(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


kekeke.... some of the 18-24mth cutting similar or slightly bigger than 2-3yr old mah. i grab 3-4 too cos some cuttin quite small and also need to space out.. later cant wear after awhile.

ya... i grab more 3-4 also.
the waist can use the strap to tighten and fold up the length! hahahah
also trying to maximise the usage. :p

Cel - I also lost $$$ in macua!!! :p
nevermind i take it as "donation" to them. not worth to go back with air ticket n get back with interest!!! hahahhha :p altho FD shd be higher interest! hahahaha
sunflower - i just rem tat I forgot to pass u the cd thru SM!!! :p

next term u r in the same class rite? I pass u when term starts ok.
Teacher Jane rite? :p
celeste: Have PM u with POSB account to TT. Should get thru w/o problems this time round.

Think you gals were discussing about speech development of our tods some time ago. ER's still v slow. His vocab so far is 'papa', 'mama', 'wawa', cow's 'moo' and cat's 'aarrghh'. 2 nights ago, he said 'tar' aka star. Was so happy to hear him say 1 more new word finally though 'tar' has not come forth since then.
Hmm … I thought the big fashion brands all practice one world pricing and the items sold in this part of the world might be slightly dearer to those priced in the States because of a fixed pricing exchange rate that the company used … nonetheless, it is okay lah, some of the designs couldn’t be found here and I am really buying convenience … where got time to shop! I couldn’t even bear leaving Kell for a few hours to get my hair done … let alone shopping without her! Keke…

I was complaining about Kell’s speech development just last week … but surprise surprise, she is picking up new words and throwing at me at an incredible rate since this weekend! Three syballi also came up liao and at times, she can talk in logical sentences (but not grammatically correct) like, Woof woof mum mum cuits (as in biscuits) … when she is reading her book and the best part is that out of the blue, she can point to letters E and W and tell says ‘E’ and ‘W’. She also surprises me by her ability to count. Although she can’t says 1,2,3 yet but whenever we read a book that requires to count say the nos of dogs … she would point her finger while I read out 1 and she knows that she cannot point to that same animal twice… maybe she understands what counting is all about … no double counting. Haha. I am really sure that ER will be surprising you real soon…

By the way, does anyone of you experience an onslaught of affection displayed towards you by your child these days? Kell has been showing me with lots of affection lately, especially during bedtime … she will usually cover herself with blanket and these days, would want me to have my head laid on her tummy or butt so that she could pat my head and sayang me … it is like what I have been doing to her but these days, she is playing the role of a mummy and I am playing the role of Kell during bedtime … so funny.
Wow seem like many of you manage to get some good buys huh. Very busy today, didnt even get to shop tho' the sales are around my office.

Anyway, tmr I am on leave... Perhaps is my time to grab something
Kekekek !!!
Celeste.. went Genting huh !! U are "very close" to xmas huh !!! Cool weather up there except no snow.. so nice
Anyway, hope that next round u manage to get back more interest from them
One of my shifus taught me this ... when you enter a casino, you must walk into the casino with your back facing the enterance ... in other words, reverse walking lah ... cos most casino would have planted two huge lions at their entrance to 'absord' all your luck mah...


But i will look like a clown if i do that leh... BUT I WILL TRY on my next trip... haha
Bisphenol-A (BPA), a kind of chemical is found in Avent bottles as they are made of polycarbonate (plastic). Me also using avent all e while. Are u using the plastic or glass pigeon bottles? As wat i know pigeon in plastic is made of polycarbonate as well, it is stated at the website. If using glass bottle, shld be safe. U shld look for BHA free bottles which are made of polypropylene or polyethylene.
<font color="ff0000">Rodeo,</font>

Have jus trf $60.00 to you.. rer : 1501796812

Please check.. any problem get back to me.. thanks..
paula - huh, not sure abt the universal pricing. but anyway for the convenience, then just order direct. hahaha :p

Zav same as Kell - been doing all sorts of cute actions... sayang me, hug me reallllllly tight, kiss me etc. such a dear! :p he also hv a sudden speech burst... during my overseas trip, he even demanded for his passport from the custom officer!!! keep saying :boy boy's passport! hahahaha.

