(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


this qn was addressed by a PD in Mind Your Body a few months ago: suggestion is till 1 yr old. For feeding accessories, no need to sterilize but make sure you rinse off the cleaning solution thoroughly.


my fren continue to sterilize cos she was used to it. Until she was told (not sure by who)that she's doing more harm than good. Overly protecting your bb means he/she is very vulnerable to germs since our body builds immunity by fighting against foreign bodies.
i agree with u.
haha..me sometimes lazy also never sterilise. me lazy mum

BJG...must reach earlier rite? 15mins is zit? i forgot liao
mspiggy / lok,

Thanks.. My MIL has stopped sterilising while I am still in the routine. Was wondering is it appropriate to stop now.

we are attending the BJG trial class this sunday
I am late everyday too cos need to bring my ger to MIL's place. But today more later than late.. hahahah !!

yup at least 15mins early..
i see... i still sterilize the bottles once a day.

oh BJG class, thought you gals meeting missk this sunday
Anyone give celery to baby already? wondering if there's any other way than steaming and pureeing, like give it as finger food? but dun think can give raw now? is the leaves of celery can be eaten, or just the stems?
lok, u are the person that i am looking for. U sent ur bb to an infant centre which does Kindermusik rite? Which programme is your child on? Do u need to buy the home materials? Usually, KM needs a caregiver there. Since u are working, who takes over the role?
missk: u wanan go kindermusik? KM materials a MUST to buy lah... when u in sg go tanglin and see n ask more!! if u just want the cds, i can burn for u. comes with 2 cds, 2 shakers, a kangaroo and 2 books.

they only recommend 1 for babies that young, village. but we go to family time cos i want Larry to spend time w Brendan.
serene, yah ..going back to sg, not just solely to buy Britax lah. I need to settle my visa otherwise I can't live in jkt.
Hehe, that time i showed bb chloe's pic to my boy lor on our thread here...so i told him next time intro the gal to him...

I see...you will be here for just the wkend, a few days or a week? Actually u r singaporean yah? U married to a indonesian or yr husband go there for business/stay?

yes yes, i'm the one whose boy is attending KM class. He doing zoom buggy now under Kinder Village. I have to buy the home material separately ($60.90) but i don't know how to use them. (One of these days I must go and join in the lessons) All the caregivers will be there to help. If insufficient hands, the bbs will take turns. Actually he only had his 1st lesson yesterday. He was napping for the 1st 2 and they didn't want to wake him up for class.
lok, oic...and the school fees u paid includes KM?

Serene, will be there for a week. Doing my visa. I am a Singaporean (and a very patriotic one). My hubby is Indon and he works here at the moment.

yes, it includes KM (but not the home practice materials). U wanna take a look at the materials? PM me if u want more details.
Lok: i only use the cds and shakers from teh home materials.

Sunflower: Kong's daughter is beautiful too!! maybe can pair up with ur son?

mspiggy: so u're BMW!! ah... now i rem. we used to chat alot when u were on ML... where all the mothers will chat. u're muffinmocha's neighbor right?
mspiggy: u wanna buy bumbo play trays isit? me trying to bring the price down, finding freight companies. freight ex!!

what is bumbo play tray? got pics?

keke you don't want to pair with your own boy first ah?
K Ong: post your darling's photo leh
wow...that'a fast. your boy got GF also.

this sun BJG got 2 bb girls & 4 boys hor. serene's boy attach to okipoki's girl. who's the other bb girl? keekeee

you are organising?
I'm keen. keep 1 slot for me 1st, I check with hubby. With tray this is good keep boy from crawling out. haha

no lah.. babies are chubbier, later grow up all become slim slim pretty pretty.
next time you headache all the prospective BFs queue up
mummies whose babies love to sing nursery ryhmes and action ie. music and movement ... I just bought a very nice DVD which features mummies/babies singing in a playgroup together with the hand action! I watch a bit of it just now on my computer... vvv nice! Its called Mommy and Me - Playgroup Favourites. selling at $19.90 at Laser Flair. I think Samuel and Joelle will really love this later when I show them .. so excited..

u all can go to www.mommyandme.com and go to product->cd, click on <see> to view the video sample clip.

can have a great bonding time with our babies while watching the DVD
No lah, don't say that! Fiona is not fat lah. She just have chubby and rosy cheeks. She is also very adorable! I shall see whose hand my boy gonna hold this sunday.
Ya lor! Fiona sure grown up to be like mummy so pretty.
Too bad u r moving away soon, if not, my boy sure can stand higher chance next time cos nearer mah. haa!

you want to 'jin shui lou tai xian de yue'

got baby idol contest! hooray let's all cheong down

oh dear! just remembered I forgot to email photos for the YP magazines
still can email?

Ya lor ya lor! 'Jin shui lou tai xian de yue', closest get it 1st! haha!

I think we must send in the application with the photo, those selected will be eligible for the contest held at the fair... Anyhow, just send in and try our luck lah...it's fun!

Think shouldn't be a problem, u can still send the pics to the mummy who in charge...

Serene/ Sunflower
so ON ah?
hmmmm.... aiyo.... my Fiona is v quiet and docile unlike Aaron!!! Think she will be too shy to join contest.
sometimes i really wonder who aaron takes on, his character not like my hub or me!
