(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

yes, for me bb sabie also reminds me on alot of things. similarly, i also back to my extra patient to my boy..

last nite, he kept waking up from 9pm-12midnite. I was like happily attending to his needs. :p

SABIE - U MUST BE STRONG!!! FIGHT!! God will guide u thru the dark tunnel.

oki - is she teething? monitor her temp n give her more water.
oh no, hope i didnt distress u with my sms. i am also one of those affected and didnt know that i would be.

that's the way to go, i also extra attentive to jz these days. 2 days ago i really really play, get down on the floor crawl with her eye to eye, we role play with bears etc and he could understand. later on he play by himself while i watch, u know those jigsaw play mate, he pull out 2 small piece red and blue, hold in 2 hands and crawl all over with that. once the red piece fell onto red colour part of the mat, he couldnt see it so thought its lost! he went around crawling here and there and went oh? oh? looking for it, it was so cute and funny. sayang i didnt have a video handy in time to take down.

little sabie taught us and touch us so much she must go on!!!

That romper is cute... and presicely thats what i told my hubby... if your gal is quiet... better go see whar she doing....

Yup lucky its cold green tea... dun know she licked how much of it man!! headache.. so sweet....
Fi - my boy also likes to hold his jigsaw by the little thingy n crawl ard the whole hse... so every time can hear his "clark clark clark" sound. :p

but looking for the lost pc... tat's must be sooo cute!

Celeste - a pity tat the romper only comes in pink. if not, i sure get for my son. his case is similar to ur gal! All quiet means dunno up to wat new stunts! haha
Yup she is teething... saw 1 white pearly on her bottom gum
Has been giving her plenty of water, her fever up & down. I took 2 days of urgent leave, now hubby is tending her with MIL.
oh gosh.. when i read abt oct 05 posting, i really feel so sad.. tears juz can't stop..

celeste, fi and other mommies, lets learn from this to be more patient n loving wiht our bbs as well as be grateful to God for the beautiful and healthy bbs that He has given us... we got to treasure the precious that God has given us..
no problem. Anything we can keep in touch w sms

Allerhand Diaper Bag:
1 of the straps of my allerhand bag seems like going to snap off. Anyone has any idea where i can send for re-sew?
chloe's bottom teeth just sprout out too. B4 tat, she got fever 2 weeks ago for 2 days. I guess due to teething bah. Take care.

me too. tears keep rolling down my cheeks....at office....hv to siam away fr my colleagues
u know... i'm dumbfounded.. lost for words. heavy heart.

Brendan had his heart surgery when he was 4 mths old. his was a really serious heart condition and his was a major surgery. he had fallots tetralogy, one of the congenital heart conditions. his surgery was 5 hrs... my hub and i were pacing up and down the waiting room... there was a dalai lama there, his nephew has malaria. what mae it worse was, he asked me wat i was doing there... then he said, whatever will be will be. karma... leave it in the hands of GOD. this was not wat i wanted to hear when my son was in surgery. we try to avoid him.

after 5 excruciating hrs, the longest 5 hrs in my life. (prior to surgery, 1 parent could go in to the op theatre and hold ur baby till he is put on anesthetic and sleeps. PANIFUL, very painful to hold Brendan till he slept while he struggled with the mask) after the surgery we were so happy!! asked the doctors if there were any complications during surgery, they replied, nothing major, just tiny hicups.

We thank the doctors and BUT the Anesthetist replied dont thank me yet, it's not over. we don't know yet. there may be complications. (we were told how pessimistic and how cynical she can be so we took her words lightly) little do we as parents know... we thot after surgery all ok!

we took the opportunity to go for massage, shopping as a couple, never had time being a couple since his birth. we thought Brendan was in really good hands, nurse 24/7 by his side and doctors coming in and out all the time.

so when i read bout Sabie, my heart sank. i stopped for a moment and thought... our Anesthetist was not joking at all. that could have been Brendan....*sob* *sob*

i really feel for this little girl. we have the same surgeon, so please GOD, bestow a miracle on Sabie like how you have bestowed one on Brendan please.

Thank you amy (toto), angel (hidora) and karen (missk) for all your support during my son's surgery and other mommies that i've not pointed out. THANK YOU!
Mic, thanks for sharing your sentiments here. no need to thank me, i din do much... yes, prayers are indeed powerful - let's give all the support (spiritually and mentally) we can to sabie and her family!
hi mummies,so sorry to divert a little...been droping tears each time i see the oct thread...

My Gym trial

Marine Parade

Min 8 babies
Price : $20(UP $30)
Timing : Sat (5.30pm)
Sun (3pm), (9am)

1) Jasmine
2) Wen
3) K_ong
4) Sweetdream
5) aishite
6) cookiemz
7) pawprint (prefer Sun, but which Sun is it cos already some things lined up)

Great World

Min 10 babies
Price : $29.50(UP $35)
Timing : Sat (12.30pm)

1) kissbb
2) kissbb
3) okipoki
4) Stella
5) i_panda
6) dor
7) Serene
8) mspiggy
9) poohy


u wana join MP or GW? coz now all short of 1...aft u put already then i will put my name on the other slot...any1 here got lyn's hp no.? can PM me?

the rest of the mummies,can indicate the days & time that u cant make it or 'no preference' next to your name? hope can finalise fast...hopefully not much crashes on the timing...
So "qiao" both Chloe has their tooth sprout out. Her fever came on Sunday.. today slightly better liao
Well, only 1 tooth....
u mention u compile something to lobby for mass prayer for Sabie, is that the mail u sent? or u have some thing else?