then got once, I was telling my mom tat I know the way back to hotel. so I went: I know, I know. Then Zav immediately follow: I noe I noe. all of us burst out laughing. :p Then I further teased him and say: I dont know... he went: I noe noe. hahahaha

Even my nanny also commented that he is like a parrot now.... keep talking and following watever they say. :p
I really don’t know that you will be Santa in Genting … I thought you will be having a food feast somewhere in KL … how I know you will end up in Genting Mountains? Hahhaa…

Yea loh … it is really amazing at the rate that they are picking and throwing you back things now … during this time, I really feel like being a SAHM and nurture her.
hahaha...happy shopping! :p
boys shopping really boring lah... after my zara damage yesterday for Zav, now i look at Gap/ON/GYM - all not interested. hahahah

I am looking out for books for Zav again.
ever since he started "talking", he is demanding for more books now. keep repeating after me on all the words that I point out to him. :p

So anyone hv any good suggestions?
Paula: Kell is incredible, wow, 3 syllables 8) Well, I'm waiting to be surprised by ER. He has been quite difficult these few weeks. It used to be quite a breeze putting him to bed, but now, he does a lot of TTT and go to bed later than usual. On Christmas eve, he only slept at 1115pm despite being tired! I wonder if it's becos I've been working late the past few weeks so it's his bedtime by the time I finish dinner and he's expressing his displeasure. Any of you encounter similar experiences?

Celeste: Received the $60. Thanks!
DK books - u hv any recommended series? Their website really limited leh.

but i am not looking at board books anymore. Zav can handle normal books liao. I am so looking forward as board books really bulky. hahaha :p

i hv a few cambridge readers.... really good. wondering where i can get more of them. u noe?
Have you tried looking at the Logico set? Very good materials for early readers ... whole series going at about 1688.

Cambridge ... give me d information. I check with my friend who is working there...
logico set - more for 3yrs n above rite? my fren did say her son really enjoys it. so will look at it maybe next yr bah. :p

Cambridge - ok ok. i go search. thanks.
No lei ... I was told that it is for their age. Had a lengthy chat with the salesman then decided against buying it cos' the graphic illustrations looked so dull and lifeless and the edition is so old. So decided to use that money and spend on DK series instead. Haha.
hmm... last time poohy also mention for 3yrs n above. my frens commented cannot intro too early... they wont know how to appreciate it.


DK Series - which series? ELT?
where hv the most complete DK books to browse?
hi mummies,
hv not logged in for so long... the whole family was sick.. my boy, my hb, myself, my mum, dad.. everyone!! ah!!! what a festive period! boy was down with fever since last week.. and still hv runny nose and cough.. poor thing!
paula: wow, 830pm sleep liao? ER's usually asleep by 10pm, but nowadays, it's at least 1030-11pm. Usually, I got no more energy left after putting him to bed.
830 is really early! :p

Zav's timing is ard 930 now... but on weekends, will usu be ard 10pm as we go out mah. :p

Duffy - aiyoh... take care. be well soon to welcome 2008.

so anyone hv any countdown plans? go join the crowded at Marina bay n see fireworks? :p
Have send her a message liao... let you know when I got the quote.

Yea loh, she is like a sleeping beauty ... sleep so early. Haha ... btw ... is ER still sleeping twice a day during daytime? How long is his average nap?

U went Macau ar... did u stay in Macau or stay in HK.. I MUS really seriously plan a trip to HK .. and hb dun wan to go HK so i will use Macau to tempt him!
Thanks for your suggestion
I gotta start to ask A to say bye bye to the toys in shopping center
Last weekend, brought A out with the grandparents. When I was not around, A got new toy and balloon already... ***faintz*** My FIL said he paid cos A refused to put them back. The doting grandparents still dunno how to pacify him so use money to solve the "problem".

Need a lot of patience leh... If it's dangerous things, I will also snatch away... else how wor...
No idea about singpost...
Do you know which US websites got great sale now? I wanna buy things online, but a bit lost. I wanna buy clothes for gals...

hey hey.. I'm here

busy whole day, didn't log in.

yes still same time slot but not sure for next year any change in sensei...
can you hold on first till after 1st class next term?

hey I wanna get more pants, shorts &amp; jeans for my boy, any suggestions where to get?
