(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


my J is probably like your Aaron liao ... not shy at all! She is so friendly. Samuel is the shy one. Though he is vv active and loud at home, but when it comes to class... most of the time he take quite a fair bit of time to warm up.... all the kids will line up to hug teacher after class, he will be so scared... even hi-five with the teacher he also hesitate! So u can imagine, 3 classes of JG, he still have not really talk to the teacher or respond to them yet.

thanks for your compliment. Me too glad that josh likes his car seat. when he's in his car seat, he will 'guai guai' look outside window, see see outside, then he will start to 'sing' song "hu hu hu..." hahaaa so funny

$950 per month (after $400 govt subsidy for working mothers). KM classes applies for bb> 6 mths old. There will be a short break after every theme (which last 8 weeks).

keke! No lah, mummy can give comments but cannot decide for son's happiness mah. So it's better he make friends with a few gals and decide...haha, as if he's ready to have a gf!

Let Fiona be exposed to those activities, it will help her to open her arms to others...Come on, join lah..no harm, you never know, she might be selected? Choose 1 nice smily photo and send in. Don't think too much.
Hello everyone
Super duper long time never come in liao...was busy with project, house moving and study. How's everyone. My girl just turn to 7 months yesterday..
There is address of Mediacorp publishing in the link, shown on the application form.
Oh, was it the photoshoot that Alice mentioned or the Baby Idol contest that i've mentioned? If it's the latter, then click on the link and print out the application form of Baby idol contest organised by HSBC. If u r referring to the 1 that Alice mentioned, just email chloe's pics to her email.

Do register yr gal for the Baby Idol contest that i've mentioned.

Mummies (Sunflower, Serene, Dal & Tinklebell) great to meet up with all of u and ur little ones.

Sunflower, thanks for organising.

Anyway, I think the session shld be quite beneficial to our bb. However, hubby & I felt that the trainer dont seem to be very professional. If we sign up suppose she shld be the trainer right ? Perhaps if they hv a better trainer it worth considering

sunflower, okipoki, serene, tinklebell and all the little darlings - pleasure to meet u all. :)

i think its a gd opportunity for babies to interact and learn at the same time. but my sentiment too dat the trainer doesnt seem to be experienced. also, i didnt think the other lady was professional in answering my question. 'better than nothing' was her immediate response and dat to me is simply a BS reply. although she tried supplementing her answer later by saying stuff like 'bonding exercise for parent n baby' ... well, it should've come first. jz my opinion. :)

also, my hb works overseas so i got my bro n sis-in-law to come but she seemed displeased when i asked if either of them can join me in the trial class. well, its ok. me not joining anyway. :)

I juz realised that i_panda didnt join us for the class
Anyway, the best part for today's session is we got to meet up with each other ....
yep, okipoki, the best part is we get to meet wif each other! :)

and chloe is a real beauty!!! my bro n sis-in-law were also captivated by her! if my boy is in the same class as chloe, i cant allow him to sit next to her. otherwise he'll only be staring at her throughout. keke.
morning mummies,
*yawn* sleepy sleepy..last night sent JZ to baby camp. meaning, stay over at granma's hse this week.so this week i get to catch up on sleep and sleep through the night.

you all want the pic i took at the last gathering? pm me your e mail then i can send.

later need to go see boss about 'our eroding roles in the department'. tricky...
Good Morning!

Hi sunflower, okipoki, serene & dal,
nice meeting u ladies at BJG trial. Hope my fiona's crying hasnt disrupted your peace. Think the timing wasnt too right for her and she has been moody for a few days already ...think it is due to teething. Last nite, she woke up so many times and refused to drink milk. This morn took her temp a bit feverish.
Your babies all seem so "guai" and interested. R u all signing up? I thought the trainer was so so only .... a bit pricy for the type of activities included.

I was quite taken aback when she said better than nothing...haha! For me yesterday, it's not bonding leh... more like struggling to keep fiona interested

oki, Chloe is so pretty... Aaron u want or not???kekeke :p

Hi Fi,
Yes, do email me the pics.
Sunflower, Serene, Dal, Tinklebell & okipoki,

ya...me didn't join last minute cos bb josh got high fever on Saturday night. His temp was 39..took him to see GP on Sun morning. Yesterday afternoon fever subsided but last night came back again, 38. Its like up, down, up & down. His appetite decreases...due to his throat infection too. Me also a bit feverish & sore throat.

BJG: hmmm...read from your post, that the instructor is not v good. So r u all signing up?

oh, who was ur trainer for the BJG Trial?

i rem sunflower mention tat this is a last min trainer rite? becos the original one is sick?
Good Morning ladies,

Fi, yes for photos, will PM you later Thanks

Hi tinklebell, okipoki, serene & dal,
Nice meeting of you and your lovely babies at BJG trial. I thought it was great fun for the babies to interact with each other.

oki, your pretty Chloe has a smile that just melts my heart.

serene, your boy better guard Chloe well

i_panda was unable to join us as her boy was having fever that day.

for BJG trial : same sentiment as all of you, thought the trainer not very good.
I like the gym part though, thought that it was fun, pity that it's a very short session.
Re : Teething
Anyone of u all babies have the 2 upper teeth coming out liowz? My ger seems to be cranky on and off ever since i start seeing the whitish part in the gums. But when her bottom 2 teeth coming out the crankiness is not so bad lehz
And she is very sticky these few days only allow me, hb and bbsitter to carry!
Good morning everyone.

