(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Mummies get-together.

Date: 8 Oct, Wed
Time: 12 noon
Venue: Joyfulmum's place at Tampines
Do: Knead dough, cut with mould, sprinkle chocolate and bake!

1. Joy + G
2. Aishite + S
3. Lyn + troops
4. zzzcookiemonster + troops (TBC)
5. happymum123 + troops (TBC)

Bring our own lunch....there's a coffee shop just below the place, so pretty convenient. PM me or Joy for her addy.

For the Facial Bar, Am really interested... and think some of us here may be interested as well... Maybe you consider giving us a good price if we get bulk from you? hehe...

For those who are interested, please list down your names here :
1) Celeste

For the Facial Bar, Am really interested... and think some of us here may be interested as well... Maybe you consider giving us a good price if we get bulk from you? hehe...

For those who are interested, please list down your names here :
1) Celeste
2) Cutiezayn
<font color="0000ff">Paula,
Your passport is expiring in January <font color="ff0000">2010</font>, not Jan 2009 right? So, you still have ample time for renewal.</font>

For the Facial Bar, Am really interested... and think some of us here may be interested as well... Maybe you consider giving us a good price if we get bulk from you? hehe...

For those who are interested, please list down your names here :
1) Celeste
2) Cutiezayn
HI mommies,
Just want to ask if any mommies is using Pampers Active Baby(purple colour packaging) L(38pcs) n XL(34pcs)? Cos I have a few Ls and XLs to let go at :
Int, pls sms or call me at 91451454
Morning mummies.

Check with you, do you give honey and onion to your kid?

also hv u introduce any jam/spread on bread for them?
hi Kite,

Honey I did gace chelsia after 2 yrs.. PD says must be processed honey bought over the counter.. not those pure bottle one...

Onions.. My mum did put it into her dish / soup.

Spread on bread... I used those baby bottled puree as jam for her ... telling her that its JAM if she requested after seeing us putting jam on our bread..

honey not yet...onion yes when she ate the fried onion with egg....for brf,sometimes will spread jam,peanut butter,cheese for her...
Wah ..

Angeline... You gave her peanut butter liao ar.. I still dun know should i give chel or not leh...

And how are you coping with Carine?
I think now they are almost 30mths... ie. 2.5yrs... should be more lenient with them... I tell you ar.. I gave her yakult / vitagen ... and gummys too... and she secretly take my mentos frm the bag n bite ar... and even abut hot... she can tell me its "nice n cold cold leh..." I give up ar..
sch will give jam as well too rite?

me feed X all kind of adult food since he is one. Honey, we started since he is day 3.( very little bit). Now i give him muraka honey 15+ when i see cold symp...

Now his fave is ice milo..gog to mac means no drink for me cos he will glurp down the whole cup at one go!!!!!
ha, thats my dear mum and aunt lah..they say baby come home must give sweet sweet things..haha...anyway, that was some homemade honey diluted with water..
But then again, he was fed with the same honey whenever he have constipation as an infant leh.
I know of the research saying that its not advisable for honey in infants, but i suppose old folk have their way of doing and nothing bad turn out...phew.

thought honey is not allowed for infant. Can get botulism or something like dat.

re: honey

I give my kids manuka 15+ raw honey daily nowadays also. they love it and I like raw honey too cos it contains those small crystal thingy that is very nice to chew.
ya loh, all pd will tell us that..but old ppl tend to stick to their tried and tested methods. Thats y, heng no prob so far.

ya..coz i thot tt they now quite big liao.shd be ok ba..n oso not sure wat their ctr gave them oso for teabreak/brf etc..tired man taking care of carine...too used to celest sleeping thru n independent..furthermore her CC now close due to hfmd..all from her PN level..thank god tt celest didnt gena...but now tired coz got to take care ok 1 tot + 1 bb...yakult i oso give but i dilute it with water...
SSO tickets...

if anyone here not going, can let me have it? heard much reviews abt it n now itchy to go..btw,did u all buy tickets for our tots?
hi mummies,
hv not been here for months! was really really caught up! doing my master course now... &amp; my hse reno screw up.. contractor went bankrupt! ahah... everything's just shity!!!!

