(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

serene : great! m gg!!! thks

Oki : thks for ya info too
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1"><font face="harrington">Serence</font></font></font>

<font color="ff6000"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">You still don't do, will become 2 years liao</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+0"><font face="georgia">MTDT, aiyo see Z's scar, sayang sayang. He's such a cheerful boy!</font></font></font>
lamb, u stay nearby, for u to go to expo, no problem. I just called my hub, he calculate, my mrt fair there, his car petrol to & fro, the parking fee, the effort to get there and squeeze with so many ppl, he says not worth it! :p so am not going liao!
u r rite, if i still don't do the blog, soon will be 2 yrs old liao haa! actually i did it 1/2 way but still alot to catch up. lazy mummy here!
The quality looks okay but the mattress size is irregular, not those 3' or 3 1/2', so u need to buy the mattress fr them and oso the bedsheets rt? can't get fr outside.
stephanie: Friso 3 only $1?!?!?! how big the tin? I just stock up quite a lot from the NTUC offer 2 weeks ago 8(

Pampers good? Am using Huggies Dry (Blue), only 24c a pc...hehe...

Thanks for replying on my behalf to lamb... Haha quite near to office mah & am driving anyway.


FYI is limited to 1st 50 hor & 1 person can only lug 1 pack.

Erhmm, got mamil promo, friso, studioloft, bb clothings etc. Guess is slightly better than last year. Anyway, the next hall is john little expo sales mah ;p
<font color="aa00aa">oki,

huh??? then forget it liao lo.. 1st 50!
haha like what serene says petrol + parking more than that haha... think get from NTUC better 2 packs for $46.90.
<font color="0077aa"><font face="harrington"><font size="+2">serene,</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="kristen ITC">cannot be lazy, if not, alot of backtracking to do. Mine is ready liao, tot u started same time wif me, u slack liao is zit? But i oni start fr yr 2007...if got time then slowly update yr 2006</font></font>
serene : ya .. veri near!! keke.. wrk oso quite near too.. Pasir Ris so it was like in between dun mind dropping by lata...

sunflower : m gg... if u wana buy ani ting let me noe ya
sunflower : d papmer oni todae ma? or everydae at 7pm.. keke
if so i wil go everydae to grab .. lolz

Serene : i dun mind helping u to grab d papmer!!
No leh, my 1st boi din stick with me leh when i m pregnant.. he juz likes to touch my tummy that's all..

yeah.. my 1st boy is really active.. for me the only way to make him stay still is to read books, so i have to buy lots of books to keep him stay interested..

I think the pamper sales is only limited to first 50 customers n can buy only 1 per person.. so good luck in grabing it.. hee hee..
hi aishite,
how do i collect easel roll fr u? PMing u now, or u can email mel_tan_st at yahoo dot com

sorry ladies, haven't been paying attention to this thread, am drowning in photos. Managed to compile fr Aug 2004-June 2005 into photobook, tying up loose ends then will order liao. No energy to do the rest, anyway more than 40pgs liao.

stellagwee, glad ur boy likes it
, was worried he wldn't.
Motherhood fair: my colleague also went liao. She tell me nothing fantastic, its very crowded.

Peng, good leh, at least he can stay still when you read...early education for him.

you ordered board books from Mich too

can collect for me, also need to pay Aishite shipping charges. Then I pay you

did you check if my transaction went through
darn my msg disappeared!

thanks Mich for easel roll, my girl will luvya!

SANDPLAY- me keen!
Mich meetup- me keen! Can bring my girl? She loves to eat (under 3 yr eat for free at buffet some more, if we are buffeting, if not, she will still love to eat!), and she behaves very well. :p She will love me more if i bring her lah.
Aishite: Where do u stay/work? Need to arrange to collect my board books & bubble books from u + pay u $4 for the shipping.

Mich: Thanks for helping to buy & ship the books!
