(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

muffin - in singapore but yet to deliver to me (as their 1st delivery failed due to me out of home ;p)

arranged for 2nd delivery soon. btw how r u gals collecting?

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Titles </TD></TR><TR><TD>kite</TD><TD>Dinosaurs </TD></TR><TR><TD>kite</TD><TD>Endangered Animals </TD></TR><TR><TD>kite</TD><TD>human body </TD></TR><TR><TD>kite</TD><TD>Rain Forest </TD></TR><TR><TD>kite</TD><TD>Universe </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>cars and trucks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>Dinosaurs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>Dogs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>Endangered Animals </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>ladybugs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>Rain Forest </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muffinmocha</TD><TD>Universe </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Dinosaurs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Endangered Animals </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Human body </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Night Creatures </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Penguins </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Rain Forest </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spicegal</TD><TD>Universe </TD></TR><TR><TD>vivi</TD><TD>cars and trucks </TD></TR><TR><TD>vivi</TD><TD>Endangered Animals </TD></TR><TR><TD>vivi</TD><TD>human body </TD></TR><TR><TD>vivi</TD><TD>Universe </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

$$ - waiting for my Credicard bill still.
vivi - i can pass to u on sat.

thanks for the update!
i can come by your place to pick it up or whichever is convenient for you.
lemme know how much to transfer to you.
I am back in action! Last week was super tiring week in Tokyo, 9am - 3am daily, but it's all over now :) And quite eventful, Sun fire at my hotel, Wed small earthquake tremour when I was delivering a session and the projector screen quivered, Fri a fatal stabbing was done near my hotel.....but thankful, God's protection throughout, so I am v v fine (and blissfully unaware of the 3 events when they happen :))

Watch this space...am going to start organising some activities soon....any suggestions for a start?

Praying that Kell is better, Shan was praying for her last nite (and many previous nites whenever we pray together). And goodness, spend $$ on shopping again!! But the US economy will defo be v grateful to consumers like yourself at this point of their econ cycle :)
Wow… really eventful week lei. Brave brave girl… Shan clings on to you like a leech now? Thanks thanks for the prayers… I know she will turns out fine lah … it is just the process that she has to go through.

Hi Mummies!

Re: False measles

ANy of your tods experienced this before? Suspect my ger is having it. She had fever last thurs to sat, hovering between 38.5 to 38.9. Was completely alright on Sunday, then today she broke out in rashes all over her chest and back, bits on the face but none on limbs. No itch nor fever too. Is this false measle?

No time to read all your posts...miss all your interesting comments and adventures. Hope and wish all's well!
hi calliope,

yes. from what you described, it sure sounds like false measles.

my boy experienced this twice.
usually on-off fever for couple of days and when the fever subsides, breakout of rashes on face, chest and back. Cleared in less than a week.

hope your girl get well soon!
Hi Muffinmocha!

Thanks! Did you bring your boy to the doc? Are there stuff or certain food she should avoid? Can still bathe her normal with baby bathe or must be clear water only?
Kell had breakout of rashes after her hi-fever episodes. No itchiness or pain… I brought her to see a doctor the first time she kena but is the body’s reaction of dispelling the heat or medicine… but so far, it will go away after two to three days.

same as paula, brought to doc only for the first time it happened.
can still bathe normal, we didnt avoid any food as well.
toxins manifest as the rashes...dun worry, will clear away soon.

Thanks! So it's natural reaction and quite common? Is it as long as no fever nor itch, then don't need to be overly concern?

Thanks! Haha...pardon me, it's me ger's first time...so a bit kan jeong!
Ok, thanks so much...got to go...have tons to mark! Good day all!
More books…

Can consider getting the following series

Learning to Get Along Series
Best Behavior Series
Harper Collins’ Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science
Welcome BACK!!!...

I tell you ar... Your Pumpkin Patch.. out of 4 items u wanted... They only deliver 1 dress correctly.. and this Pumpkin Patch giving me hell lotsa headaches... Delivered wrong items / send all in 3 small small packages over the 1 week... Argghhh... They've gone into my BLACK LIST...

Events : Hope am able to join lah... When is your next big trip?
MTDT, email me at [email protected] for payment yah? Can help me check how much to go by registered mail? If too exp then will collect from you in town during weekdays.

Calliope, my girl is having the same thing as your girl now.

Btw Muffin and Paula, I suspect Jerica's measles might not be fake one leh...she got lots of rashes on her body, face and limbs...but then I am also puzzled how can she get real measles since she had taken the MMR jab?

am quite sad. LV@RP has no slot for my boy though on waiting list since early this year.