sigh.. this sat hvg my exam so now rushing thru last min...

how's everyone?
hi mummies,
need an advice.. i'm thinking of sending my boy for pre-nursery.. 3hrs daily at $675, is it expensive?? it's in a church kindergarten. i really dunno the mkt rate
Hi duffy
All the best for the exams!
I have looked around 5 places for pre-nursery and these are the prices per mth (all 3 hrs each):

1. 160 (church kindy)
2. 360
3. 700
4. 550
5. 300 (church kindy)

so looks like yours is middle of the range....there are those like Pat, Eton or Chiltern that's going at 1k (3 hrs each too)
hi aishite,
oh forgot to tell u that $675 is for per term of 10 weeks..i'm looking at the trinity methodist church at serangoon gdn
Does C’s center record their diets taken in the center and also their poo/pee movements? I know that once or twice in a month, Kell will be fed with whole meal bread with nutella as afternoon snacks. I’m okay with that cos’ that’s probably the only sweet stuff that she is fed with in school. So far, haven’t exposed her to honey yet (dun want her to develop a sweet tooth). Tried letting her slipping Yakult but after one mouthful, she said ’too sweet. Not nice’. Have try to convince myself to be more lenient lately… her indulgence of late is ice milo but she will only drink ¼ of the cup…

I heard from Celeste that Schoolhse by the Bay is going at mid S$500 per month for 3 hours program too.
Just for laughs…

M: How is your day in school today?
K: I have fun day in school. So happy. Eerr eer eer (she has been stuttering lately) I am so happy till forgot mummy.

Dunno to laugh or to cry at their innocence…

their record is very generalise..like 1 bowl of rice/noodles..1 slice bread/cake..if they poo in school,the teacher will make a note in the com book.

haiz..these few days quite sad..everscience she stayed over at the grandma house 2x..1st time when i was giving birth.. 2nd time when the school infm of the HFMD n we took precaution to seperate her from bb....now she dun want to come back liao...always say want to go ah ma's house..want ah ma/uncle etc...coz they always indulge/spoil her over there..shes queen there..over here,i will discipline her etc...so sad...last nite she stay over coz need a break...tonite went to fetch her,she dun wana come back...haiz..hb was saying my fil wants us to move back stay together..i say move back,we will lost control of our kids...now already v hard to ctrl her liao...cant even spank her,etc...shout oso cannot...n will defintely i be force to 'give in ' to certain things...eg..pacifier..give water to bb...etc..
joy, aishite,
Thanks for the cookie play and company
It was fun. A enjoyed it very much. He knocked out when we got home. Just gave him milk for dinner cos he fell asleep after eating a bit.
Really so fun to see Gabby feed Shannon, Shannon feed Aloysius. hahaha... And Aloysius feed nobody. Next time I teach him feed Gabby. kekeke... I still can remember the scene Gabby and Shannon tug-of-war for blanket and Aloysius just stand in the middle as spectator. hahaha... so funny and cute they are...

Wah... Kelly really a big eater!
Kelly 13.6kg is underweight? Then my A super underweight lor... He's only 11.4kg. He does eats a lot for lunch and dinner, but still not gaining much weight. My A only drinks 150ml milk a day when he wakes up. Sometimes he will drink 300ml a day.

Yes... that's the bar
Dun put the brand here and pricing here ya? Will get me into trouble
You can PM me if you want more information. You can join Celeste

I going away for a week next week. Probably meet you the week after next can?

