(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


wow.. going to Korea
so nice Enjoy your holiday.. also winter right? wowwowwow...

I'm also dreaming of a winter with snow holiday with my boy... but most prob next year haha.. now want to go end Dec, also too late to plan .


u put all the milk powder and diaper in one luggage ah?? Hmm I am worried what if that luggage get lost.. I will be dead. Lucky ask u all. I wont dare to give them only fresh milk cos later they cant take it (they got weak stomach), I will be dead also. :p
can always reheat them if they turn cold.

no prob, can get cheese, yogurt and snacks for the kids.

spagetti making me so hungry now... jake takes spagetti for his meals now? i'm wondering what food to cook fiona, she's still taking mainly porridge for lunch and dinner.

what sort of food your bbs taking? any receipe to share? i'm a lousy and uninnovative cook.
me also not innovative...HX has porridge every day..only thing is, her nanny, myself and her grandmothers all cook the porridge differently...kekek.
tinkle, so far, I have intro meatball spaghetti, thick white noodles soup with veg and fish, veg bee hoon (dry) and rice with stew (beef and veg) for Jake's meals. If he takes porridge, he will want soup - every day, we have been boiling diff types of soups for him. he is a real soup lover, like me.

For breakfast, he has been taking one cup on fresh milk, and he really loved it. he would hold on to the cup and take really big gurps... that is in addition to his HT cereals with fruits.
poohy, kissbb, enjoy your holiday! i have yet to bring J out of Sing. Before we know it, we will be heading to the US....

u let him stay awhile more in singapore to enjoy our country mah.... then he will off to USA for few years liao....


my J is eating anything I eat! She really eats anything whatsoever. No need to be messed or wat. Just take sometimes she takes exceptionally long time to chew... she really is like a juicer... can chew till so scary like those rice cereal. Anyway she really is so different from S, she eats everything that comes her way.

i oni brought 1 tin 900g. as for diapers, i did spilt into 2 luggages. i noe really got alot of things to bring. bring one toddler already alot of stuff liao.. be it 2 toddlers.


my M is a junkie. watever she see us eatin, sure wan to hv a bite.

every morn, mandy will take her morn milk, then after changin her, she will want some cheese or bread either at my hse or at nanny place.

Lunch n dinner, they feed her porridge w meat or fish, rice w soup, mee sua etc. she still dislike to chew food. sometime she will chew n spilt out and take back the food and eat again.. (faint) i hv tried spaghetti.. she dun really like. always spilt out.mayb i shall see how amy cooks and learn from there.

She eats alot of fruits. can finish 1 kiwi or banana or 3 to 4 strawberries at 1 go. everynite, sure pull me to the fridge and ask me open the fridge door for yogurt which i dun normally dun give her everyday.

Anyone know whether is it good to give yogurt everyday not?

can give yoghurt daily. I used to give S yoghurt daily till he dun want liao so now I give on demand only. My J is like your M, junkie also.
<font face="tahoma"> poohy, all ready for the trip

tinklebell, wes's meals very boring too. i only gave him cereal, milk and porridge for his meals. will add meat, fish, vege for his porridge. he loves bread though.

i gave wes yoghurt daily too. </font>
poohy, have you decided on which PG to send J?

yoghurt - J does not like it. maybe the brand i gave is not tasty. i buy the organic brand with a cow... for bb....

wes still on cereal. my M rejected cereal mths ago manz.. so oni survive on bread n cheese in the morn. cant think of anythin liao lei. n for yoghurt, she insists she self feed herself lor with spoon. and when she is finishin it, she will put her spoon away n use her fingers to dig till the bottom and lick all up lor... (can u imagine the mess, manz)

enjoy ur trip

no lah everytime I think I am all set, I think of something outstanding. Many things to pack for the kids.

dor, thanx

nope I had not decided. I wanted to send to LW but they only have afternoon class next year for PG and its full already! I am thinking of going to Learning Ladder at bukit panjang to take a look soon. Hope they are good. Else I may consider putting her in pat's school house near my home.

so how's your J ? he is in PG now? MMI rite?
is it good so far? If good, maybe I also send my J there
Happy belated birthday !! Regarding bb food in Perth. Well, basically Chloe is on milk most of the time & at time with cereal. But, I do feel her with bread & some of our meals. Lately, she started to reject cereal as awhole.

