(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

I think Kelly doing very well. She so cute that can sing B'day song, I think maybe Zach will take another year to do it. Don worry, look like Kel can do alot more than others at her age.

sunflower - my boy loves planes too... he will keep doing the "flying" pattern. :p

so excitied to bring go sit on a plane on thurs!! LOL

i was given a cash voucher of $70 when i attended the prof shichida seminar.

So i used that voucher when i enrol d for sm.

Then now they said that its used for offsetting the PEC only not from the total amt ma.

Then the auntie very rude lor.

Pissed me off.

thats quite ex. But think better to get the ELC one. Heehee.

BTW, where is it made?

Neber check where the FP is made. Should be china ba.
BTW, how many of you are experiencing tantrum-throwing childs now? Kell is going through that phrase now and it does get frustrating at times, manz. I would walk away and asked her to cry as much as she wants. Look for me when she is done and we will kiss and make up. She can cry and cry, the sit on the floor and kick her leg and continue crying lei.

I am very paranoid about hearing loss too. In fact, I repeat J's hearing test (which she already took at birth) when she was 6 months old. But both times turn out ok. And then up till these 2 months, she was literally living in her own world most times... dun respond when we call and all... only relieved when she responded by turning her head sometimes when I called to her these days.

one bottom line is.... we will never stop worrying every single step of their lives.
paula - ya, zav can also be v demanding and fussy now. will scream for his way. ARGH!!!
I use either distraction or ignoring mtd :p

nanny - go to ur place? hmm.. i wont think most aunties wld prefer their home as they are used to their kitchen etc.
Paula, I also face the same problem with Zach and I am doing wat u r doing now. Let him cry as much as he like then attend to him after he stop. His sister cannot stand, everytime will say tie tie very noisy.
Vivi, I brought it from Sembawang shopping center but close down liao. I saw it at Beauty World,the last storey food court area.

Is ok even use on my 3 yrs old girl.
Cutiezayn, i think so, sometimes its at the aerobridge, sometimes its at the conveyor belt.

Paula, Kelly is so expressive now, Jerica simply refuses to talk...her speech development is very slow lor. As for tantrums, I also leave her to cry it out, sometimes she will purposely cry louder when we ignore her. These are signs of "terrible 2". Have to get over this phase.
pawprint - thanks for ur lobang!!
(go read her blog)

so excitied... there is a new mickey theme resturant in SIN!!! Opp ikea alexandra!

let's cheong there with our kids!
Those times J not responding, must be when she is concentrating on something, right? Same happen to G too if she is focusing. Think this can be a wonderful thing that they are able to concentrate.

I read somewhere that those speech development milestones is merely a guide. Each kid is an individual and they develop different areas at different times. But if your mommy's instinct tells you that something is amiss, then guess bring her for a check will be good lor.

Those who have met my G the last time at Kino knows the lung power of my girl hor. Can scream the roof down..... Thank God she seems to be doing that less now. Me and husband now are doing more disciplining with her on top of trying to manage her timing (avoid sleepy and hungry time etc). And also, now can negotiate with her. Btw, a great book to recommend - The New Strong-willed Child by Dr. James Dobson, that is, if you have a strong-willed child. But please do note that this book doesn't advocate spanking for no/insufficient reason. I haven't spank G so far. But it does give me some insight about what is considered a strong-willed child and what to look out for and how to deal with them.
I am with you on that at one point, I got so paranoid that I would purposely hit two pans and test her reactions or purposely drop spoon on the floor. But dont worry, I am sure J and Kell will turn out well! Jia you jia you!

As a matter of fact, I did chat with her GUG teacher. Teacher Herli also ask me not to worry cos she observed Kell and found her to be absorbing. Although other kids are sitting on the mat, but they are not paying the kind of attention that Kell was she will always sit out of the mat or wander to the tables section, but her eyes will stay much focused during the zoo phonics session and will be absorbing.

Cutie, MTDT,
Phew! I am not alone! These days whenever Kell start her tantrums again, I will tell her, its okay, Mummy is finding it therapeutic so cry and yell, it is okay. Hahha. So sick!

I also dont advocate shouting or spanking the child. Not sending the right signals to them too
Actually come to think about it, we can start to crown our children in the thread liao. Add on

Expressive children: Wesley and Chelsia
Intellectual children: Jezoir (he knows how to recognize A to Z now)
Steady children:
Sunshine children: Shannon
Hunk of the thread: Joshua (Pandas son name is Joshua rite?)
Belle of the thread: Jerica
MTDT - Trial Class
Want to bring Gabby for a trial class before this Sat. Any recommendation? Or are they all having holiday now? Ask you coz you are lobang/trial queen... I thot of this when Paula mentioned about crowning children...keke.
<font face="tahoma"> Paula,
Wesley not that expressive I think... I find MTDT's Zavier better. Love the way he will tease Teacher Doreen play with the rest.

You dont worry abt Kelly, I find she's doing great! In fact, she the most discipline in the class, follows exactly what the adults tell her to do. *clap clap*</font>
I am thinking of a session either Fri morn or afternoon, before we leave for a weeks' holiday to G's grandparents.
So, you are on leave on Friday? I chio you lah. Wait till MTDT reply and I will call to check.
<font face="tahoma"> Paula,
hahahaha you so mean... how can you call lil Kelly most KPO?!

Am still deciding if I shd continue Wes for KM, but Sat is out coz he will be going to JG</font>
Haha, she was nicked as Assistant Teacher in GUG class. Faintz. Cos she will always be playing the markers and the whiteboard and she will always position nicely on the teachers cushion. First to assist the teachers in keeping toys, first to put on apron during crafts lesson hahahha.
mark ur calendars!!

Trial Mama WILL BE BACK!!

pawprint... now we're wiser and know more lobangs, lets plan some more trials!!
whose house can we go to for music sing along?

i'll bring my parachute bac... YAY!!

we;ll be staying for about 1 mth this time round...
<font face="tahoma"> Mich,
wow... long holiday this time round! you must have tried most of the things available in Sin. What else you wanna trial for?
just back from lunch. :p

huh? wat? trials?
not sure now where still hv trials... alot of places are on hols rite? :p
go for zoophonics loh. heard not bad... but dunno now hv or not. :p

Zav - expressive? thanks for the comments! hahahha he v cheeky in KM class.. and always running round and round. so so so diff from his SM class attitude :p
Mt,my girl is in Zoo Phonics so I hv check with them on trial for 18th mths tot, they say no trial class.
The lady say all this class very popular so no need to hv trial. So pissed off with her.
