(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Hello... Let me have some play here
I need to have some interesting rest from my work

Today is so hot
Keep sweating
Dunno will rain or not
Feel like going for a swim



I'm leaving for genting tomorrow afternoon. Still have to work 1/2 day tmr lol!

Btw lyn, now that our babies are 1 yr old, we can start giving him egg yolk right? how about egg white? Also, I intend to give him brown rice but don't know what brand/type to buy. Few days ago, i bought a light brown colour type short grain (1kg) from NTUC, is from Australia. My MIL says that's not brown rice but written brown rice leh? Yes i understand what she mean, cos there's another type of brown rice which is red in colour and long shape and after u cook, the water is red? The light brown 1 that i bought, after u cook, the rice still has those like shell which maybe diff for baby to digest...
Hmm, I'd like to bring my boy to zoo and jurong bird park (though i hate birds) haa! Had bad experience in SF b4!
Go to the website Shetland shared to save whatever you like in your hard disk. Alternatively, see whichever icon you like from forum, right click and save to hard disk. Then to post, you select download attachment and attach the file you like.. <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2"><font face="Mistral">BINGO!</font></font></font>
sunflower, lyn,
Both yr babies attended SM, so far, u think is beneficial? How much is the fee per term? how long is 1 lesson? Is it true that mummies has to do alot of homework as well?
<font color="0000ff"><font face="curlz MT"><font size="+2">Good Morning!</font></font></font>
Opss...out of date liao
...today got new craze..keke..June mommies very on hor. New toy everyday..


Yah...not many places has BABY YOPLAIT (meant for babies from 6 months) I managed to get from marine parade ntuc. YOPLAIT petit maim is for children in general i guess, cos no age stated. I've been giving my ger that since nine months old. She loves it! Sweeter than BABY YOPLAIT.
Lyn: SO NICE!! you very <font color="ff0000">eng</font> ah...

Brendan's pressies arrived from my friends... i wanna FAINTZ!!! we now have 3 rockers/ride ons!! HOW?? move new apt. again?? SIGH...our tiny tiny apt............
Enjoy your trip to Genting

I will not be introducing any eggs for now yet
Different brands of brown rice cook differently. Some will cook faster and softer, some need more time to cook. The red ones has more nutrients apparently, but more difficult to digest
The light brown ones I got got no shell... hmm.. which brand have you got? I just bought another brand to try from NTUC. Last time, I used the boxed organic ones from Thailand. Last nite, I bought Lundberg from America, I think...

Gotta save individually into the hard disk.

Botanic garden also very good choice

I will sure support you if time permits.
LADIES: those who bght bb legs ah... better go check ur order...the sam is very BLUR!! haha...

my order correct, i see i_panda + oki one wrong!!
Hmm, I forgotten the brand that I bought, maybe I will check tonite. I soak for 2 hrs and cook for 3 hrs, the rice is soft but has the shell. When u eat, feels abit like green bean soup. U mean the Lundberg brand u bought has no shell huh? Can get from NTUC?
Now cannot expect output from babies
Will see output when they start talking. I see the benefits in my friend's child who is 3 years old now. 1 lesson is 1hr15mins. Fee is $780 (I think). Think I included the breakdown of cost for first time signing up in my blog in Jan06. The more output you want from baby, the more homework gotta do

You done the homework last week? I havent do leh... Everytime got homework, my hubby attended, and I very blur what to do...

kekeke... tired of doing my work wor... :p
Move to a house... then Bren got lots of space for more ride-ons and move around...
The nurse of Polyclinic told me to introduce egg yolk and slowly the white after 1 yr old to get ready for the MMR jab. I don't know why is it related? She says must give egg, if not, cannot proceed for the jab....???
lyn ah... in tw, house means in the ulu ulu part woh!! move to hse my cats run away how? or bring 'frens' (the rodent) in how?? I FAINTz..........
I dunno about the Lundberg brand yet. Havent cook. Just bought yesterday. But the one I bought from NTUC, from Thailand in a box one, dun have shell. My friend gave me some from organic shop, the brand got elephant, and it cooks very fast.
The NTUC house brand one caused constipation, so I stopped giving that brand. So far the Thailand one does not cause constipation
cos the MMR jab contents egg white protein and if our child is allergic to egg, cannot give the normal jab, got to opt for the more expensive egg-free one. But hor, polyclinic doesnt offer that, so got to go to other PD or KKH.

the polyclinic told me if confirm allergic, then got to inform them and make appt with KKH early.
I'm thinking to send Bray for some enrichment course but i'm clueless! Told hub about SM. First, of cos, he's SHOCKED with the price of fees and he don't think there's a need now, he's too small....
The nurse also told me leh... But she never tell me if not, cannot proceed with the jab. hmm.. maybe I will ask my friends... kekeke... if cannot proceed with jab, then I hope no need jab... hahaha... very heartache to see him cry one leh...

Ya hor... house means ulu ulu part... next time I go TW cannot visit you ah... kekeke...

I use Lundberg brand, got shells.
Till they run out of stock so got another brand.


