(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">hello ladies!!
who has Kumon books with me and what do you want to do with them? It's cluttering up my tiny apartment!!
Please email or msn me ASAP!!</font></font>

no response by wed... i'll give them away as xmas pressies!
Kindermusik : cant make it to today's class. My R woke up at 3am again and only went back to slumberland at 7am....Gosh,...Pengz.
Pauline: I'm sure you had a great birthday. So nice of Kelly & hub to practise the bday song for u. Me also dec birtday but it's always been demoralising. Hub forgets by default or will be the last 1 to wish me happy birthday. My frens always make it up by sms-ing me every yr without fail though.
Hi, MUMMIES!!!!!

Its been real long since I dropped by..
Think everyone must b busy with Xmas shopping right now.

Happy Holidays to all and HUGZZZZ & KiSSES to all darlings here...
morning gals..

confirm i can come already hurray, I will bring honey baked ham or any mummies hv other request ?
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spaghetti)
6) Serene (finger food)
7) cutiezayn- Honey baked ham, pls let me know if any mummies hv other crave ??
8) mspiggy - curry puffs
9) Lyn - Fruits
10) peng - ice cream
Good Morning

Mummies coming to my home, I will email u my address. I have all your email address except for cutiezxayn's....

Cutie, glad u can make it ...can I have your email address?
Hi Tinklebell, sorry for late notice... can I join in? Will just be me and the boy n some food? Thanks so much for opening ur house, so much warmer to have gathering at a home too!
I just moved into our new home 2 wks ago! Looking fwd to seeing ur new place! :D

Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spaghetti)
6) Serene (finger food)
7) cutiezayn- Honey baked ham, pls let me know if any mummies hv other crave ??
8) mspiggy - curry puffs
9) Lyn - Fruits
10) peng - ice cream
11) Pawprint - fried sotong balls? mel_tan_st at yahoo dot com
sunflower, i **scratch head x 2**

i had post my dbs transactions before on this thread on all payments for kumon...

sorry. COuld you hold on to my books as my taiwan trip is canceled.

Will get my friend to get it from you k.

As for when, will let u know again.

Will email u again.

So sorry!

need at least 50 to get that price, please email DUN pm full account details please!!

cutie, couldn't open ur pm, hotmail stated as 'virus'...

keke... I've not paid you.

you msn me asked if I wanted. that time
was after you closed the order for kumon, due to shortage stocks.

I said ok if still have but only need 3 books
as I have the folding book.

but then you never reply confirmative to that msn.... so that's why I don't know if have kumon books with you lor.

sunflower, ur memory so much better than mine!!

soh, ur alex have arrived n with pc BUT do u still remember what items?
please make arrangements to collect from her palace...

Hv email u. Maybe can c any mummies like to ship back the books together.

Anyway thanks for the effort on the wallabes spree. Hv email u my account.
Mich, thanks for all your effort, have also emailed you my account # for wallables refund.

As for the Kumon books, who are the mummies?
1) spicegal
RE: Kumon books

Hi Mummies,
For those who have ordered Kumon, we would need to arrange with Mich for the books to be mailed to us. Could you e-mail her your full mailing list? Or if all are of general consensus, request Mich to mail everything to an address and share the mailing costs? I think we will only know how much is the mailing costs after the books have been weighed at the post office.

It will be tough for her to make multiple trips to the post office; juggling both Bren and the books so, lets work on this quickly and declutter her apartment so that she could make more space for more sprees! Haha!

Paula, i am ok with mailing to 1 address and share the cost. But now we need to find out who has kumon books with Mich. Mich, can you let us know how many sets with you and who are they for?

I have got my chocolate fondue sets from taka liao
$19.90 for heart-shaped design. I bought 2 so that it is enough for YJ's 2nd birthday party next year
Going to try one out first this coming thurs for christmas gathering

And also bought 2 packs of chocolate.. hope it is nice..
<font color="ff0000">Mich...</font>

Looking for u.. Please call or text me!

<font color="ff0000">jac..</font>

I missed R so much... was thinking why he never go yesterday... Then have u arrange with kinder the make up class? Chelsia missed 2 lessons too.. if u going to any make up class let me know when ok... If not.. i may just forget it n give up the 2 lessons.. dun wan to go there alone like an alien.. Hate joining other peoples class... haha

<font color="ff0000">KK...</font>

So u got gathering on 20Dec? Got invite us or not.. if not next time dun post hor! haha... better get your hubby to invite us to your hse next time iif got gathering.. Update him that xiumei given birth also in Sept i think! dun say never tell him... wait he gong gong suaku like that.. haha... I refuse to talk to him in MSN.. if not we will end up fighting again n again...
<font color="ff0000">MTDT...</font>

Hey.. u took some pics in Kinder yesterday right... POST leh.. dun so NEOW hor.... as for mine i will post later cos i no time lah.. haha...
Kumon books

I search back and found this list. shd be the most updated one

Shopping Queen's List:

Kumon bOoks:
1)paula (own arrangements)
2)celeste (own arrangements)
4)soh (Share mailing cost)
6)Cutiezayn (Share mailing cost)
7)JOyfulmom -1 Let's cut paper
8)kite (Share mailing cost)
9)spicegal (Share mailing cost)
10) happysunflower
11) toto
12) MTDT (own arrangements)
13) vivi
14) jacque
btw i think Noddy cartoon no longer showing on kids central. last week i on the TV waiting for it, but it was some "toddworld" thingy :p

but hor... i still dun like to on kids central.
altho it's suppose to be "neutral" shows like sesame street, but there was soooooo many advertisements and they are all "violent" cartoons adverts! FAINTZ!!!
Kumon books

I search back and found this list. shd be the most updated one

Shopping Queen's List:

Kumon bOoks:
1)paula (own arrangements)
2)celeste (own arrangements)
4)soh (Share mailing cost)
6)Cutiezayn (Share mailing cost)
7)JOyfulmom -1 Let's cut paper
8)kite (Share mailing cost)
9)spicegal (Share mailing cost)
10) happysunflower
11) toto
12) MTDT (own arrangements)
13) vivi
14) jacque (share mailing cost)

Oh siew mai given birth? Number 1?? Later i tell him haha!

Ya 20 dec got gathering.. a small one lor... for my ex jc and uni mates + piggy's army kakis..

Dun come lah.. will invite u all to bigger one next year.. YJ's 2nd birthday party haha! Looking forward to it liao. Actually piggy not keen to have 2nd birthday party, but i tell him since YJ can appreciate better next year, might as well hold another sort of gathering lor :p

Chelsia seems to change liao! More adult look :p
Celeste : Hahaha...still havent decide on the make up class. May not have it, lazy mommy here leh....Missed your C too, she's sooooo cute
with her chubby cheeks....*hughug*

Vivi : Skinny Jeans also available in ON under girls.

Mich : Have managed to get Panda's J's "Prada" colourful T that we both like. What is your address? I send to you.

16 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK Amy Wong S$19.00
<font color="ff0000">13 Nov 2007 ATR S$29.00 who? is it vivi</font>
13 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK Angeline S$29.00
08 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK Naomi S$29.00
07 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK Jacque S$29.00
06 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK Kite S$29.00
06 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK spicegal S$29.00
06 Nov 2007 ITR I-BANK cindy S$29.00