Go get the book titled "The one minute mother". Very effective on A

I introduced the St. Dalfour jam for A. Made sandwiches with jam for him once when he went out with his dad for company event
He finished them all.
A dun like the taste of honey.
For non vege food, he only having fish. Mainly cod fish. Maybe will give him meat when he turns 3

I am also getting lenient with A's diet already. When he's in a group of friends, I will let him have some, but I am worried of preservatives. Preservatives food seems to cause cough in him. Dun want him to feel left out. I "tested" a few times. For very sweet things, he will have a few bites and will either hold it and play or throw away. For deep fried food, he will not eat too. He tasted one fries, then he enjoyed dipping the rest in chilli sauce and mayonnaise. hahaha... I think by now, if they are not exposed to very sweet food or deep fried food, they will not want to eat a lot of those food now. And A seems to be at the stage whereby the more you want to give him, the more he don't want, and vice versa.
Perk up.  Maybe C is still trying to get use with the fact that she is now a big sister now.  Hmm… try committing to ur in-laws on ur expectations from them in-terms of handling her?

Eh, think Kell and Aloysius quite the same. A week ago, she brought back a party pack filled with items. She told me she want to eats the gummies bears, kit kat chocolate bar and marshmallow. I told myself just let her try lah… so, opened up the packet of gummies bears for us, she happily placed one bear in her mouth and after two or three chews, she splits out and says ‘not nice’. She then has a go at kit kat and same thing also said not nice… so after that episode, I felt quite ‘safe’ knowing that she won’t overindulge in such stuffs cos she dun like sweet stuff, in general. Keke.
re: milk

mummies, I felt very worried for J. Since monday, she suddenly started to reject drinking milk. She will request for milk and when the milk teat placed into her mouth, she took 1 drink and push it out. For the next 2 days the same thing happened. We thought she got ulcer or gum swollen... but PD said no leh. And funny thing is she still can eat biscuits, drink green tea from straw packets, drink soup, eat some rice. Now she will either reject her milk saying "no no thanks" or push it out after 1 sip. I thought maybe because there are changes to the enfaproA+ she had been drinking, so I even to buy one with the old packaging.... but same response. When she has fallen asleep, we resorted to pushing the milk teat into her mouth and she may drink abt 60-90ml at most. I really dunno why a child will suddenly refuse her milk. Its been 4-5 days.

If this continue and she really decide to wean off formula milk, what can I give her in substitution? Shd I try enfagrow chocolate favour since she still does take chocolate UHT milk at times.
which brand u all bot besides manuka? spread on bread or as a drink?

recently, chloe hving cough. maybe i hv been neglecting her diet, not like last time, more ON, now hv to buck up again n monitor.
may i know where did u buy the St. Dalfour jam? which flavour? is it organic one? no preservatives n sugar?

chloe has been eating e same thing mostly Oats n bread for bkf. Check w u, if u give cereals, what kind of milk do u add into it? fresh milk?
Just want to share, did some search on vit C cos Chloe hving cough recently, need to build up her immune system. Prefer natural than supplements.

Food High in Vitamin C
1 Papaya 313.10%
2 Capsicum 291.30%
3 Sweet Potato 262.20%
4 Broccoli 205.70%
5 Brussel sprouts 161.20%
6 Strawberry 136.10%
7 Oranges 116.20%
8 kiwi 95%
9 Cauliflower 91.50%
10 kale 88.80%
11 Turnip greens 65.80%
12 Tomato 57%
13 cabbage 50.30%
14 lettuce 45%
15 Green peas 40%
16 Pumpkin 35%
17 zuchinni 33%
18 aparagus 33%
19 Spinach 30%
20 Potato 25%
21 carrot 20%
22 Apple 14%
thanks for sharing..so oranges is not the best! Must go bulk up on the papaya. xav have been on and off cough after he started cc too...think their portion of fruits not as much as at home plus he is not talking well yet, so wun dare to ask for 2nd helpings.

manuka is not the brand but the type of honey. i got my raw oganic manuka 15+, 500gm for $66 at Tangs. Got 10% disc for citicards. GNC sell manuka honey as well but another brand. I dun think the brand matters?
Yup think C lacks of vit c. i also thot apple is good and she eats apple almost everyday. However, the vit C level is the lowest. surprise. Me too just bot papaya lol. I realised she has not been eating papaya for a few mths! hee.

abit confused. Raw or processed better? 1 teaspoon mix w water for them to drink?
