(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

My girl down with bronchitis. Vomit 4 times 2day. Have to force-feed quite a number of medicine. :-( At in-laws so a bit stressed. I feel like I maybe getting sick too. *Sigh*

This thread is getting REALLY DANGEROUS.

I love the colourful puzzles too..How? Have to buy some more. *Faint*. Thinking of getting 1, 3 & 8. Can let me know how is the quality like when you check on them? THanks.

Think I need to join your misson liao...to gain more capital for shopping.

Well mommies, I will not have internet access till end of the week starting 2mr. See you next week. Take care!


Hope Gabby recovers soon.
you take care of yourself, drink more water.


Thanks for organising mytoys purchase! I got mine liao. very nice le.... very tempted to get more. My boy loves the zoo magnetic puzzle, take out all the pieces!

haha.. you need contribution of poo?? kekeke

ya can count on june mummies to make up the quota. hahaha got the hint jun mummies????
pls go place your orders!!

Now more advanced!!! Learning to ship your own shopping spree.... I really give up...

Dun know what will happen to us if Motherhood.com decide to close down...

Hello Mummies!

I m back from my tioman trip. It was enjoyable n relax.
Chloe enjoyed herself too. Here's a pic of my ger in her bblegs taken there.


Thanks for helping to collect the bblegs for me on last fri.

so in e end, did u manage to get ur bb legs n wen's one? sorry for e delay, wanted to transfer $ to u now but DBS IB service not available after 12am. hmm. tmr nite then transfer to u cos office ban IB. Wil let u know after transfer. Thanks.

Deflat Balloons:
My hb n fil used straws to deflat n i managed to deflat 2 to 3 balloons n brought it bk home. Hehe think can be reused.

Pooh Bear storage chest:
i also want!!! So nice.

Climbing down fr bed:
my ger nowadays always like to climb down fr e bed. at home n at tioman, she kept on want to climb down n play on e flr.

i m giving my ger oats, abc organic pasta n porridge (brown rice/millet).

welcome back! the bblegs looks so nice on Chloe.
Not yet, opting for postage so still waiting .... for the snail to arrive hahaha...

btw the ABC organic pasta you using, is it Eden brand??
Morning ladies!

Wen: Hope Gabby gets well soon. Take care of yourself too.

Sunflower: U got the toys fr mytoys liao?? That's fast, they have not contacted me yet :p U should get your bblegs soon. The courier person prob post them out separately within the same batch.

Re: Buying
Cannot buy too much lah, else storage got problem, pocket also got problem...hehe...
welcome back. So does Chloe likes her bblegs? Looks cool. I also let J put on his bblegs yest nite while he sleep cos the 1piece pyj too short, put on bbleg to keep his legs warm.

so good hor, can go tioman relax...envy leh
Sunflower, poohy, i_panda, wen: the puzzles prices quite reasonable hor? I am also eyeing a few designs. Haha..I also need to rob the bank, dun forget to jio me.. lol

Kite, welcome back, thanks for sharing on food, Jerica does not like ABC macaroni. Chloe looks great in the babylegs, I have this design in purple colour!
^5..me also eyeing a few designs. But wanted to see how the response goes first, can still wait till next week (BP closed on 30june) then order. Was wondering if i order quite a few, how much will the postage cost..hmm
Good morning all mummies.

Hi Kite,
Wow tioman! did u go to the coral reef? u stayed in berjaya resort? i went there many yrs ago!
I rem the other time u were asking where to buy cheap table & chairs for children? I saw them at toys r us last sunday. Not sure if u still need them...
Morning mummies !!

Kite, Chloe looks great in her bbleg. I havent collect mine leh. Sam said she has sent out will keep alook out in my mailbox tonite. Tioman went there many years ago... stayed in berjaya, good for relaxation

Thanks. Can u forward me the file to [email protected].
hi ipanda,
Came in to the the thread yesterday, seems that all about shopping/buying....i've nothing to contribute lol... realised now, lesser sharing and exchange of our babies' development... all about shopping! :p
Last time, when those friends of mine who are mummies told me that their kids passed the sickness to them, i don't believe it, always thought, how can it be, adults' body resistance should be better than kids, it should be the other way round, adults passed to kids.... Then now i'm a mum, i realised it's true... Bray has been sick with cough and flu for more than a week, now that he's almost recovered, he passed it to me and i'm having flu now!
I guess since after giving birth, my body resistance ability dropped alot! This is the 4th time i'm sick in this year.... Last time, i only fall sick 1-2x a year!
serene - ooh.. i also sick now... sore throat with cough... also from Jr. even my hubby also kenna.... hahaha... dun see kids virus no up sia. :p

kite - wow... nice holidays huh.
kite: How do you settle bb's meals when u go tioman? It's nice to take a break. I also want holidays!

serene: I think our resistance drop becos we use more energy (both physical & mental) looking after them. Lack of rest/sleep also bring our body resistance down.
Ya, me2, had a bit of sore throat last sunday, then i quickly drink alot herbal tea and water! Luckily, it goes off. Now having blocked nose! I dun understand why the medicine from PD takes more than a week for the sickness to subsize!