Min. 8 & 10 bb.. no maximum ar??? feel like bring chelsia there leh... but must ask hubby first...

Tonite if not raining, we meet downstair for a stroll at abount 715pm leh..

But chelsia still cant crawl.. can go or not??
you really a brave mummy... think brendan is your KING now man... you should be in a best position to know how sabie's mum n dad feel.... i am really down everytime i read the thread,, and really cant stop teasfrom rolling in my eyes...
ANyone know the GUANYIN Temple at bugis close at what time??

Feel like going down to pray from SABIE after work later.. or tomorrow early in the moring... cos i know the open at 5am... last time just before i go hospital for c-sect.. MIL insist that we go there report at 5am.. ha
ok thanks...

think i will go tomorrow early morning before work... cos 6pm too challenging a time for me... office in TUAS.. haha

Dear all,

I have just got back from hosp. No good updates or bad ones.

anesthesia on Sabie is off now and she has not woken up.

Sabie has excess blood in her heart, and now they are draining the excess. Her Lungs got fluid, surgeon hopes that the draining of fluid will dry the lungs and JUMP start the whole system again.

We only have 24 hours now before the surgeon calls it quit by pulling the blood of Sabie.

we hope saby will recover ASAP and get out of the ICU quick.
the buddhist are going vegetarian and christians are doing fasting prayers at oct 05 thread.

i'm not well versed in religion but is it like vegetarians will collect blessings, can someone explain?

i told hb and he ask me call my mil to cook vegetarian tonight woh...
wow, alot of postings! I never have time to catch up.

Chloe got fever ah? Brayden got fever on fri nite and finally subsized on monday but this morning he started coughing! I think i'm the 1 who passed to him. Sigh, i've been coughing every mth! This 2 weeks, been very tired, lack of sleep esp these few days, wake up so many times in the nite to attend to brayden....my existing panda eyes became worse now!

Btw, 2 days ago when i brought brayden to the doctor, i noticed his palms yellowish. I asked the doctor whether is it due to the medicine that he took. She says it's due to the food, asked me whether i feed him alot of yellowish food like pumpkin, carrot, papaya etc? I told her yes...she told me not to give too much but as long as his eyes doesn't turn yellowish is fine, if not will have to go for blood test! Now i temporary stop giving him pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato and papaya....! maybe even if i gave him next time, really must reduce the no. of times and quantity. Does this happen to yr baby?
I guess try to not feed yellow-orange food all at one go, space it out thru the week and add other vegs

My Gym trial

Marine Parade

Min 8 babies
Price : $20(UP $30)
Timing : Sat (5.30pm)
Sun (3pm), (9am)

1) Jasmine
2) Wen
3) K_ong
4) Sweetdream
5) aishite
6) cookiemz
7) pawprint (Sat 5:30pm)

Great World

Min 10 babies
Price : $29.50(UP $35)
Timing : Sat (12.30pm)

1) kissbb
2) kissbb
3) okipoki
4) Stella
5) i_panda
6) dor
7) Serene
8) mspiggy
9) poohy
Could sms me any update on baby Samantha, if any? I have to rush off for an appt at 4.30pm and after which, will drop by whatever temple or church that I can spot to pray for her.

hmm,me now at my mums place in bedok..tink meet u 2morow for the stroll...8/10 is the min no. to start a class..u still can join..i will call n ask the ppl...u wana ask those who went b4 on hows the thing like? then u access?tink paula,spicegal went b4..

tink guangyin temple close ard 6am oso..tink better go early in morning..coz easier to park car etc...not much ppl..


me didn really notice leh..my gers lunch always have either carrot or pumpkin...

sorry to hear what you have went thru. but all is well now.


really hope that sabie is able to pull through and wish all the babies would be well and healthy.
hi mich,
was shocked when i read yr posting.. wasn't aware that you & your precious had been thru the tough patch too... i wasn't tat active in forum then i think. :p but watever it is...really gald that yr bb is healthy & well now!

sigh.. nw just wondering how's the little precious saby doing now?
sms form patsy @ 11.00pm:
Its not good. We have to accept it, Brain Damaged already. feet all gangrene. Massive bleeding everywhere
Carole said somehow Sarah has accepted it...
I cried when i saw the abv...heart so heavy now.
Let's hope Saby does not suffer any pain...
Let's do something for Sarah and James. I'll prepare a card, state your condolences and thoughts in this thread. We would need to encourage this couple to stay strong. Ill transfer it to the card and find a way to send it to them.

Cut off date: 20 April at 5.00pm.

Your condolences:
Remember I was saying that one of my friends is good at working on personalized quilted cushion cover? Im thinking of getting her to do up one or two with Samanthas picture so that Sarah and James could keep it with them. Do you think this gift is acceptable at this point of time?

Paula, I don't know... I think gathering messages of condolences and support will be good, and perhaps since we don't know her personally, to give her time to draw support from her loved ones in her time of grief.

Cut off date: 20 April at 5.00pm.

Name: Melissa
Your condolences: Deepest condolences, may these words comfort you in your grief. Please take good care of yourselves.