Went for sch scouting whole of today and decide on LV @ Vista point.
So sorry about the Pumpkin Patch "patchy delivery work".

Lets hang out next Monday after Shan's class.....i am due for Tokyo trip again at end Oct....and hub and Shan will join me thereafter for a Disney trip....yeh!!!!! Gentings Dec concert how?
hi vivi,

you've been down to LV @ vista? how's the place like? mind sharing with me your comments/feedbacks? do they still have plenty of vacancies?

I sent tsui fern an email with some enquiries yest afternoon after finding out from joan that LV @ RP really has a longggggg waiting list even for next year

quite unlikely.

Anyway quite dissapointed. cos that time they were like waiting for more ppl to start 2nd class and NOW they are on their way to start their 3rd class.

went to several ccs and i like LV @ RP and Vista point best.

Think next enrolment will be in Nov cos sep to oct is already full.

My boy will be there in OCT now i have to shift to my new place in OCT rather than sep
Just for laughs…

Kell was ranting the following on her own last evening.

Birds stay in nest
Fish stay in water
Dog stay in doghouse
Rabbits stay in burrow
Penguins stay on iceberg
Bats stay in cave

I interrupted her
M: Where do you stay?
Kell: I stay at home.
M: Do you like your home?
Kell: Hmm hmm, I like Fullerton Hotel more.

You need me to talk to Joan? Can’t promise anything lah … but will see if still got chance for third class or not?
hi mummies,

MIA for very long liao..

Delived my princess Cheryl on 14Aug08. She is a big bb, weight: 4.11kg in Wk 37..

Some pics to share...

Day 5

Day 12
i hv the klutz hand art book &amp; finger printing ones too..bot them from Sydney on my last trip there...v nice &amp; creative ways of drawing animals using the kids' palm &amp; fingers.
kissbb - wow!!!!! cute cute Cheryl!!! BIG BABY indeed! :p so u also hv ABC now. :p

btw rem to write to govt to appeal for ur baby bouns. I heard most of them would be granted. hehehe (btw when was ur EDD?)
Paula, I did not bring her to PD cos the rashes are subsiding and she has not much discomfort now.

Kissb, congrats on the arrival of your lovely princess Cheryl. I like tat cheeky smile!

Mummies, as I mentioned before, my company is changing cc operator come end Nov. We have shortlisted MMI and Carpe Diem, yesterday MMI came in for presentation, Carpe Diem will be presenting on Wed. Can share your personal opinions on these 2 centres? We are given opportunity to cast our votes so I will need some advice.

wow..really big baby..natural? Congrats! i like the yawn pic..:p


change operator? har..abit troublesome rite...have to buy uniform again etc..hope mine dun change..currently quite satisfied with everything..
spicegal - how abt fees?

generally I wld feel montessori wld be more "worth it" compare to CD's multi senses mtd. But both CCs, i have heard some bad comments abt them (diff centres :p)
kpo here for your vote. I vote for MMI cos i think its a better approach than CD. CD is prob good when you have good teachers and plenty of space and like what MTDT said, their quality been dropping. Ask Paula lo, she encountered very jialat CD centres before.
So far, no super bad reviews on MMI before.
thanks mummies!!

Her EDD should be 29 Aug 08, this fri but she is too big so i requested to have C-section on Wk 37.. Imagine my waistline is even bigger than my twin pregnancy.. pple thought i have twin again!! haha..

So far no jealousy from AnB, actually they like her alot.. keep saying Mei Mei, Mei Mei..
Angeline, ya no choice leh...my company will review cc operators every 5 years. But also good tat they are changing, actually the LV at my office is not tat good, at least not as good as [email protected]

MTDT, heard tat fees will be more or less the same, MMI give us very good rates, so actually if we decide on MMI, then its more worth it lor.

Ivy, thanks for your info. Hmm...looks like MMI is indeed a better choice.

i've heard of feedback as well from other forums that some Montessori-trained kids have problems adjusting when they move on the primary schools. Not sure how true this is though. Think some kids may be suitable for Montessori methods and some are not so suitable.

Schools that advocates the multiple intelligence (MI) methods, other than Carpe Diem, include GUG, Preschool for MI (PMI), Cherie Hearts, LV, LSH and even Catholic High advocate MI - http://www.catholichigh.moe.edu.sg/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=58
Generally this is about a all-rounded type of exposure and education.

chubby little girl you got
So sweet her smile. good to hear your A &amp; B are adjusting well to her... you got my perfect combination of 2 elder boys and 1 little princess everyone will dote on ehhee

I am looking forward to seeing my little boy in 2 months time. S had been telling me about the things he wanna do with didi. J will sayang my tummy each time I asked her where is didi. I really hope they will love the younger brother as they did now when he come
<font face="tahoma"> kissbb,
CONGRATS!!!! She's such a cutie... and she's really big!