Ya, lack of sleep also causes low body resistance!

its the flu season! My entire family down with flu for 2 weeks... all of us sick... me now still coughing with phlegm plus blocked nose. J has recovered as she was sick for more than a week and I finally succumbed and give her antibiotic. Samuel just recovered too but he is coughing with phlegm now. My hb also just recovered after more than a week... do take care!


ya rite... now less sleep so more easily sick. My boss was asking me whether I exercise or not why so easily sick... hehee I would be glad if I can rest a little liao... where got strength to go exercise. Anyway I had been having pretty low blood pressure for the past 2 months... dunno why... the few time I was at clinic or went for my company health screen.... they always tell me my blood pressure v low... no wonder I always feel giddy...old liao
Yup I bought those chairs, really cheap at $5 each, strong enough to hold adult weight. Didn't buy Toys Rus table cos that's overpriced for plastic... I used my own coffeetable instead.

Now have 12 kids' chairs at home, LOL. Can hold class liao.

Thanks. Ohh she enjoyed herself & even clapped after we sang the bd song. Hehehe !! Now she is able to bring herself to stand up w/o assistance
Cannot buy 3T or 4T now lei fashion trends also exist in children clothing. Worried that it might be out of trend then! Ha, so 18 to 24 months is the safest bet for now. Haha.

Hope Gabby will be well soon. Must take care of yourself too, okay?

Haha, lucky escape for you from the thread. U wanna be kept updated on the sprees via smses? Haha.

Im checking with Tokomama if they could give us discount for a minimum purchase of 10 Winnie the Pooh Toy Storage Rack. Will keep you posted.

Spicegal, I_Panda,
Keep me dated if you are purchasing more babylegs, okay? I lose track of Sams thread dunno what he means at time. So, will probably order what you all order.
Hi Mummies

i have good news to share..Zhi Yi can walk liao!!!!..she start to take her 1st step on monday..and everytime keep failing down when she move one step..but last night..hubby and i were so impressed...she can stand without any support and walk here walk there by own...
Oh dear! yr whole family are sick ah? Do take care. Ya, i'm also very pissed why the medicine is so useless. My boy has been taking the medicine for more than a week!

do u grab the chairs already huh?

how come yr nick changed again huh...so many nicks ah?

So, like bray, he oso clapped his hands after we sang the birthday song. Smart Chloe! I was about to share this with u gals. My boy can stand up fr the floor on his own without holding on to something....He pushed himself up with both hands fr the floor, lift up the butt and up he goes... chloe oso same? very cute hor... When he stand up, we ask him to walk to us, he can do it, a few steps, not steady though... Last nite, as usual, he loves to walk round the coffee table, and at a turn he falls and knocked himself again and cried loudly! I guess at this stage, falls cannot be prevented! And he doesn't want us to stop him, he just love to stand at the coffee table, busy walking round and round or grab anything he can fr the coffee table! He also know to get down the bed and sofa with his butt down first...very cute.

Wow! Congrats to Zhi Yi for her 1st walk. Guess she's the 1st baby here taking her 1st step huh?
Be careful, i guess now that she just started her 1st step, may not be very steady..must watch her and also keep away all things which she can reach...now we became busier!
Hope Gabby will recover soon. You also gotta take good care of yourself

How's the trip? How did you settle Chloe's meals? I am going to KL in two weeks' time. Now looking for car-seat since it's a road trip :p

Take good care. When you going to Genting?
shell : congrats...zhi yi for your first step.

re. my toys
i have received my toys leow....thats Super fast.

re. bblegs
any mummies bought stripe multi 08, the length of this design is shorter and smaller than bluebei and funky blue that i bought.
shell, congrats!

serene, sunflower's boy can walk as well! many steps actually!

lyn, car seat - you were asking about Maxi Cosi? Can get from hypermart!

wah... so many mummies going on holidays (again)... i have yet to go on any hol with J...
quite a few babies here can walk already. duffy's boy and muffinmocha's boy also walking very well already.

my boy still not walking though
mspiggy, how's your gynae visit? all ok?

no worries re not walking. J only started taking few steps yesterday. and he is older than the rest of the bbs here...
I read about that before. I think it's the texture and taste of frozen and fresh food that gotta be considered too
And also, the transport of the frozen food is important. They cannot be de-frosted and freeze again. If need frozen food, gotta get them from reputable sources, and look at the condition before buying. Sometimes, the vegetables also lose lots of nutrients due to wrong handling of storekeepers or anyone in the line to the retail freezer.
I tried freezing on my own too. Buy fresh and freeze. But not all vegetables I use freezing cos I dun like the texture of some frozen vegetables

I am also wondering how to cook frozen vegetables properly, whether we need special care in the cooking process to retain the nutrients. Cos mostly lose the texture and taste. If the texture and taste are lost, wun the nutrients be lost too? hee... I haven't got time to research on that :p
ya, sunflower's boy can walk very well...

A cannot walk unassisted yet too. hahaha... gotta read Glen Doman book again on mindset. Cannot force and expect too much.
How's your gynae visit?

Do you think Britax is good? I am going to Robinsons shopping later. They are having 20% at the nursery section. How much did you pay for your maxi-cosi? J's car seat is which model? Priori?
