(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


sorry to disturb,i am looking for the 6 panel Haenim Play yard please PM me your price, condition and age of the play yard and collection place.

Mummies, get together time!

Date: 7 Oct, Tues
Time: 10 am
Venue: start with Animal Resort at Seletar, then move to Kranji stretch where the farms are. Lunch at Bollywood.

1. Dal + J
2. Paula + K
3. Aishite + S
4. Joyfulmum + G (TBC)

Animal resort: this one is free and has animals like goats, African Crowned Crane (or its cousin-lookalike), dogs, cats, fish, duck, turkey, rabbits, hamsters etc etc. Small but nice

Kranji: highly likely stay at Bollywood for the farm tour and lunch. But doesnt preclude driving around the area to see other farms and the farmstay.

We are driving 3 cars that day: Dal (Woodlands), Paula (CCK), aishite (East, near Kembangan MRT)...so let us know if you need a lift where we 3 are...or u can meet us at Animal Resort and car-pool from there.

Mspiggy has popped on 30 Sept....beautiful baby gal.
She was saying Wes teared the 1st time he saw his mei mei being BF...upset or jealousy lah
Congratulations!!! Mspiggy

Have a good rest and enjoy your 4-mths ML!
It's very good for eczema. I passed Naomi a piece for you as a gift for Kelly birthday
WAnted to give you for very long already, but did not get the chance to meet you.

I have decided to bring my two gals to Kelantan in two weeks' time

I am a supplier of the bar. It is effective bumps and scars. It heals the skin and improve blood circulation.
Even people with fever apply on the forehead can get better faster. Really miracle. It's the consumers telling me these stories on how they use the bar. They are so innovative.
Some people even told me that by applying on the tummy can help with constipation. I have yet to try it for constipation on my kids cos they dun have that problem
touch wood

Sms me or email to me
If you want, can get from me. I am supplying B to B and few B to C. it sure can control your oil on the face.

I might be able to join for 30 Sep
Probably at city hall and lunch only. cos Tues got JG class.

gotta go... now in JB
going back... later all..
Thanks!! go lah.. go PS again lah..

The soap Bar good for Face? can make face smooth smooth or not? haha.. what it make from? I may wanna get 1 bar from u to try... Email me the price n mode of collections.. thanks
Mspiggy, congrats to you! I heard tat baby is a 4kg baby...well done!! Do post updates when you have time! Enjoy your confinement.

Celeste, nice photos of Chelsia, she looked so grown up now.
Thanks thanks! Will collect from Nao tomorrow. 

I can pick you up lah…

Haha… now I know why you went on such a huge shopping spree for clothings! For photoshoot!!

Congrats and congrats! Enjoy the confinement!
Sarah.. Take her... she really blow my top at times... and nowadays snatch things and fight alot.. she fought in Kindermusik yesterday with her so-called best fren Germaine.. and some mummies saw it with mouth open!! So imagine... what a disgrace! went home she got a good trashing from me...

Spice... She really grown taller all of a sudden... all the dress that i bought suppose to be for coming chinese new year.. but all taken out to wear now.. Dun know why sudden growth...

MsPiggy.. 4kg.. really well done!! Take care ya...
Pauline Chua Jia Jia...

All those clothes are old ones!! She chose it!! And the first CHEE NA clothes she insist on wearing it out... pple taught chinese new year!!

Wanted her to wear the new ones i jus bought.. she tell me "NOT NICE... DUN WAN... BU YAO... BU YAO..." She brought her barney / kitty / chipmunkc / ball etc there.. end up... go there mood not very nice... Everything also BU YAO... Headache...

C soooo sweet! REally have grown up a lot...yeah, she looks quite tall too.

Re outing 2mr - cannot join coz G recovering from mild flu so don't want to expose her to farm yet. I got a pack of biscuit premix. Thinking if you gals want, can drop by and we can get the kids to "playdoh" with cookie cutters. Then they can stomach them too..haha.
<font color="0000ff">Celeste,
The photos look very nice. Chelsia looks very natural and doesn't look that the mood was not very nice.

So it's a soap bar, which means that we use it to wash our skin? Is it necessary to rinse it off after application? Can it be used on a daily basis?</font>
Celeste, i see, i was also wondering why that CNY dress. Haha, she must be on a growing spurt now, next time can be supermodel...

Jerica also tell me "NOT NICE... DUN WAN... BU YAO... BU YAO..." when she does not like it...haha..
Spice / MTDT..

Think My C hoping to be Chinese NEW YEAR everyday... cos got Ang Pao to collect mah!! hahaha

Thanks! her mood not that nice that day ar... David had a hard time with her... Think all of us totally exhausted after the PS...
thanks! you made my day!

working mummies,
Have your HR credit the extra childcare leave for you?
I just check out MOM site and was told that it will be pro-rated as 3 days in total for 2008 calender year...
BUT, if your company is able to give 6 days, govt will still pay for the additional 3 days!!! So i am writing to my HR to ask them to be pro family and consider giving that additional 3 days since govt pay then take it lah!