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland
7) spicegal (previous 4 orders;aero the airplane, bella the butterfly, flower friends, my fluffy sky)

1) spicegal (last 2 orders; bright night moon & train & railroad signs)
5) Pawprint (if too late can proceed too, no prob)
hehe thanks for the flashback, yah, our kids are growing up! *somewhat wistful sigh*

Paula, noted abt bash cancellation, thanks for all the effort

wallables arent gonna be in time for xmas... pls let me know if u wanna proceed or want a refund! or if u wanna modify ur orders.


1) Kong
2) Michele
3) aishite
4) jacque
5) cutiezayn
6) shetland
7) spicegal (previous 4 orders;aero the airplane, bella the butterfly, flower friends, my fluffy sky)
8) Stella

1) spicegal (last 2 orders; bright night moon & train & railroad signs)
5) Pawprint (if too late can proceed too, no prob)
The kids might not be used to the hot spring. The water is usually very very hot. Need some time to adjust to the water temperature also. Maybe gotta take care if it's outdoor just in case they catch a cold, especially when there's wind.
Dun think you can pack lots of milk powder into ziplock. I guess the customs and quarantine laws in Korea is very different from that of Australia. MAybe you can call up the Korean Tourism in Singapore to check. Their new office is at Samsung building near Raffles place.

Wish you a great trip to Korea!
poohy, J is starting PG in in Jan.
I have decided against MMI. Will be sending him to LW.

Lyn, keep us posted on the detailed scan! All the best!
Thank you

I also dun think will be going for Montessori. I am looking at LW too, but gotta consider the distance for me. Are you going to the LW at Buona Vista? I might consider Chiltern House at Forum when A is older.
lyn, LW, not LV, ke ke... LW - same as Samuel's school (Poohy son).

Think we should have priority to get into CH given we are already at JG PN and PC (next term). How are you going to look after A when your twins arrive?
Oh I see... hahaha... LV and LW very close in short forms.
I dunno yet. I was thinking about it this morning. I am thinking of getting help to bath the twins daily during confinement. My mum will look after A only. Most likely will get part-time cleaner to come twice a week.
Now still gotta look for carpenter to extend my wardrobe. Do you have any contacts for carpenter?
Sounded so excited! Will know the gender this fri. A will know if he be having little sisters or little brothers or both.
lyn, wow... only help to bathe the twins? you can manage without a helper? wow... i pei fu... ke ke... why dun you advertise in your condo? maybe some aunties can help out? what abt confinement food?

carpenter - goh - 9 eight 2 one 8 three 4 one - he did my place - downstairs - bathroom and feature wall inclusive. quite nice.
Hi ladies,

I'm doing a survey on behalf of my hubby and need your comments. We want to know which magazine is more popular among mummies.

Which do you read/buy most of the times?
"Motherhood" or "Young Parents" magazine?

My cousin's hubby is a carpenter, his workmanship quite good but he used to be quite busy.
His no. 96200381 (Philip)
Hi ladies,

I'm doing a survey on behalf of my hubby and need your comments. We want to know which magazine is more popular among mummies.

Which do you read/buy most of the times?
"Motherhood" or "Young Parents" magazine?

Appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

ohh u decided to go for LW? what makes u decide against MMI? How is J going to LW? its the afternoon session rite? Next year the school has quite a number of changes and I am feeling a bit anxiety now. First off, my boy's 2 teachers may be leaving. 2nd, the principal is handing over and there will be a new principal (currently another teacher in the school). I wonder whether it will turn out well... sigh.

u shd tell me u put J there mah... then I put my J there also haha... got company better
Its full liao though... maybe I wait list and see how ;) My hb not v keen though cos he say its vvv rush for us to have fetch 2 kids to and fro. Plus it may coincide with J's nap time. Is it jake's nap time?

just read your blog, u went to the school today ah? aiya, I was not around. Cos today S did not go to school... he has been have recur of a bad cough and I am v worried abt it getting worse so I decided to indulge him a little and let him stay at home since its holiday programme this week. Really hope he will get well before the holiday next week... I myself is coughing like mad

mummies, any miracle drug for cough?? Its more a dry chesty irritating cough. Get worst with cold weather
poohy, the class is not full yet! if you want, you can enrol J now. at present, only 6 students confirmed for Jan session. I only decided today.... cos MMI had been pressuring me to confirm with them, so I tot I better take a look at LW.

