(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">CELESTE</font> u cook ah!!

<font color="ff0000">HENG HENG</font> i not going!!!

pls standby 'po chai pills'!!!

mt: okay then, i shall not lock my dogs.. my dogs very guai one.. just that they will bark when they see new faces.. after few mins, will die dwn one...
spice!!! u SHIOK AH!!

wat do i have to prepare for my son's party?? like ALOT leh...... dunno where to start!! <font color="ff0000">HELP!!!</font>

spice, i still dunno how to make bold + font size!
Harlow...Shell and Jacque...what payment har?

Is it babyleg? If yes, I also need to pay...

Sorry har...never follow the forum closely, dunno what u gals are paying..hehehe

i saw it...still waiting for my hubby to reach my office...dun worry..he reach here ~ 6pm..so havent make the payment yet!
mtdt : lemme know if need to pay u for babylegs ok ?? if i dont repky here, PM me !!!

Mich : u bad muimmy - how come have not planned for B's party ??
MTDT: come anytime over weekend lah, got so many toys ... and many children in my estate some more, so can play with the babies. Just give early warning lah, so we dunt go out lor.

Vivi: capital towers, opp CPF tower.

Mich: u toad, i say i open my place, but nvr say i cook .... but hor, if u insist on sharks fin, my hubby can do tat ... he's getting quite good in tis dish, rehearsed many times oledi.

kong: yah, took the 'red eye' flight tis morning, fly midnight, arrive at 6 tis morning... 'tao yen', tis kind of lifestyle.
All mummies:

lelong lelong: 1 extra Dr Seuss set for sale !!!
sgd30 1 set, good quality .... i just opened and and saw the goodies for myself !!
MTDT :eek:pppps, pai seh, sorry wrong ...
er, who did i buy the legs from ??
ipanda issit ??

Aishite : poor girl, get enuff rest ok ??

how come got extra ?? which one is this ?
if no one wants, then i take la ...
flu : this is sad, i think i'm still not fully recovered. I take medication to keep the runny nose at bay and it makes me sleepy.
then i have to drink coffee/tea to keep awake at work ...

Aishite : i am going to motherhood fair after work wif neightbour. Wanna go ??
can i get a lift home ? heehee
AISHITE!! WAT COOK?? THAI VILLAGE!! 1 bowl $60... work the math ah... at least 20 mothers...

KONG.......... SOLD!! MUACKS*** for the sum of $300 USD THANKS!!
oh ya hor... ashite & Kong are neighbours rite!

then gathering at Aishite & Kong plc lah! kill 2 birds with 1 stone. hahaa

aishite - huh... wait.. let me see which weekend i am free!!! aiyoh.. i wan to faintz... hv to plan till 30th!!! then how abt weekday nite? i pop down to ur plc ard 7++ :p
hi Aishite

the one set of board books Dr Seuss - Its mine actually...i confirm with mich liao as i notice my name wasnt on the list.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="harrington"><font size="+2">K Ong,</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="kristen ITC">its me lah, not MTDT. Pay me when u collect fr me. No prob</font></font>

U FINALLY read our thread hor... aishite, it's mali's... forgot all bout her!! she also attending the gathering.

kpo me STILL do keep in touch or try to keep in touch with june mommies from maternity leave msn...

we have been friends for almost 1 year now... <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">MUST MEET UP OK!!!</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">yay</font></font> SPICE!!! FINALLY MANAGED TO CHANGE!! thanks teacher... <font color="ff0000">muacks</font>