Glad to know A &amp; B are adjusting well to her. Hope Wes will adjust well too. </font>
Congrats congrats!

I had bad encounters with the principal of the JK branch but was told that he is no longer there liao. But my personal feel is that the teachers seem to lack the ‘punch’. MMI … children will be encouraged to learn at their own place. Like what Muffin has shared, I have also heard that in the west, some critics have commented that kids taught up this way are self-centered. However, my girlfriend’s son benefited from it greatly and he is visibly ahead of his peers in his P1 studies right now. I guess, each approach got pros and cons and hence, the parents voting for it must come to a general consensus to balance it off.
Anyone heard of this product?

Floz believes that children, perhaps more than anyone, benefit most from the healthy advantages of silk sleep technology. 100% hypoallergenic, silk is composed of 18 different types of amino acids—similar to the acids in the human bodies. Hence silk repels dust mites naturally and is resistant to mould and mildew. It’s just excellent bedding for children with sensitive skin and those prone to allergies and asthma.

Floz’s exclusive silk-filled pillows, cot bed duvets and baby/toddler silk sleeping bags comply fully with the British Paediatric Association code of practice.

Floz, not just bedding.....healthy living!
<font color="0000ff">kissbb,
Congrats! I think we've last met at the BJG trial? That was quite long ago.
Wow! Your kids' initials now have all the first 3 alphabets - <font color="ff0000">A</font>iden, <font color="ff0000">B</font>rayden &amp; <font color="ff0000">C</font>heryl! Are you planning for a "D"? keke

Any good CCs in the West side to recommend?</font>
Muffin, &amp; Paula, thanks for your feedback.

I have also read about the MMI critics in forum...But my colleague's kids who went to MMI are coping well in primary schools now, so maybe its really up to the individual kids.

Paula, your bad experience is with carpe diem ah?
Montessori - think more so for FULL montessori that means dun follow any timetable AT ALL. No group activities AT ALL. everything is individual pace.

Most Montessori schs in Sing are only "partial".
most of the time there wld still be a timetable to follow and group activities to do. (eg when it's art time, everyone in the class does art)

Mostly wld only hv a timeslot for "montessori" and kids wld be given freedom to choose "montessori materials" to work on.

So I think not to worry too much abt adapting into Pri 1.

MMI - ya, SK one hv super duper bad reputation. hahha but i heard the Jurong one is not bad. :p

Yea, bad experience one is with CD. So far … no experience with MMI yet but I am really impressed by my friend’s kid. Another colleague also placed her child with MMI Jurong … also very positive results.
<font color="0000ff">But quite a number of mummies also complain about MMI @ JW extension. There was some discussions about why the GST is charged before the govt's subsidy. Some also said the turn-over rate for teachers are quite high (and they never inform parents of the change), the teacher-student ratio is low, a child once dropped his milk bottle onto the floor and the teacher just picked up and chucked back into his mouth ... Perhaps only the administration is bad but the cirriculum should not be too bad.</font>

hi mummies
ya, i think all the diff approach has its pros n cons.
ultimately, parents also play a part in moulding the child.

I had a very bad experience with LV at Punggol. My girl is now 5plus.
Put her there when she was abt 20mth.
Her cousins were there.
The then new P was really very rude and lousy.
I sat in w my girl for the 1st few days.
My girl said good morning to her n she walked past my daughter a few times w/o any acknowledgement.
When she did, her Good-Morning-Darling was so fake.
Then when i left, my girl cried so badly, she took her to the air con room n locked her inside.
My girl was so traumatised that she fell ill and was hospitalised for a week.

My sis withdrew her son.
The P said oh ya lar, now u have to send 2 kids to childcare can be very ex. PCF or kindergarten cheaper.
Which PCF?

My sis kept quiet and smiled.
Then the P asked, Not PCF? Where?
When she heard my sis sending to montessori she was obviously embarrassed!

LV@NUS was run by a very dynamic P few yrs back. I spoke to the P at a parenting symposium and she knows her stuff very well.

LV@RP is by far the best. Heard a lot abt it since few yrs back.

CD has very heard review, so far.
My fren sent her son there n came back w lots of mosquito bites.
Also, they were playing under the hot sun, due to staff shortage?

so there r good n bad centres under the same brand, ya?