To be frank, I din ask about the teachers nor principal. I did not get to speak with any academic staff. I was drawn to the environment, and it being small, compared to SJK, so J can enjoy the whole place. I was thinking, he has JG and SM on weekends anyway, so LW is just a place for him to socialise and pass his time.

And yes, in 2008 - they only have PM class. J will have to make some changes re his nap time - he naps 3 - 4.30 daily now. with the new term, he will have to nap in the AM instead.

Have S taken vit C or sambucol? hope he gets well soon....

u r rite about passing time! I mean I still have this feeling that LW is not that academic and its vvvv similar to JG playclub, just JG done daily
So I am gearing up to teach S more academic stuff in the coming year right after I come back from my holiday
Now give myself a break... hehee. I had already stopped J's SM class next term. I am getting vv tired frankly going to so many classes every weekend and then weekday lunch still gotta fetch to and fro. So I am reducing the weekend classes. JG edudrama and SM and suzuki violin for S. J will have playclub. I feel that her speech is seemed vv slow. At least one year slower than S. Thus, I think letting her goes to places where language immersion is strong is important. Motor skills wise, she is quite good ... she just DIY no need me to coach much...
So I will just get my hb to give her "puzzle" class at home while I just continue with those memory and flashcards stuff myself lor... save the money going to SM... sending 2 kids to LW will be v expensive ;)

hey our Js have the same interest... Joelle loves to read too.... she will go and grab a book and throw it into my lap everyday to read for her. So unlike Samuel... he never really wanted me to read to him out of his own initiative. And she still loves flashcards ....
poohy, yes, with 2 kids, you need to plan your classes wisely. why don't you consider letting S take the school bus? J is taking the school bus in Jan. i was a bit reluctant to put him on the school bus at such a young age - however, hb advised that the school bus takes pressure off the both of us - imagine having to ferry him to and from school 5 days a week - that is a heavy time commitment and physical strain on us. Hence, we decided that J should learn to be more independent and take the bus. BTW - he is looking forward to going to school and the bus ride...

at PG level, he should just go out and socialise and enjoy himself, rather than passing time at home, i prefer him to mix around in a safe environment, and i trust LW can deliver this in a fun and relaxing manner. academic wise, it's all up to home practise...

good to know J still loves her flashcards - my J too... he really loves reading... and will be really upset if you do not read to him. sometimes, he enjoys self reading....

its not that I dun want to let S take school bus. In fact, S wants to take school bus and he likes the school bus driver uncle very much. In the initial weeks when he was still crying, he would call out to the uncle at times (according to the teachers who told me he had a liking for the uncle) and the uncle even goes to the classroom to try to comfort him when we were not around. So kind hor
The problem is we live in jurong west, just 1 way trip is available and it cost nearly quite high... if i din remember wrong, its nearing $300 liao. The school teachers also said the school bus charges in the school is on the higher side.... especially for those living far off. I work along alexandra road .. that's why it make economic sense to just drop him and fetch him home. Ya, its been quite stressful especially when my hb was ICT...
Thank you for the contact. Will contact him for a quote. Your cabinets and all very very nice leh...
I dunno if can manage or not. I would imagine the first 6 months should be ok, before mobility starts. It was quite a breeze then for A. Havent thought of confinement food yet. I think my downstairs neighbour cook confinement food for people. hahaha... cos I always smell confinement food around 4pm. I dun take the meat stuffs during confinement, so dun think will cater. Mainly vegetables and brown rice and a soup, or just mee sua with vegetables. Last confinement, it's not the cooking of confinement food that takes up much time, it's the boiling of the red and black dates drink, ginger juice, herbs, that takes up a lot of time.