New things this morning


Haha as usual started by our dear ipanda

<font color="ff0000">June mummies are very ON and very CREATIVE</font>
Oic! No wonder, she reminded me, must introduce egg white b4 coming for the jab, if not, cannot proceed with the jab....now i understand. thanks so much for yr info.

U been giving Aloy only brown rice? No normal rice? I worried about problem with constipation, that's why till now hasn't introduce brown rice to him. Also becos he doesn't poo every day, sometimes alternate days.

think the jab contains egg white (or is it egg yolk) component... that's why scared got allergy
If got allergy... maybe can delay the jab a bit.. not necessarily must take by 18month.... as long as u take it before primary school admission. May kenna fever with this jab...

re: baby carrier

anyone tried the combi urban baby carrier? its a hip carrier. I wanna get one leh... cos Joelle keep slipping when I carry her... too heavy and slippery liao. The hip carrier can let her look in front... patapum and ergo would only allow her to look backwards.... I dun think I would be good enough to try the backpack carry lah....
Wah... need to go KKH for that special MMR jab ah... Do you know the cost? And whether pain or not?

Me and my hubby is in the school of thought of "education" from birth, not starting from 6 years old
Depends on your school of thoughts
SM/GD is from birth till 6 years old, the younger the better. I am thinking of starting my career after my kids reach 6 years old... kekeke... after that, let them "zi you fa hui" lor...
<font color="ff0000">SandPlay Registration</font>
Date: 7 July 2007 or 14 July 2007
Time: 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Changi Beach Club (Exclusive, cleaner beach and pool and toilets!)
Fees: No dollar value. Seeking for volunteers for pot-lucking

1. Pauline
2. Celeste
3. Karen (to be confirmed)
4. Lyn
5. Wen
6. .
7. .
8. .
9. .

1. Fried Bee Hoon CELESTE
2. Snacks for Adults WEN
3. Snacks for Babies PAULINE
4. Peanut Pancakes LYN
5. Drinks
6. Strawmats

<font color="ff6000">Subsequent Outings</font>
1. Zoo (4 August 2007)
2. Botanic Gardens (25 August 2007
3. Sentosa (2 September 2007)
actually can give egg yolk after 9mths and try egg white after 1yr old....my nanny super 'good' lor, gave my gal egg white when she was only 5mths plus...in the end, she broke out in hives and rashes and was brought to PD immediately..now i am quite hesitant in letting her try egg white.
Sunflower, we brought Kelly to Jurong Bird Park ... quite small and the variety of the birds not much also ... Kelly had fun ... she went 'Ah Bird' whenever she sees those small birds. Was trying to convince her that Flamingos and Hawks are birds too. No matter what we said, she refused to call those big birds 'Ah Bird!'

MMR is compulsory in singapore for admission to primary school. so cant avoid wan..


enrichment classes comes in many forms... not just SM as u already know. At this age, you can also consider playgroup... music class etc.
Playgroup offers social exposure which I feel is important to confidence building.
Lundberg got shells ah? Alamak... just bought that last nite
Did you get the long grain or short grain?

I will give brown rice with millet and quinoa. Ratio is 2:1:1. But I dunno what's the ratio when my mum prepares. Nowadays, my mum will prepare. I started with only millet. And will add other vegetables to his porridge mixture.
A will poo 2-3 times a day, sometimes once big big one. The more he eats, the more he poos! He used to poo once every few days. My friends told me there will be a stage like this for their gut to adjust. That stage is over for A
His record was once in 8 days.
Cannot! Must take no matter what. Ya see them cry is heartaching but we want the best for them so must give no choice.

Ya, I oso heard that the MMR booster v 'powerful', most babies will end up with fever but still depend on individual babies.

Xander can digest well with the shell?

egg white highly allergic. so can only give after 1 years old.


So cute!
My boy likes birds! will look at crows too! So I'm thinking of bringing him to bird parks
Birds everywhere.
Organise 1 to bird park too

How about monthly playgroup session? Can alternative venues, like house, or gyms - Toto mentioned can pay to go Gymboree for free play.
SandPlay Registration
Date: 7 July 2007 or 14 July 2007
Time: 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Changi Beach Club (Exclusive, cleaner beach and pool and toilets!)
Fees: No dollar value. Seeking for volunteers for pot-lucking

1. Pauline
2. Celeste
3. Karen (to be confirmed)
4. Lyn
5. Wen
6. Michele i try my VERY BEST! if 14th
7. .
8. .
9. .

1. Fried Bee Hoon ?CELESTE
2. Snacks for Adults ?WEN
3. Snacks for Babies ?PAULINE
4. Peanut Pancakes ?LYN
5. Drinks
6. Strawmats
7. TW fruits if i attend

Subsequent Outings
1. Zoo (4 August 2007)
2. Botanic Gardens (25 August 2007
3. Sentosa (2 September 2007)
when I login today..haha.

what is hip carrier? Like the one pawprint uses? I am looking for a backpack carrier leh. So that her Daddy can carry her if we go hiking or long walk.. Any recommendation?