Hi oki, tinklebell, dal and sunflower,
Great plaasure meeting you gals and your cute little one.
I agreed with oki and dal that the trainer don't seems very experience and convincing enough. Also like what dal and tinklebell had said, annie's reply wasn't professional! I wonder why she says better than never? I also think the price is too ex for what they offered, my hubby thinks so too. So, I'm not signing up.

sunflower, thanks for organizing this trial for us. The happy part is we get to meet up!
If there's such a place with gym activity which we can go as and when we like, it's fun and interactive to bring our kids together.

tinklebell, don't say this, don't worry, fiona is not disturbing us. My boy goes grumpy too for the last 1 week, think another teeth is on the way!

Hope we can organize another gathering soon. I will send the pics that we have taken yesterday soon. cheers.
Celeste blur,
My boy only have the 2 lower front teeth, it's normal that they get cranky during teething...my boy also!
Fiona a little feverish huh? I hope she gets better soon. Saw her and Aaron with yr maid just now @ the void deck of yr flat. I say hello and wave goodbye to yr kids. Wonder if Aaron rems me?

Heard from sunflower that yr boy had a fever, i hope he's better now.
3 of Fiona's upper teeth are coming out. She is also super sticky to me these few days, and v v v cranky! I had to wake up a few times and rock her in my arms before she finally dozed off.
oki, tinklebell, dal and sunflower,
i blur but what BJG stands for?

i jsut have this idea next time when JZ is 1-2 yrs i can have playgroup in my house for art& craft/creative class so you all can get 1-2 hour free to run errand etc after dropping baby at my house. hee hee..

ok i copied down your e mail liao
I'm always late! Supposed to start work at 8.30am but i leave hse at 8.30am and reach office close to 9am! :p
U know lately, i gets up at least 3-4 times in the night too! My boy also make noise esp when he dropped his pacifier, i got to get up quick once i hear him if not he will roll over on his tummy, 1 hand grab on the railing of the cot, raised his head high and search for us! This morning, he cried loudly at 6plus, i believe he is really hungry! Once i got back to sleep again, i tends to be very tired/sleepy!
Morning ladies !!

Dont worry, Fiona is not disturbing us... she is very sweet
Hope she gets well soon !!

Ladies thanks for ur compliment on Chloe

Hope ur boy will recover soon.. so poor thing !!

Btw, i will not be signing up either but is a good experience to explore our bb with other bbs.

BJG stands for Baby Jumper Gym
sunflower - huh.. from ur description, i also dunno who!! :p

for gym... maybe can go gymboree or tumble tots?
they hv trial too...
anyone organise? :p
I thought she felt feverish and temp ard 37.X. Hubby says ok not really fever loh...anyway asked my mother to keep watch over her just in case the temp cont to rise.

Same here, v tired today...almost didnt wake up when alarm clock rang! Hiaz, i had to wake up at 545 every morning... hopefully we move office soon so that i dont have to wake up so early.

I went for gymboree trial class before. uhmm.. don't really fancy it. Think my boy enjoys BJG gym better, he was smiling when doing the activities. Hope to find something like BJG gym but the whole session is on gym if possible plus music & movement. know of any like this around?
Oh! 545am is very early! I will cry if i need to wake up at this time everyday! Poor thing! Does you office start work so early? U have to catch yr tpt so early huh?
I've yet to try Gymboree, was thinking to go for trial...heard is $35? How about tumble tots? Maybe we can organize 1 trial for tumble tots??? They have many branches.
which part of BJG's gym u like?

the hanging n swinging ard thingy huh?
think this only BJG hv. becos follow GD's mtd.

the rest, dun think they dare to "hang" bb like tat. :p
I see my gers 2 upper teeth protruding out a little liowz.....*sigh* she quite cranky until I didnt manage to really rest during the weekends and i was down with flu

fiona having 3 upper teeth coming out at one go! wow that must be painful
So thats y they are very sticky....u got use bonjela for her? I bought but havent used. Donno safe anot.

not sure how much gymboree charges as I got my trial free.
I don't mind going for tumble tots trial.
anyone organising?

wow tinklebell, you wake so early! do you end work earlier as well since work start 7.45? are you going to start work same time when moved to suntec?

and the gym ball and swing them in circles, b/ladder etc. wonder if can have a session that's purely on gym
but feel its short cos each baby can only go through activity once.
Wow yr office start work so early! I think most tuas office start work early. Last time when i worked in pandan area, also start work @ 8am. I had to wake up @ 630 and catch the tpt @ 710...

I will call up tumble tots to check out about the trial and let u gals know. I don't mind to organize it. U stayed in woodlands?