Thank you for the contact
Will contact him for a quote too.
I dun read these magazines :p Even FOC also never read. kekeke... My sis often get FOC magazines for me, but no time to read also...

LW looks very nice from the photos. But it's a bit too far for me

u eat only vege for confinement ah?! I think I will die manz... I dun really eat vege at all much less only vege. Do take care... anxious to know the gender of your twins
poohy, oh i see - my school bus cost is $180 per month round trip. on days where i work from home, i might send/pick him myself, at least, there is some flexibility here. good to know S likes the school bus. i hope J will enjoy his rides too.

lyn, i din take any special confinement food then. just my regular meals with lots of vegs and papaya soups. for the red dates drink, you can throw everything into a big pot and boil. then get enough vacumn flask to keep warm. once finish, just top up with hot water to redrink lor... maybe your mum can help?

lyn, you on MSN now? ke ke...

LW looks nice, like SJK type of feel...
huh? u dun take meat during confinement? i need lotsa that to maintain my energy and milk supply....

wah, think u are very capable leh..for me, 2 mths alone with my gal, i cannot take it liao..cos she was having this colicky spell and will just cry and cry...and i think i also have some kind of mental adjustments etc

btw, next year LW will have a 3 hour playgroup in united square. Its a new playgroup. So if u live near that area, can try
got to know u keen in sending yr J to pat school house.
can i know which one?
cos am thinking of sending my baby to the one at arena.
was deciding between mmi and patschool house.
but dun really like the feeling when we went mmi.
can i know the 'good and bad' u feel abt pats?
visited pats twice before going to a half day trial. feel the teachers are pretty alright and low student to teachers ratio, which means more attention given to children. but wondering why pats at arena enrolment is pretty low.
Thank you for the excitement
I am also very excited to know

I read from Shichida's books that gotta eat lots of vegetables and grains, then milk flow will be plentiful and of high quality. So I eat mainly vegetables.

I will nausea and puke on "overdosage" of meat. hahaha... Most of the time, I still have my mum to help me, then not too bad.

United square is near to me. hmm... Just now when I called, the gal told me they only have English enrichment there. Maybe will call them again
Thank you. You are very resourceful and well informed.

ya me too looking at Arena Pat's potentially. And also wondering why the enrolment had been so low... maybe its becos of the location. But of course if the teachers are good, then your child get much more attention, even lower ratio ;) That's the good side I think. I also dun really fancy MMI... they din give me the urge to enrol also ;) Pat's... one thing is I dun like the fact that they dun wear uniform... small thing but I dun like it cos kids seemed to look very sloppy when I visited. Maybe I am wrong cos I visited nearly lunch hours twice and never really get to see the lively side of the kids. The downside to this compared to LW preschool is the lack of outdoor play and natural green environment lor. And its more exp!

How's the syllabus and are the teachers patient and experienced?


my poor children... I dun eat much vege... think my BM quality must be no good lucky I breastfeed short period only. Next time my no.3 I try to eat more vege.

no lah I am not resourcesful at all... its becos S is in LW that's why I heard them mentioned twice. I wanted to send S there cos 3 hours playgroup cheaper mah but united square is way too far for me.

I went twice to Pat's arena and once in the afternoon and once abt 10am.
In the afternoon went abt 3pm. The children just woke up fm their nap. The teachers preparing their snack and after that was free play time.
During the morning trip there, saw children very happy and lively singing and dancing (unlike at mmi), so decided to go for the trial.
During the trial, arrived abt 730am. Free play till abt 845am (time when school bus arrives). 9am breakfast time.
Bascially they English class+story telling, music and movement, chinese class+story telling and indoor play, arts and craft. Lunch served abt 1145am.
After that the children that are on half day programme will get ready to go home at 1230pm, those on full day programme will shower and take their nap.
During the trial, the N1 classes baked mini pizza and gave me that for lunch. ;)
Think at this stage, am looking for somewhere for baby to socialise and play, and hopefully with attentive and caring teachers.
The teachers at pat's seems attentive and caring (hope its not only for show).
Seems not much choice ard the area except pat's.
