(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

morning gals..

confirm i can come already hurray
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to join us for a mini pot luck gathering for the kids at my place (Bishan) on 20th Dec afternoon 12pm (Thurs- Hari Raya Holiday)?

1) tinklebell (drinks, salad, pizza ...what else u all crave to eat???)
2) Dor - Xmas Smiling Log Cake @ Delifrance
3) okipoki (tentative)
4) sunflower (pie)
5) toto (meatball spaghetti)
6) Serene (finger food)
7) cutiezayn(TBC)
8) mspiggy - curry puffs
9) Lyn - Fruits
10) peng - ice cream

good luck to your no 3.. haha.. i m still thinking abt it..

<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies

it's Fri again!</font>
<font face="tahoma"> kite,
you can buy from travel agency for abt S$10 per visa. my SIL usually bought hers from the travel agency at Sun Plaza (top level).

i know some sell more expensive. if you buy from embassy is definitely more exp i think cost abt A$25 if i'm not wrong</font>
poohy, thanks for sharing re PG. good to know S is now enjoying his PG. I hope J will settle down promptly, with not much tears and stress.
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower, i didnt say anything heheheee

will ask around for u
alternatively i think can go buy from Thomson Medical.. there's a stall under TMC forget the name that sells 2nd hand pumps too. my frd got a good deal from there.

let me find out more from her and let you know again
<font color="aa00aa">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, PAULINE</font>

alot of dec mummies here. hehehe

K Ong

The trip was relaxing, juz takin our own sweet time. But it rained alot while we are there. Managed to hv 2 days of sunshine oni. Dun even hv the chance to go to the zoo to hug koala. sigh!!!

So how is ur lil' one inside? Shld b in ur 3rd mth now, rite! Will ur EDD same as K's 2nd birthday not? Mayb can arrange if u wan to.. hahaha. Btw, I m havin a 2nd princess


Update us ur babies' sex when u see ur gynae today. Me also goin to see gynae tis afternoon. so qiao... ")
<font face="tahoma"> Sunflower,
Got it the name! It's called Thomson Parentcraft.
I think there's 1 branch at AMKhub also, just next to the Foodcourt. </font>
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower, 1 more thing... my frd told me they just give you the contacts and you'll have to contact the seller yourself</font>

wow now busy thinking of names?


haha... you wink wink mah...
great, can you check out for me
thanks heaps
btw, you are in sat 11.30 JG?
me too.... see you next year !
dor, congrats! wow... so exciting. how's your prep for bb?

kong - congrats too! din know you are preggy with no. 2.
so many good news in our thread...
<font face="tahoma"> Sunflower, HOW COOL!!!! X and Wes will be classmates!

Btw, are you going for the orientation on 29 Dec?

Dor, take your time... empty of time to confirm
<font face="tahoma"> Sunflower,
not sure if need to go there personally, will check with my frd again and let you know.

orientation : i shd be there if there's no hiccups, no worries will let u know if there's anything

when u hv #2.. think everything lag lei. dun really hv any prep at all. juz tt tis round, am gettin a CL to assist me durin confinement. I really hope i dun shortchange my #2. Now i know why No. 2 always 'treated' differently, cos I am No 2. When young, I always think why my parents treat my elder sis better.. Now when I m a mother now, i can understand the reason.

I think 1st child is always special, cos u did everything for the 1st time. with the 2nd arrival, it wont be the same. So i always remind myself not to shortchange my #2 when the time comes.
dor - in a way i agree... :p

I delay my no2 plans partly becos i dun wan to share my love now. Wan Zav to enjoy the attention. :p

yes.. sometime i feel 'sad' that i cant gv my full attention to Mandy and she is in the stage of learnin now. She is pickin things up fast now.
wow dor... dun feel sad. you are giving Mandy a sibling to play with, to grow up with. she will enjoy mei mei heaps.
having said that, sometimes i wonder whether there will be favoritism... hmmm.....
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower,
just called the thomson parentcraft will do.

a friend told me before... love is not divided, love multiplies!

that's a word of wisdom. Love multiplies indeed
When no.2 comes, we will always be in a dilemma whether we are still giving either of them adequate attention... just gotta do our best and trust God to do the rest
<font face="tahoma"> Poohy,
yap... we just have to do our best. hoping to have my #2 next year but things seems not easy again. my cycle went haywire after the D&C

all the best for your #3!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">love multiplies</font></font>

Love this statement... will keep this in mind.
Hi Mummies!

Wow, seems like so many of u birthdays recently?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Only get to sit down when YJ sleeping.. sigh, admire those with #2 now. I cannot imagine what happens when there is #2. Sometimes i am thinking better for me to start school term soon, rather than stay home during holiday LOOKING after her :p Ya.. got to look every minute see where she is and what she is doing.

Oh ya, any mummy any idea where to get cheap nice chocolate fondue set? Roughly how much can get one? And what about chocolate preparation? Tedious? Thinking of having one for a gathering on 20 dec at home.
Dor, dun worry too much. I am sure you will treat both of your darlings equally.

Mspiggy, thanks! Will keep <font color="aa00aa">LOVE MULTIPLES</font> in mind!
<font face="tahoma"> ladies,
i also remind myself that

i saw quite a few nice fondue set selling at CK Tangs (B1), about $20 - $30 each set. quite reasonable. </font>

Wonder metro have or not.. saw selling at carrefour that time but didn't buy.. sigh, must really go all the way down to orchard and buy ah? Hmmmm...
kk, metro have. I saw at metro causeway point some time back. around $20-$30

Very easy to prepare, heat the chocolate in microwave to liquidify and then prepare cut fruits/marshmallow/biscuits for dipping.

Thanks!! Wonder metro compasspoint have or not.. causeway point branch is more comprehensive.

Will take a look this weekend
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>
Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this Xmas/CNY festive seasons! Thanks!
<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+1">kite</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">can apply VISA online. A$20 per pax. Chloe needs too! http://www.eta.immi.gov.au/</font></font>

<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+1">Queen Paula</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">HIPPY BIRTHDAY!!</font></font>
Thanks for the many well wishes! Yesterday was indeed one of my most
memorable birthdays manz! We had our company Christmas lunch yesterday and I
was organizing it. After d lunch, I went back to d office and oh mine, my
colleagues planted such a pleasant surprise on me! Beautiful balloons
decorated my place and each balloon has a message written on it and then
have another birthday cake ceremony

And in the morning, Kell planted many wet kisses on me and presented me with
the best renditions of the Happy Birthday song that I have ever heard.

Daddy: Happy birthday to

Kell: yew

Daddy: Happy birthday to

Kell: yew

Daddy: Happy birthday to

Kell: Mama

Daddy: Happy birthday to

Kell: Mama

And she would clap her hand. And her solo rendition goes

Mum: Kell, can you sing a birthday song for me?

Kell: HarpeePeee Berthberth yew

Kell: Berthberth Ma..

Kell: Bert MA (high pitch)

So funny especially how she drags her pitch. It turned out that daddy has
been rehearsing with her for a week now

Yesterday, it daunted on me that I was really loved by many friends,
colleagues and family members. Muacks!


Urs was on d 13 rite? Mine on 14! Haha
