within 10mins*** of any bruise. Tods r resilient, looking at the bruise reminds u more than it reminds him, he probably won't be bothered by it now.

rodeo, yah, but lamination is somewhat tricky... I used to do lots of lamination for my design projects but I won't wanna risk this time. If the printer screws up lamination, he will reprint FOC for me ;) ... if i screw up myself, I have to pay again, hahaha. Also, need to let him laminate my A1 size too... that's even more challenging, I'd rather let him take the risk. Later running to the printer, haiz... all the running about is tiring! This printer is more ex than some places but he is a photographer who operates a photo studio... so I feel more assured abt my print-out quality. Eg. he did colour callibration for me (my photog had given me raw copy which was too "warm").

mmm, really nice set-up and I esp love the cake, so sweet all the little bumblebees, the honey pot with a candle!

farm felt chart- had bought from Growing Fun long time back but unavailable last I checked! Yes, still a fave. BTW, dun need to DIY the little stick-on characters- GF sells them, finger puppets even. And they sell PLAIN felt board... mine is more ex because the felt board features barn, fox den etc (little pockets in these to slip the animals in).

Oh forgot to thank you haha.. she love it! Not extremely lah, but at least something different from her porridge.. and i find it so easy to cook, even easier than porridge haha.. at least easier washing of pots and pans :p

Must cook till quite long before the macaroni turns very soft.

I eat so many fried prawn mee, still find the geylang one nicest haha! But due to distance, seldom go there, and they only do night business. Ever since YJ born, we dun go geylang hunt for food le cos all do nite business. The next hokkien mee we always bought was the one at tampines. The coffeeshop that also sell frog porridge. I love that too! That was the same franchise of the one at geylang
celeste and wen,

I heard colleague say now we discipline them they also won't understand.. haha.. when it comes to 2 yrs old, then it will mean BIG BUSINESS!

i find YJ throwing tantrums easily now too. Anything she want, we take from her, she will scream and cry and want to lie on the floor!

This morning, her daddy go toilet shit shit, she also follow, and now she can climb over the kerb so she happily try to join her daddy in the toilet. Alamak, so smelly!!!! And the floor so wet!

And she happened to see me flush the toilet at rasa sentosa resort, then when her daddy went into the toilet, she followed in, stand with her hands on the toilet bowl, and wanted to put her hands into the toilet bowl to dig the water out. ALAMAK!!

they have good food there too
occassionally go with friends and makan, long time ago liao LOL.

hmmm we should start a list of where got nice food ! yumyum....

understand how you feel. My boy loves to play with remote, dvd, SCV controls etc. Can't get his hands on remote? He went to the SCV channel box, whatever they call it. Off the power button and usually at the crucial moment of the show!!! And he knows cos he will check the TV and we will go 'ahhh' and he SMILES at us! so 'sweet' hor!

wahh she see remote control is like see favourite toy like tat.. she play with anything not classified under "toys" haha.. and when we remove batteries from the control, she know leh, cos no reaction after she press mah..

And she very bad leh, nowadays like to stand very near to tv, so that she can sayang the characters inside.. siao hor? So we have to block here block there so that she dun spoil her eyes.

LM you sure there is no LM in A's class? Show 5 cards by telling a story, then ask child to pick the order of the cards? J's classmates can do them, but they are 3 months older. Hope J will be able to do this next term.

PM the kids in J's class often spot the correct picture. parents do not prompt, even if it's wrong, we keep quiet. think most parents in J's class are putting the PEC into practise.

vivi - you changed to 12.30 sat already? i want this slot too!

re: discipline - maybe we can share good books or tips on child discipline? i am reading some books on discipline, but quite slow in this aspect. need to read and start blogging on this, else will forget.. ha ha...

there's carpark just in front of chompchomp. can park there, or at the market also got quite alot of lots just that have to walk further. The carpark attendents super on, must put enough coupons.
I think not much use screaming/scolding them now. My son SMILES if I scold him/show him angry face for touching/taking this/that. In fact, he seems to enjoy the effect from me and he'll do it even more! Eg, touching the electric plug, fan, plucking the laptop keyboard. And yes, he'll scream & break into tears immediately if you take away things that he's already holding on to. Give him back, immediately sunshine.

celeste: my son also climbs out of his high chair (want to crawl to dining table), throw things on the floor (he's been doing this for a long long time) and it's u pick up 1x, he throw 1x, etc As for cane, I have 2 canes at home for my dog. My son loves the cane!!! He'll hit it very hard on the floor, wave it around (can hear the sound) and laugh. All of us (including my dog) will siam him if he's holding on to it.

sunflower: YES, they always switch the channels at the crucial moment!!! And he only wants the working remote control. Spoilt 1 he's not interested.

kk: where in tampines is the nice fried hokkien noodles stall? Me a fan of hokkien noodles. So far, find that tg pagar hawker centre (stall facing main road) 1 of the best.

think pawprint is refering to the photographic memory practise where 3 pic cards are shown on one paper and then the kids are asked to re-arranged the 3 pic cards back to the same order as what was just shown. This is one of the PM practise in class every week. There is also another one where they are shown 1 pic and then 2 pic to pick the previously shown one. There is also other practise like the teacher show a picture and then u r supposed to put in the missing parts (also in little cards cut out form to velcro) .... at times she may give more than what is required... tricky
Celeste, aiyoh naughty chelsia kanna beating from you ah..sayang sayang...

kk & rodeo, when I read your posting, I was laughing at the same time cos I find some similarities in the way our babies behave. She also likes to play with the remote control, she will hold the remote and point to the TV to press the buttons. My mum's tv remote is faulty so sometimes my mum will hit the remote on her hand twice to make it work, then my girl will also follow this action whenever she find that the remote is not working. LOL...

did athena's class do chopstick training liao? or this age group already writing very well? Samuel's class for 2 year old is quite focused on motor skill. cutting paper, sticker pasting, chopstick trainer, stacking, stringing, tying shoe laces, puzzles, writing with marker. All are for motor skills ...

haha so cute!!!

Now my girl also like to imitate us drinking from cup if we give her one. But when u fill it with water, she will sure pour the water all over the place before she put that in her mouth. And funny thing is, she will also offer the cup to me to let me drink.. then i got to pretend taking a sip from the cup and she will smile
re: remote controls

ya lor ... the remotes are the tod's favourites. My hb had resorted to hiding them ... but somehow they still manage to find it and disrupt my crucial tv moments.

Climbing high and low...

kk...YJ so cute! Have you started her on sprout drinking cup already? My girl don't know how to drink from sprout yet, she will bite the sprout but she is not taking in any water.
poohy, J so cute. my J also climbing up and down... leg cannot stay still... must climb on something... tot only boys like that...gals also... ha ha...

oh... PM for older kids are done differently wor... but rearranging the pics like LM le...

J's class has lots of motor skills as well... threading, picking up small stuff, stacking, puzzles... all these we can replicate and practise at home easily.

really have to put in more effort in coming up with new activities hor? maybe next time we exchange and recycle. ha ha...
Poohy, my girl also climb high and low, her favourite activity now is climbing up my sofa from the floor and then up the backseat area behind us. I find her very 'chor lor' and she behaved like a boy!