brown rice,
We have been having brown rice since half a year ago. And have been trying different brands...until we got all mixed up with which is good, and which is not. 2 weeks back, we got one type that is really hard. Still hard after soaking in hot water for 5 hours before cooking. Both my parents have stomach discomfort after taking. Now we are back to white rice for a while. My mom have phobia now...haha.
Serene, Lyn, Stefanie,
Actually, would it be a good idea to cook a hard boiled egg and have it mashed up? Feed to the babies as breakfast? Ive been introducing egg yolk to Kelly as breakfast once every two weeks. She is okay with egg yolks. Actually, Sarah was saying that Sabie had started on adult food after she turns one. We can feed them anything and everything, already right? The infant care centre that Kelly is in; fed them with Honey Star and Cornflakes as breakfast. But I am determined not to introduce salt and sweet drinks till she is 24 years old.

Yes, was initially thinking of signing Kelly with SM. But hubby commented that it might be better if we could send her to such enrichment classes after she turns two. So, have lined up SM and Speech and Drama for her. We make sure that there are plenty of fun elements for her in those classes that we will be enrolling her in. She is currently enrolled with My Gym. She will be going to Carpe Diem when she turns 18 months old and she will be signed up with Kindermusik.
Lyn, Serene

I got the short grain. ya, have, after cooking I tasted it, got shells le. At first cooked as whole grain, he only takes a few mouth then don't want liao. Since I used that brand, I grind it. Then my boy ok.


When first start on BR, maybe your boy not used to the texture. Try mix 1:1 ration with white rice. Give him more water to drink and more fruits, it helps.
Not sure abt price of egg-free mmr.

Ya lor, did warn my nanny long long time ago..but she conveniently ignored and let my gal tried..still dare to tell me after the whole incident that she thought as in the case of adults, egg white is better for babies cos less cholestrol than egg yolk..wah pian!
My boy oso break out with rash when we accidentally add our soup (with dried seafood) into his porridge when he's 6mths! :p Now i'm oso abit worried to start him with egg white cos it appears under the allergic list!

wow! A's system so good ah, 2-3poos a day? u still bf him huh? occasionally my boy will poo twice a day, maybe 1st time not complete, so continue with part 2 haa! oops! luckily not lunch time, if not, everyone vomit!

True, letting him mix around does build his confidence and help him to be independant too. Recently, i found out 1 thing about bray which is quite amazing! I was carrying him on my bed when he struggles to get down of bed, so i slowly release him near the edge, he know to turn his back and slowly slip down. I was amazed, i think that's quite smart cos rem i went to tumbletots, the lady there says is impt to train the kid to crawl, get down from height in a safe way. Then so far, i didn't send him for any gym class, but it seems that he natural knows he must get down this way which is safer.
Im anti-Gymboree. Haha can, will add on to Bird Park to the list.

SandPlay Registration
Date: 7 July 2007 or 14 July 2007
Time: 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Changi Beach Club (Exclusive, cleaner beach and pool and toilets!)
Fees: No dollar value. Seeking for volunteers for pot-lucking

1. Pauline
2. Celeste
3. Karen (to be confirmed)
4. Lyn
5. Wen
6. Michele i try my VERY BEST! if 14th
7. .
8. .
9. .

1. Fried Bee Hoon ?CELESTE
2. Snacks for Adults ?WEN
3. Snacks for Babies ?PAULINE
4. Peanut Pancakes ?LYN
5. Drinks
6. Strawmats
7. TW fruits if i attend

Subsequent Outings: Save the dates
1. Zoo on 4 August 2007
2. Playgroup on 18 August 2007 (Paulines House)
3. Botanic Gardens on 8 September 2007
4. Playgroup on 29 September 2007 (VOLUNTEER?)
5. Sentosa on 13 September 2007
6. Playgroup on 27 September 2007(VOLUNTEER?)
7. Birdpark on 9 November 2007
8. Playgroup on 24 November 2007 (VOLUNTEER?)
9. Playgroup on 8 December 2007 (VOLUNTEER?)
10. <font color="ff0000">THE ROYALS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS 2007 ON 23 DEC 2007</font>
Kelly is so smart and cute. In her eyes, prob flamingo more like big turkey!

Thanks for sharing with me on the classes. Perhaps, i need to do some searching and home work with those courses and decide myself. Meanwhile, I prob sign him up for Gymboree first, so won't be joining Mygym with you, sorry.
So fast! Talk about 23 Dec 07 for xmas celebration already???

Ratio of 1:1, hmm, saw some brown rice out there having mix type, brown mix with white right? Are those better?
Kelly is so cute...
I can bring a small foldable tent. But I only have one strawmat which is enough for 2 adults to sit on only. That time I thought it was big, then realised it's so small on our first outing with the mat. hahaha...

Oh... compulsory ah...


smart Bray!



5. Sentosa on 13 September 2007
6. Playgroup on 27 September 2007(VOLUNTEER?)

this to be in October??
