(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


I am not bringing strollers as my 2 kiddo do not like to sit in strollers even in singapore. I read that most shopping centres and parks in korea offered stroller rental. We bought an ergo carrier though... going to put J in it if she sleeps... she naps a lot.


oic.. Me bring ergo n stroller cos my boy can sleep more comfy with stroller.

But i think they should be of certain wt with all the barangs

how many layers did u dress your boy in when u were in japan? it was winter also rite? what are the clothes u let him wear? cos I am a bit paranoid whether I bring the right type of clothing for the children...
celeste - hahaha.. thanks for taking Zav's pics for free! rem to send to me too! hahahha :p

Vivi/poohy - aiyoh.. all ur talks on the trip so shiok!!! :p I leaving on thurs, also haven pack. heehee...

mspiggy - actually all those "actions" stuff, u can always play with him at home. Zav learned the action when he was watching the "baby can read" vcds and I always do it when i sing with him... :p I find it abit boring leh.. esp when the instruments are always tat same few. :p btw i read abt this in May (Fren highlighted to me): http://www.magicfiddler.com/frames.html
poohy - I going Shenzhen/macau/hk for 6days.

it's not tat cold lah... average ard 10-20degrees

sounds like a fair bit of places u will be going. Share with us the photos when u r back


ohh ok ok.. hope I did not over dress the kids.... Gotta go back to review my luggage again.
hihi duffy

sorry, tis lazy mom stop blogging already. hope i revive it someday.. hehehe.

not to worry to overdress them. forget to tell you, mandy had fever while in sydney. shot up to 39 degree. but luckily subside w/i 2 days. think she caught a cold when she was at beach n the nxt day was a rainy day even the weather was abt 20 degree.
haha...so u found the "prada" shirt. Is there the brand label inside the shirt? Hahaa...want to know whether mine is genuine...scarly mine also $16..kekeee
<font face="tahoma"> so many of you going holidays now... envy!!!!

mtdt, i'm a lazy mum didnt do it at home with wes. we dont have the vcds too. The Music Fiddler sch looks interesting, you wanna go for trial? </font>
panda, see the pixs.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

IMG_1453 (46.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>,

Is it the same as yours? There is indeed the word "Prada" on the label.

No choice. This is the 2nd time that the twn trip doesnt go smoothly. So my mum say better dun go.

Will email u again regarding the books.


When u going HK / Macau / Shenzhen?? SHIOK!! MAke me Drool...

AARON KWOK having part 2 concert again in FEB'08!!! Will try hard to go... have to try real hard!! cos hubby hates HK...go too many times...
sunflower - the trial class is more like a preview i think. feel tat it will be a mess more then anything. :p

celeste - hahaha... part 2 huh? copy cat to Jacky leh! hahahha I flying off on 20th dec.

What copycat?? Its Jacky COPY CAT.. Aaron got part 1 & Part 2 in his previous concert years back hor... hahha
vivi and other experienced mummies,

do u all check in your strollers? If you do, do we need to buy a specialised stroller bag? I am thinking of bringing my peg perego but I read that longer than 115cm needs to be checked in...
stroller - I also feel like checking in... but will it come out in a single pc and STILL WORKING after tat huh?? :p

i didn checked in my stroller.

I bought another super light stroller that easily being swept away by the strong wind.
and i spoilt it at the disneyland.

But luckily can rent at disneyland and major shopping malls.

Cos did wanna bring my heavy n bulky peg perego.

me angry with the admin system.

So feel like quitting. Anyway i requested for 8.45am slot. TPY hub no more vacancies. Now waiting for springleaf to revert. Else already told them to drop out if cant get in the 8.45am class.
MTDT & Poohy,

Enjoy yr holiday.

What I normally do is, I don check in my stroller. I will use it to push the tot in the airport, before boarding those airport helper will help you to take in to the plane. Onc you arrive at the other country, the stroller will be outside the plane when u alight.
poohy - ya, like cutiez says, they will "store" for u... think safer than checkin.

Vivi - ooh i see. u requested v early? so if dun hv the timeslot, u will withdraw liao loh?

1) ECC but only for age 2
2) Bishan pte homebased sch (by 2 ex SM teachers)- currently Aishite going to them. Joy will be joining them in Jan.

but Sunflower was saying tat next yr, SM going to be franchise system rite? so think will hv more schs popping up.
MTDT & Poohy, enjoy your holidays.

Poohy, no need to check in stroller, can bring in to the boarding room, then before boarding the plane, just leave it by the aerobridge. Remember to inform the counter upon check-in that you have a stroller so that they will print out a luggage tag to attached to your stroller. Upon arrival, you will collect the stroller from the luggage claim conveyor belt.
re: stroller

I think I wont wanna check in scared they spoil it.


which stroller did u use? cos I read that in order for it to be push into the cabin, needs to be less than 115cm in length when folded.

vivi, mtdt,

mine is peg perego lite version. Thus lighter
My quinny zapp is safest to bring in as it fold small but cant recline leh
I got no maclaren except my maclaren twin. Would bring if J would sit in it but she refuse.... even if she sleep, I so as to try to put her head down on my lap or stroller, she sure wake up screaming.
<font face="tahoma"> Hi Poohy,
I did the same as spicegal. At the check-in counter, I told the person that I will have a stroller, they will issue a tag to hang at the stroller.

You just bring in the boarding area, leave it at the bridge before boarding the plane.

i think there are different practise at different place. When I go to BKK they leave it outside the plane but in HK airport they transfer it to the conveyor belt.
Poohy, u can ask the steward when u leaving the plane.
But both have luaggage tag on it.
Good morning everyone.

Flying off to HK on 20 Dec huh? Enjoy yr trip and merry x'mas in advance.

Both Chelsia and Zavier look so adorable in the pics and video. Is always very nice to see the little ones...really life up our day.

vivi, poohy,
Enjoy your korea trip too.
Btw, poohy, won't peg be very heavy to bring along? I think a lighter weight stroller will be more practical? U have got 3 or 4 strollers right?
sunflower - igenius=ECC loh. :p

u went for their preview? i understand min age is 2 for class rite?

mindchamps - min age 3
