(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

i_panda: thanks !! also, do u know what i can do with the "coupon" points on the packaging ?

Lyn: Oh, you weaning Aloy already ?
yah, heard must go cold turkey, then the baby will know that he no longer can suckle from the o_o

Sunflower: which day is the gathering ?? Am on leave next week !! maybe can meet you all too !! Hey mummies, next Sat, 3 Feb, there is an open house for iwantmilks.com - have bought nursing wear from them before, and this time, i wanna go get the silk shuntung sling !!

stella: i think it's pretty good. and not as ex as Pampers !!! it's also thinner than mamypoko, so it does not buldge out too much under clothing :p
k ong,

heehee not too sure which day. either sat/sun
depending on missk schedule.

missk: able to give us a date & time
sunflower, kong,
There's no medication to boost, but doc said some recovered within 6mths to a yr. Right now is to prevent and also to give him more vaccines if possible so he has less chances of getting infection. Will be bringing him next month for the flu vaccine.
He can't mix ard with other ppl, coz dunno abt their hygiene and if they are sick. so its best to avoid right now.
Every weekend when I see sale on papers, I'm so tempted, but I can't go.... sigh!

How's your little ones? Playful like mine? keke
msnanas : it's ok
i think it's impt to keep him away from the crowd, so your "sacrific"is very "wei da" !!!
but is it a condition that he's born with ? or he developed it subsequently after birth ?
dunno leh. Doc said if blood test was done on him when he's born, then they'll be able to tell.
I read that it could happen aafter viral infection too. Coz his first admission to hospital was due to viral infection and he had a blood transfusion. So I doubt he's born w it. =)

i am free everyday! haha...cos this is a holiday for me! Except monday morning..I need to go to the embassy. Go ahead and plan!
hallo mummies,
i am mia for a while cause on course for past 2 days then come back meeting and busy replying e mails..so no time to read all previous thread, just scroll down super fast as though i saw anything, but didnt see anything.

thanks for hosting sun's gathering.nice to meet all of you for the first time.but can be pai seh to talk at times cause first time unlike here, i just blabber away. next time we can bring laptops to post on thread to talk while we meet real life.

past 2 days course we get served morning tea, then lunch then afternoon tea for 2 days! that's it, i must cut down on my food from today onwards cause actually i dont feel as hungry as before anymore, maybe cause i'm producing less milk now.
K Ong,

that time got special promo as they bringing Jack & Lily for the 1st time, so I paid $27+ if not wrong. Boux about $28, I think.

now JAck & lily price up by 5% I think, about $30.
Girls have more designs and choices than boys, always the case!

K Ong
No, it's not ex already! The original price is $36 rite? Jack n Lily also around that price. Btw, Michele mentioned that she paid $27+ for Jack n lily during the bulk purchase also....
it was my hb's idea. he said there was a big blogger's gathering before and when all of them met, nobody talked but continued blogging to communicate with each other

there's a tiny soft lump at the back (near neck) part of head of jz. and near that area also have some buldging red dots with tiny yellow dot in middle.any mummy familiar with this? hb very concern, we going see doc tonight.but i thought could just be heaty or sensitive skin..
i'm looking for those round biscuit rusk but found most of them contain sugar and flavouring. any good brand to recommend, mummies?
Btw, any news from Annie? Is our trial still on this sunday?
So in our group, there will be 4 baby boys and 2 baby girls yah? Oki and Tinklebell having gals.
I just bought the Heinz biscuit rusk. Is bread stick, not round...i've tasted it myself, not really sweet... My only worry is my boy will swallow them all. Last nite, i let him try and after some time, the part where he suck and bite was melted and cut in, i worry it will break into 2 pcs and he might swallow it, so when i catch the opportunity of him dropping it, i snatch it and throw away! haa!
haha... yep, the babies are the stars!

my boy used to sleep from around 8pm+ to 8am! :-( well, let's see if he can go back to this schedule, or at least sleep arnd 9pm and not 11pm. :)

yeah, my boy 'smart', only calls when he in desperation and needs me. kekeke... other than dat, fat hope for me. :)
K ong,
i din know that there's this coupon points on the packaging...i also dun know what's it for..kekee

u wanna get sling also? just now i was thinking whether shld i get one also, then dun have to 'hand' carry bb...they get heavier as days goes by. But i am afraid that he may not stay long in the sling leh..
I've tried the stick ones by Bellamy, i find it wont break or have sharp edges when melt, just that i take away before it gets too small else chocking hazard, but usually he drops it by half size so i throw away. however my mil prefer those round types so she can dip in water than feed to JZ instead of letting him hold himself so i'm scouting for that kind. Agree with you, the Heinz biscuit stick dont think it contain sugar cause i read the labels too.
hehe.. i also feel awkward at the gathering

btw did ur hubby take several pics during gathering? can email me? thanks.
i also use heinz rusk. bought the round biscuit (forgot the name, must look at my cabinet) but didn't know it contains sugar, so i didn't give to feli.
Wow your boy really can sleep! How heavy is he? I think that only happens to my boy once or twice... Then there are days during the Dec mth, when raining in the morning, so cooling, he slept till 10plus am...
Fi: no la, wont be awkard ! we met up before (some of us when pregnant) had a lot to chat about !!! maybe it's cuz of the babies, easier to talk ...