Any company so nice to auto give 6 days? Share with us, maybe we shld consider job hopping there!
BTW seasoned traveling mummies, can I check with you on something? I am bringing Kell to HKG with me – on working cum holiday trip – and what are the things that I should pack? Is the food in the HKG ‘safe’ for them? Cos’ surely, no time and would be unable to cook for her … I am worried about the MSG part. Then… should I bring my own electric kettle?
mspiggy, congrats again!!!! got time, upload your bb photo hor... cant wait to see that cute cute face

ashite, wow so nice to be able to bring the kids out on weekdays. i wish i could join u.

ivy, my company gives auto 6 days leh
i wan to go your co and work!

mine also 1 day more nia. Am writing emails to stupid HR to ask for more...since govt will pay you then give lah..so stingy!

food tend to me more fatty and saltish at the cafes. But shld be okie for our tods by now. Water is safe too. Hotel have electric kettle mah. Your hb gog with your rite? Then he can bring Kell out while you have your meetings! haha..
Yea, and my MIL is coming too. So they will have fun while I am at work... can only have fun with them during the weekends cos we are checking in Disney Hotel.

my co worst. Had not even announce anything abt the changes of maternity leave or child care leave. No news at all yet. And I am going to deliver anytime soon.... 35w3d now! Looking at how things go, I may have to forfeit any additional child care leave if they dun announce the changes before I deliver.... which could be as soon as 2 weeks from now.

r u sure? chelsia look so guai &amp; girly type...can fight with germaine? wah,now she koes how to match her clothes liao..lucky celest nv thot of this yet else another battle...i was also wondering how come chinese ny clothes...

hiaz...these few days celest's CC got lots of HFMD cases..think they going to be shut if gena afew more again...really heng she nv gena...'touch wood' last thurs,the teacher call me to bring her back as she running nose n then they say they got 4 cases tt day..1 day before already got 1 case...think this is the person who spread...so i thought fri better dun go since danger...lucky today i nv bring her go...coz today got another 5 more cases..todate got 10 cases liao n all is from her PN level...this week not going to bring her go CC liao...now so tiring...gota jaga 1 tot + 1 bb at home..
<font face="tahoma"> Celeste,
Chelsia looks so different now! Really like a big girl and she can poses very well. Very pretty!!!!! </font>
You got mail
sms to me if I never reply you. kekeke... Me very outdated with emails sometimes. Sometimes even sms outdated forgot to reply :p Now A in mood to play with A, so got some free time.
The photos are very nice. Chelsia is very sweet. A is also in a stage of "bu yao". hahaha.. very draining sometimes. A few days ago, he went "dun want blue pants, want orange pants, etc". aiyo... when rushing to go out, really buay tahan...

kekeke.. paiseh... I blur already :p

Zoo tomolo? hee... I can join in
Near my place. Wonder if anyone can get zoo pass... My "zoo pass supplier" going overseas on Wed, so cannot get pass for me

It's not soap. It's the opposite of soap. It's a bar cos it does not contain any soap content
Best to wash twice a day. Some people only wash face in the morning, only once a day.

Wah... can go disneyland! So nice...
I think for food, just take the normal precautions. Eat food that are not so "exotic".
For me, I still cook for A. So when I will usually stay somewhere with kitchen to cook. First thing is check out where is the supermarket. kekeke... And I will pack oatmeal for cooking for breakfast.
Can pack something that can be cooked fast, example oatmeal if Kelly eats. If she eats cereals, cornflakes, muesli kind of food with milk, can pack that just in case nothing much suitable for her outside. Can also consider bringing bread for her if you are worried about the food there and if she eats bread. Bread can keep for a few days. Better to have something just in case

Things to pack should be quite standard ba... clothes basically
Now, I just pack the bar, no need to pack shampoo, body wash, mosquito repellant, sun block, etc already
Just the bar for whole family
I used to pack a shower head for shower too. The shower head is for removing chlorine. kekeke... me KS :p

How's your preparation for #3? Very very soon you will be able to meet your baby... So fast...
Rest as much as you can
Can be very tiring.

I had not even packed my hospital bag
So busy at work... very overloaded over here.. cant even hand over. I may likely give birth 12 days from now cos both S &amp; J are delivered on 37w1d but now still struggling with existing and even new projects being assigned. My boss intend for me to work all the way and plan for me till end of october. If I give birth anytime from now till before 37 week.. really disaster... cos no time to handover
Secret to twins? kekeke... Think and imagine you will have twins before getting pregnant :p
Have you read the book "The secret" before?

Sure.. we can go out before you deliver
I will be in Kelantan during the week 13Oct, back on 20 Oct. I dun think you can go to M'sia, cos tummy very big already. Immigration might not let you in. I go to the zoo quite regularly now
I can get free pass, but gotta plan for it. Need my "zoo pass supplier" to book and get the pass for me

Okie dokie... gotta go...

Oh yes.. something to share if you think you are losing temper more or wanna improve on relationship with kid, etc., I will recommend:
"The One minute mother", by Spencer Johnson.
I am reading this book now and find it very good. hee.. I need books to calm my soul and also handle sibling rivalry

Work is still only work
I think just grab the basic stuffs to hospital can already...
Clothes to go home in and babies clothes to go home
Think the rest not necessary lor... If dun have anything, can just spend a bit more to buy from the shops at or near hospitals.