Ipanda: i love slings !! i have 2 at home - cotton type, wanna get the silk one now !

Serene: ok ... so it's quite reasonably compared to jackand lily and Botux. Plus the distributor is including shipping for $1, quite ok right ? otherwise, very mah fun to collect
hello ladies ;)

dal, good that your boy can sleep so long! wesley always sleeps ard 9.30pm and wakes at ard 6.30 - 7am! wish he can sleeps longer.

btw does your babies nap long during the day?
wah that's considered v good already. mine slept at 12.30am yesterday, woke up at 6.30am! but then she slept again at 7-9.30am. naps only 10 mins and 45 minutes so far today.
K Ong,
Hmm, i think the price should be alright except this brand not as popular compared to jack n lily, bobux and shoo shoo. Then again, it's fr canada so quality seems as good as the rests. I've seen 1 bp on baby shoes which are v cheap, less than $20 but it's from china, workmanship doesn't looks so good!
K Ong, i'm getting 6-12M cos my boy's foot measured 10cm in length.

Btw, Bobux and shoo shoo is selling in robinson too. Bobum not only v expensive and design not nice!
Stella: possibly bank transfer ?

Mummies: if you are interested in purchasing, shall we consolidate and get her to send via reg mail ? For those working ard Raffles Place, i can meet you to pass the shoes.

Just wondering, when you apply lotion on bb, do you apply it on her face too? How about her hands...So far I avoid those areas because for hands, she will put in her mouth. As for face, she struggles so much I may put some in her eyes. If you do apply on face, do you use any special lotion for face only or do you apply the same that is applied on the body. What brand are you using?

I tried mustela sun block...again, not sure how to apply on her face. I tried the other day and nearly got some in her eyes. And she will rub her face with her hands and put the hands in her mouth. Do you use anything specific thing to remove chlorin after a swim? Bb cannot be in the water for > half hour right?

I still bf Gabby...she still doesn't want bottle. And I have to put FM in her cereal for her to have it. She refuses FM even in the cup. Sigh! Though she does eat her cereal when I am not home, she sometimes still kind of wait for me to come home to feed her. And I definitely has passed the 8 mths guideline...Any mommy with the same issue?
wat to use for mosquito bites?

got buy bumbo play trays?? or ve u sold ur bumbos? dun sell, after their bah bah gone, can still sit in it till bout 3 yrs old!!
Hi Mummies,
This is my 1st time here surfing this topic (June 2006 MTB).

I have a baby girl who is 7mths 18 days old, June baby. Her name is Gabrielle.

Would like to know more mummies here.
haha... yep, he can sleep long if he wants to. but usually between 8pm+ to 10pm he will fuss a few times so jz hv to go n pat pat him / carry him a little. He is now 8.07kg (turned 7mths 2 days ago). :) my boy still wakes up the same time on those cooler mornings but was able to nap a little longer during those cooler afternoons.

actually ur boy can sleep fm 930pm to 7am is also very gd liao! :)
morning ladies

I am doing some hand-painted tshirt designs now. Anyone of u all interested in getting this kind of hand-painted tops for ur babies? Very cute! U can have the design in other colors, like sky blue, red, bright pink etc!


I use Mustela body lotion for the body and Mustela face lotion for the face.
For face, I don't diligently put it all over the face, when near mouth & eyes around, I'll skip that area. same for sunblock
main areas I apply is cheeks & forehead. Sometimes if possible will apply on nose too

For hands, if afraid either skip that area or just apply a veryvery thin layer.

For swimming, Lyn is using a special showerhead that has Vit C to remove the chlorine. Maybe you can check with her.
Shetland, welcome to the thread!

Michele, congrats! but what r u selling? dont see anything there leh.:p

Fi, haha! v funny leh... bring laptop and chat online during gathering?

Poohy, hmmmm.... will go and look for a pic to post.

You all bought CNY clothes for bbs already? Got some for Fiona the other day... red red ones.... hiaz...donno why got crazy over red these days....thinking of getting a red kitchen cabinet, change our sofa leather to red and paint some walls of our new house red!!! :p
